IW|;' ' •y pmapin BB Eighteen THE McHENRY WJUNDEALER iiMiiiiiiiiiM^^ 1EALTH TALK Exercise !jExoess in anything can be a ; ear&ome thing", and exercise is k- exception. Properly taken in :ie right doses, 'however, exer- , se can be one of the greatest imulants to good, (healthful - livjg, the educational committee the Illinois State Medical soety observes in Health Talk. ;; 3 What is exercise ? Does it | !ean to the sedentary worker itrty-six holes of golf the first fne out? Or idioes it mean bowli g ten lines the first time to 1 -3t in trim for the season? Uh- >rtimately it does to many peosle, but these are only two sports ' t/he many which g3ve pleasure i children and adults alike. Exercise can be considered in firms of a hobby, that is, any ame that gives play to muscles hat are not used ordinarily in /eryday living, and provides a Zieerful mental stimulus. But A>t all persons can engage in Crenuous sports or activities requiring p great degree of enery and" stamina. That is why the «rst step in using exercise wisely and moderately is a physical xamination. A good physical examination '/ill reveal any condition that • light either prevent or limit xercise. This might be a heart efeot or nutritional inadequaies that would retard t)he body rom meeting the strain called or hi certain types of play. While certain games are seasonal, exercise for the individual •erson should not be seasonal iot done in spurts. Exercise on i moderate scale can be mainained all year 'round, whether t be walking, bending or perorming mild oaiisthenics. The jerson who is inactive all winter aid throws himself enthusiastic - illy into long periods of swimning, golfing and the like is is king for trouble. Unused mus- Jites shout their objection - with iches and pains, so tftat whait vould otherwise^ have been an jenjoyable - .event results in many hours of misery and a Reeling of real illness. ... Summer time to one for outdoor picnics which feature run. ning races of'All kinds. The person who engages in one for the first time without being in good muscular trim is asking for hours otf pain. The unused muscles tighten up in knots, and these are not imaginary since they can be felt, anct the socalled "Charley horse" is tihe result. What does intelligently planned and controlled exercise do ? It speeds up all the body processes -- old cells are" broken down, new cells are formed, the blood flow is increased, breathing is extended and other body functions are stimulated. Muscles are kept in good tone. Thus •the chief value of exercise is improving the co-ordination of nerves and muscles, and stimulating the normal processes of the body for circulation and elimination. > Not all people in the same age group can take (the same exercise. For this reason it is wise to let the results of a physical examination influence your physician's counsel- in regulating your exercise. And then apply his advice. Remember that good health incorporates many things: Adequate nutrition, good physical condition and a normal mental outlook. Exercise is a means to maintain good health and zestful living. Avoid excessive fatigue. Stop activity at the point of pleasantness, so the aotivity will be a source of real enjoyment. Vim, vigor and vitality are important words in good, healthful living. To achieve these stages, follow your physician's advice and thus bring real pleasure to yourself and those about you. •V" NEW APPOINTMENT Gov. William G. Stratton has appointed Herbert Keil of Washington, Tazewell county, as a member of the board of state fair advisors. Keil, a dairy farmer, was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the recent death of E. A. Eckert, of Belleville. POINT-COUNT BIDDING Are you one of those •people who has shied away from learning how to play Contract Bridge because you think it's too complex? Or. if you are already a Contract Bridge fan, have you Sometimes wished you had an > ./•* adding ma- 4\3*a^3<*o0iw.K)-|2. chine^handy \*\ \ \ \1 hand is worth bid- Pwy* * ing? -- /\ I you fall • H into W 0{ these two groups, here's some good news for you. It's the Point-Count System of bidding, probably the greatest boon to the bridge world since that November day in 1925 when Contract Bridge, as played today, was born. Point?Count Bidding, or pointcount valuation, as it is sometimes called, is designed to make bidding easier and more accurate and also to assist partners in the exchange of essential information. Many of you are already familiar with the point-count method of valuing your jiand in Bridge but for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, here's how it works: the Point-Count bidding system gives the honor or high .cards fixed point values which make it easy to figure out what your hand is worth. It does this by eliminating the "frdc> tions" of the honor-trick methbd.' For instance, the Ace is worth four points, the King counts three points, the Queen two and the Jack only one. For opening suit bids your hand should contain at least 12 points and a good suit that you can bid again. With 13 points you can bid any biddable suit. A new pocket-sized leaflet recently published describes in detail everything yoU need to kt)ow about the Point-Count System. The leaflet suggests responses to a notrump bid, requirements to raise your partner's bid, revaluation after a raise. All sorts of tricks, if you'll forgive the pun, to make your game of Contract Bridge that much more enjoyable. You can get a free copy of this eight-page leaflet, "Point-Count Bidding," for yourself or members of your bridge club by sending a stamped, >self-addressed envelope to Playing Cards, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds The McHENRY MEDICAL GJIOUP announces the association of LEON. HERMAN, M.D. Practice Limited To Obstetrics and Diseases of Women Hours by Appointment Phone McHenry 1050 - i.,/ I : A)\ > % 9 Colognes f 0 Tweed .# Shanghi • Old Spice # Desert Flower 9 • Friendship Garden # Evening In Paris • Yardley Lavender • Yardley Bond . Street "MUGUET" Lily of the Valley only once each year can you get these wonderful odors. # Coty's "Lily of the Valley" # Stick Cologne & Cream Perfume ANGELIQUE . . . the perfume fate chooses for you. White Satin • Red Satin Gold Satin # Black Satin •Mont' thinks . . Especially when it comes from BOLGER'S "Kitchen Fresh" candy bar! choose from ... ' ' DeMet's Whitman's - Hotton's -- Turtles "Sold Exclusively at BOLGER'S RONSON ' LIGHTERS Princess Model - Leatherette Covered Engine Turned Baked Enamel Wfc en?? Every woman loves to be tolft she's wonderful . . . send Mom a card to tell her on Her day. by NORCROSS ... of course. BOLGER'S 103 S. Street /; Phone 40 McHenryt III. APRONS To brighten Mom's kitchen .hours 89V*1»8 COSTUME JEWELRY Lovely accessories tp play a leading role in suixuner styles. $1 te $2 Plus Tax SWEATERS Combed cotton, [ nylon, wool. Sleeveless - Short & long sleeves from s24 5 S99 s Cotton Dresses Complete selection of new fabrics and styles in spring cotton dresses. All sizes. $2M i. 'S*9 NYLON - DACRON - COTTON SUPS Cotton plisse', dacron, nylon - sheer batiste slips In an array of styles to select from. All sizes. V» * '59# NYLON - COTTON BRIEFS Tailored - lace trim, white and colors. S-M-L-Ex. • 39 * $ to $ #4* MOJUD NYLON'S HOSIERY ALSO STRETCH NYLONS 45 - 51 and 60 guage. Non-run and no seams: •J25 „ «M3 Jusi « iqw of the many gifts that you could select for Mother. We will assist you in selecting a most appropriate item that will be sure to please. /' Dressy Mouses Nylons - Dacrons - 32 to 44 Sleeveless and short sleeve «3«| „ >4M NYLON Gowns * Pajamas Lace and tailored.. Sheer and 40 denier. *Nykm. All sizes. $3" 1. $6" DUSTERS - HOUSECOATS Cotton - Nylon Prints - Plains Sizes 10 to 44 >2»» „ !5»9 House Slippers Terry Cloth scuffs. Leather - satin brocade. Metallic, mesh in soft and hard sole and wedges. <1®9 ,o >399 HANDBAGS Straw - Plastic :« Cloth Pastels and other colon. Large selection. Baby Doll Pajamas Gowns COTTON Plisse' - Challie - Fabrics Plain - Pattern All Sizes 1«9 „ *3®® Plus Tax BLOUSES Short Sleeve • Sleeveless Cotton - Broadcloths and Sheers. Nylons, Dacrons, far dress or sportswear. All Sizes.'-, Gladstone's PHONE 182 McHENRY, ILL HANKIES plain and fancies with lace trim and fine embroidery. 10'.. '1°° * ' STORE HOURS Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays Til 9 p.m. Sundays 'Til Noon GLOVES Cotton » Nylon Short ajid Long Abo She^-5 »|00 „ sJ93