CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Cleaning ; Woman, $1 per hour. Call 1456. 50 ' 4. HELP WANTED -- Barber want- * ed, full or part time. Good pay. (• Call McHenry 1850 or see J. English, 206 Elm St. 50 HELP WANTED | Clerk Typist Permanent Position Free Hospital, Medical and Life Insurance Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday thru Friday , BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 Hough St. Harrington, III. 50 REAL ESTATE FOR -- 250 ft from Fox river, Hunterville Park Sub. (11 Mary Lane), 2 3-<bedroom reach type homes. By owner. Phone McHenry 1592-M. Will sell on contract. 48-3 FOR SALE -- Lot, 66x132 in desirable neighborhood in city; electricity, gas, water, sewer and sidewalks. Price $2400. Call 700-M. •50 CM •Mi jrifaltf sale Cbrner lot hill in Griswold Lake, 90x150 deep. CaH 817-R. 5 fcX Wanted to buy FOR SALE -- Hamburger and Hot Dog stand, Northend of Wonder Lake, large lot, reasonable. Must sell. Phone Wonder Lake 5182. 40-2 FOR SALE -- Home in McHenry 6 rooms and ceramic tile bath, % block from beach and city park, automatic gas heat, automatic water softener, natural fireplace. Phone 831-W. 49-tf HELP WANTED -- Man or strong boy to take care of laWn and yard. Part time or 5 day week. West Pistakee Bay near Johnsburg. - Phone J. F. Mraz, M°Henry 187-R Saturday or Sunday. 50-2 REAL ESTATE /A FOR SALE -- Store, suitable for *•' any retail business, year round. Living quarters. Newly decorated. Call Wonder Lake 3221. 1-tf $1,000 DOWN BUY'S . A 3 bedroom, all year round home i> in Wonder Lake near highway, lake rights, price |7,000. ALSO > 2 bedroom home living, dinette, kitchen and bath, on black top rd. F6r appointment call at our office • in Johnsburg, phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS . i Rt. 5, McHenry, Dl. 47-tf t 1 FOR SALE By Owner High and Dry Year Round' Ranch Type Home 2 large bedrooms and Den Breezeway - Natural Fireplace 2 Car Garage llegner Road - Pistakee Bay Must be seen Phone McHenry 701 50-tf FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- Lake Como, Wis., small house, near lake, lot 100x200, chttice location, spring fed well. Price $3,000 cash or terms. Also electric range for sale, $35.00. Write Art Kausal, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 874, McHenry, 111. 50 FOR SALE -- Rambling 3 bedroom redwood home" on large wooded corner lot, in Country Club section of McHenry. Carport with blacktop drive, interior beautifully decorated, including wall to wall carpeting. 1 year old. Real buy for those who enjoy the best. Priced $23,000. 50 210 S. Green St. Phone 1126 FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom, 6 room house, full basement, oil heat, 24x24, 2 car garage. 202 Washington St. Carl Neiss. Phone 231-J •50 FOR SALE -- New 4 bedroom home, two full baths, gas hot water heat, full basement, natural fireplace, knotty pine kitcheh cabinets, plastered walls, Thermopane windows, wall to wall carpeting. In Cooney Heights. Call 1170-W. 49-2 For Lease or Sale Holly's Drive In 410 West Elm St. McHenry Real opportunity for right party. Write: 215 Hawthorne Ave. Elmhursi, 111. or Phone TErrace 2-4777 after 6:80 p.m. . 50 FOR SALE -- 2 room cottage, partly furnished, located at Mc- Cullom Lake, 1 block from blacktop on Hickory Drive. Price $2,500.00. Call 563-J-l. .. *50 WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metals and - junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone WoodBtock 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED TO BUY -- We pay highest prices' for junk cars, iron and metal. Call Grooms, 596-W-2 or Staines, 53-J. 49-4 WANTED TO BUY -- 75 to 150 acres of farm land with or Without buildings. Reply care bf Plaindealer, Box 27. *50 WANTED TO BUY -- Silage. Must be near McHenry. Phone 636-W-l. 50 WANTED TORENT WANTED TO' RENT -- Responsible OhLcago executive will lease for summer, modern 3 bedroom house on or near water. Good care guaranteed. Phone LOtngbeach 1-2820 collect. Martin A. Culh&ne. 42-tf L EG A L S WANTED TO RENT _ 4 room house or apartment with 2 'bedrooms, in McHenry. By 2 adults with references. Call 1142-R *50 WANTED TO RENT -- 3 or 4 bedroom home in the McHenry area. Write Orrie Kamp, Rt. 3, Woodstock, 111. *50 WANTED TO RENT ^ Couple would like to rent 5 or 6 room year 'round home in or near McHenry. Phone 511-R-2. 50 LOST AIR) FOUND FOR SALE -- 2 lake front lots, on contract, $10 down, $10 a week. Phone Wonder Lake 3861. 50 FOR SALE --- Thrap bedroom home, garage and porch attached; gas heat; natural fireplace; basement; lot 75x175 ft.; near church and schools. Price $11,500. Call McHenry 1143-J. . 60 FOR SALE -- By owner, large 6 room residence in Woodstock. Large' enclosed porch, 1M» bathis, oil heat. Write Box 26 care of McHenry Plaindealer. *50 For Sale 9 Room Home At McCullom Lake 2 baths, oil heat, insulated, lot size 200x150 ft., 2 car garage, spacious rooms. Must be seen to be appreciated. By Owner Phone KEysione 9-2266 50-tf FOR SALE -- $6,500 buys a one bedroom home. Knotty pine living room, extra rooms can be added upstairs. Stairway already in. Oil heat, comb, storms and screens, 2 car garage, nicely landscaped lot. Only $2,500 down, balance $40 per month. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St. (1 block E. of Depot) Phone 268 or Mr. Plumb, 1046-J. 50 FOR SALE -- Business property, about 28x32 store, % acre of land, living quarters upstairs. $12,000. Easy terms. 1 mile northwest of Burton'* Bridge. Owner, Frank Wozniak. 50 LOST -- Female German Shepherd dog, wearing chain choker. Answers to "Lady". Call 636-W-l with any information about this dog, missing for a week. 50 MISCELLANEOUS NOTTCB -- Is your old rug worn out? Id it the wrong color or siz£? Why hot trade it in on a new tug or carpeting by LEES. Free Estimates. Home shopping service. Easy 'budget terms. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St. {Route 14 North) Woodstock, 111. Phone 888. 50 SCHWEITZER RITES HELD IN CHICAGO MONDAY AFTERNOON Funeral services were held teak' Monday aftflmopn' & »f o'clock at the Pete** M. "JUdten & son funeral- home, for M3re: Marie SchweltZer, 57,' of Rivel*- dale subdivision, who diedin St. Therese (hospital, Waukegan, April 13. From McHenry, the body was taken to Memorial Park cemetery, Chicago, where the Park Ridge O.E.S. officiated at rites at 2:45, ftiHowed by interment in toe cemetery: Mrs. Schweitzer was . born in Frankfort, Germany. She had been a summer resident at Wood- Jawin Park for many years and •a permanent resident for the last ten years. Survivors are a son, Carl F. Schweitzer, of Wonder Lake, and a daughter, Mrs. Marion Brink, of Riverdale subdivision.. Het husband, Carl H. Schweitzer, preceded herein death. LAST INOCULATIONS The last of the diphtheria, wihoopirqj cough and tetanus inoculations in the echool health clinic will be administered at Edgebrook school from 9:15 to - NOTICE * IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EDWARD A. GUETTLER FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION ijpTD AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING' ORDINANCE 0F THE OiTT OF McHfiNRYX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City Of McHenry relative to variation in zoning classification of property, a public hearing will be had before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the application of Edward A. Guettler. that, the zoning classification of the following described real estate be vailed to permit the use of such property for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a bulk liquefied petroleum storage- plant. That part of Sub-Lot 1 of Out- Lot 5 of the Original Plat of West McHenry, a Subdivision of part of the Northwest quarter of Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded June 14, 1859 in Book 24 of Deeds, page 22 described as follows: Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of Sub- Lot 1 of Out-Lot 5 and also being the Northwesterly corner of Sub-Lot 3 of Out-Lot 5 and running thence North 75 degrees 32 minutes West along t^ie Northerly line of said Out-LOt 5, a distance of 20.56 feet to a point; thence Southerly on a line parallel with the Westerly boundary of Sub-Lots 1 and 2 of said Out-Lot 5 for a distance of 270.24 feet to a point for a place of beginning; thence Southerly on a continuation of the last described line 229.12 feet to a point; thence North 89 degrees, 32 minutes West 350.8 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of State Highway No. 31; thence Northerly along said Easterly right of way 'line thereof, 156.28 feet to a point of curvature; thence Northerly along said right of way line being on a curved line to the right (radius of 3468 feet) for a distance of 96.41 feet to a. point; thence South 85 degtfees, 37 minutes East 354.75' feet' to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. The hearing will be held at 3:<k^ p.m. On Monday, the 9th day of May, 1955, at the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which time ,or place any person or persons desiring to object to such petition will be entitled to be heard. CITY OF McHENRY, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ;•!. By: F*LOYD COVALT, Chairman JAMES C. RICH, Crystal Lake, Illinois Attorney for Petitioner Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars P on Premises M Repairing Re-S+yling Cleaning & Glazing "Furs made to order" 105 No. Riverside Drive Furs • .. Jackets Stoles Scarfs Summer Cloth Coats Shorties Jackets FURS Phone 1843 McHenry, III application of Lee Gladstone to vary the classification of Residence to a Business I classification: Lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 2 in Venice Park Addition to McHenry Unit No. 1, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded February 25, 1941 as Dbcument No. 152920, in Book 7 of Plats, page 68, in McHenry County, Illinois. The above described property being located directly east of and adjacent to the present McHenry Medical Group building. The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock p.m. on Monday, May 9th, 1955, in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. CITY OF McHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS "' By: FLOYD COVALT, JR., Its Chairman JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney for Petitioner SPRING GR0YE By Mrs. Charles Freund NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF LEE GLADSTONE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF CITY 9F McHENRY, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: < That in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry, Illinois, relative? :to a variation of' the zoning classification of property a public hearing will be had before the City of McHenry Zoning Board | of Appeals in connection with the' NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MARTHA A. SILGE FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance* with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance a public hearing will be held by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a change in classification from Farming District to Business (B-l) District of the following described property in accordance with the prayer of the petition filed with said Board: Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: beginning at a point 420 feet South of the Northwest Corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence East on a line parallel with the North line of said section 400 feet to a point; thence North on a line parallel with the East line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 20 feet to a point; thence East on a line parallel with the North line of said section to the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence North to the North line of said section; thence West to the Northwest Corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said hearing will be held at the ^jtyy Hall in McHenry, Illinois, at 'the hour of 3:30 o'clock p.m. on the 10th day of May, 1955. ,, All persons interested may attend. - i McHENRY COUNTY ZONING •, BOARD OF APPEALS By: HAROLD BACON, Chairman petitioner's Attorney: WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. 110 % Benton Street VVoodstock, Illinois The Birthday club met, with Mrs. Lizzie Freund as hostess, in Johnsburg on Wednesday afternoon. Games of five-hundred were .played and prizes went to Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mrs. Minnie Pierce, Mrs. Alice Stevens and Mrs. Myrtle Siedschlag. Following cards, a delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Jake Miller entertained members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Prices for high scores in cards were won by Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. William Engels, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. William Britz and Mrs. Peter May, Refreshments were served after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of Pecatonica were visitors here several days last week. The wedding of Miss Doris Fuhier of Lilymoor and Stephen Stanfel took place at St. Peter's church on Saturday morning. Rev. John Dalieden officiated at the ceremony. A reception was held at Lilymoor for about 300 guests. Those from here who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Jean Marie, William Kattrier, Mr. anj Mrs. George Waspi and family, John Waspi and Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff. The stork dropped off two new arrivals the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jessie are the happy parents of a 7 lb. 5 oz. girl, born Saturday morning, April 16, at St. Thereae (hospital, Waukegan. A daughter arrived at St. Therese hospital, too, for Mr. and Mrs. Fred May on Friday evening, April 15. Mrs. Eva • Freund and Mrs. Ruth McGovern attended a postmakers' dinner meeting in Algonquin on Wednesday evening. Those from here Who attended the dance at the high school gym on Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George Firsching, Mr. and Charles Mrs. Elmer Si Edwin Kay, Olson and Mr. aftd-l Fredtsd. ^7 >}'"• Members '«£* Holy . Name society of St. Peteimpart** some of the an evening of bowling: at Johnsburg on Sunday night. The firemen wjere jsummcned to 'the Foulke property ob Sunday afternoon. It was fire and no damage was dope... . Mrs. Jack Ttoney and.; ter, Laurie, of North Chk**t> spent 'the weekend with , in# Frank Tiimey family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olspn and family and Miss Lorraine' TH&r. cheil joined in a fttnily Wtttio# of Mitchells in Chicago on Sun* day. Did you know there are-"f.18 pounds of milk in a quart? •• CHAIN LINK' MEANS SAFETY & PROTECTION FOR YOUR CHILDREN -- ALSO -- Cedar - Pickette and Stockade Fences For FREE estimates Phone McHenry 724 ANDERSON FENCE and SUPPLY McHenry, 111. Ly)e D. Anderson '• It Pays to Shop At Home Phone McHenry 1489-M-X g Now For Spring Planting | PEARSON'S LANDSCAPE SERVICE 1 DESIGNERS and CONTRACTORS | Architectural Drawings Rendered on Request 1 Atone Street McHenry, I1|L the washable LATEX wall paint SC59 >C85 «*Gol. t/Oai No tit Inning . . . »Hr and apply Colors to carry o u t e v e r y d e c o r a t i n g plan. Easy to apply, dries' in an hour; it's guaranteed washable. Gallon doed the walls of an average room. McHENRY DEPT. STORE PHONE 459 103 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L SUPER "TOP PERFORMER" OF 1955 FINE CARS Nash Ambassador with 208 HP letfire High Torque V-8! Best Readability! If you want to rule the road, drive this with any car at any price. Feel how new new Ambassador. See why it's called the "sea leg" springs smother road shock, "hottest thing on wheels." Compare its how the Nash Ambassador takes corners gjvytarntar getaway and hill-climbing faster with far less roll. Try it today. You're $o Right to Choose a Lakemoor Motors, Inc., Route 120 McHenry, 111., McHenry 742 See Disneyland tin ABC-TV. Brought to you by your Nash Dealer. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH \ Tlw counfcrtf of COSTA l*TeA ha* mora GGHOOL TiACHSf^S 60bDie*6/ \C-I-S 5 ^-.JTEOfclTIC > .t * -. DUST cbufcmuallu -Pdlte -from ihe «kie* // Cip rr KCEP6 UP/ THS WORLD WIU. POU9i£ IM€«E IM 9.TOUJOV 0 Pigs «» ow GLEANBZT of aft -farm animal* if allowed to be «o // An Open Letter to Hie Voters of McCullom Lake 'Running a Village is a Serious Business." Members of a Village Board are elected for the qualities they possess in dealing with people as a village government, they work for the benefit of the village as a whole. , All residents of the village are subject to the same laws and regulations as. well as all benefits. WE HAVE A VERY BIO JOB TQ DO IN THIS VILLAGE, IN THE NEXT TWO YEARS, and in order to. carry it out as it needs to he done we have roads as pur number one project. We have a village board that will work 100% to help put oyer this project. We will keep ALL THE PEOPLE informed quarterly as to the financial status and progress of community improvement program. IF YOU ARB INTERESTED IN SEEING GOOD ROADS AND PROTECTION OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN IN THIS VILLAGE at a little expense as possible to the tax payers, then go to the polls on May 14th and Vote for the people running on the PEOPLES TICKET who are pledged to the constructive policies of the PEOPLES PARTY and we ask that you cooperate with us and VOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES: • PEOPLES PMTY President JOSEPH J. CRICK Village Clerk • MRS. EMMA PYRITZ Police Magistrate • KENNETH E. EBEY Trustees • JOHN T. BOYLE • CHARLES H. BROCKEN • STEPHEN H. HUSKA • ALLAN E. McKIM L_] MRS. LORETTA M. MEYER • LOWELL H. PETERSON The Peoples Of The Village of McCullom Lake