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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1955, p. 13

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Thursday,May 19, 1955 , r.v *< v»r> *t~?; stev^^r^:^ : SIP m*i3 -..-. ar ••' j<$--'-'• JMcHENRY PLAINDEALER RINGWOOD • - »• ... -fc '•. 3c» £'•, f * By Mrs. George Sfcepard t,; Home Circle •';!Mrs. George Sfcepand entertained the Home Circle at her home Thursday,' 'with Mrs. *F. N. Muzzy as co-hostess. A luncheon Was served at 12:45. The business meeting' in charge of Mrs. Louis Winn was held and a fine program in cha^ge-fof Mrs. Louis ^awley waa enjoyed. Roiuul-up Club ; The Round-up dub was entertained in the"; home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Harrison Saturday evening. Ailin Fernando of Cey- $ lOn was guest speaker. WJ9.CA- Croups Meet The W.B.CiS. " and the evening group of WiS.C.S. held a joint meeting at fehe home of Mrs. JVank Harrison Wedtnesday evening. Mrs. Oscar Berg had the devotionals. The business meeting was held, with officers elected for the coming year as follows: President, Mrs. Paul Walkington; associate president, Mrs. B. T. Butler; vice-president, Mrs. Kenneth Cristy; secretary, Mrs. C. L. Harrison; treasurer, Mrs. Win. Cruickeihank; promotional secretary, Mrs. Viola Low; local ^ church activities, Mrs. Nelson Cristy and Mrs. Robert Smith; supplies, Mrs. Oscar Berg; sta/tus Of women, Mrs. Walter Low; student chairman, Miss Alice Peet; child chairman, Mrs. Frank Harrison; spiritual life, Mrs. Gordon Fossum,' secretary of literature, Mrs. John Hogan; missionary chairman, Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. James Reid had the program on housing projects. At the close, lunch was served. School News Wednesday.- afternoon, students were dismissed at 11:30, while Mr. Andreas and Miss Heideman went to Wqpdstock to choose new arithmetic \tfork books for next year. Friday from 10:30 to 3 there was a play day at. our school. All the schools invited were represented. The eighth graders, Wesley Bruce, Virgim^Carr, Alice Qrt- Hef, Jacquc^l^^Sikidmore and Veronica I>a^ls;y?g^aduat€((i from grade school?- t#;£$IcHenry high on May 18. ; Veronica Davi^l&chool reporter Benefit, ifcClmrch Mrs. Wolf'Sn&cSfe showed slides of her trip to the west coast, tjie Rose festival and Mexico at the scihoolhouse Friday evening, P the proceeds' going toward the (iuUding fund" W the-new church. ' ' " Personals • Mrs. Agnes Jencks was a visitor in Elgin Wednesday and was 4 supper guest in the home of her daughter and family in Barrington. >'; Mrs. Louis Hawley was a Visitor in Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson spent a, few days in 'tihe Ben Walkington home. Mrs. Tollefson and Mrs. Grace McCannon were visitors in the Oscar Berg home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.. Andrew Hawley of Fox River C&ove and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H#w£ of Crystal Lake Spent Tuesday evening in the f Louis Hawley home. - Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Wood- Stock, Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty were visitors in mma/' the Charles Frey home Thursday at Palos Heights. Mr. and) Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago and Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry were visitors in the George .Shepard home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Sunday in tfae home of her daughter and family at Barrington. Mr. and) Mrs. John Powers and Mrs. Eugene Hileg and children of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Friday evening in the Harold .Stanek home at Blkhorn. s Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family spent Sunday evening in the Delmer Shook home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ackerman and family of Richmond were visitors in the Alan Wagner home Surwiay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sainuelson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman attended the WLS barn dance Saturday evening. Mrs. Fred Wiedriahi, Jr., Mrs. James Wegener and Mrs. Louis Winn were callers in the Jack Leonard home at Lake Geneva Friday morning. Mrs. Clarence Harrison, son, Garry, anidl daughter, Krystal, and Miss Faith Wagner of Greenwood spent Sunday afterndbn in the Roy Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. GLawe of Woodstock were supper guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were visitors at Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Gene Vogel and friend of Elkhorn spent Wedtnesday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Bob Brennan, daughter, Faitty, and son, Bobby, were Sunday dinner guests of her parents at McHenry. Mrs. Jack Leonard and children of Lake Geneva were Sunday dinner guests in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., (home. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg and daughter, Dianne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruicksiiank were visitors in the Stanley Miller home at Lode, Wis., and the Don James home at Parderville, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wei don Andreas and daughter, Mai^go, spent Suitday in tfei Ernept Anidirea*- hoaWN at Crystal Lake: Mrs. C. E. Lovelette, daughter, Claudia* and soil, Gordon, of Chicago are visiting eher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mrs. Katie Conway and M-ina Genevieve 'Knox of McHenry were viistors in the Dr. Wm. Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cole and Mr. and Mrs. John Cole of Kenosha, Mrs Alice Ripke of Richmond and Mrs. Sylvia Smith of Hebron visited Mrs. Dora Cole Sundlay. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Park Ridge visited Mrs. Til'lie Vaillancourt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford of McHenry, Mrs. Harley Rusch of Sheboygan, Wis., and Mrs. Wm. .Rake and Slaughter, Susan, of Algonquin were visitors tn the Dr. Wm. Hepburn home Sunday. Mrs. Grace McCamnon has come to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg. HOIU IBUT THBT POUR COUPLES WANT THIS NOW. ANO IT'S A STEAL AT* I&000.00. SO AH-N-AHLOOKsTJKrwToIoJ7rTErT^ eAUl:7J AFTER ALL, BUT GOT STOLEN ^FROM! WE COULD HAVE DONE MUCH BETTER WE'D HAVE BOUGHT A RELIABLE HOUSE FROM A RELIABLE DEALER HERE IN BROILER CHICKS Illinois hatcheries set 402,000 eggs for commercial broiler chicks during the : week ended April 30, according to the state antdi federal departments of agriculture. This was a decrease of 13 per cent from the 461,000 set. during the preceding week. WORWICK'S McHenry Camera Center Cameras Photographic Equipment Amateur and Profession^ Bought, Sold and Exchanged PHOTO SUPPLIES View Masters and Reds Color Films Processed Family Albums See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 & A". DELIVERED MILK IS FRESH only hours from the farm , Local supply... fast, efficient processing iSW' V*| xjjagHgndable home delivery service ... three reasons why oar "milk is farm-fresh Wlif diy. Convenient-to-use glass milk bottles tkfeguaid its rich flavor, too ... from dairy to yoiu refrigerator door. Call us about ha>ing your • r "* milk delivered NOW. It's a wonderful habit you 11 ' find mighty easy to lire with the year round. Mickey the Milkman say» -- "GLASS BOTTLES ARE BEST f ,>0Y EVERY TEST!*' For Your Convenience We Deliver Two ' Gallons at Gallon Prices Freund's Dairy, Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 195 i. S'/i Allies Nor til of McHenry EDDIE the EDUCATOR Agriculture classes In our »c(tools pay for Hiemselvet and mora too in IncrooMd form Incoi^w through Improved laming. tllinoit Edvcotion Association If CHAIN LINK Q1 MEANS SAFETY & PROTECTION FOR YOUR CHILDREN -- ALSO -- RUSTIC WOOD FENCES For FREE estimates Phone McHenry 724 ANDERSON FENCE and SUPPLY McHenry, HI. Lyle D. Anderson ^Mc HENRY eop**i»HT FIATURIS ft.TA.MJe --rr--:-- • SOFT WATER How do you find out if your water supply is hard enough, to make softening worthwhile? .Here is a simple test you can make yourself. Get some tincture of green soap from your druggists Then half fill a four-ounce pottle with water from the tap. Add two drops of the soap solution. Close the bottle and shake it for five seconds. If suds do not cover the surface and last for five minutes, add another drop of soap solution. Repeat the shaking after each dlxxp until you add enough soap to produce an inchhigh head of suds that lasts for five minutes. The hardness of the water in grains is approximately equal to the number of drops of liquid soap required to produce the suds. The general rule is that water with .fr'.'iree or more grains of hardness per gallon needs softening. TRAVEL CROWDED Expect to find ships crowded, planes crowded. U.S. foreign travel borders on the sensational, with over 1,000,000 people scheduled to make a trip abroad this year. Most go to western Europe One out 6f ten g<oes to Latin America. VETS NO MONEY DOWN NONVETS $1,200 DOWN DO YOU KNOW you can buy a 3 bedroom home for $9,475.00 and up, lot included, with the following features: • Architect designed I * Carpenter-built • Grading & Seeding * Gravel drive • Sic^walk from lot line to Front & Rear doors • Combination Aluminum Screen and Storm windows • Completely decorated interior and exterior • Plastic tiled bath • Exhaust fan in kitchen The home you select from our.-Architect deVeterans and Non-Veterans can save additsigned plans can be built on: • your paid up lot • A lot oq which you have made a down payment f Anywhere In McHenry County Office Located: 582 W. Main Street, MflHenry Phone McHenry^l$@7 ional money by doing some of the work themselves . . . Such as grading & seeding, etc. ROBERT HAY GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction 8c Remodeling Route 4 -- McHenry, 111. Home Phone: McHenry 622-YV-2 WHO WAS HOYLE? How many times has your favorite card game been temporarily interrupted by someone exclaiming: "I wonder if I should play that card ... is it according to Hoyle?" The expression is so familiar that it has c o m e t o mecfn anything properly done. But. did you ever stop to w o n d e r ,w h o , 6 r w h a t , i s Hoyle? A r o u n d the year 1730 in London there existed a number of "coffee houses" where the gentry and merchant classes gathered to drink coffee and chocolate, to talk, and to play a new card game called Whist, the grandfather of Auction and Contract Bridge and other trump games. One of those who frequented the tfoffee houses was Edmond Hoyle, a middleaged lawyer. Hoyle had learned to play Whist and became so proficient that he began to teach the game to the lords and ladies of the time at, we are told, "very stiff prices." In 1742, he Dublished his first book. "A Short Treatise on Whist." A iw later he came out with tfie nl* ume of "Hoyle's Camei" jSvtog rules ar>d advice on ^StBaes of skill: Whist, CJhess, Back*atomoni,v Quadrille and Piquet. Thus he Wl the first to write scientifically Wi, any card game, to understand an% present clearly the rules, ethics and strategy of games as we understand-', them today. Hoyle's books were best sellers dt-'f the 18th Century and his fame wa*v" recorded by noted authors d art$ ists of his day. Hogarttt, the British painter, pictured "Hoyle on Whist*'; ' in one of his famous canvases, whiles^" Lord Byron, the illustrious poet ' wrote in "Don Juan" that "TrojT owes to Homer what Whist owes Ufty. H o y l e . " - • ' ' • • : I - The reputation Edmond Hoyle esj??: tablished was so great that nearly* ' two hundred years later his Cod# of Ethics and Fair Play from the" Treatise on Whist was included. aH most verbatim, in the Laws for Aucj. tion and Contract Bridge! Today hiij;] principles are as sound, as ever. * Little wonder then that when h* died at the age of ninfety-seven hii writings had made his name a house*' hold word, even to the extent thai, it is now synonymous with correct procedure in anything whatever. DEAD TIRED? You may be dangerously taxing your entire system when you offaw fatigue, nerve usaess-- poor appetite and sleepless nights to drag you down BECAUSE YOUR BODY IS VITAMIN AND IRON STARVED.* When you lack itrong, red blood -- when your lystem is vitamin-starved you must feel listless --nervous--irritable. This is because weak blood U circulating through your system, taxing your heart --putting • burden on •very vein --capillary and artery in your body! ' Start building rich red bloodFAST with Bexel Special Formula Each high-potency BEXEL Special Formula capsule gives you 5 timet the daily minimum requirements of iron; more than the daily minimum requirements of all the B-vitamins that doctors will tell you ar« essential for proper nutrition; plus Vitamin B12 and trace minerals. These wonderfully strengthening capsules are recommended for mothers-to-be, when a sufficiency of iron and vitamins is vitally important to their health. Also especially important if you are over 40. Take 2 capsules daily for double potency. tewy for penny-- you get M0lt£ vtfnt in high-potency BEXEL Sptekt fomu/n Cnpsufos Feel better--look better-' Work better OR YOUR MONEY BACK! A MCKESSON PRODUCT BO LG E R 'S drug s t o r e PHONE 40 103 So. Green St. McHenry, JDL What more is there anyprice? "T -- New Dodge Custom Royal Lancer 4-Door Sedan--up to 9 inches longer than other cars in its class. Perhaps you've told yourself: "Some day I'm going 'all out' on a car--get the best that money can buy in style, luxury and comfort." Well, before you throw your money around, better ask yourself a few questions. Have you ever seen a car with- more style distinction than this new Dodge--long and low and dashing? Can any car, even the most costly, offer more roomy luxury, or more beautiful fabrics and appointments? Is there anything on the road to surpass the ..brilliant performance of the Dodge aircraft-type V-'S engine? The answer to these questions is waiting at your Dodge dealer's. It will save you a great deal of money ! Flair - Fashioned . . . and Flashing Ahead! CHECK YOUR CAR -- CHECK ACCIDENTS! 301 E. PEAHL STREET Showroom Open Dally Til 6 p.m. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. PHONE 156 Wednesdays and Fridays Til 9 fun. McHENRY. ILL. Sunday 9 Til 12 Noon

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