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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1955, p. 6

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'Kv'r - THE McHEttHY PLAlNDEALEIf :')" V £;~ • '.'...w^yiyriifa?. -- ' Thursday,'1 July 21/1955' - WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS RING 3,750,DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD! McHenry Plaindealer BOATS & MOTORS T Published every Thursday St FOR SALE Outboard "motors, ..IcHenry, 111.,, by the McHenry i Sjng-ie cylinder Johnson, $30; Twin Publishing Company, Inc. j Cy]int]e[- Johnson, $50; both in n a t i o n a l e d i t o r i a l I AsVocftmloN I .t? vj _> Roofing, Siding', Insulation.- Hoofing and Stone-Kote. We do the -- , work. Free estimates. Woldon good running condition, private (Andreas. Phone Wonder Lake •LI ,3647. 10-4 BUSINESS SERVICE kjlUMI.MUIim'.ll.'.UlM BUSINESS SERVICE . BURFEINDT, Gen'l Manager DELE FROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Want Ads o ad counted iess than 25 words, $1.00 minimum insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) „c service charge <?n all blind .as. Cash with order. ard of Thanks--$1.00 minimum, v ant Ads close promptly at 0 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c col. nch. -- 2 inch minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature, or its equiv- Jent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per _nch. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.00 6 Months $1.75 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year . $3.50 3 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 mi PRESS Entered as seoond-class matter at the post office at McHenry, CI., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Rout* 139 - 1 Block East Ct tbe River Bridge Jpoa Week Days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bwimt 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 21-tf FOR SALE -- 1948 'Chevrolet, -radio, heater, excellent motor. Good tires. Reasonable. Call 410-M. 10 ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILING SPECIALIST Fox Valley Iron Works VICTOR A. HOPP 602 WAUKEGAN ROAD MCHENRY; ILL,. Phone 1696-R 3-tf Candid Weddings rrom Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home Call Us For Appointment Tel. 566-W-l - McHenry, 111. NOTICE McHENRY WELDING SERVICE 3 Blocks East of New Bridge on Route 120 Will be open Evjpry Friday Evening until 9 P. M. Phone 836 i-tf Painting, decorating, paper hanging - Exterior and Interior, Quality Materials. Free estimate. Herbert W. Rowe. Phone McHenry 239-J or 607-J-l. 52-tf Jk Clucked If out Fire Insurance Lately? THE KENT CORP. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE FOR OVER 29 YEARS Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McIIenry, 111. For Garbage Disposal Service Call Jim Jorgensen KIMBALL 6-1432 or McHENRY 365 Address: INGLESEDE P. O. LONG LAKE, ILL. 47-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 367. • 26-tf I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks r. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Station Box 38 Phone McHenry 1480 G. 49-ft H. V. JACKSON Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking Chimney Repair, etc. Phone McHenry 1328 47tf FOR SALE -- 1947, 62 Cadillac. Excellent condition. Tel. 748. 11-tf FOR SALE -- il952 and 1953 Ford dump trucks: 6 yd. boxes; excellent condition: best offer. Tel. McHenry 513-J-2. 11 FOR SALE -- Motorcycle, saddle bags, buddy seat, chrome, many extras. $300 or best offer. Phone 817-R. *n FOR SALE -- New tire, Goodrich Silvertown. 600-16-4 ply, $11. Tel. McHenry 656-M-l. 11 FOR SALE -- '50 Ford V-8 con" ' vertible by owner. Overdrive, heater, radio, brand new tires on spoke hub capip, dual carburation, spot light, etc. Top in good condition. Finish like new. This is a really fine, sharp car in excellent running condition. Best offer. Phone Wonder Lake 4914. n BOATS & MOTORS Vinyl - Rubber - Cork Asphalt Tile Floors Linoleum - Wall Tile Lee's Carpeting and Rugs Carpet Laying TIDY Floor Coverings Phone Woodstock 888 WELLS DRILLED and DRIVEN Trenching and Digging Septic Systems - Water Lines Dry Wells - Seepage Beds Garrelts and Rogers McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 539-R-l Wonder Lake 2763 ' 5-tf CONCRETE BREAKING Hourly rates for jackhammer and spade work. Let us do the hard work. Arnold May Builders, Inc., Richmond, 111. Phone office 4381, Res. 4681. 10-tf ROY E. BIGGS and SON General Contractors New Homes - Cabinets Garages - Concrete Work PHONE McHenry 1025 or 1405 BUSINESS SERVICE HERBERT ARVIDSON CARPENTERCONTRACTOR McHenry 653-M-2 All Kinds of Cement Work Cabinets Remodeling Jobs New Homes 11-4 FOR SALE FOR SALE Amana stainless steel - ombination walk-in refrigeniior and deep freeze, like new, will ' .sacrifice. 130 cu. ft. refriger ior; 25 cu. ft. freezer. Phone 12 is-.]. Call after Friday. 11 FOR SALE Easy Spindrier washing machine; 1 \2 years, old; vc.'-v i n.l condition, $75.00. Phone 821-M. *11 FOR SALE ' Bunk beds, $20; Maple desk, $8.00; 2 piece living room , $r.o; ta bk's; bicyele.- 5 HP. S70; 3 piece bedroorri sfct chest- of drawers; lamp ither furniture; 2 boy's 1 girl's bicycle, $6.00 ea.. Evinrude motor, $50.00; Ironer. S-15.00. Phone 1417. "11 F( R SALE Little girl's fine co:: beil cotton tee shirts with sequins, size ;; to 6x only 98c (2 for $].ii!i while they last). Mother & daughter, ,'!-pc. white with navy tiim iei:y shorts and tops outfit $1.7!i. Extra fine drapery fabrics 4-ri io "it in. hand-screened print, antique satin, vat dyed, etc. $1.89 to ;?2.!t;"i yd. Wall-to-wall carpets installed complete in latest patterns of cotton, blends or all wool at lowest contract prices. HAVEMEYER'S, N. side of Rt. 120, % miii1 West of Rt. 12 (Volo). Open 9:IJ0 to 6 and Sun. 10 to 3:30*. 11 FOR SALE 9 cu. ft. Deluxe Refrigerator, used very little, like new. excellent condition. Phone McHenry 1661-M. 11 5-tf GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Comme'rcial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEDBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf Piano Tunning, Phone 123-J, Steffan's Music Stoi'e. 514 W. Main St., McHenry, 111. 11 All Types of Trenching, especially Septic Systems, old or new. Call 1260, Nett's Sand and Gravel. 11-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Used rugs for sale. Northern Illinois' largest selection of used rugs taken in trade as part of our service to our customers who have bought the finest, those heavenly, all wool carpets by LEES. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St., Woodstock. 3 9-tf FOR SALE - Delicious Montmorency cherries for sale. Pick your own at DeWitt Bros. Cherry Orchards, 2 miles west of East Troy. Wis. on highway 15, daily and Sunday until crop is harvested. Ta'ste ours, for flavor. Containers and equipment furnished. 11 FOR SALE - An end to your defror. troubles. 5 day, no cost, free trjal in your home. Call Can Ba:nicl\ol, McHenry 1995-J. 11 FOR SALE Good Rexair vacuum cleaner with attachments; gas fired hot water heater; gas space heater; good running car, bntu in. Phone 1995-J. *11 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- 25 x 35 ft. store and office. Lakemoor. Phone McHenry 742. 10-tf FOR RENT -- For couple, light airy 4 room apt. Extras, range, refrigerator and heater included, $42.00 mo. Muzzy Bldg., Ringwood. Telephone Wonder Lake 3443. *11 HELP WANTED FOR RENT - 2 sleeping rooms, located in Pistaqua Heights. Prefer business men. Phone 1734, Mrs. Kocourek. n FOR RENT -- 3 room cottage on Pistakee waterfront. 6nll McHenry 677-R-l. " *11-2 FOR RENT --, Apartment, 3 rms. and bath; large screened-in porch. Tel. McHenry 377. 11 j FOR RENT' - Pistakee Bay, Regner Road, attractive garage apart- i ment, 1 bedroom, living room, bath j and kitchen. Carpeted, stove and refrigerator, garage stall, $75 per month, 1 year lease. Mrs. Gibson, McHenry 1709. 11 HELP WANTED I WANTED -- Women or young J ladies. Skyline Drive-In Snack j Bar. Call 2284 evenings for appointment. - 11 HELP WANTED--Stenographer with bookkeeping experience, position with firm in McHenry, 111. State qualifications in letter. Write care of Plaindealer Box 58. 11 people who like their clothes WANTED--2 tire men for re- j capping plant in McHenry. Experienced men preferred, but will train the right men. Good steady job. High wages. AppJy in person at Marticke and Nixon Inc. 11 REAL ESTATE WANTED Young man for ^evening work CALL SKYLINE DRIVE-IN THEATRE v For Appointment Phone 477 evenings FOR SALE leautiful 3 bedroom, all year round homes, attached garage, full basement-- $1,000 DOWN If you qualify Will also build on your lot anywhere in McHenry County. WOODED SHORES BUILDERS Wonder Lake, 111. Call Wonder Lake 2711 ii-tf li SALESMAN WANTED --- For Rawleigh business in City of McHenry. No experience needed I to start. Sales easy to make and profits good. Start immediately. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. 12G-52- 190, Freeport, 111. 9-4 JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats lervice - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104^ S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf FOR SALE -- Boats and motors, new and used. Inboards, outboards, cruisers. Row boats $79.50 and up! Trailers - Marine supplies. Ed J. Wendt Boats and Motors, on U.S. 12, 3 blocks north of intersection 173, Richmond, 111. 50-tf FOR SALE 14 Shell <Lake boat and 10 HP. Johnson motor Phone 471-W. n FOR SALE -- 5 HP. Johnson outboard motor, $50.00. Phone 275. 20-tf HAROLD J. FREUND Painter and Decorator 300 Grand Ave, McHenry Phone 926-R 45-tf Whether it's a hole in your Roof or a whole . New Roof CALL PATZKE ROOFING and SIDING CO. 407 Waukegan Street McHENRY 65-M 51-tf New homes and remodeling; custom made kitchen cabinets and formica tops; garage and attic flats. Tel. justice 7-1951. Wm. Weiher & Sons, General Construction Co. 41-tf SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Cesspools, Dry Wells, Tiling and Flooded Basements Ed Marsh and Stan Coss Phones: Woodstock 1610-M-2 Wonder Lake 3933 McHenry 691-W 2 FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS* I ADDING MACHINES. Service on jail makes, also ribbons for all [makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, j on Rt. 47, 1 block south of Rt. 1-1, | Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf i FOR SALE -- Ready to lay I leghorn pullets. Ghostley strain | foundation stock. Reimer's Poul-! try Farm, Rt. 53 at Long Grove, j Telephone LIbertyville 2-4029. j 8-tf •' FOP. SALE -- 18 ft. Old Town reil canoe, $75.00; lady's spinette d"-';. $15.00. both excellent conditi 'i. Phone 560-W-2. 11 $TOK SALE -- Fryers' for sale. Live weight, 35c per pound. Phone R chinond 5126. 11 tX5R RALE -- Several lamps, end tables, 2 upholstered chairs, good condition. Reasonable. Hiawatha Trail, Pistaqua Heights, McHenry, Mrs. Kimson. 11 FOR SALE Small electric range; full size coil springs with iegs, small kitchen cabinet. Very reasonable. Hubseh, Orchard Drive and West End Dr., McCullom Lake. 11 5-tf TREE SPRAYING Frank W. Henltel Residence: Volo, 111. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Phone McHenry 543-J-l FOR RENT -- Emerald Park, Kirk Kabins, $15-20-25-30-45-501 week, housekeeping. Sat., Sun., j $6 up. Fish, swim, boat. Phone: 169. 8-tf! MCHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL I Dolls Repaired - Clothing ! 1 block East of Old Bridge I Pistakee Road - Phone 1591-R : 9-tf | FOR SALE - Almost new 2G" i Schwinn boy's bike. Phone 471-W. U 47-tf FOR SALE --« 15' Dunphy run- : a"bout, 10 HP. Johnson motor steering wheel and throttle, $300. Phone McHenry 1201-J. 11 j FOR SALE -- Sea King motor. 3 HP., like new, used for 1 trip up north. Good for fishing and trolling, $95. Call 183. 11 FOR SALE -- Must sacrifice due to lake restrictions. Like new, 14' , '55 Wolverine outboard motor boat and '55, 10 HP. 'Johnson motor. Complete, windshield. steering : wheel, controls, cover, etc. Purchased in May. Call Island Lake, JAckson 6-6162. *11 EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR For Sales and Service call SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 221 Benton St. Woodstock 294 VACUUM CLEANERS Parts & Repairs Authorized Dealer REXAIR CLEANER Cleans CLEAN using water. No bag or filter expense. ALL NEW • Super Power Quiet Model Ready NOW! Low down payments. Why Not Have The Best? CARL BARNICKOL McHenry Phone. 1995-J 9-tf C. S. G. power lawn mower; new and used mowers; all sharpening done on the new modern grinder. We are now equipped t^ grind chisels and planing blades. Power mowers, $5.50 up to 21-inch; hand mowers, $2. Tel. McHenry 1606. 48-tf 52-tf Peter A, Freund SANITARY SERVICE FOR SALE Used furnit ur\ bedroom sets, oil heater, lawn fufniture; screens, 30x30; nYiscellaneotis articles. Reasonable. Phone 1135-.T. 11 FOR SALE Reasonable, Bondix. Deluxe, Duo-matic washer and dryer combination. Good condition. 8 mos. old. Call 1307. *11 FOR SALE Cocker, male, buff colored, good with children, housebroke, 3 years old, $10.00, Cn'. McHenry 632-M-2. 11 FOR SALE 24" used fan on table stand, $35; 20" fan table stand, $10; see page 8 for our gigantic overstock sale! MeHeni ;• Dept. Store, 103 N. Riwrsid Drive. Phone -159. Air conditioned 11 FOR SALE 3 sets double glaz- <1 French doors, 10 light each dooi. with colonial hardware; set-- double windows, upper 3 . li^lr, lower single light, glass ^size 2 l"x 24", copper screens, storm win dows; 7 French windows, 6 1 ^ii!. casement window operators, inside screens. All windows and doors with match frames ,,| and outside trim, and dec:>: a; ,vshuttcrs; all clean. McIIe;.-- 207-R. , :, KCR SALE . Or Trade. 2 HP. garden tractor: auto trailer: steel bed, 6:50x16" 6 ply tires; Bradley concrete block maker. McHenry 1596. *11 FOR SALE Patio and stepping stones, colored and plain. We deliver. On U.S. 12, 100 ft. north of traffic light. Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 1044. ll-eow-5 KOR SALE - 22" steel gravity hot air furnace with stoker, ducts and all registers. Good condition, *50.00; Also play pen $2.00; 1 small round roaster, $4.50; 1 nearly new portable washer, $15.00; 1 infra red table broiler, $5.00; Electroaix vacuum cleaner, $15.00. Phone Richmond 4044. • !! HELP WANTED KEY PUNCH TRAINEES Learn to operate I.B.M. Machines. Some Typing Necessary • * Permanent Position Hours-: 8:15 a.m, to 4:45,p.m. ... Free Hospitalization, Medical and Life Insurance. Apply Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. BARCO MFG. CO. 500 N. Hough St. Barrington, 111. 11 HELP WANTED--For cooking and general housework, 4 days a week at Pistakee Lake. Call McHenry 1891. 11 FOR SALE -- In McHenry, by owner, 3 bedroom home, lot 88x132, full basement, hardwood floors, combination windows, Venetian blinds, ii/2 baths, ceramic floor tile, wall-to-wall carpeted living, dining rooms, natural fireplace, birch cabinet kitchen, gas heat, attached 1 car garage, knotty pine room. For appointment call 1490-J. 8-tf FOR SALE -- 10 room house, 4 car garage, centrally located near schools and shopping area. Automatic oil heat. Yearly income $200 per month. Price $20,000. Phone 214-W. 9-4 OPENINGS at once ARC-WELDERS heavy plate SET-UP MEN must read prints LAYOUT MEN PACIFIC STEEL BOILER Waukegan, 111. MAjestic 3-2104 % 11-tf NEW 2 BEDROOM RANCH HOME Gas heat, face briek on all 4 sides. Living-Dining space 26 x 15-; Birch cabinet kitchen; gar., 15x26; size of bldg. 26x58 on a 100x200 ft. lot; near schools & shopping, in Johnsburg. JAK-ANA HEIGHTS Price $15,750. For appt. call our office -- McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ REALTOR'S In Johnsburg 5-tf II • let as do their drytleaaing They know that our cleaning is better--better for fabrics, better for colors, better for the^ fit and feel of a garment. See for yourself f SAVE -- SAFELY Cash & Carry Cleaning McHenry Cleaners 108 Elm Street Mcllenrj PHONE 104-M We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps • n « • - r,.. > . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- 4 room, year round lakefront home, full 'basement, oil furnace, cabinet kitchen, bath, attached garage, wired for electric range, newly decorated inside and outside. Price $10,500. Call 917. 5-tf FOR SALE -- $11,500 and 13,000 on contract, 2 new 3 bedroom ranch homes. Oil furnace, 3 blocks to town, aluminum awnings, combination windows, 2 car garage, 250 ft. from Fox River. Phone 1592-M. 11 Marylane, Hunterville Park Subdiv. 6-tf Buy U.S. Savings Bonds FOR SALE --- By owner. 2 bedroom brick bungalow, natural fireplace, full basement. 18-13 living room, automatic oil heat, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors. Four blocks from the square in Woodstock. For further information, phone Woodstock 1021-M. 11 FOR SALE 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms and bath, quiet location near river, large lot,- oil heat, roomy attic, close to town. Phone McHenry 1717-R. *11 ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formals. Open Tues., Thurs., Sat. 1-5 p.m., 6-9 p.m.; Wed., Fri., 1-5 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C.L. 1346-R-l. 4o-eow Buy U.S. Savings Bonds ! HELP WANTED -- Aluminum i window and fiber glass salesman, • highest commission paid. Call i McHenry 534-W-l. Full or parttime. Experience not necessary. lltf HELP WANTED--Man for work in Hardware Store and bottle ; gas delivery. Family man pre- : ferred. Apply Vycital's Hardware, ' 132 Green St. Phone 98. H Your wall-to-wall carpeting represents a substantial investment. It deserves Karpet Rare cleaning the best professional care available. Free estimates. Budget terms. Tidy Rug- Cleaners, 604 Washington St. (Route 14 North), Woodstock, 111. Phone 162. 11 I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf FOR SALE 51" steel kl'chi .sink and cabinets. In need of 1, pair. No reasonable offer refuse Phone 567-R-2. FOR SALE Maple davei;, bed, upholstered, with sic:,:; space. Good condition. 680-J-l. All day Friday or Kind,-, „ . . ---- Duty asbestos shingles. Let us re avings invested in Crystal j paint them. Many beautiful colors Lake Savings and Loan earn to choose from. Call Wonder Lake %/2%_ Plus }/i% extra. . 23t£ !3647. Weldon Andreas. 10-4 :i FOR SALE mos. old, $50 after 6 p.m. - 1 1 3 Hoxer pups, each, Cail hOM; '11 HELP WANTED Why Pay For Transportation To Chicago ? ' WORK NEAR HOME! We have openings in our organization for SECRETARY-CLERKS Shorthand Essential Five day week Paid vacations and holidays Attractive Insurance Plan. RINGWOOD CHEMICAL CORP. RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS TEL.: 'WONDER LAKE 2411 CHICAGO TEL.: DEarborn 2-5919 Jak-Ana Heagl in Johnsburg We build to Order, 2 and 3 bedroom ranch type homes. Face brick on all four sides, gas heat, with or without basements, on a 100x200 ft. lot. A Nice location, near church an'd schools, $13,000 and up. For Information Call At Our Office In Johnsburg JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Phone McHenry 37 HELP WANT ARE YOU THE MAN? Singer Sewing Machine Company has an opening in McHenry for an agressive man with a car, presently employed, interested in bettering himself, both professionally and financially. The man we select will be given an intensive course of training in the sales and service of sewing machines and vacuum cleaners on a salary plus commission basis. He should earn upwards of $100 weekly. This is a splendid opportunity for an ambitious man to get in on the giound floor and become an exclusive Singer representative from the McHenry area. For further details see -- W.J. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 221 Benton St. SATURDAY A.M. Woodstock, 111

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