c"®rr Twin LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By Marcc 11a FOBS Village News During this next week there Will be a census taken of the Village. The two women doing this work will be Pat Morrison and Jean Booster. The reason for thisy^ensus is as follows: It is possible our population has increased 200 or better in the past few years and under law we are committed to taking a census at this time. If we have increased our population this amount we will be allowed a motor fuel tax allotment increase of perhaps $1,000 or more a year, which will give us more ,to work with On the improvements of our roads. Also, there have been inquiries from light industries on types of employment available out here which will aid oiur village also. A full 100 per cent cooperation is expected from all in regard to this matter and the census takers will appreciate your cooperation; Sewerage Problems It has been brought to our attention that a few folks are letting their septic tanks and cesspools run onto other people's property and the drains are let open. This is a very unsanitary condition and the proper authorities will have to take drastic j steps unless the property owners, do something about this condition immediately. Remember, the i children are all out playing now and nothing is more contagious j thart dirty septic tank water for j the children to be running around; in. Please, offenders, take care of this5 problem right away. reavement and are sure he has many happy memories to look back on of the sixty-one years of married life spent with Emma. Her memory will live with us a very long time. Booster Family The Booster family had quite a busy weekend this past week but it was all real pleasure for them. On Saturday night, Kenny Booster becariie a Star Scout and received the following merit awards: Scholarship, citizenship in home, reading, marksmanship and cooking. His nauther was presented with a miniature pin of his star " achievement. After receiving all these awards, Kenny danced at a benefit performance in the Legion hall. Congratulations to the Boosters on having such a wonderful citizen in their son. Larry Booster was very happy to have Myrtle Booster, his mother, home to help celebrate his birthday on Sunday. Happy birthday, LaVry. Children of Lakemoor N6w that you are all out playing all day, please consider your neighbors' property and do not do any damage to their homes and grounds. Also, the gravel and stones are on the roads for one purpose and that is for cars to ride over and people to walk on and hot for the children to throw the stones at people's windows and other children and animals. IIA Card and Bunco Party Id&t Saturday night the LI A club'held a very successful card and bunco party to raise funds for their share of the maintenance; of the community-fire house. Profit of $107 was made at this affair. Jenny McDermott, chairman of the affair, wishes to .thank all of the men and women who helped her in making .this such a success. Before the party began, installation of officers was held, with Mr. McDermott as installing officer. The new officers of the club are president, Stewart Clark; secretary- treasurer, Ann Brzezinski; trustees, Erna Hoppert, Alice Wade and Anna Bolda. All outgoing and in-coming officers received corsages and the men received boutonnieres. Marcella Foss, out-going president, received a beautiful brunch coat from the club as a gift. Refreshments were served after cards and bunco. Community singing took place in the course of the evening.' Mr. Clarke announced that at the July meeting w^vwill discuss plans for the beach party in August, at which time we hope to have an outside "pig barbecue." This meeting will be -ope* and all are invited to attend. Birthdays Tony Leon celebrated his birthday on Sunday. On Saturday evening his son, Nickie, and his wife and son cam6 out to wish him a happy birthday and on Sunday his daughter, Anna, and her family came over to help eat the cake and ice cream. Friday evening the pinochle club, of which Alice Wade is an honorary member, surprised her wi4th a small party for her birthday. Alice was eating her dinner when in walked Irene Leon, Claire Forbes. Marcella Foss, Helen Para, Rita Erickson, "T"' Geiger, Ann Brzezinski and Dorothy Wrublewski with food/ and gifts for the honored guest. Alice was thrilled and enjoyed herself very much with all of us. Henry Fast will observe his birthday on Saturday and will be 82 years of age on this day. award for high scholarship and was also the winner of the Kiwanis award. Lorette Lubke, daughter of the Nathan Lubkes, received the honor award for maintaining a 4.5 average "ofc above throughout her four years of high' school. Congratulations to the children and the parents on these achievements. ^ Bible School News Saturday, June 18, is the Bible school picnic. All children are to meet at the fire house at 10 a.m. '(Lakemoor children). It will be at Veteran Acres ih Crystal * Lake. Parents are invited to attend. The children are asked to bring two lunches with them. It will be from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closing exercises will be Sunday, June 19, at 7 p.m. at the Masonic hall in McHenry. All parents are invited to attend this closing. Awards will be given at that time and a king and queen &f each department will be chosen. Illness We a^e all Very sorry to learn that Mae Patterson is again in Memorial hospital and hope that she will soon be home and on her way to a speedy recovery. Come on, folks, get out the cards and send them to Mae. I am sure they will cheer her up in her time of illness. Out of Town Company Last week, Mr. and. Mrs.. Cleve Wade were surprised with company from Wichita Falls, Texas. They were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Curl. Mr. Curl is in the Air Firce. Also at this time, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuth and children, Cleve's nephew and niece, and two girls friends, Marie Logiudice and Pat Reynolds, of Chicago were out. , Receives Award Donald Kibbe was the recipient of a swimming merit badge at the court of honor of Satyrday night. Congratulations, Don. School Awards The community is very proud of the honors received by two of their children upon graduation last week. Rosemary Mercure received the Chamber of Commerce It Pays to Shop At Home HARNESS RACING Seven days of harness jhorse racing, the triple-A sactioned 100 mile auto race and National Championship motorcycle races make up the speed contests for the 1955 Illinois State Fair and constitute the most ambitious race progrem ever presented by the Prairie state's great agricultural exposition. The estimated prize money for harness racing is *i$415,000. Of that sum, $235,000 wilV^be offered in the state fair colt stakes Monday, Aug. 15 -- largest purse ever given in a single day of harness racing. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says Our armed forces prelect u$ from enemies without. The knowledges, ideals and activities developed in schools protect us within and without. Illinois Education Association Add spice to Dad's life me FOR MEN After Shove lollon 1.00 and 1.75 -wn"""- Pressuring Smooth Shavo 1.00 Shaving 1.25 Stick Deodorant 1,00 (Refill .75) Shaving Cream (Lather or Brushl**) M Father's Day--June 19 Talcum, Pressurized Smooth Shave, letion 3.00 9 A Lotion, Cologne, for eleclricjbover* 2.00 PricM plus lax oxeopt on Shoving Cream and j Bolger S drug store ** PHONE 40 103 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. Obituary The community of Lakem was saddened again week by the sudden passing of Mrs. Emma Fast. Although Mrs. Fast had not been in the best of health, her (death came as a shock to all of us. She took ill on Wednesday of last week and on Friday at 5:30 p.m. she was taken to Memorial hospital for x-rays and while her husband was in the waiting room she passed away on the x-ray table. On the way to the hospital she was in the best of spirits although in pain. To Henry we express our sympathy in his be- Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Ajdd file cost of cleaning thjg man's rain-s o a k e d and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help in a hundred different wajns. When you need W.4 Give dad the tools he needs Do this yourself ... for him! for his home workshop! Finest thing you can do for a "Do-It-Yourself" Dad! Whether he htfc a well-fitted workshop, or keeps a few tools in a corner of the 'basement, we can help you select a real handyman's glffr that will gladden Dad's heart. We have everything from hammer and nails to wonder-working power tools. So, do this yourself . . , come in, buy Dad a "Do-It- Yourself" gift now. Benefit JOHNSBURG COMMUNITY CLUB at MEMORIAL PARK JUNE 24-25-26 $ 500" CASH PRIZES Bernz-Omaiic Torch .. $ 6.95 Mall y4 -in. Electric Drill ... $21.95 Automatic Yankee Screwdriver ... $ 3.98 Speedway Electric Saw ... $29.95 Autograf Plumb Hammer ... $ 3.75 >4-in. Drill Attach. Mall Hedgeirimmer ... $16.50 Adj. Bench Vise ... $ 4.75 VYCITAL'S Hardware PHONE 98 ISO S. Green Street McHenry, m. FERRIS WHEEL MERRY-GO -ROUND KIDDIE RIDES Games - Refreshments !ll:U!IMIilMiriil!i;MiM:ri;iil!|!l!lilll!|IMilllil^ FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE Beginning at 6:00 P. M. \ \ 75c per person BUWIIIil!lll!lttil3^llilil>ril!l,ini!l!litil!l1lililllllir4!lll!|l|i|ilinillllilllll)tll)|jrJillliUI';l>lllllil:lil:lil!lll!rillil9llilll(lillBI|inil>lll<nil1t!l8iini1l9Bnil;|!M:IMIIiti'ri;f FAMILY STYI£ ROAST BEEF DINNER SUNDAY Beginning at 12 Noon \ Adults Children 75'
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