FOR 4 WEEKS AT NATIONAL ... YOU'LL SOON DISCOVER GREATER SAVINGS! Chink Style--Ugh* Meat I'/rOi. | AO U.S. Government Graded & Stamped Choice Beef--Corn Fed Beef is Better Beefl STANDING RIB 1st thru 5th rib--7" cut SERVING YOU limi ^ SAVING YOU MOM Copyrighted im bf National Tea Lb Choice Corn Fed Beef Yellow Cling--Halves or Sliced Armour Star--Cry-O-Voe 'Wrapped to Protect flavor & Freshness--Cooked, Ready to Eat Bordo Froien Selected! OualHhv national's 100% r ; ^ Pure Ground Beef .u. 39 Fancy Qtfflity--3. to 4-lb. Site* . Whole or Cut-up--Completely Cleaned STEWING CHICKENS Fresh. Leon, Meaty--Boston latt PORK ROAST * 3 9 * Swansen Chicken Thighs P L kV 69* u. 3 9 * Small VWtk 4- to 6-Lb. ICNICS c STOKELY FRUIT COCKTAIL 5 Carefully Selected Diced Fruits Virginia Brand--Tray Packed M leoHi t Brtadtd^-Heat * Sirvf Micktlberry't Old Form Broanschweiger a 0 Fish Sticks . . . ^ 39e Liver Sausage . " 49 4 Fishermen Porch, Cod or Morhoefer's Spieod Mlckelberry's Old Farm ^ m Haddock Fillets. 39 Luncheon Meats 98 Skinless Franks 49 Adrerthed Meat Prfeei Effective Thru Sot., April 23rd, MMM SPRING HOUSE CLEANING f^UlT COCRTA'1 Pro* Flower Sotdi wHk Neascuff •/a-M-i JOAN OF ARC KIDNEY BEANS No. 300 Can Simoniz Floor Wax tJ 5trong, long IhHh Cloth Deck Mops • • 12-Qaart Copocity ? ¥*«* tW; r&v Delicious Hot or Cold ARMOUR TREET LUNCH MEAT $400 t ; IT * Salerno Luscious r m CROWNS or BUDS C I $159 59 Galvanized Pails. . *•* 49 Keeps Hands Soft. Cleon ladle. A A Handy Ann Gloves. "" Za Keeps Toilet Bowls Fresh. Clean . A H Vanish BowlCleaner25 Easy OH Brand 4 Hm AA: Oven Cleaner. . . 69 For AH Types of Wallpaper fUJfc Walvet Paper Cleaner " 53 All Purpose ANGUS CLOTHS Pkg. of 2 4 Sew Sturdy--Long Life Keeps Glass Sparkling Windex Glass Cleaner " " 35 Prest*0-Shlne |2 0 dffcjP Copper Cleaner . . o9 All Porpose Household Cleanser _. _ Spic & Spni.-. .<*79 Cleans--Disinfects Linco Ammonia. 2";" 35 Specie! Bonos--Vj Eifro FREE! .. . 4% _ Johnson's Glo-Coat 98 C^tesOiAisWuUnq Bright " Gold Seal Glass Wax • 1,11 Soap's Plflht in the Pad A Brillo Pais is 23' The Perfect Blend of^Oranga and Grapefruit Juices rawr Start Early Meal with a Big. Rich Glassful •. 46-0z. $ Stokely's Rich, Tangy | . Stokely's Chunklets of CATSUP i PINEAPPLE Tender, delicate spears, large full tips. Fresh Springtime flavor. Treat your family tonight. .. High in flavor, low in calories. CUCUMBERS 15e 2Lt».29C GRAPEFRUIT . T*", • " Uftfi Plorlda Valencia-- Bursting ,W|f|» Vitamins--174 Site PASCAL CELERY. *. '« IS) FRESH ORANGES. . »« Advtihtd Prodnee PrJcei fffective Tkri So*.. April JJrJ Crtsp and crunchy. Prim* ingredient for a tossed salad Washington Stot« • WtnoHhe Plow WINESAP APPLES Alt Green--Crisp, Crnnehy--JO Sis* New Fragrance LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 Rag. Bars Stay Fresh All Day LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 Bath Bars Face Cloth in Ea£h Pkg. BREEZE SUDSER 2 ^ 65c 5 Panting Washes 45.5-01.1 Pk* For All Fine Fabrics LUX FLAKES 65° 2- 65 Instant Detergent LUX Giant Tin Lb. CARROTS California Grown. A storehouse of nutrition. Teps in Vitamin A Stokely's Cream Style or Whole Kernel Golden Stokely Pto^Mp, Mfttk Seedless--Msh, Juicy No. 303 Cans Stokely's Tender HONEY POD PEAS 17-01. Cans Van Camp s Pork and Thrifty Package SWAN SOAP 69 Blues as it Washes ItlNSO BLUE Giant Pk*. 65' 2 Selected-Red, Ripe Stokely TOMATOES 43' 16-0z. Cans 415 W. Elm St Hollywood's Favorite LUX SOAP 3 £ 25' Your Beauty Bath LUX SOAP OR Bar. 43 Srtookkeellyy' ss Vviittaammiinn Praaccnkce d ORANGE JUICE 29' 46-Ofc Can Stokely's Whole Unpeeled APRICOTS: BEANS s-ioonog ^ ^ ' i