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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1955, p. 4

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our THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER ITjux^ay.ApriTnr 1955 SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund St. Peter's chruch waa. filled ff' to capacity for Caster rabming services on Sunday, ®\mr maasee were read and at 8 there was a high mass sung by the mixed choir. The altar was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns and caradelabras. Services, on Holy Thursday and Good Friday also were very impressive. On Holy Thursday our Lord reposed at a side altar decora/Lad in gold said lace and bondiered with flowers. Many worshipers visited the church for hours of prayer and adoration during* this day. Holy hour service were held at night. On Good Friday the ad/bars were made bare and a crucifix placed on a pillow at the entrance to the sanctuary and around the cross were placed flowers and candles. Many people spent the hours between 12 and 3 in church in honor of ithe death of our Lord up on the cross. In (the evening there were services with the Way of the Cross and prayers. Students home for Blaster vacation were Bud Ttaney, Leigfh and Pat Kagaft from SaJvatorian seminary, St. Nazfonz, Wis., and Don Reimer from the University of Illinois, Urbana. Sunday dinner guests in the George May home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Suitton and family of Richmond and Miss Judy Holliday. Recently, approximately .thirty farmers boarded a bus and took a trip to Milwaukee, Wis., as guests of Allis-Chalmers. They enjoyed a dinner amd visited the plant. Mr. amd Mrs. Jess DeGroft and Norman returned last week from a vacation at Font Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mrs. Edna Olson, Mrs. Alice Weber and Miss Lillian Sanborn enjoyed a stage play at the Shubert in Chicago last Monday night. Mike Huff and Jack Passmore of Hantland spent Tuesday visiting old friends here. Mrs. Shirley Dawson,and Ginny spent Easter Sunday with her sister and family in Lombard. Guests in the Clarence Miller home on Easter were Mr. and Mrs. George Firsdhing and family, Mrs. Susan Miller and Celia, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Weber and son and Matt Weber of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mr. audi Mrs. Bill Klapperich and family of McHenry. MINOR ACCIDENT Cars driven by Eaatiar CMsen and Robert Switzer, both of McHenry, were involved in an accident one day last we£&. on Rt, 31, just south x^ MeH^py. Mr. Olsen had sSowed down to make a left turn when his car was hit in the rear by the Swiitzer auto. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Marsh have moved from Rolling Acres to the Marsh residence in Lakemoor. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Marsh have moved „ from Lakemoor to Royal Oak Park in Crystal Lake. Only car with Thunderf>ird Styling The agile beauty that Ford stylists captured in the Thunderbird is now yours In all Ford models for 1955. This advanced Ford styling will stay in Btyle to help xnake your Ford worth more when you finally trade it is) This Is a nice snapshot in black and white, but just think how nice it would be in color. Picture the Colors of Spring In Color This is the time of year when most of us welcome color back to the world around us. Fresh green foliage, blossoms in lovely pastel bouquets, soft blue skies, Aewlyturned rich earth, mauve-pink twilight--the children in candycolored chambray, Mother in gay new prints--the spring scene abounds in color for your camera to catch. Everyone will agree that color adds its own magic to almost any subject--and happily for us fullcolor film is available for every type of camera. No longer can it be considered a luxury item, limited to owners of more elaborate cameras. With a simple box-type camera you can take beautiful true-to-life color snapshots. These are handsome snapshots to brighten up your album or have on hand in your wallet for a quick proud glance whenever you feel like it. When you are color-shooting with a box-type camera, you'll want to be more careful than usual about the sunniness of the day. You'll find that the best color quality is obtained outdoors in bright or hazy sunlight, with shadows kept soft yet full of detail. Your best effect will come from soft lighting--behind you and full on the subject -- without the strong contrasts of light and shade that make for deep harsh shadows. Let the contrasts of color take the place of contrasting light and shade, and look for simple backgrounds, preferably in cool colors like blue and green. Also, remember that your best time for shooting is after the sun has been up for several hours or in the mid-afternoon about two hours before sunset. With these few words to the wise, why don't you shoot in color this spring? Try it, and you'll be glad it's no longer B.C.--Before color film! --John Van Guilder LEG ALS • NOTICE - v ' IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JOHN E. LOOS5E AND VIRGINIA R.. LOOZE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION UNDER Trife MCHENRY COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative- to a change or variation of zoning classification a public hearing Win fee had before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals in- connection with the application of JOHN E. LOOZE and VIRGINIA R. LOOZE requesting that the zoning classification of the following described real estate be Varied to permit the erection of sa„ ear jpgrt within four (4) feet.qjf, the south property line thereof^,"«aid four (4) feet being less than the prescribed ten per cent of jth'e lot width: -f 'I That part of the Northwest • Fractional -Quarter of Section twenty (20), Township forty-jfive (45) North, Range nine (9) East of the Third. Principal. Meridian, described asfoUpws: Beginning on,the East line of. the Northwest Fractional Quarter of said Section twenty (20) at a point" two thousand fbur hundred three (.2403) feet North from the Southeast Corner .thereof; thence North on said Quarter Section line, one hundred (100) feet; thence West at right angles to said Quarter Section line, eighty-four and -thirty-five hundredths (84.35) feet to a point of curvature; - thence Southwesterly on a curved line to the left (radius equal to twenty (20) feet) for a distance of thirty-one and eleven-hundredths (31.11) feet to a point of tangent; thence South parallel with said Quarter Section line, eighty (80) feet; thence East at right angles to the last described line, one hundred four and thirty-fiverhundredths (104.35) feet to'the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. This property also 'being known as Lot one 01) of the unrecorded plat of Wooded Estates, located on Regner Road. The hearing will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3, 1955, in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person .or persons de- | siring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By: HAROLD BACON, Its Chairman » . , ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for the Wonder Lake Fire Protection District, in the County of McHenry and the State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1955, and ending offj at... Pistakee Golf Club NOW .OPEN 9 Holes -- Daily Fee 2 miles West ? fcf U. S. 12 on. Route 134 Phone McHenry 354 Dining Room 8c Bar Why not own the car .Based on the great excitement this car has aroused, we estimate that Ford will be '56's moet popular seller, by far. On this page are a few examples of the many advances which have caused this enthusiastic public response. See your Ford Dealer to learn of the many more advances that are built into the '55 Ford, Only car wtfh Trigger-Torqoo Powtr Ford's 3 new, mighty engines all bring you Trigger- Torque performance. There's the new 162-h.p. Y-block V-8 ... a new 182- h.p. Y-block Special V-8 offered with Fordomatic Drive in Fairlane and Station Wagon models . . . and the new 120-h.p. 1-block Six. most people want! Only car with* Angle-PoUed Rido Ford's Ball-'^oint/Front Suspension ifL,,fur{§ier improved for 1955. Now reengineered so front springs tilt back, this advanced suspension absorbs shock from the front, as well as up-anddown! Riding and handling are much smoother. FORD the new BEST SELLER.., \ FORD sells more bettns§ it's worth morel 55 FORD MAT. 49 er?P ARTY SATURDAY, APRIL 16th "Re-live ihe days of the Foriy-Niners" MUSIC - GAMES 9:00 until ? PUBLIC INVITED Sponsored By: McHENRY MOOSE LEGION -- Unit 691 AjffU 30, 1956,-will file and conveniently ayailabl'e ,to. public inspection at the office of Victor Mi'lbrandt at his home in Wonder Lake, in the Township of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and Stltte. of Illinois, in said Fire Protection District, from and afterthfe 15th- day of April 1955. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 2:30 o'clock P. M. Central Daylight Saving Time on the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1955, at Wonder Lake Fire House in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, in said Fire Protection District, and that final action on said ordinance will " be taken by the Board of Trustees of said Wonder Lake Fire Protection iHstrjtei, at a meeting tfiereof to. Jbe ifcgd at 3 o'clock P.M. Central Daylight Saving Time, on the 3rd day of : May AJ5. 1956, at said . Wonder Lake Fire Hoiise' in said t3re Protection District. ' """V Bjr order of the Board of Trustees of said 'District, r Dated this/ 15 th- day of April, AX). 1955. v WONDER LAKE. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT by: JOHN G. FEYERER, Secretary JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney for District The first commercial ice plant in the United States was operated in Jefferson, Texas, about 1874. Our New Shipment of famous WELSH, STROLLERS and BUGGIES has just arrived . . . Come in and see them! Also a Large Selection of Juvenile Furniture and a Complete Line of Baby Clothes. NIESEN'S 5C to *1oo store 523 W. Main St. Phone 88 McHenry, 111. NATIONAL'S c«n'i(tM mi kr Natiaaa Tm Ca. SSiiBlSE IWVIN6 YOU BITTIR YOU MORI lliii (K ' - «i» •HiPIP llsigisK WMmZ. ffave 98c Heavy Duty TROUBLE 9ave}2"° HANG-UP PEG BOARD WITH 15 FT. •(mill, •> pictir. fflnlrtta, EXTENSION from .100 OO ftoaibw conrij viri. HM «• al-ataal guirti with swUal hook ood *•* opo*" (attar* for aasy bvlb changas without «to driver othor tool. Shock proof handla «Hh through ulily switch two »dt« outlets BUSS MOTOR SALES $31 Main St. Phone McHenry 1 McHenry, 111. H You're Interested in an USED Car -- Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer! Your Dollars Count for More at National! "X "v. * " *, Mada ol II" by 24* tomparad masooita. with hooks, scrowt and »aR spacars. Ap. prosimatoty 4)3 hotos per piece. The mttl functional piece ol marchandita o*ar davisad lor hoasahold MM. R19. priti 11.10 Hth. / qUCK A lar«« wteto W" iti.wifki ka ft" I. dadiaf A• "Am"o lt" far Tt a*4 hwm McVwk. C»•»!•>« witfc lt*avy itoal wek. gave 79c SCREW DRIVER SET k prMf--HafcMtizMl * Pteet M * ftr 1 DEEP MOLDED! PASTEL SHADES! &ave89t Auto and Home UTILITY MATS Protect* ••p««»iv« «w|0 floor m«H and homo floor covcn*?* fro« **d frim*. Uniqe* dviiqnin^ combtnoft otv cdthion «Hoct with rvbbor^or rlitfiil foot comfort. In botutifvl poittl colors--coral, chcrfTMrtO, fly btn«, •m«r«ld abony block. Largo MEUAX STEP STOOL Sletl RMNforctil M*d* ol Mito««^ IUn-drt»d iplitttr-lrH wood ^th stool rod r«ififorcod stops. Dvrcbty constrvctod for to*^ woor ood h#rd mm. gaveHn Beautycut SHEAR & SGBSOR SET Cold forgw*-- tern pored «t«.t FuB. niel.l ptaHd--foTi>lwd..B over. Stt contiih of 7yi" dreomal* •Iwtn end 3'A" embroidwy lcmorv Uncooditioorfy qimenteed. S&V4 49 Copper Anodized ALUMINUM TUMBLERS Thoso iuico twmbori «r« »mdorfid for br*<H«st «nd bolorc din- MT cocktails. Finishod <• stainless coppor-tofto anoditod aluminum. This long waarinq finish will not Urmth or show woar. Pachad sit to a gello* phana slaa«a. • gave*/0* Copper Aaodized 4-Qt. Capacity MIXING BOWL PERFECT WM> * fc**utiful flow*r tfnifn. Don. in luminoui coprUR pw-toM inodind finidi fHli TQCCFQ iim-r.y inHrior and highly pol- ___ olwd .if.rior. IndHridtMOy SALADS wpp^ in MSophan*. / qucR gave Copper Anodized SNACK Tim* ll-oimco bomb Jiuy b. uwd for Mladi. popcorm, cMtdy or cw«alv Unbreakabi* iridMcnt copper-tone a n o d i l • d aluminum bowh ara padwgad in wh of four. Ea(3y wadrad. taitalaia and tarnbii proof. Sat ftr aUCK TROUSER HANGERS STURDILY J MADE A Made with heavy spring $teol with felted K«rdwood jewt that me«ture 1I Vi"- proof finbh. Very hondy «Uo for hanging ladiei' skirti. for / Mt BONED CHICKEN Swanson's Everfresh Brand. b-to. Gait Ior Al tolid maat with no bona* or wasta. Raady to na at it eomai from ttia pan, for taladi or grand hot dish at. % •• ga#4(2e FRUIT COCKTAIL Rich Ripe Brand A lincioua combination of carafnSy lalactad. diead tr--• ripanad fhrih. tacalint far <ra» aipt and daMrti.

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