THE McHEMRY PLAINDEALER : . . . ' ' l . ' : rV . 1 ' " Thursday, Jtui#r<3Q» 1955 €ir PERGONALS Mrs. Marilyn Wissell, daugh- I ters, Pearl, Barfoara, Linda and 1 Wendy, of Zenda, Wis., and Mrs. | Chas. Wagner and Mrs. Bert Hefner of Woodstock were guests in *the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wisisell, Sr., Wednesday. Other recent visitors were Mrs. Claud Vignati and son, William, of Baraboo, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and sons of Chicago visited his 1945 <?Iass Held Reunion The 1945 class of the McHenry high school held a reunion last Saturday evening, June 25, at the American Legion home, With dinner served at 7 o'clock, followed by dancing. Of the original fifty-two members of the class, thirty-two were able to "attend, accompanied by their wives, husbands and guests. Rev. Fr. Adolf Weideman of Elgin acted as toastmaster. The class will was read by George Whiting of Richmond and Donald Doherty of McHenry and the class prophecy by Rev. Weideman and Delores Peis^rt Blake. Class President Dean Mc- Cracken of Chicago and Elaine Schaefer Nell read letters from class members unable to attend. The committee in charge included Delores Peisert Blak^, Elaine Schaefer Nell, Betty Kramer Smith and George Whiting. Johnsburg P.T.A. Family Picnic Genevieve Glosson Rolfs of Kenosha, Wis.' ~ Class members unable to attend were Clarice Blake Montgomery of Waukegan, Lucille Blake Sabatke of Cary, Marvin , Meyers of Pasadena, Calif,, ™othe f r' Mrs. Edith Hayes, a few Willys Schreiner of McHenry, the past week. oth^ fuest® Aileen Kilday Hogan of Cham- in the Hayes home ^" Thursday paign and Elvera Smith Holtz I ^e/e Mr ^ Mr^ and Louise Weingart Schaefer of ^fson and daughter, Kaien. of McHenrv Chicago. Two members or the class are' and Mrs. Ronald Ba]^^ deceased. Jeanne Powers and °f ^kford visited then aunts George Vales Mrs- Moll,e G'vens and Miss Ann ' • F'risby, Sunday. "Boh Vovace" Partv Miss Genevieve Knox, accom- Held In Elgin • panied by Miss Georgianna Mx.r . and, Mrs. AA rno1ld1 "Lt arson, : 7D; onohue of Huntley, visited T1, _ J' Linnea and Karen, and Mrs. OreS0n.' 111 ' Fnd*y" Edward Nordin attended a "bon i Mesdames Hugh Murphy, voyage" party for Mrs. John j Thomas Phalin, Mary Zimmer- Ekstrom at the home of Mr. an'd ] man, Ray Conway and Walter Mrs. John Swensek at Elgin last i Walsh are attending the work- Sunday. Co-hostesses were Mrs. shop at . Elgin Junior high school. Roland Ekstrom and Mrs. Lesteri. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Ekstrom. j Bend, Ind., an$ the George Mil- Mrs. John Ekstrom is flying I ler family of Chicago were weekto Sweden July 18 to visit rela- end guests in the home of Mrs. tives : Jack Walsh. I Mrs. Frank Meyer and grand- The Johnsburg P.T.A. is plan-1 Fox Valley Camp ; daughter, Mary Grace Meyer, ning a family picnic Sunday. | Meeting July 5 , accompanied by her brother, July 10, at Fox River park, Wilmot, Wis., from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. There will be baseball, faces and games for the children. Friends and neighbors of members are invited to attend. A small donation will be asked to be put in a fund to continue work for the P.T.A. Henneth Eugene Blake Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blake s was christened Ken-j neth Eugene at a 10:45 o'clock baptismal service which took place Sunday at St. Mary's Catholic church, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Irvin Schmitt and Ben Chelini, Jr. Dinner was served following the rite at the Blake home for sponsors and members of the families. The regular meeting of Fox Frank Geary, of (San. Andreas, River Valley camp, R.N.A., will Calif., and sister,* Mrs. Isabelle be held Tuesday, July 5, at 8 Grantham, of Waiicbnda visited o'clock at the home of Mrs. i in the home of the latter s Kenneth Petersen, with Mrs. ; daughter, Mrs. George Staggs, Frances Peterson acting as co- 1 and family in ^.von,';1 111., a few hostess. i days the first of the week. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl Attend Reunion i were dinner guests in the home Of Speaker family j of their daughter, Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen, Sr., | Sedar, and husband in Wauke- Mrs. James Kline, Mr. and Mrs. ! gan Thursday evening. Robert Low attended a reunion | Visitors in the Nick Young of the Speaker family, held at! home Saturday were Mrs. O. few days recently in Minnesota with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mur-. ray. They also visited his sister and family, Mr. and^Mrs. James Downs, who have moved into their n£w home at 437 £fee street, Decatur, Ga. The Weide MARGARET KETTMANN OF SPRING GROVE WED SATURDAY, One of "the prettiest ojP'jfuAe weddings was solemnized at St. mans arrived home Sunday in! Peter's church June 25 at 9:30 tirtie to attend the -Botts family reunion held at Lord's park, Elgin. MrS. Nettie Weber has been a medic&l patient at Memorial hospital. *, "Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson and family recently travelled by train to t)enyer, Colo., afld also visited the Albin Anderson family at Palisade, Colo. WED IN JUNE son or Schaef- David Lee Schaefer Celebrates birthday David Lee Schaefer, Mr. artd Mrs. Donald J, er, celebrated his sixth birthday anniversary with a party on Saturday, June 25, at his home on Crystal Lake road. Games were played and refreshments sented. Guests Included Sarah, Susan and Billy Richards, Dana Nissen, Pat' * Long;' Dickie Petisrson,' Cheri and Larry- Smith.. iCharlotta Olson, Riekfce and Barbara Albright, Johnny O'Brien, Mickey, Bobby and Tommy Gausden, Judy and Karen Hay, Susan and Peggy Castle and Ralph and Cindy Smith. Class Of 1930 Held Reunion St. Mary's grade school class of 1930 held a pot-luck picnic at the Jerry Steinbach residence at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, June 26.' Attending with their families and guests were the following class members: Harold Phannenetill of Kenosha, Wis., Jeanette Bishop, Marion Weingart Anderson, Evelyn Justen Steinbach, Berniece Freund and Lenore Frisby, of McHenry, Lorraine Freund Stephens of Woodstock, Catherine Diedrich Thill of Aurora, Mary Sutton Weston of Greenwood, Clara Justen Klapperlch of Ringwood and the home of the Misses Edna and Myra Speaker at Richmond Sunday. Later, the McHenry folks attended a gathering at the Elmer Olsen home near Richmond, where they helped Mr. Olsen celebrate his birthday. Style Revue Benefits P.T.A. A dessert luncheon and style Tolefsen of Chicago, Mrs. Grace McCannon and Mrs. Oscar Berg of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benes and granddaughter of Milwaukee, Wis., were weekend guests in the Joseph Benes home. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson and sons, David and Mark of clock Wednesday, July 6, to which the public is invited. The revue is sponsored by St. John's P.T.A. and will be presented by Betty Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carey are the parents of a daughter, born at Memorial hospital June 27. A boy was born at Memorial hospital June 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kennebeck. IN APPRECIATION Our family wishes to thank the people of Wonder Lake and the surrounding area for their kindness during our recent bereavement. The helpfulness of all was overwhelming and is deeply appreciated. It would be impossible to thank each and everyone personally for their help and generosity; however, we would like to say a special "thank you" to the firemen who tried so hard to save our daughter, to our pastor for his comforting words and to our local doctor. God bless you all. *8 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker Worwick Photo THE PHILLIP AHLBERGS Miss Georgie (Patterson) Owen became the bride of Phillip E. Ahlberg of Chicago in a pretty wedding service which took place in Sacred Heart chapel of. St. Patrick's Catholic church Saturday, June 18. Mr. and Mrs. Ahlberg will make their home in McHenry. revue will be presented at Johns- DeKalb visited ^is parents, Mr. burg's- Community hall at 1 o'- j and Mrs. Magnus Nelson, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freund of Chicago, were Surtday visitors in the Paul Barbian home. Members of Fox River Valley camp, R.N.A., and guests held their annual outing last Wednesday, when luncheon was enjoyed &t Dundee. Those who made up the party* were Mesdame^ Earl B^own," H&raet F a s s e , P e t e i Lieser, Kenneth Peterson; Rob e^t Thompson, George Lindsay, F. Pechert, * Fred Pepping;"' FreSd Bienapfl, Anna Winkelman, A1 Grever, Leslie Olsen, J. C. Holly and Mrs. Gladys • Ames and friend of Gurnee. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vycital and Mr. and Mrs. Odilon Long enjoyed dinner at Trevor, . Wis., Sunday and later attended the show in Lake Geneva in observance of their wedding anniversaries. Miss Patti Nieman of Woodstock spent the past week with her grandmother, Mrs. Agnes Nieman. , Mrs. Kenneth Case of Marquette, Mich., spent a few days recently with her aunt, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Rdbert Weideman and son, Johnhy, spent- a IN MEMORIAM In memory of Stephen Schae-r fer, who died July 2, 1948. Deep }n our hearts is a picture, Of a loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame we Shall keep it, Because it was the best. Our hearts still ache with loneliness, Our eyes shed many a tear, » God only knows how we miss him V As it ends the seventh sad year. 8 ' Wife and Sons STORE BURGLARIZED Burglars broke into the grocery store at Richmond owned by Phil Borre last Thursday £Vening and took merchandise valued at mjeffe ^than $600. Entrance was gained /by • breaking open the. front do^r. • . ~ " """ >im a.m. when Miss Margaret Kittmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kittmann of Spring Grove, became the bride of Robert Bossow, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bossow of Chicago. Rev ,]ohn Daleiden officiated at - theceremony. The bride was charming in a gown with long, full skirt of white tulle over taffeta and bodice and sleeves of chantilly nylon lace, her fingertip veil was of white nylon net and lace and she carried white mum's and roses. Miss . Marie Kittmann, the bride's twin sister, served as maid of honor and was attired m pale green tulle over taffeta. Hoi accessories were whfte and .she carried mums an'd red roses. Miss Ellen Kittmann, sister of the bride, was her bridesmaid and wore a rose gown Qf tulle over taffeta, with white accessories, and carried mums ' and red roses. The bride's two little sisters were flower girls and wore pale blue' sheer nylon dresses with pink accessories. Their flowers were mums and re'd^ roses in colonial bouquets. Tom Bossow served as best man and Henry Lausendoe was groomsman. Mrs. Kittmann chose for her daughter's wedding a dress of black and yellow print, with white accessories, and wore an orchid corsage. Mrs. Bossow wore a dress of yellow and white nylon, white accessories and an orchid corsage. Approximately sixty guests, many from out of town, were served a dinner in St. Peter's hall at noon and in the evening there was a reception for about 1!>0 guests. A buffet supper was served and the evening was spent dancing. The bride is a graduate of Richmond-Burton high school. After a short trip to Buffalo Lake, Wis., they will make their home in the apartment in the William Engels home. BARBARA SIMON BECOMES BRIDE OF CHARLES A. HANSEN. St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting, .for a pretty wedding on Saturday which united Miss Barbara Simon and Mr. Charles A- Hansen, both of McHenry. The 10' o'clock double ring service was read by Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. Sv Nix; The marriage took place on the thirtyfifth wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon The pretty bride was radiant in a white net land lace govvn, They were Suzanne Thompson of McHenry, Marie Wagner of Milton Junction, Wis., and Sandra Hettermann of Johnsburg, . a.11 nieces of -ilie .bride/ and Linda Heyer of Oak Park, niece of the groom. " Jeaii , Hettermann, another niece, acted as flower ,,girl, wearing. a dress similar to those of the junior bridesmaids. Mrs. Kathryn Michelau of Grayslake, a close friend of the bride, acted as matron of honor, wearing a blue crystalette dress and rpatching picture hat. Mrs. Isabelle Thompson acted as bridesmaid for her sister.. Robert Freund of Green' street served as best man and groomsman w?s the bride's brother* Joseph 6imon. James Wagner of Milton Junction, Wis., and James Thompson were ushers, IVfrs. Simon chose for her daughter's wedding a blue dotted Swiss dress, blue accessories and a white rose corsage. Breakfast was served to the wedding party following the nuptials «.t tthe Simon home; Later, dinner was served there for members of the two families. About 150 friends ajid relatives gathered at St. Mary's school hall at 5:30 o'clock for supper .and in the evening, a reception Was enjoyed .by 225 quests, .7 ? Following a trip,- . through tlxe South, the couple Willi; reside at 403,, Richmond Road, The bride attended f the local schools and at present is employed at the A &,P |store. The bridegroom received . his education at Austin high' school and . -is an employee of jFreund Oil • company. £ Photo by Kolin floor length, styled with long 1 sleeves, full skirt and sequin trimming on the bodice. Her three-quarter" length veil fell from a beaded crown and she carried Amazon lilies and lilies of the valley. Four junior bridesmaids were attired in pink crystalette dresses, floor length, with which they wore pfnk picture hats and carried colonial bouquets of painted daisies and carnations. nun tin 11111 NOW, THE PERFECT WAVE! ROOF VENT LOUVERS INSTALLED Rusty Louvers Replaced A Summer and Winter necessity. Condensed moisture in attic rots timber, blisters exterior paint. Circulating air reduces dampness, keeps attic cooler in summer. Free estimate. Insured. $10 each. ARTHUR BOGER PHONE 840-J 307 Waukegan Rd. McHenry CAU US for responsible se/vice^^master* carpet and furniture cleaning and mothproofing Tn your home or in the plant. FREE ESTIMATES SERVICE MASTERS Of McHenry County' Phone: WOODSTOCK 1565 Home Improvements KARL SCHNAREL CARY, ILLINOIS \ Phone MErcury 9-7233 • Insulation • Storm Windows • Asbestos Siding • Fibre Glass Awnings • Ornamental Iran Works • Fencing • Landscaping NOTICE The McHenry State Bank Will be Closed Monday, July 4th And Will be Open Wednesday, July 6th PARADE ENTRY The McHenry V.F.W. drum and bugle corps agafy this year is expected to be one/of the outstanding entries in fthe j July 3 parade at Crystal L*ske. The cit^r is celebrating the holiday a day early and has scheduled its parade for -1 p.m. IN MEMORIAM In memory of Albert Schmitt, who passed away July 1, 1953. Always so true, unselfish and kind,. <9 Few in this world his equal you'll find, A beautiful life 'fct&t suddenly came to «an end," He died as he liVefd, everyone's friend. 8 Loving Wife and Children i . . . of your w e d d i n is best told in professionally-m photographs. Just phone--we'll be glad to explain^ our complete wedding service Have the finest for your wedding pictures . . . They can never be taken again. WORWICK'S STUDIO Phone 275 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. ^|\vV P* Tlx pet ** literalh rained The permanent that is literally into your hair A complete departure from oil permanents you have ever known--o new experience in comfort and a new experience in lasting quality. It's faster, too, by at least a half hour on the average head of hair. Hair that has never before taken a wave, suddenly and successfully waves--WITH WILLAT MAGIC RAIN. You owe it to yourseij to have one soonJ YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS filijuerbLde 9lcuM>ti^incj, Stadia 128 A. itiverside Drive McHenry, I1L Phone 147 < > >> > > WW lllllllll III 1111| |J!|:|| FOR VACATtm Before you pack, bring your vacation togs to us. We Sanitone clean 'em spanking clean and press with precision. You get them when you want them, as you want them ... so fresh, so neat and spotless, the folks you meet on your vacation won't know 'em from new! RAINBOW LEANERS North Front Street around corner North of National Tea Phone 927 For Pick Up Service or SAVE 10/c Cash & Cai?y Chevrolet's special hill-flatteners! i ) 162KB V8 ISO hp V8 See that fine fat mountain yondfei4? You can iron it out, flat as a flounder i - "i <•-' .. . and easy as whistling! ^ >4, Just point one of Chevrolet's special hill-flatteners at it (either the 162-h.p. "Turbo-Fire V8" or the 180-h.p. "Super Turbo-Fire"*) . . . and pull the trigger! Barr-r-r-r-o-o-O-O-OOM! Mister, you got you a flat mountain! . . . A t l e a s t i t feels flat. For here are engines that sing as sweetly as a dynamo . . . built to pour out a torrent of pure, vibrationless power. Big-bore V8's with the shortest stroke in the industry. So most of the tirqe they loaf. EVeh at the speed limit they just dream along, purring out a fraction of their strength. An engineer can understand .why they are so hyper-efficient. But you don't have tp be an engineer to know that these are the sweetest running V8's you ever piloted. Just come in and try one out! *Ophonai at extra ctxt CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY. ILL.