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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1955, p. 16

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nwdar. May 19. ljg^f ^ \1 "' c , . A'??. }i£i,r- McHENRY PLAINDEALER 1 , ^ ' F"! ' * ** ' , 1 ' * t* Page Flflttn : REVIEWING EARLY HAPPENINGS IN McHENRY and VICINAGE Plaindealer File& Furnish Memories of Yesteryears Compiled by A. H. Mosher FORTY YEARS AGO from Issue of May 20, 1915 Plan For Fourth of July-- That the Fourth of July celebration in McHenry wiH develop, into one of the biggest and grandest events of the kind ever held in the village is the declaration of the arrangement committee, wfro are now hard at work arranging for the big event. The -arrangement committee, consisting of Rev. Edward Iter th old, president; John H. Miller, vice-president; Peter M. Justen, secretary; Carl W. Stenger, treasurer; and Messrs. Jos. W. Freund, M. J. Walsh. M. M. Niesen, Martin B Schmitt, N. E. Barbian, J. C. Bickler and Fred Justen met at the K. of C. hall Monday evening to name the committees. Lenzen-Miller W edding-- The wedding ceremony of Miss Eva Theresa Miller and Mr. Michael Lenzen was solemnized at St. Peter's Catholic church at Volo on Wednesday morning, Rev. Francis J. Epstein officiating. for a quarter of a century or more has served the village as a municipal building, was sold to C. G. Berner on Monday evening of this week for $101. The building must be removed within the next sixty days. Postmaster Is Appointed-- Jos. W. Freund, the West Side clothier, lhas been named Mc- Henry's new postmaster. The appointment came as a general surprise to our people, as it was not known that Mr. Freund was in line for the office. Petitions for the office were circulated by Messrs. T. J. Walsh and John E. Freund and it was generally understood that these were the only two candidates for the postmastership. Old Village Hall Sold-- The old cheese factory, which County Track Meet--, The McHenry county high school track meet will be held, at tue county fair grounds in Woodstock this coming Saturday, May 22. Following is the list of athletes from McHenry who have, up to this time, been entered in ti'.e meet: Alfred Richardson, Guy C. Bacon, Lester Baccn. Henry Miller, Francis Bonslett. Vaughan Jones, G. Petesch, Vinton Thompson and Frank Justen. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of May. 15, 1980 Frett-Tonyan Wedding-- A lovely spring wedding was solemnized Wednesday, May 14, at St. Mary's church- in this city, when Miss Charlotte Frett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frett and Mr. William Tonvan, son of Mra. Elizabeth Tonyan, were united in mariage before a large assembly of relatives and friends. Father Nix, pastor of St. Mary's church, officiated at the nuptial high mass. Richmond Bank Robbed-- Two bandits held up the State Bank of Richmond about 1:45 Thursday afternoon of last week and according to a checkup on Friday it was learned that they succeeded in getting $5,208.57. A third bandit waited outside in the car. The bandits took William A. Mc Conn ell, cashier of 'the bank, along with them and dropped him out of the car about a mile north of Richmond, on Route 61. Spring Wedding at U. of I.-- The student chapel of the Newman foundation of the University of Illinois at Champaign, HI., was the scene of a lovely spring wedding this Thursday morning. May 15, which will be of great interest to the p<5ople of McHenry, for at this time Miss Genevieve Carey, daughter of Mrs. Mary Carey of this city, was united in marriage to Mr. J. Albert Woll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Woll of Chicago. TEN YEARS AGO From Issue of May 10, 1945 Clara Colby Dies-- A native of McHenry, Mrs. Clara Isabella Colby, a resident of Burlingame, Calif., for the past thirty-nine years, died at her home on May 3, 1945, her seventy -ninth birthday anniversary. ^ Youth Drowns in Lake--- A drowning at Pistakee Lake last Sunday afternoon brought the first tragic news of that kind to our community this season. The victim was Henry Kress, 18, of West Chicago, who had come to the lake about noon witih his mother ami a girl companion. The Kress family had rented a cottage at Riverdale on the lake for several years and the father had come out earlier in the day. Young Kress was to leave on June 9 to attend Radar school. Thought For The Week-- "To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old."--Oliver Wendell Holmes. •fr '}• <"!' •> •£• 4 • 4' •!' 'M' •fr <"!• •!"£ •$ 'frfr SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charlep Freuadf •M-fr'fr'S' •!• <"!' 'I' 'I' •?' •{"I1 •}••£»•{« The Mother's club held its regular meeting at the high so'.-.ool on Monday night. -The program for the evening1 was a fashion show presented by the home economics class and the adult class who attended night classes the past six weeks. This was greatly enjoyed by aU present. Election of officers for the coming year was also held flT"1 refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown are the proud parents of- a son, weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz., born oh Thursday, May 5. Those from there who attended the bowlers' banquet at Hebron on Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kappie, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer, Mr. and.. Mrs. ^Learudier Lay, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie May and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller. Our heartfelt .sympathy is extended to the family of Harold Athletes Foot Germ How To Kill It In One Hour If not pleased, your 40c back. This STRONG fungicide SLOUGHS OFF the outer skid to exposfe 'burled germs. Kills it on contact. Get Greaseless, instant-drying1 T4-L today at BOLGER'S PHONE 40 103 So. Green St. MoHeniy, HI BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON TOUR CAR Regular check ops and maintenance by our experts means lower oar costs for you! YOUR NOW 24 Hour Towing Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling 809 W. Efan Street McHenry, 11L Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R THANK YOU - We the members of the LOCAL PARTY appreciate the Support and Confidence which the voters of McCullom Lake demonstrated at the polls last Saturday ... "Jake" Levesque Victor Howe William Creutz Otto Ebert Fred Maiihesius Willard Schultz Max Kolin Earl Nelson Chester Helwig Lennoh, who passed away on May 4 at his home. Funeral services were held 'at St. Peter's church the following Saturday morning. Girls of the upper grades of St. Peter's school enjoyed a day in Chicago on Saturday, visiting museums. The much talked! 'of event of •the season finally arrived on Saturday evening. It was prom night for the students of Richmond- Burton high school. Their dinner was at Honey Bear farm and greatdy enjoyed by all. The dance at the gym followed, with music furnished by the Silver Derby orchestra. The gym was beautifully decorated in the theme of "Blue Mirage." Blue streamers walled off the idance floor, which was centered with a bridge over a pond. The .pond was bordered with palm trees and two flamingoes stood proudly at the entrances of the bridge. Spectators were .invited and those who attended were served .punch and cookies. Members of the Girl Scouts enjoyed an evening' of roller skating at Hhe rink in McHenry on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. William S'lotliff Visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shotliff in Zion on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koberstine attended a seminar for organ teachers on Sunday afternoon, given by Porter Heaps, well known radio organist, at the Nineteenth Century club in Oak Park, gin the evening they attended a dinner given by the Oak Park and River Forest or- DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL. TRAINING - VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL *ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 8 PJtL FRIDAY EVENINQS: 6:00 to 8:80 PJB. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 gan groups, of wfiiclr Mrs.- Koberstine ia president, at the Franklin House on River Road. The entertaining org&ni&t wait Bill Dean. Penny Jean Olson, 7 years oW, played two numbers on the piano in a recital given 'by the Holy Ghost academy in Northbrook. Penny Jean is tfhe granddaughter of the Koberstines in Colmar. Callers in the Koberstine home last / Tuesday were Mrs. Irene \ Simmons, formerly of Ingleeide, and Mrs. G. filau of Oak £ark. Shop at Home GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler v Quite a discussion took place between a couple customers as they waited for lube jobs at GUETTL-ER'S CITIES SERVICE. They both were sure of their opinions; one arguing that the slow driver is to blame for all these accidents on the open road; and the other was sure that speed, was the culprit. They got at it pretty hot and heavy, and you can be sure that we rushed those jobs out. One thing they surely did decide though, was that the menace on the road is always the .other driver. But slow or fast, you'll agree that your car should be checked regularly for safety. We at GUETTLEJR'S CITIES SERVICE will tip you off about any danger signs. We have the latest and best equipment at HIGHWAY 31, McHENRY, ILL. Phone 331 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMITTORS iio ARGUMENT YOU GETTHE BEST VALUES W Day in and day out thrifty shoppers know that BOLGER'S is the store of top quality and better values. And that's not all you'll get here. You also get the kind of friendly, helpful, courteous service that makes shopping a real pleasure. Try us - you'll like us. N * >>* «£ vfc - % s' * t ^ ?<3¥$ s * FEn..^ 75c BAYER 5-graijv 100 Tablets 62c It costs no more to go" Erst Class > : « * : * O j & ° : * • & • BOTTLE PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA 67c ULT Horn* Permanent LOTION Produces results For every SPRAY IT YOWtSW MOTH-PftUFE & CEDAR KIT JUST ONE APPLICATION GIVES MOTH PROTECTION P0t A FULL YEAR! CEDAR-ON GIVES CLOSETS, CLOTHES, *tc„' C*)Qg THE LASTING FRAGRANCE of real CEDAR. A PRICED FROM ComP!fe kit - • '•' • -p • • • • - • _ - BUFFERIN ANTACID-ANALGESIC TABLETS. 40 TABLET SHE SAVES M A - 60TABS79£. ALL NEW * r. « ft » « VACATION IMA . . . VISIT FOKD KOTVNDA, 0 SHOW PlACt Of THC AUTO INDUSTRY, DEAABORN, MICHIGAN <> •vpe of hair, yj POU-GRIP Keeps Loose Dentures in Place lEX-IAX CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE • S.S.S. TONIC, 20 #r*- 25e BISODOl ANTACIO POWER " j IASTRING0S01 MOUTHWASH ( IfinCHWSCASTORIA.S.x ^ BROMO SELTZER, family rpnf|| \7 AIR SPUN FACE V,CIIUI M POWDER I COLOGNE 37c :1 Insecticide: You pay nothing extra for Ford's Thunder bird styling • • • Luxury Lounge interiors . • • smoother Angle-Poised ride • • • nor for hordes 23-year V-8 experience that brings you Trigger ^Torque power! Only Ford offers Thunderbird Styling Take a closer look at thote long, low, "front-running" linei. From the smart, viiorod head lights to the papered tail fins, they're Thunderbird through and through. Step inside. Colorfully fresh new Luxury lounge interiors make Ford truly your "living room on wheels." Your new-car dollars buy more today.. For example, a first-class ride in a, first-class car is yours at Ford's low fare. You command a Y-block V-8 that responds reassuringly when you need it. You have Ford's smoother Angle-Poised ride. And you own the car that's styled like the Thunderbird. \ou can expect more when you trade, too . .. for I' ords have been returning more in resale than any other low-priced car. Take a Test Drive and you'll see why! Only Ford offors Triggor-Torquo powor Whether you choose the 162-h.p. Y-block V-8 or 182-h.p. Special V-8, you get split-second "Go" when you want it. And with new Speed-Trigger Fordomatic Drivo, you're even farther out front . . . automatically. THE NEW BEST SELLER ... soils more because it's worth niore! '55 Ford SQUIBB'S MINERAL OIL EXTRA PINE & EXTRA HEAVY Comb color back into faded hair with KOLOR-BAK $149 5 DAY DEODORANT PADS 59# SIZE PLUS 50* MIRACLE PERFUME GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL $2.50 Vel. (4% BOTH 5 FOR, 4 ^tapstte CREAM DEODORANT Handy Stick ^ Q Form $11 IR0NIZED YEAST TABLETS 60 TABS 78c r3] EXTRA PUFF FREE WITH POND'S POWDER & FOUNDATION $1 MIRRORED CASE Prescriptions Accurately Compounded gillettc Super Speed RAZOR With « Hue tlodes In Styrene Cose $J00 S1.09 Vol. 59c INFANT CARE FORMULA PITCHER 50, PABIUM Cereals 23c SIMILAC Powder .99c B ABY MAGIC Lanolin lotion .... 59c EVENF10 Nipples 3 lor 25c SEE, STEER, STOP SAFELY--tlave your car Safety Checked GARDENING SUPPLIES Weed-No-More with Sprayer ARSENATE o! Lead, lb... LIME SULFUR lb. can BUCK LEAF 40 Plant Spray ... CHL0RDANC Dust - 6%... New whipped DRENE SHAMPOO NO WASTE INSTANT LATHER AEROSOL BOTTLE I NOW IN PIASTIC BLUE JAY PLASTERS FOR CORNS. CALLOUSES,^BUNIONS, WASHABLE 39c BUSS 531 MAIN STREET f i i , n : : . OR PHONE McHENRY 1 BOLGER'S 4S3JEAT TV, FOBD THEATRE, WNBQ, CHANNEL 5 --- 8:80 McHENRY. ILLINOIS P.M. _ THUBSPAVS 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 DRUG STORE McHENRY. ILL. CLEANING FLUID 29c Plus 10% Federal Cteii* Tat on TijlfMj

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