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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1955, p. 12

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&J THE McHENRY PtMNDEAlER , « 1 > " f* " 3 - ^ ' d V i > W -- z flkV '"L McCullom Lake News By Eve Levesqne Excitement and speculation re running rife in our small vilige today and will until May 14 4th the culmination of our elecxm of officpi-s for our infant overnment. However, life is anytag but boring. People who aven't been interested in the elf are of the community for the ust several years have suddenly merged from their cocoons and vennight ihave become fountains [ wisdom and very interested tizens which ino doubt is very ood for the community. Howler, it is .this reporter's duty present the facts, which we lalll now attempt to do. ( Two slajtea either have been will be filed with the county erk's office in Woodstock on before 10 a.m. May 2, which •the deadline. Nantes of > parly embers appear on the front This is indeed a momentous vcasion in our history. You will well to get tihe facts and stories from your candidates, ind out from them just what ley have done for the comtimundr in the past, so you can judg-e >r yourself what they will do •r YOU in the future. Weigh le issues at hand and then go the polls on May 14 and vote >r the men or women of your u>ice and have no doubt that le best will be chosen. For, ac- >rding to 'the American way of fe, in the final analysis, it is le people who speak. Ladles of the Lake Tuesday evening, April 12, the sis met at the beachhouse to igin preparations for the July unboree and bazaar, whitih will ark the highlight of the sumer season in our community, he extravaganza will be staged re latter part of July, and proises to be fun for everyone, here will be amusement planned tr every age bracket and the "fair will be on for three days. re promise to keep you posted i the plans axlva:ru>e. Any of JU girls or ladies interested in irticipating in the fun and, j^y we mention that nasty word ork, are most cordially invited ^ome to the next meeting and t on the bandwagon. Due to reasons of health and rsonal matters, Mrs. Rutih mith tendered her resignation, is common knowledge just how uch Mrs. Smith has done for jr community and specifically «• the club, Iso it was with a nfeat deal of reluctance that her stagnation was accepted. Mrs. try Kantorski. as vice presi- ^lit, took over the duties of the -fcsidency. Mrs. ! Kantorskl has fine record for her mangaerial illities and as a result, the club in took forward to continued :feellent leadership. In the absence of Mrs. Betty tkray, Elma Nelson was tfhe ating secretary fgy the evening. He next meeting will be held itesday, April 26 ofose. The hostesses for the eve- :ng were Mary etty Poledna. at the beach- Kantorski and To The Rescue The McHenry fire department sponded promptly last Satura. y to an urgent call for help "THE CAUTIOUS SELDOM MAKE MISTAKES" * (Authors name below) When we Pharmacists ^compound your prescriptions we dare not make a mistake. Your very life is in our care. To make an error is unthinkable. , First we carefully study each prescription, and make certain that we positively understand every word of your Physician's specifications. Every ingredient • is checked and double checked before we compound. And once more, before we give you your prescription, we "cautiously" check every possibility of error. Ask Your Physician To Phone McHENRY 26 When You Need A Medicine A great many thoughtful people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE Drug Store "WALGREfcN AGENCY" 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS - g£j: J^twtollon by; • Confucius 500 B.C. from one of the residents of our village. It was noted ithajt black smoke and fire were pouring from the chimney of the Pete Nerstedi home. It seems that Pete was trying to heat some bath water for his young daughter by starting a fire in the garbage burner. Deposits of soot and carbon in the chimney caused the blaze. Mr. Shigley, a neighbor, produced a hand fire extinguishes and assisted young Chick Sales, who appeared on the scene, to the Nersted roof. Chick promptly doused tihe fire with some assistance from Bob Doran, another neighbor. By the time the fire equipment arrived, the fire was out. Routine checks . by the firemen proved that no damage was done. Pearl Nersted missed the excitement at her own home because she was in town. Disa and Data , Wanted ! The name of the precocious ten-year-old lad who recently acquired a new set of clubs and is periodically beating his father (an accomplished guy witlli 'the woods and irons) on the links. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sesko, recently entertained Carrie'p brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Praaige and sons, Wayne and Gregory, of Chicago. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Edith Brendle of Park View recently lost her brother, Ben Nadielen of Chicago. Mrs. Brenble and Mary Kantarski attended the funeral in • Chicago Saturday, April 9. Talk About a ,rSmelty" Deal Guests at McDonald's were treated to a lip smacking snack of fried smelts last Sunday afternoon. Five energetic gentlemen, Norman and Fred Rishoff Berime and Marvin Soberg of Crystal Lake and Don Anderson of Lakemoor hied themselves away to the Glencoe pier in Lake Michigan Friday night and came away with 65 pounds of smelt Theresa Cunningham fried all the dainty little things which were consumed in less time than it takes to tell. A rush call was put in to Andy Paluch in Crystal Lake for an additional 25 pounds which he delivered in person, then stayed to enjoy. No one was turned ar way hungry. Hospitalized Betty Houck checked into Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Wednesday, April 13, for observation. Her family had hopes that she would be released on Monday. : A Pat on the Back To George McOuat, Eddie Caxon and Angelo Budacci for the time and labor they expended last weekend, starting the gigantic task of cleaning up the beach. However, there is still much more work to be done and a volunteer work crew is needed for Saturday. There are benches to be installed and more cleaning to be done. All men and boys interested in beautifying the beach and preparing it for tlie summer season are asked to report Saturday morning with rakes. Taking the Mayo Care Erling Olsen checked in to Mayo Clindc in Rochester on April 15. He was advised to take this step by his doctor here in the best interests of his Ihiealth which has been none too good. Dick Osterby, recently discharged from the service, chauffered his uncle and then planned to stop in and see Army buddies in the vicinity. Let's hope that Erling comes back with his health considerably improved. Missed Your Chance, Girls! One of our eligible and most popular bachelors will be picking up his tent and stealing away for the "wilds" of Cleveland. Bob Kantorski ttias been promoted to assistant manager for the Complete Electrical Reading company and will take UJK his duties in that city about the first of May. Bob 1ms a hoot of friends in the community. With his ready smile and sunny disposition, he will be sorely missed. He has promised faithfully to start on his diet when he gets located and will keep us posted. Too bad he is going to miss the fireworks and excitement of the forthcoming election. Twenty Aching Tummies That very poised little lady, Miss Diane Bjork, greeted nineteen boys and girls dressed in their best bibs and tuckers last Saturday, April 16. The occasion was her eighth birthday. The youngsters were Berenice Bjork, Kathy and Craig Barrows, Barbara Seeber, Barbara Meyer, Sandy and Linda PassaJaqua, Karen Nerstedi, Janet and Judy Murray, Lynne Schultz, J.R. and Chryssie Levesque, Janet and Mark Hansen and Jimmy, Bobby, Kathy and Terjy Doran. Barbara Sawdo was unaBte to come. Games and dancing occupied their minds until refreshments in the way of candy, cake and ice cream were offered. Diane was so very thrilled with her lovely gifts and needless to say the small fry had a simply super time. Unexpected Death A few days ago we were informed of the untimely passing of Henry Sauer, a summer resident for many years. Mr. Sauer dropped dead of a heart attack Dec. 10. His friendly personality will 'be sorely missed on the local scene this summer. was confined to Wooidstoclj;, |jpgpital for nine days. He is hom« now atid with his lovely wife?. Virginia, to care for (him, he should! be fully recovered soon. How about a card tb cheer him up? He would appreciate ydur thoughtfulness. That's all for today. See - yo next week- T, ips on raffic Safety CHARLES F; CARPENTIER Sccrctary of Sf.itc A recent cartoon showed a woman bringing her car Into the repair shop and saying to the mechanic, "There's something wrong with it--it keeps hitting things." If your"car seems to have developed a tendency to hit things or to come uncomfortably close Thursday,ApriI 2L192& ^ GOLDEN TIME VO PROVE HE W*» THE M06T POWERFUL MONARCH OP HISTORY ROMAN EMPEROR VITSLLIU6 IN FIFTFTC, MLBEP THE CHIEF PRIEST CP CAUUWWO PETERMINEP THE BEONKIIN0 AW ENP G& TH6 TO EYTGND THE SPR1NCI OP TUB YEAR BY ONK MINUTM/ 7H» LITTLE STUNT cOer VITELLIU* A QiwrrrK or a bhuon dollars/ •MVE6T www manes veuu. FINE TIME SJATMINS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM A DOCTOR MigTKICTUr WIMW IN PRE-RESOLUTLCNARY BOSTON/ Farm AFTAINCT 6AVWS MONEY. AND IP V0U «N« NCU* MONEY CM I WESTING IN »ETTER-THAN-EVE* US.SAVIM0S BOMPt VOJ-RE POIN6 NOUR9ELF ANP KXJR OUNTKV A MEAT 66RVICE.' XJUUE 6UVIN6 SCCMTirV FOR M3UR FAMILY ANP FOK YOU* OWN FUTURBJ It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindealeg to them, It might be a good Idea to do a little checking up on yourself. First of all, have your eyes examined. We may not like to admit it, but with many of us, our eyes become weaker as we grow older, and It is usually such & gradual process we dpn't notice it developing. A year or two can make a great deal of difference. «Buy U.S. Savings Bonds ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY" General Contractor New Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS WATCH YOUR SAVINGS GROW! CURRENT DIVIDEND 3% MARCNSO FEDERAL SAVINGS i?sV^on 102 NORTH STATE ST. TELEPHONE 99 MARENGO, ILLINOIS ROAMING DOGS x In ithe spring a young dog's fancy turns to- roaming. Sometimes, as a result, roaming dogs chase and wound and occasionally kill faa*m animals. In many Illinois counties it is almost impossible >to raise sheep because packs of dogs molest the flocks. There are four forms of legal protection against dogs. First is the law that allows the owner of domestic animals to pursue and kill dogs when they are discovered in (the act of killing, wounding or chasing his apimaJs. However, you (have the right to kill a, molesting dog only when it is ncjt with its owner.' A second act of the legislature allows a sheep owner1 to put out poison for dogs, so long as he does it on his own premises and with reasonable care and good intention. A third law provides that the owner of animals kiflled or injured by dogs has a right of action against the dog's owner for all damages caused by the dog. . Hie fourth farm of protection is a license requirement. The purpose is to make owners more responsible for 'their idlogs and to build up a county dog fund for livestock owners wthose animals are killed ar injured* |>ijr (toga. Any person Jut-Vtaig dfieep, goats, cows, horses,' mules, turkeys, poultry or swine that are killed or injured by dogs is entitled to receive payment from the cdunty dog (license fund. The owner must appear before the supervisor (justice of the peace in commission counties) within 10 to 40 days after his animals are kilileidi or injured and make an affidavit of damages. Two property owners in the county who have witnessed the damage should sign the affidavit or make a separate statement. The supervisor then .makes a written re port to tlhe county treasurer of the. amount due the owner of the animals, and the treasurer makes payment on the first Monday of March each year. If the fund is not sufficient to pay all claims, payments are made on a pro rata basis. Damages allowed per animal cannot exceed these amounts: Goats, $15; cattle, $75; horses amd mules, $50; swine, $25; turkeys, $5; sheep. and poultry, fair market value. ' « J* •,-jl • j-y.!} HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT AOS llliett's Amazing Now *hitt ALK YD uni-Tex Gallon is? 30 NEW FASHION>KEYED COLORSPos »«l -- Intermediate -- Styl* Tone Deep e Easy to apply with brush, spray or roller e Dries in 2 hour# to a "velvet-sheen" finish e Primes -- Seats -- Finishes in one coat e NO PAINTY ODOR! e ALKYD RESINS give you Extra Durability, Extra Washability, Extra Quality VYCITALS HARDWARE PHONE 98 132 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. Convalescing Frank Parkhurst was stricken with a heart alttack recently and THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! COMPLETE BAIT CASTING OUTFIT Outfit includes 5 Ft. springy glass rod with new, Nylon Ferrule, plus an allmetal, 100 yards capacity level wind reel (4-1 ratio . . . Helical drive), plus, 50 yards nylon line in the family four-door? Rod Only Reg. $2.95 Reel Only Reg. $2/95 Line Only Reg. $1.20 COMPLETE ROD-REEL-LINE (Serry only one set per customer) This Week Onlyl Reg. $7.15 Value 'We invite you to come in and' browse around." McHENRY DEPT. STORE PHONE ISO No. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111 THE NEW • • 'it Hundreds of dollars each week by people wilk used things to sell who do not use the Plaindealer Classified Ads. You've always known the 4-door sedan was the ideal "family car." But perhaps it's never seemed very exciting! Then one day you spot someone swooping past your home in a new Dodge ,Custom Royal Lancer Fow-Door! Gallant and gay! Dashing! Four-door convenience with a fashion flair! These 4-door Lancers are just now arriving at our Dodge dealerships. Be the first in your neighborhood to put glamour into family transportation! DODGE • V Flair-Fashioned ... and Flashing Ahead • Dodge Dealers present: Danny Thomas in "Make Room for Daddy," ABC-TV • Bert Parks in "Break the Bank," ABC-TV • Roy Rogers, NBC Radio A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc 301 E. PEARL STREET Showroom Open Daily 'Til 6 p.m. PHONE 156 Wednesdays and Fridays Til 9 p.m. McHENRY. Sunday 9 Til 12 Noon ILL. \ i

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