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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1955, p. 11

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mm. Thursday. June 30, 195S MCHENRY PLAINDEALEH Wonder Lake News By VaneaM Sells Stat%MWater Safety Two beaches are being used at Wonder Laft$< for water safety instruction. Tne North Irtdian Ridge beach has lessons for the children of the community on Monday _ and Wednesday afternoons and the Silver Beach in Wonder Woods has lessons on those mornings:.*- T Barbara Stfipp, - who heads the athletic progtsim for Woodstock's grade schools, is serving as instructor in -Wonder Lake. Guards at both are Nancy , Swanson of1*'Wonder Lake and Tom MoricQj4,. Woodstock. At Lake Joe a n<lr.«| Frances Riegel of California have: been visiting at Wonder Lake. They are former residents of Indian Ridge. They have been house guests of the. Leo Petersons and visited the Carl Markses and the Victor Milbrandts, among others. Gospel Church Gets Pastor • At a meeting of the elders of the Gospel , church of Wonder Lake on Monday night, it was decided to hire the Rev. Richard Wright of Muskegon, Mich., as the new pastor of the church. The Rev. Mr. Wright is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He is married and has a three-year-old son. He will preach at the church Sunday morning and Sunday evening. c ily is residing in Fairbanks, Alaska. Business and Professional Women's Club The McHenry county Business and Professional Women's club is continuing to hold meetings through the summer months and Che July meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, July dfc will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy W. McEachren out at Wonder Lake, at 6 p.m. Holiday Celebration The July 4 parade will start at 11 o'clock Monday morning as a feature of the holiday celebration planned by the Legion post. Decorated wagons, bikes and buggies are desired as entries by the young people. . Free ice cream for the kiddies will be served Monday afternoon at the Legion home. The fireworks display, which promises to be a colorful-attraction, will start between 8:30 and 9:30 Sunday evening. A collection will be taken up Saturday and Sunday, to be used to defray expenses incurred by the Legion in presenting this annual display. Seeing is ifoU?uvHUL I&PHAT 15 TH CENTURY GERMAN SPARKED THE NEED FOR EYEGLASSES BY INVENTINGTHE PROCESS OF PRINTING FROM MOVABLE TYPE 9 Se£ NAMHEG fIiN£V ERTED OH3QN3J.PB S3NN\fHor WHEN THE SIGHT OF ONE EYE MUST BE BLOCKER AIM OCCLUDER WHICH LOOKS VERY MUCH LIKE A REGULAR LENS IS AVAILABLE, SAYS THE BETTER VISION INSTITUTE. A 3-YEAR STUPY BY NORTH CAROLINA EXPERTS SHOWED DRIVERS WITH NO^ ACCIDENT RECORDS GENERALLY HAVE . BETTER VISION THAN; ACCI DENT- REPEATERS. Black topi» Accident A Hebron teen-ager was in- . jured last Tuesday in an accident on <£oui$£ road near the Phillips gass|?; station. Barbara Courta'de, 14^Was a passenger in a car <}ri$6h by Gene Pollet, 19, also of j^^ron. Pollet was driving" a car which was involved in a crash with a car driven by Harold Armstrong of Hickory Falls. Police issued a ticket against Pollet for not having a driver's license and Armstrong signed a warrant charging that Pollet was driving on the wrong side of the road. Make Settlement A settlement was made in county court last week of $1500 for Robert Qstrom, 6, who was hurt on the McCullom Lake road in March of t^iis year. The child v was waiting for a school bus and darted in front of a car driven by Frank" Cbrrado of Wonder Lake. The,, Kjnuogster suffered a ^ fra.ctur§d ^skuU and arm in the. accident. Police said, at the time of the accident, that Corra'do swerved the car in a vain effort to avoid striking the Running qhild. The Ostrortl) child's father was drowned in May of last year while fishing in the Rock river near Beloit, Wis. His mother is now married again and the fam- Approve Family Group Activity The trend today is for families to do more planning, working and playing together, says a family relations specialist at the University of Illinois. According ' to Miss Margueritte Briggs, loyalty, morale, and unity are all strengthened by family group activity, and a climate is produced in which the child can learn and develop adequately. Miss Briggs summarizes these advantages of family group activity: You learn to know your child better, and he learns to know you. He learns to work and play by doing. He accepts family responsibilities because he's in on the planning and feels he's respected as a family member. Another advantage of family group activity is that the family learn to work together for a common goal -- whether it be a job or a game. And this unity will help them withstand periods of j stress. j But even when your family is i sharing in group activities, re- -i member that you cannot expect your child to be a perfectionist. It is far better to keep him interested and eager to participate than to stress that he do his part as well as an adult. The child's attitude is much more im^ portant than is the end product of some project. v DESMOND FORTNER ELECTED COMMANDER DISABLED VETERANS Desmond C. Fortner of Carmi, 111., was elected Illinois department commander, . Disabled American Veterans, on Sunday, June 26, at the thirty-third annual convention held at the Leland hotel, Aurora. He succeeds Nicholas O. Isaacson of Crystal Jjake. Fortner was born Nov. 24. 1914. at Port Worth, Texas, but AN ESTIMATED 95% OF THE AMERICANS OVER 60 YEARS OLD HAVE VISUAL TROUBLES. SUMMER TRAINING Summer training on land and water has been planned for more than 10,000 officers and men of the Illinois National Guard and Illinois Naval Militia, according to an announcement by Maj. Gen. Leo M. Boyle, adjutant general. Various units of the Guard will train at camps in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota. A schedule for training cruises for members of the Naval Militia is being arranged with the United States Navy. Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars FOOD CHOICES When the American housewife shops at her supermarket, she has a choice of 4,693 short-cut foods -- the most dazzling array of prepared pre-cooked and ready-to-eat foods the world has ever seen. If she wished she could serve her family two different foods every meal, every day, for two years and 52 days without once duplicating a food. A fascinating conjecture, especilly to anyone bored with his current carte du jour. EDDIE the EDUCATOR A mm Owr Legislature will toon adjourn. I'm grateful that we have elected representatives. We teachers teach and h^ve faith in representative government* Illinois Education Association has been a resident of Illinois since 1928. He has served the DAV with distinction, having held many posts of responsibility and trust. His knowledge of the disabled veteran and his dependents is manifold. Fortner is "general manager of the Spear Oil company in Carmi, where he resides with Jiis wife. Prudence. He is the father of five children -- three sons. William, D., David L., and Ronald D„ and two daughters, Virginia Elizabeth and Barbara Jean. Twenty-nine countries belonging to the League of Red Cross societies have contributed emergency relief valued at $200,000 for the 60,000 men, women and children made homeless by the Greek, earthqual^es of late April. feasil?'* -"'jgggl ANNOUNCING •he GRAND of NORMA'S CENTER SHOP Wonder Center, Wonder Lake, I1L SAT., SUN. & MON., JULY 2-3-1 Hours: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Everyone Cordially Invited To Attend! • FREE GIFTS -- DOOR PRIZES' -- TREATS ,J i Headquarters for HOUSEWARES, NOTIONS, TOYS & GAME, BEACH ACCESSORIES, etc. t It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindeater be, a Hf irst nighier. . . T heatrkal productions / flC • presents nun 11 M II itm Liiiiiinin inm i MM i inn i i SHOP AT HOME iiii(tiriiHlll!i:iii:iiliui:iiriiiliii ten complete weeks of professional summer theatre entertainment featuring a select company from chlcago e goodman theatre. visit Woodstock's famed opera house ev^ry week-end this summer - „ it's air conditioned. > "the moon 16 •blue" '"angel street" "on monday next" S air coxiaxbJLuuot niqhf - yu/c/ / i reservations now. phone Woodstock ^490 ^ |»90 - #1.25 - #1.50 .^the country girl- / "you touched me* "the time of the cuckoo" • "ladles In retirementu "dream girl" ®1 found aprll" original rru9lcal revue Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars Classified Ads bring results. Business and Service Directory of WONDER LAKE CRIS and STENDEBACH General Contractors < NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates & Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 Ed & John's Wonder Lake Standard Service Phone: W. L. 8241 or 8463 All Minor Mechanical Repairs • Lubrication # Washing # Tirest Accessories If you can't stop in lie as you go by!" You Expect "STAHDARD) «•£££» And Get It! Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing # Greasing • Tires • Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 BUD" STREET'S Radio Shop Located Above Hickory Falls "66" Station Phone Wonder Lake 5572 or 4442 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. Something NEW has been ADDED to MARK'S Sporting Goods - Marine Supplies THE 11 ANNEX ## This completely NEW ADDITION is another step in which we here at MARX'S will be able to serve you better and faster . . . THE ANNEX will have on display a host of new merchandise such as: Bar-B-Q Equipment, Lawn and Marine Furniture, Bicycles (by Schwinn), Complete Line of All Paints (by DuPont), Boats, Motors and Trailers, Camping Equipment, Marine Accessories, Fireplace Equipment and many, many other items ... we invite you to stop in and look around "THE ANNEX". You'll be glad you did. MARKS SPORTING GOODS MARINE SUPPLIES HOBBY SHOP 212 So. Green St. Phone 1000 McHenry, 111. & " your old recapable CHAMPIONS So MUCH Tire at so LOW a Price & $ SUPER CHAMPIONS Size 7.60 -15 ££< $2065 I *18*° Plus Tax Exchange if your old tire is reeappable. YOU BUY THEM . . . COME IN TODAYll GOOD USED 6:00 x 16 Farm Wagon Tires BATTERIES for all makes CARS & TRUCKS WE INSTALL LIQUID IN TIRES • EXPERT TIRE REPAIRS Re-Capping Re-Treading Also large selection Up t« $5.00 trade-in On Your Farm or • Vulcanizing of all other sbfes for your old Battery in Our Shop McHENRY TIRE MART 526 Main Street WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Props. Phone: 294 or 295-J McHenry, HL .

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