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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1955, p. 14

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Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAWBEALER i ' V' ' : ' i i . , •"; wj1 * " ' * ; " : ; 1 u?wrrKymp '" - Thursday, May26. 1955! Wonder Lake News By Virmw Sella Memorial Day Parade The American Legion parade^ will start at the fire department at * 10:30 a.m. and march to ithe .triangle at Wonder Center. The order of march will be as follows: Rt$e squad with the Colors, guests, Harrison school band. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, CuT^ Scouts, Brownies, 'sulci the fire department of Wonder Lake. Don't forget the dance Saturday night at the Legion Home. Lose Residents A number of Wonder Lake residents have died within recent weeks, many of them of the early pioneering families. (New people are reminded that a pioneer in Wonder Lake goes back only some twelve to fifteen years.) TT. e latest resident to die was Orville Tronsen, Sr., a long £ime resident of Deep Spring: Woods subdivision. Mr. Tronseft and his family have been well known at Wonder Lake for many years. His wife, Una, now employed in Woodstock, his daughter, Orva, a senior at McHenry high school, his son, Orville Tronsen, Jr., and his grandchildren survive. Mr. Tronsen died of a heart attack at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago last Saturday night He 'had suffered a heart attack about eight years «go but fcaid recovered enough from •that to return to his work. Mr. Tronsen was manager and buyer in the music department at (the Fair store for thirty years. This department was operated by the Western Book Stationary company. After his illness, he traveled for the Carl Fisher Music publishers. Another recent death was Mrs. Bertha Lehmann, who made her (home with her son in Hickory Falls. Mrs. Lehmann was 93 . years old. Still another recent death was that of Henry Moder, who died last Thursday at the home of Ihis son, Henry, Jr. Mr. Moder is surviveldl by another son, a daughter and six grandchildren. Moves From Lake The Rev. and Mrs. Frank W. -Anderson -will move this week from Wonder Lake, and they will be sorely missed. Pastor Anderson has -been just as much of a pioneer in his field as (have been some of the men who broke ground with their own hands and built their homes. Eight years ago the Ander. ijons came to the Gospel Center anld under their ministration it became a church. Pastor Anderson "retired" into this pioneering effort. He had just completed thirty-three years as a pastor in Uhe Summerdale Evangelical Free church of Chicago. With vigor he went to work in the new little pastorate, built it to a .point where the congregation almost pushed him and his wife right out of the little home they shared with the dhiurch. Last week, Linn Loshbaugh, chairman of the church board, issued a statement that started like this, "The Wonder Lake Gospel church has found it necessary to very reluctantly accept the .resignation of Pastor Anderson . . ." The statement went on to say that Pastor Anldierson was suffering from an eye condition •tlhat requires surgery, that his vision is failing, and that major surgery on the eyes will be performed June 2. The Andersons will live at 216 W. Evergreen street, Wheaton, and the operation will be performed at Woodlawn hospital in Chicago. Pastor Anderson was bom in Sweden 76 years ago. He came to this country when he was 20 years of age and received his training for the ministry at Trinity college in Cihcago. His first charge was in Joiliet, 111., the second in Nebraska. His third was at the Summerdale churcf.ii, where he gave a ithirkJ of a century to "his work. As he retires now, the only minister of his age in his denomination holding a pastorate, he rounds out a full half century of service to his church. When asked for information for this story, he modestly said, "Don't make it -too flowery, now." There are those who would ask could it be too flowery for a man of ftis achievements. Asked about the future, he talked courageously of the time after the operation. "I want to work again," he said. And we know that he will -- with or v9ithout sight. Remember the Dead "Remember the deaidi, and help the disabled," will be the silent prayer of every woman selling poppies Friday at the crossroads of every part of Wonder Lake. The sale of the poppies is a project of tfte American Legion auxiliary to aid disabled veterans' and their dependants. On June 4, the Wonder Lake auxiliary will hold a bailee sale ami veterans' craft sale at the Wally Dean meat market. The Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Attdtao of Indian Ridge, received oine of two Arion awarers given toy McHenry high school, am honor given those who have done out* standing work in band or orpublic is invited to attend and chestra. The other awandl went purchase goodie^. T"J" ™ J Nativity Church •• Pastor Burton Schroeder of Nativity Lutheran church at Wonder Lake is attending the annual meeting of the Illinois Synod of the United Lutheran church in America at Dixon. Also attending, 4as a lay representative, is Ted Leckband of Wonder Lake. Sunday, at botlh services of the Nativity church, Pastor Schroekier will preach on the topic, "Our Holy Calling.". Sunday evening, the Luther League bowling team will meet ait the church at 5:30 and go to Johnsburg for a party. Gets Scholarship Peggy Selsdorf, daughter of the James Selsdorfs of Indian jRidge, was honored at Northwestern university last Sunday wf-'en she was given one of three University Guild scholarships. Peggy, a junior in the journalism school, was chosen for the award because of her general good citizenship, scholarship and other fine qualities. She is also a member of Theta Sigma Phi, national honorary journalism sorority, and will be president of the standards committee of her house next year. MJps. Selsdorf and daughter, Jean, were present on Honors Day to see Peggy receive her scholarship. Peggy was graduated from both Harrison school in Wonder Lake and McHenry high school. House Guest Last Week Miss Joy Mangold of Johnsburg was a house guest at the home of Sandi Sells all last week while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mangold, were in Iowa. to Judy Freund of McHenry. The awards were made at the annual spring music festival of Che high school, given a week ago in the gymnasium. 1upson raffic Safety , CHARLES F. CARPENTIER Secretary o f1 State This "Tip" is a further discussion of our theme last week--making sure other drivers as well as pedestrians are aware of your presence on the street or highway. Most drivers^and pedestrians who threaten your path do so becauBe they have not seen you or because they think you will be able CAMERA ENTHUSIASTS ELIGIBLE TO ENTER STATE PARK CONTEST Photographs of Illinois State Park scenes taken by amateur camera enthusiasts between April 1 and August 1 will be eligible for prizes in Governor "William G. Stratton'js state parks photo contest. The state Division of Department Reports and tibe Division of Parks and Memorials will supervise the competition which opened the weekend >of April 1. There are sixteen Illinois state parks in which pictures for the contest may be taken. In northern. Illinois they are: Apple River Canyon and Mississippi PalisadfiaaLparks in the, extreme northwest; Black Hawk, near Rock Island; Illinois Beach, near Waiukegaai; White Pines, near Dixon; Starved Rock, near Utica; Channahon Parkway, near Channahan; and Mattihiessen, near Qglesby, Judging off all photos entered in the competition will be done by a committee odf members of the Illinois Press Photographers association. The best' photo submitted in the contest will win a full week's free vacation at any state park for 'the entrant and Ihia or her immediate family. Weekend free vacation awards also will be made to those submitting the photo considered the best of each of tfhie sixteen parks. The complete 'list of awards remains ito be arranged and will be announced during the course of the contest. Governor Sitrafaton will present (the awards to winners (during the Illinois State -Fair, Aug. 12-21. All photos should be submitted in black amd white prints, 5x7 inches. Negatives should accompany am entries and technical data concerning type of film, exposure, shutter speed and other details familiar to camera fans shoodd be supplied. Of course, tills does not rule out camera fans' who operate tjue ever popular box type camera wfhich has only a shutter to push an# no fancy gadgets to adjust for picture taking purposes. Full details concerning the contest may be obtained at most camera supply stores, state park custodians or by writing the Division of Department Reports, Room 406, State House, Springfield. MAYOR ISSUES PROCLAMATION FOR POPPY DAY MAY 28 Following is the proclamation concerning Poppy Day, May 28, issued < by Mayor George P. Freund. Whereas: By authority of Congress, The American Legion Post No. 491 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4600, will conduct ytftoeir annual Poppy sale for the purpose of bringing aid .to our needy veterans, their dependents „ and the straitened survivors of veterans: And Whereas: All Contributions given in'return for poppies are used exclusively for the purpose intended; And Whereas: Bringing aid to those who have suffered from war that this nation might 'live is a most fitting tribute to 'those who died; for us; I, George p.-'<fSreund, Mayoir ' of the city of McHenry, do herei^., by authorize tfce American Le* - gion Post No. 491 and its ladies' auxiliary and the Fox River VaJ* ley Post No. 4600, of 'the Voter* ans of Foreign' Wars and its ladies' auxiliary to offer for sale . to the citizens of McHenry, the-0 Poppy as made by ithe disabled veterans in government hospitals! The day of the sale shall he May 28, 1955. | I earnestly urge each of our citizens to support this most worthy of causes . -- to help - •those now in need. wfro helped America when her need was - greatest. ' Attest: . George P. •: IBVeiuid, Mayor Earl R. Walsh, City- Clerk Savings Invested Lake Savings aad 21/2% plus y2% extra. in Crystal Loan eara^ 23tf" Secure License A Wonder Lake girl, Mary Fosnaugh, and Maybuirn Hoffman of Crystal Lake secured a marriage license at the court house on May 21. Gets Arion Award Virginia Audino, daughter of to keep out of their way. You will be safer if you will make sure they know where you are. Flicking your lights or a gentle touch on the horn will alert them. , Once they know you are there, you can both cooperate in avoiding ah accident. But be sure to give your warning early enough so that if they ignore it, you will still have time to avoid the accident by your own actions. 1 A copy of the completely hew "RuleB or the Road" booklet will be sent to you free upon request. Write to CHARLES F. CARPENTIER, Secretary of State, Springfield, Illinois. MILLIE'S PIZZA Phone Wonder Lake 8601 ITALIAN SPAGHETTI . . . w i t h Meat B a l l s or S a u s a g e • HAMBURGERS Located at the Entrance of Wonder Woods Drive, Wonder Lake, I1L WONDER Directory of CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates 6 Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 • Washing • Tires One block So. Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Greasing • Batteries of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 BUD'* STREET'S Radio If you have news items p interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. Shop Located Above Hickory Falls "66" Station Phone Wonder Lake 5572 or 4442 DEAN'S GROCERY.& MARKET WONDER LAKE, ILL Is Now Accepting Classified Advertising For Ea McHenry Plalndealer All Ads For Thursdays Paper Jfust Be Placed By 5 p.m. on Tuesday Phone Wonder Lake 6681 It's a proud moment when he stands with his diploma in his hand . . . and he deserves the best. Your gift on this occasion will be remembered and apprec#; iated. Give him something useful . . . something to wear. Skipper Sport Shirts in all the new shades. Short sleeves $2*95 to $5.95 Long sleeves $3.95 to $7.95 Van Heusen Shirts in colorful shades of pink, mint, yellow, helio, cream, or white. $3.95 to $4.95 Van Heusen or Wilson Ties to compliment the new shirt and suit shades. Choose from a wide selection. $1.50 to $2.50 Paris Belts featuring colorful woven webs in many combinations or fine leathers. $1.50 to $5.00 Gaucho T Shirts Featherlock knits 'that really hold their shape after many washingB. Colorful combinations are being featured. $2.95 to $5*95 Jockey T Shirts $1.25 Jewelry Swank originals are being showti in colors to accent the shirt and suit shades., CUFF LINKS $1.65 to $5.50 TIE BARS $1.10 to $2.75 SETS $2.75 to $6.60 If you are still In doubt, give him a Gift Certificate in any amount you wish. McGEE'S STORE FOR MEN PHONE 47 117 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. Open Daily: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Fridays: 8 $,m. to 9 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. 'til Noon Grand Opening ED & JOHN'S Wonder Lake Standard Service Center Phone Wonder Lake 8241 - 3463 May 27-28-29 F R E E ! ! ICe CREAM - CANDY - BALLOONS POP - CIGARS YOU MAY WIN 2 LAWN CHAIRS FREE STOP IN AND REGISTER NOTHING TO BUY Oil PAY! 'If you can't stop in -- smile'as you go by" You expect more from and get It! DEADTIHED? You may be dangerously faxing your entire system when you allow fatigue, nervousness--poor appetite and sleepless nights to drag you down BECAUSE YOUR BODY 15 VITAMIN AND IRON STARVED.* •Than ftymptomt may have other CMiBtt •r fee 4u* tp functional disorder*. When you lack strong, red blood -- whan your system U vit«min-»tar»ed you mu$t feel li»tle«*--n«rvoui--irritable. Thi* it because weak blood it circulating through your tyitem, taxing your heart--putting a burden on every vein--capillary and artery in your body! StartbuildlngrlchredbloodFAST with Bexel Special Formula Each high-potency BEXEL Special Formula capsule give* you 5 timet the daily minimum requirement* of iron; more than the daily minimum requirement* of all the B-vitamint that doctor* will tell you are esitntial for proper nutrition; plus Vitamin B12 and trace mineral*. Theie wonderfully strengthening capsules are recommended for mothers-to-be, When a sufficiency of iron and vitamins is vitally important to their health. Also especially important if you are over 40. Tbke 2 capsule* daily for double potency. Penny for penny -- you get MOM value in high-potency BEXEL SpeeM formula Capsules Feel better--look better-' Work better OR YOUR MONEY BACK! A McKESSON PRODUCT BOLGER 'S drug store PHONE 40 10S So. Green St. McHenry, HL Most Trucks Your Money Can Buy! Fresher air in all kinds of weather. New High-Level ventilation takes in air through louvers at cowl TeveL Styling Ihat works for you. In two design treatments -- styling that catches the eye, calls attention to your business. 4 Come In and see the most modern trucks for any job .; s / CHEVROLET/k New Overdrive. Optional at extra cost on Yi -ton . models; Hydra- Matic optional on Vi-, 3A~ and 1- ton models. Only new Chevrolet Task-Force trucks bring you all these truly modern features I If you don't get these up-to-the-minute • • • • • • advantages, you're getting an old-fashioned truck--and stand to take a licking at trade-in tim^I The latest in cab comfort and safety. More durable construction; softer seat action;- many new conveniences. New concealed safety step. A safety featuresteps stay clear of ice and mud. Out of sight with doors closed. New panoramic windshield. For a broader, safer view of the rpad. And there's more glass area, all around. Tubeless tires standard on %- ten models. Greater blowout protection -- they deflate more slowly if punctured. New suspension, front and rear. For a smoother ride. Frames are more durable with full parallel side members. Power Brakes standard on 2-ton models. An extracost option on all others. Reduce driver effort; add to safety. King-size 12-volt electrical system. Count on quicker starts even in cold weather, and still have a husky reserve of power. Power Steering. Driving's so much easier "with turning effort reduced as much as 80%. Available as an extra-cost option. Year offer •year, America's best selling truck I New Chevrolet. Trucks LARK CHEVROLET 204 W. ELM STBEET PHONE 277 McHENH$£lLL.

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