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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1955, p. 18

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Eighteen JTHE McHENRY PI^I^IgALER McCullom Lake News By Eve Levesque Miss Delores Piotrowski celebrated her natal day last Tuesday, June 28. In the absence of Jake Levesque, John Boyle presided over the first summer meeting of the Cullom-Knoll association, held at the beach. S.unday, June 26. About thirty-five people attended. \ Routine business were discussed. Theater Party- Miss Marlow Peterson, a shy sweet 7 on June 18, took her young guests, namely brother, Corky, Nancy Burg, Joanne Reid. Charlene and Bernadine matters Reid, Diane Burg, Delores Pioi trowski. Bonnie Burg, Carol and _ 1 Billy Aalto and Jimmy Burg to Zoning Meeting j the local theater for her birth Was held at the beachhouse j day. Wednesday, June 22, with Bill in th"SterS Were treat6d t0 ornatelyi wedding"anniversary "of his parabsence of Otto Ebert. trimmed cupcakes and ice cream ents Mr and Mrs. Roy Massow. Z&rt\in th' Persons' lovely yard. Mr and Mrs. Frank Surz asked bv persons attending I MiSS Sutter °* Chicago, , spread the welcome mat last which were promptly and effic^^'3.^ ^ >T~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ nnaurpriprii * ; tertain the Small fry. Miss Sutter is spending the summer with,the Petersons. Disa and Data Mrs. Jake Kantorski played hostess to a meeting of the Cousin's club at her home Sunday, June 19. Among the cousins attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klemmer, Mrs. Pearl Klemmer and daughter, Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Loesch and son, Kenneth, Mrs. Carrie Sesko, and j Mrs. Lillian Lasitshka. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busse ! motored to Lombard, HI., hist ! weekend to attend the birthday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thoma Recently spent a week with our gal, Mary Danielson. Last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. William Lonergan spent the day there. This week, Mary has the pleasure of entertaining her young great-grandsofi, Wally. This is his first visit alone with her. His mother, Mrs. jean ^Markovic, at tended a class reunion at the: American Legion hall last weekend. Thursday* June 30,-1955 Low-Calorie For Cool Fourth . party for their young grandson, After the cartoons, the young- I Bruce, and also the nineteenth ientlv answered. This particular ordinance became effective as of June 22, Anyone desiring further information may, obtain same from Otto fibert or any member of the committee. | A Gay Weekend j Five vivacious young ladies j were the guests of Miss Alice Thcmsen last weekend. The gals ; had a merry time bathing, sun- I ning. dancing, but mostly just t loafing .They were Connie An- I dersen. who is betrothed to i Freddie Thomsen; Barbara Maida, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Surz and son, Gerajd, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jablonski and chil-. dren, Gale and Jimmy. Gale recently turned 3. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Artemenko of Berwyn, 111., celebrated Eleanor's . birthday at Bernice and Whitey's June 18. The Artemenkos - left for California last week. Mr. and Mrs. "Dulce" Adams of McHenry enjoyed festivities Something Ne\y Alas and alack, now its terib bage the "boys" are enthused about. Their years are beginning to show; it used to be girls! Taking part in this "violent exercise" to date are George H a r k e r, "Spots" Steadman, "Whitey" Bjork, Jake Levesque, Joe DeMar, Bud Cable and the cribbage king of McHenry, Walt Freund, Sr. Anyone wishing to get in oh the tournament which is in the planning stage, please contact Whitey Bjork. Fun Festival Excitement and enthusiasm is picking up momentum as the Fun Festival draws near. The kids in the community Novak, Vivian Waroaes, Anne j at Bernice and Whitey's Tuesday, have been doing odd jobs trying Munson and Barbara Moore. A J June 28, in honor of Mrs. Adam's to pick up extra change so they fine time was had by the group, i birthday. The Northern Illinois may really avail themselves of judging bv their happy expres- ' Bowmen joined in on the fun. the rides and games which will, sion5 " I Dorie and Bill Brennan markbe for their pleasure. | Major League Material ! ed their wedding anniversary Nine little prospective queens1 Our young lads are really j June 21 by stepping "but on the have been registered for the burning up the scoreboards. The *mvn- Miss McCullom Lake contest. Little Leaguers, sponsored by the I Ttiey are Lynn Hammerstein. ; Wonder Lake Kiwanis, "whup- ! What A Racket Darlene Tails, Sally Anne Hocin. j - wonder Lake by a very! Frank Passalaqua is corn- Barbara Kay DeMar. Bonnie i ciose margin of 7-6 last week ; pletely "doing over" the interior Burg, Deborah Myer. Kathj during an exhibition game. Teddy j °f his home. So he cozily invited Doran. Marlow Peterson. Janet j Hocin drove in the winning run. ! his lovely wife, Anne's niece and Hansen and Lynne Schultz. The The first game of the season > husband. Mr. and Mrs. Paul age bracket has been opened to wJJJ ^ played tomorrow night, ; Sheinbrum, out for the weekend, include youngsters from 4 july j at McDonald's field at ' What else could Paul do but- 6:30 p.m. St. Pat's will be their | pitch in and help? The girls did opponents. The public is invited I manage to get in a little sun of course. through age 7. Registration closed Wednesday, June 29. Meetings are being held every Tuesday night at the beachhouse at 8 p.m. There are many jobs open for anyone wishing to participate. Pee you there. June Nuptials Zion Lutheran church in McHenry \f-as the scene of a lovely June wedding which took place last Saturday at 2 p.m. Cpl. John Cunningham and Miss Dorothy Kronke of Lakemoor were joined in marriage. John has ten more months to serve with the. Air Force, so the young couple will take up housekeeping after his discharge. Dorothy and John left after the ceremony for a short honeymoon in Wisconsin. May God add His blessings to this union. bathing. Oooo-la- la!! To Train For Priesthood !*Young Ronnie Nitz recently spent a week at the Salvatorian seminary in St. Nazianz, Wis., to get a taste of what the future will hold in store for him. He will enter the seminary in Sep tember and will attend for six years as a prelude to his education for tl»e priesthood. They Get Around ( We mean Irene and Leo Sales, ! naturally. In honor of their i thirty-first wedding anniversary, j they attended a relative's wedding in Chicago Saturday, June 25. Miss Debbie Sales, their wee granddaughter, was hostess at her fourth birthday party in Arlington Heights on Sunday, June 26. and of course, the fond grandparents attended this festive occasion. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sales of McHenry. Man Around The House Greetings To Ma Olsen on her seventysecond birthday, today, June 30. And she's proud of everyone of them!! Change Of Face Next week, the column will be in the capably hands of Paul Struck, who is a most profes sional scribe. Most of you have had the pleasure of reading Yardstick's talented and humorous writings a few years back. Your reporter and family are taking off for parts unknown for a few days. Please get your news to Paul by Friday night, July 1. That is the deadline for next week, due to the holiday. He can be reached at 566-J-2 any evening. We know the change of pace will give you reading enjoyment. See you in two weeks with lots to tell. Bye, bye! Lend Unci* Sam Your Dollars Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Time Marches On Lottie and Gene Piotrowski marked fifteen years of broken rolling pins yesterday, June 29. Just to prove how much he cares, Gene is taking his little woman out for dinner tomorrow night. McHENRY'S Newest General Contractor J. R. LEVESQUE & Co. Residential -- Commercial ALL TYPES of REMODELING "FREE ESTIMATES" PHONE: McHENRY 537-W-2 Flash w Anyone having Illinois license number 372221, please call 537-W-2. PROFEJSIOnRL B and B EXTERIOR DECORATING Free Estimates Fritzches Estates PHONE 560-R-2 DR. G. B. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Hon, Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Band - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, ID. Phone MoHenry 580-M-l Sand limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging TeL McHenry 1338 Box 640, Rt 1, McHenry, 111. only 9he GAS,r efrigerator with no moving parts can give you • .. mia A. P. FREUND & SONS Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 204-M McHenry, ni PERMANENT SILENCE NO COSTLY REPAIRS (no noisy moving parts) (no moving parts to wear out) WA1KJ^0IE ICE CUBESAUYCIMATICALLY (no trays to fill . . . or spill) Wm 10 YEAR WARRANTY (Twice as long as other refrigerators) iPi y • • • and the modern GAS REFRIGERATORS SeJj EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE 'HN^ Auto, Farm & Life Imnn^^ Representimg RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance ol Any Kind PHONE 43 or 95S Cfaea ft Elm McHenry, m. SGHBOEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Miles Souht on Rt; 81 PHONE 980 offer you these up-to-the-minute features: • Stain and acid-resistant ica-bluo porcelain interior • Roll-out shelves that ad{ust fully up or dawn • Constant cold ... no "on-off" fluctuations • Automatic defrosting • Roomy, separate freezer compartment • 12-position cold control. "Trip-Saver" handles • • . they "nudge" open ASK ABOUT: TRADE IN ALLOWANCE S • $2.98 per week terms i • 34 month ^payment plan the new SERVEL GAS Refrigerators of your dealer's or our nearest store I Phone Enterprise 1441 EUMINATE disease dose enforcement of an emergency act passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor William G. Stratton in 1953 has practically eliminated Illinois outbreaks of vesicular exanthema, A serious swine disease widely prevalent in the state three years aS°. Stillman J. Stanard, director of the state Department of Argiculture, reported this showing. The disease is caused by feeding hogs uncooked garbage containing meat scrips from infected. animals, and was checked by requiring thorough cooking of garbage, fed to livestock, Stanard said.- Declare your own independence from a hot and hectic Fourth of July with a cool retreat like this: a shady spot out of rocket range, and tall, frosty glasses of lemonade with crispy cookies to -munch on between sips. A snack even cooler,than it looks, both the lemonade and tasty vanilla drop cookies are sweetened with saccharin, which contains no heat or weigh t-producmg calories. It's an economical'and easy way to . make treats that won't go to waist! Vanilla Drop Cookies (Calories per cookie: S I ) Turn on oven: set at hot (400°F.). Cream in a 4-cup bowl, 5 tablespoons shortening. Add and mix well, 1 egg, well beaten. Dissolve, 15 saccharin tablets (% grain each) in 3 tablespoons skim milk and M teaspoon vanilla. Sift together, % cup sifted all-purpose flour .1 teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon salt. Add flour and nrilk alternately to creamed mixture. Drop by teaspoons snto cookie sheet. Flatten by pressing with floured tines of fork. Bake for 10 minutes. Makes 30 small cookies. For Swiss Chocolate or Pineapple Drop Cookies fold %-ounce square grated, unsweetefted chocolate into batter or fold 2 tablespoons canned, unsweetened crushed pineapple into batter. Bake as directed above. (Caloiies pel cookie: 33 for Swiss Chocolate, 32 for Pineapple Drop.) GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler At 45 miles per hour, sing . . . "Highways are Happy ways." At 55 miles per hour . . . "I'm But a _ Stranger Here, Heaven is My Home/' At 65 miles, sing . . . "Nearer, My God, To Thee." At 75 sing out . . . "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder I'll be there." At 85 sing louder . . . "Lord, I'm Coming Home." And if you make it to (GUETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE instead, we'll all sing, "Hail, Hail, the Gangs All Here." You better let us check your tires and wheels, brakes and front-end apparatus often if you drive like this. We'll check your head, too, for soft spots. Phone 331 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMTJTORS Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer today. IM 5 It Pays to Advertise DELIVERED MILK IS FRESH only hours from the farm ^ Local supply... fast, efficient processing gT. dependable home delivery service... three reasons why our milk is £arm-£resh 'every day. Convenient-to-use glass milk bottles safeguard its rich flavor, too... from dairy 16 your refrigerator door. Call as about haying your milk delivered NOW. It's a wonderful habit you 11 find mighty easy to live with the year round. Mickey fhe Milkman says "GLASS BOTTLES ARE BEST ...BY EVERY TEST!" For Your Convenience We Deliver Two Half Gallons at Gallon Prices Freund's Dairy, Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 195 2»/2 Miles North of McHenry INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY The American Legion Post 491 McHENRY, ILLINOIS IS OFFERING FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC $8,000.00 IN REMAINING BONDS ON THE AMERICAN LEGION PROPERTY BONDS ARE IN $100.00 AND $500.00 DENOMINATIONS MATURING IN FROM 10 TO 14 YEARS BEARING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 3'/2% INVESTMENT SECURED BY 1st MORTGAGE ON ALL LEGION PROPERTY VALUED IN EXCESS OF *100,000.00 BONDS MAY BE PURCHASED AT THE McHENRY STATE BANK ASK FOR Mr. JAMES LARKIN, TRUSTEE

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