Fourteen THE McHENBY PLAWfiEALEH ur'sday, August 25. LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By atwroells FOBS EMERRPNCY Last Sunday afternoon around 2 .p.m., Steven Sarley, 2 years old, son of Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Barley and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Sarley of Lakemoor, had an asthmatic attack. They are grateful to the Lakemoor police department and inhalator squad for their very prompt aid when Called in the emergency. The child was taken to Memorial hospital, where he was placed in an oxygen tent and was improving very well. We are all very happy to learn that the boy is doing well. Strnad. Better luck next year, boys. Keep trying. NPW Barber Shop The new baber shop in Lakemoor opened up this past week by Mr. Parisi of Lakeland Park. Bowling News Anyone desiring to bowl with the women's league oh Monday nights at 9 p.m., please contact Eleanor Wirfs at 469-J. tftfhether you bowled last y£ar Of not, please contact her s<*-- that the teams may be forinetf. li you have a team and no sponsor, call ber and she will help-to -locate a sponsor for you. Home from Hospital Last week, Doris Kibbe entered Resurrection hospital in Chicago for - minor surgery. She returned home on Saturday night and is doing very nicely. We hope you continue to recuperate so very well. Surprise Farewell Party Last Saturday evening there was a surprise party held for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stencil, who are leavihg Lakemoor as summer residents in another week. In remembrance of the wonderful times we have had with them, the following couples got together and gave to Margaret a cigarette lighter and to Henry a wallet. Those that attended were I and Mrs. Erickson, Mr. and j -££rs. Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold t^>ss, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bolda, Mr. and Mrs. W. Para, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brzezinski, Mrs. Underfill Ed ^ Kamin, Jr., Stewart Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kamin of Milwaukee. The party was held at the Foss residence and refreshments were served ; later in the evening. TSrickson Household Buzzing \ Last week, Rita's brother and I hfe family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellows, spent a week with Rita and her mother, Mrs. Fellows, and her niece, Carolyn Tuttle, and on Saturday Mrs. Elaine Irgange and son, Barry, were out ; visiting. \i Last week, Rita also went with || her family to Bensenville for dinii aer. Moved to Chicago Hospital Chipper Cyriowa and Frank and Louis Pogany were moved to Children's Memorial hospital, 707 Fullerton avenue, Chicago, Floor E. The children are getting along as well as can be expected and1- a little card would be really appreciated by the boys at this1 time. The- collection for t^eir> aid is still being conducted at Watly's and the Chuck Wagon. If you haven't donated as yet, try to do so soon. This is ft very good1 cause and anything will be appreciated, Elsie Cynowa is staying in Chicago until young Chipper gets along a little better but we do get the news as to the 'boys' condition from Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Pogany. Pinochle Party Last Thursday, the pinochle club meeting was held at the home of Helen Para. Birthdays celebrated at this time were Anne Brzezinski and Irene Leon. Prizes were won by Claire Forbes, Helen Para and Irene Leon. A delightful lunch was served by the hostess. Auxiliary News At the Lake county auxiliary meeting held at Winthrop Harbor, Helen Buchwalter of Lakemoor was elected chaplain. Installation of officers is to be held at Knollwood in November. General News Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leon attended the christening of their granddaughter in Chicago. Nanette Smith is the little girl's name and she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. John Leon. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Byliski of Arlington Heights came out to visit the Foss family with their three little girls. MISS BETTY BAUER RECEIVED IN ORDER AT FRIDAY SERVICE In an impressive ceremony which took place recently at St. Mary's convent, Milwaukee, Wis., Miss Betty Bauer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer of Volo, was received into the Order of the Society of the Divine Saviours and giv,en the name of Sister Mary Helen. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Huepper was celebrant at the Mass, which was followed by dinner at Madonna hall. During --.this time, Sister Olivia read a telegram from Pope Pius XII in which he extended his Papal blessing. Attending the ceremony of religious reception were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer and son, Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Genild Bauer and family of Tulsa, Okla., Brother Paul. SDS, and Father Alban, SDS, of St. Nazianz. Wis., Dr. Raymond Bauer of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bauer, Mrs.. Andrew Steinsdoerfer and son, Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Math Adams, son, Jim, and daughters, Dorothy and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. George Freund and daughter, Mary Kay. Frances and Carolyn Bauer, Mrs. Nick Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Konnebeck, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund and family of McHenry, Rev. Everett Hiller of Elgin, Miss Mildred Hiller of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wegener and family, Mrs. Agnes Wegener and daughter, Bernadette, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wegener and family,, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown and daughters, Mrs. Josephine Wagner, Misses Teresa Regner and Joan Haydem of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bauer of Waukegan. Urge Care In Use Of Insecticides Attend Milwaukee Fair Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erickson and Edward Kamin, Jr., and Stewart Clark attended the Milwaukee fair on Sunday. They had a wonderful day for such an event and enjoyed thems£ ves immensely. Water Fights On Sunday, the Lakemoor firemen were in the water fights held In McHenry. Although they lost the fight the men should be complimented on the wonderful fight they put up. They fought Johnsburg firemen. The following men were on the team: John Sulak, Norman Williams, Mr. Berends, Bill Gibson and Harry FARMERS XI you have something to Buy, Sell or Trade ADVERTISE In the PLA1NDEALER A good remover for grease or adhesive spots is alcohol; it should not be used on plastics or rayons. Dusting: of spraying With fttv secticides may do much to promote the healthy growth of fruits and vegetables. But they often have just the opposite effect on humans. Even though the container may not be labeled poison, many of these substances are harmful to man, says O. L. Hqgsett, extension safety specialist at the University of Illinois College of Agriculture. Take special precautions whenever you use fumigants or insecticides to be sure that you never breathe the fumes, vapors or dust. It's a good idea not to dust or spray on windy days. With some dusts and sprays, a safety mask is required. Always he especially careful to label all insecticides so that you won't mistake them for something else, and keep them out of reach of children. Follow the manufacturer's directions for handling, mixing and applying, Hogsett suggests. Always dust or spray with the wind, and wear a respirator when there is danger of inhaling fumes. Wear gloves, a longsleeved shirt and other clothing to cover as much skin area as you can. When you have finished the spray work, be sure to carefully wash your hands and other- exposed parts of your body with soap and water. Store poisonous materials in a safe place. Before you eat fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed or dusted be sure to wash them thoroughly. i V ? * f . • \ • - THE NEW POLIO VACCINE - developed with your March of Dimes funds--has been licensed by the U.S. and some is available commercially. See your family doctor. . - POUO VACCINE <9 Package Liquor Store and Tavern PIZZA Italian Spaghetti Sandwiches KITCHEN CLOSED ON TUESDAY'S McHENRY 336 ISO So. Green St., McHenry, I1L •I CHAIN LINK" Q1 MEANS SAFETY & PROTECTION FOR YOUR CHILDREN -- ALSO -- RUSTIC WOOD FENCES For FREE estimates Phone McHenry 724 -ANDERSON V FENCE and SUPPLY1 McHenry, HL Lyle D. Anderson BUT FOLIO IS STILL WITH US When polio is around, follow these precautions: JJONT GET OVERTIRED DONT GET CHILLED THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION DONT MIX WITH NEW GROUPS INFANTrt-E PARALYSIS BUT DO KEEP CLEAN GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler ILLINOIS $23.20 PER CHILD Children who liye in Illinois can consider themselves fortunate as far 'as'toys are concerned. Their doting, parents are buying the kiddles: toys at a rate considerably above the national average- , Industry sources report that on a country-wide basis, parents Jast year spent an average of $19.20 on toys for each child under 15. But the parents of the 2,494,- 400 hoys and girls under 15 in Illinois spent an average of $29.20 on v toys for each of the youngsters -- $10 above the national average. Toy sources also state that parents today are spending more on toys titan parents fifteen years ago. Fifteen years ago, the toy outlay nationally aver'r aged $11.93 for each child. A. E. Murphy, executive director of the Folding Paper BoX ^ association, said that one of the Tf major reasons for the increases in toy purchases is that parents can buy toys in more places today. "Packaging and the folding carton have pjayed a part in bringing toys to such retail outlets as super markets and chain drug and variety stores," Murphy said. He declared that "clever packaging aided the toy industry in changing to an all-season affair. Starting in 1938, when the industry first launched its drive to develop sales in months other than November and December, ^ only 22 percent of annual volume was rung up between January and October; today, 40 percent of total sales occur in the period." OPEN for BUSINESS WIECHSVILLE WHOLESALE Auto radiator specialists advise that draining, flushing and then refilling the radiator with clear water and a. rust inhibitor in the springtime is one of the most important maintenances of your car. Pistons and valves fcan be scored and burned by distructive acids formed by exhaust gases leaking into a system no longer guarded by a rust inhibitor. Drive in at GUETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE. HIGHWAY 31, McHENRY, ILL., and let us give your car a thorough radiator check-up including the hose connections, gaskets and pressure cap. Phone 331 and we'll pick-up and deliver your car. Phone 331 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMITTORS SLOCUM LAKE, ILL. Reg. $4.95 Gallon - Inside and Outside PAINT Only ROUTE 176 ?169 Gal. with this Ad Men's Slajbks, Skirts, Name Brands Watches, Toyx, Jewelry, Summer Chairs ... HUNDREDS OF ITEMS 40% lo 50% OFF -t FREE GIFT If you mention this Ad! Open Fri., Sat. & Sun. only until further notice! DmmM ItX ¥ SANTA SAYS: Your electric friend "LITTLE BILL" says: mm a I'll cook your meals I SHAVING LUXURIES YARD IEY Invisible Talc Handsome aluminum shaker contains finest filtered, skin-toned talc for utmost after shaving comfort and good looks. m for pennies a day!" now s the time to• . • join . ALTHOFF'S CHRISTMAS I plus tax BOLTERS '• i •, pHoriis m - KM 9. Green St. McHenry. OL Yordfey ftojfoefe for America are erected fit Copland and finished in the 0. $• A. : sssiaaisassWMar' How Public Service ' Company keeps your electric bill down-- (while everything else goes up) PUBLIC • <DC«i&!Boaw»iltb Editou Com ^Though the cost of living has doubled "--today electricity actually costs you less-zper kilowatt-hour than it did 25 years ago. Many new ideas have helped Public Service Company keep the cost of electricity low. Today, for example, We send out your electric bill every two months. This cuts the cost of bookkeeping, printing, and meterreading in half. And, by putting your bill on a post card, we also save "on envelopes and postage. These "little savings" all add up to a big saving for ycrik in lower-cost electricity. \ So today, while you're using far more electricity than 25 years ago, you're actually getting more of it for your money (almost twice as much, as a matter of fact). COMPANY CLUB \ Good old Santa^A he knows Christmas is merrier with a bill-free holiday season .. /btop in today or Phone 283 for free information. I m Free Benefits For All Club Members ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE "McHenry. Cfiuntys Leading Hardware 501 W. Main Street PHONE 283 McHenry, 111.