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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1955, p. 2

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TO 1 » • Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER • • r. *f;-wr - h;' .: vi: ;..t.iHiii..inI"f^"IiiH"l'<iiii*I"I"l'<l>'i'4'<"I'^^HwH"i"i"l"H"I»i|i,^^»»i»^»^w{w}MH^» Meruyn Schmitt tension service frojrtx D.O. There will be. tixjafe-for shop- j Nancy Buckncr, Henrietta De- Young, Anita Bnrgor. Infant Christened The little son of Mr. and Mrs. ping and tours and pfienty of en Merwyn Schmitt was christened, tertainment. Robert John by Rev. Fr. John The McHenry county party will Reuland at 11 o'clock Sunday leave Woodstock at 7 a m nn morning nt\ St. Mary's church. 1 Aug. 24 ind will return by bus Sponsors were Mrs. Dorothy. about 9:30 p.m. Reservations Bassi and Charles Burnell, aunt must be made before 5 p.m.. on and uncle for the baby. Aug. 10. A delicious dinner followed at ; -- -- the Schmitt horhe. Present were ! Announce Troth Mrs. Maurice Burnell, daughters, i Of Miss Freimd Judy, Linda and Doris, and son, Mr and Mrs. Joseph E. 'Freund Charles, Mr. and Mrs. John R. of Johnsbiirg announce the en- Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Gene gagement of their daughter, Frost and family and Mr, and: Catherine, to Jack Wirtz, ,son of Mrs. Victor Bassi and family. Mr and Mrs. Anthony J. .Wirtz _j 0f Mi-Henry. Community Club No definite plans for the wed- Meeting Aug. 1 ding 'have been made. FOURTEEN FROM METHODIST CHURCH r AT SUMMER CAMP The Community * Methodist church of McHenry has a representation of fourteen young people at Conference Point camp, VVilliams Bay. Wis., this week. The junior high group of seven ashing ton, j iS made up of Camillc Covalt, The next meeting of the Johnsbjnrg Community club will be held W.S.C.S. Planning Monday, Aug. 1, at 8:30 o'clock 1 Committee Meets at Memorial hall, after which re- : A program planning committee freshments will be served. for the Women's Society for The committee in charge in- Christian Service, headed by Mrs. eludes Sigurd Jacobsen, Richard John Varese, vice-president, held Jaeger, Joseph King, William a morning meetihg in the Com- Kreutzer, Lee Kortemeier, Wil- munity Methodist church on fred Klapperich, Eugene King.1 Thursday, July 28. Mrs. Harry Howard Katz and Sigurd Larson. Stinespring, Jr., president, joined the meeting unofficially. Announce Troth Of The bolrd members then met, Mary Ann Rlnke under Mis. Stinespring's direc- Mr. and Mrs. George Rinke of tion, to consider and act upon 127 Midland avenue, McKena, 111., the program worked out by the announce the engagement of planning group. their daughter, Mary Ann Rinke. The ladies and their children to Wayne E. Ryder of rural . brought sandwiches to enjoy Woodstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. j lunch together after the nieet- S. A. Ryder. - i ings. The bride will be a teacher in ! -- - the Crystal Lake school system \ OES SPONSORS next fall. Mr. Ryder is an em-1 ployee of Buss Motor Sales. j BENEFIT FASHION ho™%„COcUry^ltrake their| REVUE AUGUST 11 Carol Goffo, Harry Stinespring III, and Gary Francke. The high school group--includes--Richard--San ford Don Kice, Shirley Lewis, Marcy West, Linda Ande'son. Laurel Loff and Mary Lou Watkins. The camp's setting is beautiful. White administration buildings on a hilltop overlook the , bay and the cabins and tenf -cabins set on the hillsides extend down to the beach area. A visit at 5:15 p.m. will find the girls' and bovs clean and fresh, as the camp rules that the campers "dress up" for dinners, as well as for Sunday services. Parents and friends are invited to attend talent night on Thursday and be part of the pleasiant activity at this lovely Christian camp. Sue Stinespring, Donna Barger, Karl Steuben and Larry Thomas attended earlier this summer. Miss Stinespring told one of the new campers, "Conference Point is the loveliest camp you could ever hope to attend." jPBIHBS • Mr. and Mrs. James Patzke of Johnsburg are the parents of a daughter, born July 19. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rogers are the parents of a son, born July 25 at Memorial hospital. A daughter born July 21 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chelirti. Mr. and Mra.>^ Paul Achor of Franlkfort, Intl., ale the parents of a 6 lb. ^ oSf.' daughter, born July 20. Mrs. Helen Heuser of Shower Honors j . '^10"nd th! C1°^k in Fashion" , ! 1S thp theme for the O.E.S. bene- Mary Struckman I fit staged through courtesy of A garden bridal shower honor- the Gift Port to take p]ace on ing Miss Mary Struckman of | Thursday, Aug. 11, at the Mc- Elgin was held earlier this: Henry Country club dining room. McHenry is the grandmother, month, given by Geraldine Stra-, Margaret Kingberg is in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gleeson ma, sister of the bridegroom, j of dessert luncheon reservations. I of Lakeland Park are the parents Miss Struckman will become the Judy Freund, Marine Day queen of a son. born July 20, at Memorbnde of Robert Strama of Mc- of 1954 will reig.n as Migs Gift I ial hospital He has been named A mJr^enear5 * "Port 1955" I Brian John. The C.leesons also . About fifty guests ^re ^rg^:^ L0cai residents, as -well- as out--(-have another son, Michael, 2 ent at the party, held at the Sjde professionals, will wear and I years old. Strama home. The bride-to-be; 5ho\v the very latest styles, most j TT r* . . m was presented with beautiful; indicative of the coming season's Urge Contractors To a h.a tasty buffet, high in fasion in women's ap'- Study Buildinq Code parel. Among the models will be Carole Jepsen, Katie Barbara Bernier, and Alice Marion. those planning to attend the > The clothes will come from supper was served. Annual Scout Luncheon Aug. I Bollman, Judy Freund 9&11U&1 Adult Girl Scout organi- i well kijown manufacturers around zAtion picnic are ' tc? call j the U.&(Af aj»d abroad, they have Evelyn Albright, phone 423-W, j been chbsen to meet requiretor reservation and transporta- j ments for around-the-clock wear, tion not later than Aug. 1. The! Beginning with lingerie, there group will leave from the Legion! will be shown dresses for various home at noon on Wednesday, I occasions, tailored suits, outdoor Aug. 10. .; apparel, sport coats and back-to- ---- ; school clothes. Home Demonstration £>ome hand-made hats, especial- As a result of the board of supervisors of McHenry county having; adopted a new building ordinance this month, effective- Aug*. 1\, ,|he advisability oif,. cotytractors and builders obtaining "a copy before starting any new ; construction has be$n urged by George Jedlicka, building commissioner for the county. Applications are being taken in the office of the building commissioner for the positions of Annual Meeting j ly designed for fall and winter I !*' in^ mspector and stenogra- Members of the McHenry Coun-1 ensembles, will be worn by some | P er' ty Rome Bureau will go by bus °f the models, The designer will be identified at the show. Thursday. July 28.1955 PERSONALS Miss Robin- Wendorf hag re- July SO turned to her home in Atlanta, Bake Sale -- Niesen^s Variety;0"- after sPendinS two weeks Store, McHenry -- lo a.m. - Wlth her grandparents, Mr_ an(J Sponsored by Ringwood WSCS. Mis- Walinder. July 3l Mrs. Ben Busch of Spring Moose Picnic -- V.F.W. pic- !°rove anc* Mrs. Leonard Robers nic Grounds -- Bring Lunch. ;01 Wis., visited relatives August 2 here Wednesday. Eager Beaver 4-H -- l p.m. Sister M. Leonilla of Spalding, Community Methodist Church • visited her mother, .Mrs. August « Mary Adamowski. at- McCnIlnm anid Altar Past we^k. Mike and Sally Niesen Christian Mother Society Picnic August 10 spending several weeks with rela- Riverview Camp, R.1JI.A, Pic- tnvs in Spalding, Neb. nic -- 1 P.M. -- V.F.W. Grounds. ' McHenry friends have received August 11 i cards from Miss Helen Schneider* Fashion Show and Pessert; a former local resident but late Luncheon -- McHenry Country of Chicago, telling of a delightful Club -- Sponsored by OEJj. ! vacation she is having with. August 12-13-14 ' j friends at Blowing Rock, N.C. St. John's Carnival -- Mfcmor-j The triP was made by Plane, ial Park, Johnsburg. • Mr. and Mrs. Hirshel Warrick August 20 ; of Maywood were guests in the Paper Drive -- Sponsored by i ^mer Winkelman home Sunday. Troop 164, Boy Scouts and Mrs. Harold Phalin August 24 , an,' daughter, Monica, of Wauke- Dessert Luncheon and Style ! Ran' visited relatives here Sun- Show -- American Legion Home | day -- Sponsored by St. Mary's ! Mr- 111(1 Mrs- William Heimer p.T.A. ! spent a few days this past week October 8 ! vvith the Laures family in Whea- Fiftieth Anniversary, O.E.S. -- ton Dinner, McHenry Country Club. ^rs- Vernon Knox, Mrs. Pete HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO BE REPRESENTED AT COUNTY FAIR sGitzke and„ children, Billy and , Linda Sue, and Mr. and Mrs. I William Heimer spent Thursday i at Lake Geneva. i Mrs. Mildred Pike and daugh- Memorial hospital's staff and I te" Joan> of London, Canada, the ladies of the woman's auxili-! were ^uests in the M^Snus Nelary are mindful of the approach! son horne_Thurs^ay- Mrs. Nelson of the McHenry county junior anc' Mrs. Emma Pearson of Crysfair, for they will be having im- > tal accompanied them to 6gt. Robert, < Richardson of Travis Air b&se, near San Francisco, Calif., '- is • spending a leave with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Mae "Richardson, and' Other relatives and'friends here. His wife, Ercel, daughter, Sue Lynn, and son, Jecks, who have been visiting here for several weeks, will return home with him. Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Bickler were Chicagp visitors Monday. Their "grandson, Howard Bickler, who spent the past week here, returned to Chicago with them and a granddaughter, Bonnie Bickler--.returned--to--MeS • 1,1 Mrs. William Wilton of Wilmette, the former Alice Olsen of McHenry, called on old •friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Dwyer, son, James, and daughter, Ann Marie, were Sunday guests in the Walter Walsh home. tal DeKalb for a visit in the Harold , Nelson home. Mrs. Fred B. 'Merrell of Fresno, Calif., spent a few days the past week as the guest of Mrs.' Annabel Aicher. portant roles during the fourday event. Last Friday a sue- j cessful tag day was held by the auxiliary in McHenry. The auxiliary once again will have its food stand on the grounds, located near the admin-1 The Erwin Laures family of istration building. * | Wheaton were weekend guests of Meanwhile, Miss Marida Roe, I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. administrator at the hospital, is ! Heimer. cooperating with the county Red | Mrs Magnus Nelson, accom- Cross chapter to provide nurses j panied by Mrs. Caroline Prahl of at the Red Cross first aid tent, j Crystal Lalke, attended the Vasa Every year Mrs. Marion Phin-1 picnic in Elgrn Sunday, ney, secretary of the Red C^oss: ancj jyirs. Edward Freund chapter, establishes a first aid t 0f Chicago were weekend guests tent at the fair, and we supply; 0f George Heimer. the nurses from those on our J staff who are off duty," said I Miss Roe. "The Red Cross pays j them for serving on the ground' and nurses are on duty from 9 j a.m. until closing time at night." i The auxiliary, which a'- ready exceeded its $50,000 ^i$£t£;e by $10,000, to the hospital build-1 ing fund, is now seeking to nfeet its second pledge of $15,000; .SPjjils is over the next five years. 1?ro-1 ceeds from the food stand at the fair will go toward the UMldiog fund. ... -A *; 1 GRAPE PRODUCTION Grape production is forecast at 2,000 tons, which is the same as last year but 117 per cent, or 410 tons, below the ten-year average. Growers around Nauvoo, our only commercial area, except to harvest a crop equal to or better than last year. with them to spend her vacation. Miss Lynn Reihanspergrr is enjoying a vacation with her cousin, Carole Reihfreid, in Madison, Wis. Dr. Lewis. Trevino of Chicago was a weekend guest in the Nick M. Justen home. Mr, and Mrs. Gus Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson and son of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Magnus Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. (J. Walinder were Chicago visitors Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Henry Schade, in Chicago Sunday. The latter has been ill. Fred Kamholz of Chicago called on relatives here Monday. Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Gertrude Thurlwefll were her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Bushaw, sons, Bob and John. Jr., and the latter's family of Rockford and her sister, Mrs. Josephine Elliott, daughter and family of Chicago. Mrs. Irene Guffey vacationed With relatives and friends in Elmhurst, Hinsdale LaGrange and Western Springs the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May, daughters, Joann and Lois, left Monday for a month's trip through the West. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago are spending a few i days with relatives here, enroute from a vacation at Tomahawk, Wis. The Wm. Guffey family of Richmond were dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Irene Guffey, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Koltz and children, Judith and Robert, of Pelham, N.Y., were recent guests in the Robert Thompson home. TOtTH CAMtS The appointment of Joseph P. Munday of Chicago as superintendent of forestry camps for the Elinois Youth Commission has been announced By Gov. William G. Stratton, Munday. who formerly served as juvenile parole supervisor for the You,th Commission in the Chicago area, will make his headquarters in Springfield. Facilities operated by the camp program , at the present time include the Shawnee Boys' camp, located at the University of Illinois agricultural experiment al station near RoWbs, in Pope county, and a temporary camp at the Mississippi Palisades State Park, near Savanna.. Approximately 50 youths, committed to the Youth Commission as delinquents, are undergoing rehabilitative training in the two camps, and plans are under consideration to open additional camps. 0SRITAL ftotiu John R. Schmitt was a medical patient at Lake Forest hospital last week. "AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD SUPPLEMENT" Added to your diet, it assures a more complete nutrition. Call: FLORENCE ENGDAHL McHenry 1Q74-R F O R Y O U a to the Home Demonstration council annual meeting in Chicago Aug. 24 at the Conrad Hilton hotel. There, ^several members will have sigpificant roles as hostesses and registrars. The convention will offer five days of entertainment and education to Home Bureau members. In store for those who will attend will be talks by important representatives of the University College of Agriculture, home economics division and federal ex- New designs in accessories, purses and jewels will also be introduced at the show. The O.E.S. benefit is expected to attract a very large audience and those with advance reservations are sure of accommodations. Reservations can be made by calling Mrs. Klingberg, 930-M, or the Gift Port Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars Buy U.S. Savings Bonds NOW, THE PERFECT WAVE! H Tbe permanent that is liUrally rained into your hair A complete departure from all permanents you have new Mn»,'„rer known-a new experience in comfort and a experience in lastmg quality. It s faster, too, by at least a half hour on the average head of hair. Hair that has never before taken a wove, suddenly and successful waves--WITH WILLAT MAGIC RAIN, on owe it to yourselj to ban- om ioon! a Positive Genius for Car Care . . . our "know-how" means safe, smooth motoring for you! MID-SUMMER SPECIALS • These Low Prices are in effect to August 15 ONLY! LUBRICATION . 71 yg* With Oil Change - Re-Pack Front Wheek $1.00 BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Plus - Free Tire Inspection! $1.00 TUNE-UP (all make cars i : $£ qc Plus Parts BRAKES RE-LINED $7 95 Plus Linings (Front & Rear all Wheels) * MOTOR STEAM CLEANING $* nn Any Motor O.UU A I R C O N D I T I O N E D YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS jRwerttide 9lau*dylincj, Stadia 128 Ni Blvenide Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 SPECIAL Ask about our Special Price on Valve Grinding -- Any Make Car! S & S PACKARD Sales & Service 405 E. Elm St. Phone 1010 McHenry, Dl. VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAY, NEAR McHENRY Home for the Aqed SENILE BED PATIENTS PHQNE McHENRY 481 For anyone who keeps a budget^fceok, a checking account - used to pay ^ bills - provides a valuable double eheck on accuracy. First, the checkbook stubs, each filled in at the time the corresponding check was drawn, give a complete and usually precise listing of expenditures, and a running balance. Second, the bank's statement of the checking depositor's account, sent to him periodically, gives him an opportunity to test the correctness of his checkbook balance. Try this sure-fire way to keep a budget book accurate and up-to-date: pay bills with checks --drawn on our bank. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member .Federal Reserve System >V ***& .HMD 1 SHOP NOW... AND SAVE!! Girls' - Size 7-12 SHORTS Reg. $1.98 . Nowl00 P, SPECIALS FOR THE KIDDIES! Girls* - Size 8-10-12-14 BLOI Reg. 98c Now 49 Reg. $3.00 Now GO-GO PONY . *1.98 Boys' Nylon - Size 10-12-14 SHIRTS Reg. $2.19 5189 Reg. $2.00 Now PUPPY . . . *1.49 Men's SWIM SUITS Reg. $2.19 !I89 Children's - Size 2-3-4 BLOUSES Reg. 89i Now 49 Reg. $2.00 Now SPLASHER. JR. .$1.49 Children's - Size 3-6x Shorts & Pedal Push* ers Reg. $1.89 $100 Now 1 Reg. $5.50 SWIM VESTS Now $ 398 Reg. $12.98 While Supply Lasts . only *8" Ladies' MID-RIFFS Reg. $1.39 Now 59 Ladies' BALERO'S Reg. $1.39 Now 69* FREE Official DAVY CROCKETT PINS to every child accompanied by parents. Extra Large BEACH BALLS Reg. $4.00 »„ $25« NIESEN'S 5 S1 523 W. Main Street to PHONE 38 $1 do STORE McHenry, 111.

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