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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1955, p. 15

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ThuSfsddy/'July 7/ I95ir, THE MCHENRY PLAINDEXLER L McHenry .Township Fire Protection District TREASURER'S ANNUAL * REPORT McHenry, Illinois May 1, 1954 to Atay 1, 1955 - I, Augustine M. Freund, Treai surer of the McHenry Township ' Fire Protection District, McHenry, Illinois do hereby certify that the following statement 'of RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS of the : McHenry Township Fire Protection District funds for the year ending May 1, 1955, is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. AUGUSTINE M. FREUND, Treasurer State of Illinois County of McHenry ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of June, A. D., 1955. HELEN DIEKMAN (SEAL) Notary Public Receipts Balance on Hand as of May 1, 1954 . . $21,729.22 County Collector, Woodstock, Illinois, for taxes for 1953 $11,216.46 County Collector, Woodstock, Illinois, fSr back taxes .... $63.09 ^2% Fire Insurance Tax $3,349.44 Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Assn., Crystal Lake, Illinois, one year's interest on $5,000.00 deposit $150.00 American National Bank and Trust Co., of' Chicago, Illinois, redemption of $50,000.00 U. S. Treasury bills due 6/24/54 $50,000.00 Total Receipts .... $86,508.21 Disbursements Earl R. TjValsh, insurance as of May lst%v $179.24 Stoffel ari&i Reihansperger, 25 Pirsch Fire Truck insurance, 5/1/54 to 4/30, 55 $51.10 Harold Aim, fire calls to 5/1/54 $52.00 •T. W. North, audit for fiscal year ended 4/30/54 $50.00 John Vincent Anderson, preliminary sketches for fire station according to agreement $1,000.00 McHenry Equipment Co.. truck chassis Serial No. 11573, Motor No. 681 $4,856.90 McHenry Plaindealer, publication of Annual Report & Appropriation Ordinance $44.05 McGee's, 3 firmen's raincoats $51.87 Illinois Mqnicipal League, collection chargps on insurance tax $167.47 John Vincent Anderson, working fa drawings and specifications for a fire station? according-to agreement . $1,000.00 George L. Trvon, survey on McHenry Township Fire Protection property . . . ; $45.00 Harold Hobbs, year chief salary $125.00, calls $108.00 $233.00 Edward Justen, % year asst. chief salary $50:00, tcalls $164.00 $214.00 Earl Conway, % year asst chief salary $50.00. calls $132.00 $182.00 Thos. Diedrich, calls ". $88.00 Edw. J. Thennes, calls .... $60.00 Harry Conway, calls .... $120.00 Theo. Miller,'6af1s $54.00 Bruce Klontz, calls $136.00 Jerome Buch, calls $64.00 Henry Buch, calls $84.00 Carl Neiss, "calls $102.00 ^ George Rodenkirk, calls .. $122.00 ^ Harry Ferwerda, calls $8.00 Harold Aim, calls $54.00 Alvin Phannenstill, calls . . $68.00 Albert Blake, calls $30.00 Hilary Rodenkirk. calls . . . $76.00 McHenry Fire Department, practice nights $98.00 McHenry Fire Department, gas, oil and supplies $284.95 McHfehry Equipment Co., supplies, oil and repairs . $122.88 A. M. Freund. office expense- 5/1- 8/31/54 $60.00 Tonyan Construction Co., payment on building contract $13.380.30 Anton M. Schmitt, '•> year trustee salary $100.00 C. L. Harrison, year trustee salary $25.00 Augustine M. Freund, i2 year trustee salary $25.00 Vernon J. Knox, year attorney fees $100.00 Tonyan Construction Co., payment on building contract $10 631.70 John Vincent Anderson, supervision of construction to date 1/3/55 $480.00 Illinois Assn. of Fire Protection Districts, dues to 3/1/56 $50.00 Public Service Co., electric bill, 1/14/55 to 2/3/55 $10.09 Stoffel and Reihansperger, insurance Builder's Risk . . $50,80 Great Lakes Fire Equipment Co... fire hose $2,525.00 Tonyan Construction Co., payment on contract $18,836.10 City of McHenry, sewer and w^tdr $3,000.00 Public Service Co., electric bill 2/3/55 to 3/8/55 $21.10 Peter Pirsch and Sons Co., fire equipment $10025.00 Harold Hobbs, year chief salary $125.00, calls $84.00 $209.00 Edward Justen, Is year asst. chief salary $50.00, calls $118.00 $168.00 Earl Conway, year asst. chief salary $50.00, calls $118.00 $168 00 Thomas Diedrich, calls . . $108.00 Edward J. Thenhes, calls $100.00 Harry Conway, calls .... $116.00 Theo. Miller, calls $94.00 Carl Neiss, calls $66.00 George Rodenkirk, calls . . $82.00 Hilary Radenkirk, calls ... $52.00 Harry Ferwerda, calls $8.00 Bruce Klontz, calls $110.00 Jerome Buch, calls $38.00 Henry Buch, calls $50,00 Harold Aim, calls $34.00 Alvin Phannenstill, calls . . $88.00 A. S. Blake, calls $8.00 McHenry Fire Department, practice nights $73.00 McHenry Fire Department, gas, oil, repairs and supplies $85.14 A. M. Freund, office expense 9/1 to 4/30/55 $120.00 A. M. Schmitt, H year trustee salary $100.00 C. L. Harrison, ^ year trustee salary $25.00 Augustine M. Freund. \'2 year trustee salary $25.00 V. J.. Knox, *2 year attorney fee 0 $100.00 City of McHenry 1 year storage. 5/1/54 to 4/30/55 . ... $180.00 Stoffel & Reihansperger, 1925 , Pirsch fire truck insurance $51.10 1954 International fire truck insurance $76.10 $127.20 Thennes Oil Co., fuel oil $215.80 McHenry State B:ink, County real estate taxes $40.50 (Earl R. Walsh, workmen's compensation $79.66, insurance on k Ford and Int. fire trucks $115.17 $194.83 McHenry Equipment Co., supplies and repairs $46.39 Total Disbursements . . $71,850.41 Total Receipts $86,508.21 Total Disbursements . 71,850.41 Balance On Hand $14,657.80 AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECT DISTRICT', IN THE COUNTY OF McHENRY AND STATE OF ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGlNNINb MAY 1, 1955 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1956; BE IT ORDAINED by the President and the Board of Trustees of' the McHenry Township Fire Protection District: SECTION 1: That the following sums, or so mut-h thereof as shall be authorized by law. are hereby appropriated to defray all necessary and proper expenses of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May'l, 1955 and endihg April 30, 1956. 1. Administration Expense Fund, for printing, postage and miscellaneous office supplies $800.00 2. Fire Equipment, Replacement Fuhd $2,500". 00 3. Construction Fund and Fire House $50,000.00 4. Salary Fund A. Salaries of Trustees $600.00 B. Attorneys and Legal fee? $500.00 C. Fire Chief and Firemen $5,000.00 5. Fire Protection Fund, for the purchase of fire protection equipment $10,000.00 6. Firemen's Fund .... $500.00 7. For Repairs $1,500.00 8. For Gasoline and Oil $600.00 9. For miscellaneous, contingent and general expenses, unforseen and not included in above items $1,600.00 10. Loss and cost of collecting taxes $2,000.00 11 .Fire House and Equipment Bonds -- Principal $6,000.00 Interest $1,657.50 Total $83,257.50 SECTION 2: That the unexpended balance of any item or items of any appropriation made by this ordinance, may be guaranteed in jpaking up any deficiency in any item or items under the same general appropriation and for the same general purpose or in a like appropriation made by this ordinance. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take and be in full force from and after its passage and publication as provided bv law. . ANTON M. SCHMITT, President of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District Attest: AUGUSTINE M. FREUND, Secretary Approved: VERNON J. KNOX Attorney Passed: June 28, 1955 Approved: June 28, 1955 Published: July 7, 1955 ips oil raffic Safety CHARLES F. CARPENT! ER Secretary of State Many collisions liave resulted when drivers stay too close to the left edge of their traffic lane. They do it to make sure they have enough room on the right, but actually they are crowding traffic in the other lane and frequently move right into that other • lane. There are two things that may be done to correct this dangerous^ Shop at Home and SAVE) DELIVERED MILK IS FRESH on\l y hours^ from the farm Local supply .7. fast, efficient processing dependable home delivery service ... three reasons why our milk is farm-fresh every day. Convenient-to-use glass milk bottles safeguard its rich flavor, too ... from dairy "to your refrigerator door. Call us about having your milk delivered NOW. It's a wonderful habit you'll find mighty e^sy to live with the year round •jYiiYrlWi Mickey the Milkman says "GLASS BOTTLES ARE BEST ... BY EVERY TEST!" For Your Convenience We Deliver Two Half Gallons at Gallon Prices Freund's Dairy, Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 2 Vi Miles North of McHenry 195 habit. On the highway, look far ahead instead of watching the road close to you. If you aim far ahead and steer at your target, your car will travel "on center" in your own lane. The lower part of your vision will take care of the left and right edges of the lane. In city traffic, note the position of the car ahead of you. If that car is far to the left, notice all the extra room he is leaving on the right, room which you can use without any danger of hitting parked cars. If ho is in the proper position, notice that he still has ample room on the right, and line your own car up with his. A copy of the completely new "Rules of the Road" booklet will be sent to >ou free upon request. Write, to CHARLES P. CARPENTFER, Secretary of State, Springfield, Uliuois. It Pays to Advertise LINK 1 > HI 111i 1111111|! 11 1 II liliii ;| |;( 11|l i II i tl 1111II11 HEALTH TALK ^ i n f 11 ii 11 hi M1111 ru ii fi 111 h 11111 m 11 n l Are You Tired ? Whon the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood falls below normal, the condition is called anemia. The disease appears in different forms, the most serious of which is pernicious anemia, states the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society in HEALTH TALK. Actually anemia means too little or too poor blood. Frequently and sometimes erroneously poisons who appear pale are considered anemic. Pallor does not always mean that a disease of the blood is present. It indicates, as far as the blood is concerned. only that the quantity of blood flowing through the tiny vessels of the skin is light, whether due to anemia or other disease, or whether entirely normal for the individual. Blood consists of a pale yellow liquid (the serum) in which are suspended millions of tiny greenish disks, called corpuscles. When charged with hemoglobin, these corpuscles are red. Between four and six 'million are contained in each cubic millimeter (one l.'i.OOOth of an inch) of blood. White corpuscles in the same quantity normally total between 6,000 and 10,000. Men have a slightly greater number of red corpuscles than women and any slight fluctuation between the two standards of both white and red corpuscles is considered normal. There are about 333 million red blood corpuscles in a drop of blood. Blood cells are formed in the bone marrow, especially in the ribs, backbone and flat bones, in babies the marrow of all the bones takes part in building blood. When the corpuscles are mature, they enter the blood stream and by means of the hemoglobin with which they are loaded, carry oxygen from the | lungs to the rest of the body. Hemoglobin is an iron-containing pigment which has a strong attraction for oxygen. Anemia develops principally fi-om loss of blood due to the inward or outward bleeding, from some injury to bone marrow halting the production of cells, from the failure of .cells to ripen for conveying oxygen, or froifr deficiency of iron, or from malnutrition. The disease is so variable in different individuals that each must be studied carefully to determine the exact reason for the condition. Victims of anen?ia are ordinarily not aware of the symptoms in the early stages. As it develops, however, the individual notes loss of energy and constant fatigue. As the reserve stock of iron is used Up, the nails become tender, brittle flattened or indented. The hair becomes dry and frequently prematurely gray. « Other manifestations are^ a soreness in the mouth, burning sensation of the tongue which often becomes quite smooth and deep red in color. As the condition progresses, pallor and weakness are more apparent. There may be shortness of breath, indigestion or constipation. Persons with a suggestion of these symptoms should consult a physician so that steps can be taken to ascertain the cause. Iron added to the diet, either by itself or with other metals, such as calcium, cobalt or copper, liver extract and folic acid, according to the type of anemia found, may help relieve the condition. To be anemic is to be without Zest and energy and to stand in the shadow of death. Primary or simple anemia can ordinarily be eorrvctftfi easily. It is unwise to carry on in a run-down state. If voil're tired all the time, see your physician. Let him take a blood count. This test will determine whether anemia is present. MINE OUTPUT The shipping mines of Illinois produced 3.191.235 tons of coal during May. according to the state Department of Mines and Minerals. This is 416,846 tons more than the Output for the comparable month last year, and the highest tonnage for the month of May since 1951. The May, 1955. output came from 38 strip mines which turned out 1.322,177 tons, and 55 shaft mines which hoisted 1,869,058 tons Buy U.S. Savings Bonds MORE MKAT • ; Farmers this year wiH • produce and sell approximately 1^.8 billion pounds of beefi 855f ittore® than from the years 1935-39, just before World War H. Therewill be about 77 pounds for each, person. iOr/r more than, before?, the war. About 64% more veal;; will be consumed, an -a^eragaE equal to 10 pounds per person,| 22 rr more than prewar. producers will sell 10-8 billion; pounds, \~r'c more than in 1935-; 39. This supply will mean about' 65 pounds per person, 17% more' than before the war. However,: on the other hand, the farmers^- and ranchers are a little stingy with the lamb and mutton. The. supply is Vs below that of the, 1935-39 period. An average of approximately 4 pounds per person is expected for 1955. With" the ever increasing population, still more meat will be needed. Classified Ads bring results: Place yours with the Plaindealer today! MEANS SAFETY & PROTECTION FOft YOUR CHILDREN -- ALSO -- RUSTIC WOOD FENCES For FREE estimates Phone McHenry 724 ANDERSON FENCE and SUPPLY McHenry, 111. Lyle D. Anderson GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler There sure are an array of beautiful, two and three colored sedans driving into the GUETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE these days. With the sun just striking right, some of these jobs remind you of a Xmas tree. They're beautiful. But have you noticed the automobile ads in the magazines? These cars look even more gorgeous in front of a 28 room mansion with a 10 acre surrounding garden, and a shapely blond waving at it from the swimming pool. . Phone 331 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMSt^^RS v«* •*>*% - McGEE'S STORE FOR MEN For loafing, playing, pattering-- SKIPPER sport shorts You'll want more than one pair of these trim cool Wilson Brothers shorts. There'll be dozens of times when no other item will give you s6 much comfort and enjoyment. Try on a pair today and see how good they look and feel on you. $3 95 $5 95 117 SO. GREEN ST. PHONE 47 McHENRY, ILL. Open Daily: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Fridays: 8 to 9 p.m. ' Sundays: if~a.m. 'til Jfoon PLAYSHOES for the entire FAMILY Hearty, happy play shoes at healthy savings! We've he-man and tomboy styles, plus pretties for a girl's daintier 1 moods. All sizes. Red or blue. BOY'S Basketball Type Shoes <1.98 COOL Sport Shoe for Women in canvas with rubber sole $1.98 PRETTY but sturdy shoe for Girls - Slip E-Z Style $2.29 STURDY canvas uppers, crepe soles for men $8.49 CANVAS Spectator Sportster for children, rubber sole $1.89 BEN FRANKLIN On South Green Street McHenry, 111. Super "88" Holiday Coups LOCAL DELIVERED PRICE Oldsmobile 88" 2-Door Sedw at low as *236162 Slate ond local taxes extra. Your price depends upon choice of model ond body style, optional equipment and accessories. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities. Get out of the ordinary • • • get into an OLDS You never have to look twice to know ; ; ; it's Oldsmobile! That "flying color" flair is unmistakable anywhere! And yoa don't have to touch that pas pedal more than once to know: there s a "Rocket" under the hood! Everybody knows what that means . . . smooth, surging action, split-second response! These are the reasons Oldsmobile looks different . . . /ee/s different ; . . is different! Sec us for a ride in the most popular Oldsmobile ever built! Remember--there's a "Rocket"' for every pocket! IVI FOR COOL DRIVING COMFORT . .. Get on AIR-CONDITIONED "ROCKET" OLDSMOBILE! Sn us for details--and a damans/ration) VISIT THE "tOCKET tOOM". . . AT Toot OLDSMOBILE DEALEK'SI R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front Street Phone 6 GO AHIAD . . . DRIVE IT TOURSIIM THI GOING'S ORIAT IN

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