ge Two "* V r ';^ ^ L*j y. 1 * ' \ <• k \"tm f o ,i <*' f w* * s <.* ' "f v!> •* *v% . W* ' THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER •;w.. ;fer' ' 5 ;v'>4;.' ;,..* _• '»<H"| MI'H"ti1'lI"t"l,,i,lHl*<"l"li»'I"t"l"l"M,tllM'tili't"H"l"H"Hf»*f»I'•!••»• Announce Engagement Of Janice fram Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pranz of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Tom Martin, soft of Mr and Mrs. George Martin, also of Wonder Lake. Tom is a junior at the University of Illinois, wihere he is studying to be an aeronautical engineer. Janice is in her senior year at the McHenry high school. St. Clara's Court Planning Luncheon St. Clara's Court, No. 659 Women s Catholic Order of For- aje(j at the nuptial rite, Essert-Morgan Vows Exchanged Kolin Photo The Community Methodist church was the scene of d lovely wedding service last Saturday evening, .. Sept. 24, when Miss Patricia Ess6rt, daughter of Mrs. Arthur EsSert of Bull Valley, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Thomas Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morgan of Chicago. Rev. J. E. Corbett offici- •[••{'•J esters, will have a luncheon at Gurnee Oct. 5 at 1 o'clock. For reservations, call Helen Weber, 104-M, or Martha Freund, 91-R. They must b,e made by Tuesday morning, Oct. 4. Lorraine Huff Guest At jParty Mrs. Lorraine Huff was honored at a surprise party at Farm House Inn Wednesday evening. Sept. 21. given by a host of friends and relatives, with plans for the event having been made by Clarence Smith of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmerman of Woodstock. Among visitors- were friends from the surrounding communities. A tasty lunch wa^ served by her friends and Mrs. Huff had tlie honor of blowing out the candles on a beautifully decorated cake. She was the recipient of many lovely gifts and flowers. The pretty bride chose a full length, white gown of tulle and lace, with which she wore a fingertip veil attached to a tiara trimmed with pearls and rhine- 182 Pupils At Square Dance A good crowd of 182 pupils from seventh and eighth grades enjoyed square dancing at Edgebl" ook school SaturdajT night. The program is sponsored by P.T.A. organizations of all schools. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. IUiy Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Steinbach and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jurack . of St. Mary's school; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Del Monte of St. Patrick's school; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling of J6hnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher of Community P.T.A.; and George Cina, teacher-adviser. Chocolate milk and cookies were served. V*The next dance will be held Oct. 8. Dancing is from 7:30 to 10 p.m. and parents are asked to be at school at 9:45 to pick up the children. Community Club / To {Meet |Oct. 3 The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held on Monday, Oct. 3, at 8:15 o'clock at Memorial hall. Following the -business session, refreshrrfents will be served by a committee consisting of Clarence Michels, Frank May, Richard Marshall, LeRoy Marshall, Ray Miller, Hessie Miller, Peter Mc- Guire, George Novak, Henry Nell and Alfred "Oeffling. Members are reminded of the annual Hallowe'en party Saturday, Oct. 29, at, 9 o'clock, also at Memorial hall. There will be a dance orchestra, fine refreshments and prizes for the most outstanding costumes. Everybody is welcome to attend the Hallowe'en dance lltllli stones.. She carried a white orchid and stephanotis. Miss Annette Kreuger of Chicago, a former classmate, acted as maid of honor and Dennis Morgan, brother of the groom, was best man. A reception for 150 guests followed the ceremony at the Legion home in McHenry, after which the Couple left on a honeymoon trip. Upon their return in two weeks, they will reside in West Shore Beach. Members of the Chicago police department were well represented at the wedding, Miss Essert's late father having been a member of it for many yea^rs. , PERSONALS Recent guests in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher were Mr. and Mrs. John Hbffn^n^and daughter, Lorri Ann, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Steilen and Terry of Chicago. Mrs. Mayme Diershow of Portland, Ore., has been visiting in the Wm. Buchert and Mrs. George, Knaack homes. A former Elgin resident, it is he* first visit here in twenty-six years: . Mrs. Frances Patzke has been spending a few weeks in Santa Ana, Calif., where she was called by , the critical illness of iier daughter, Mrs. Carl Mjlinac. '• Mrs. James Kline, the former Carol OQsen, left' last week/1© join her husband, who is ih Service in El Monte, Calif. Mrs. Annalbel Aicher was a Chicago visitor Friday. Mrs. George Worts, Mrs. Louis Stoffel, Mrs. Edward Thompson and Miss Gertrude Weber vacationed at chetek. Wis., the past week. While there they also visited friends at Almena, Turtle Lake and other neighboring places. Mrs. Edith Hayes, in company with her son, Donald,, and fanfily of Chicago spent Saturday at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. EdWard Comiskey and son, Lee. of Chicago visited McHenry relatives and friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ekstrom and family of Bartlett visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel, Saturday evening. Mesdames Clinton Martin, Vinton Thompson, Robert Thompson, George Johnson and Arthur Hoppe enjoyed luncheon in Whitewater, Wis., last Wednesday and attended the Wisconsin Antique show held at the Armory in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel were visitors at Oconomowoc, Wis., Sunday. Merritt Cruickshank of Norwood Park was an over-night guest in the Robert Thompson home last week. Mrs. Esther Haufe of Neenah, Wis., spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Grever. Mrs. Richard Sedar of Waukegan spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bienapfl. Mrs. Joseph Benes and Mrs. Burt Bienapfl were in Evanston Wednesday, where they visited the lattter's granddaughter, a polio patient at the Evanston hospital. COOKS CORNER By Marie Schaettgen ICARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the people of our community for supporting us in our recent television appearance. Also, we wish to thank the following organizations: The V.F.W., the American Legion, the Rotary club, th$ Kiwanis club, the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Order of Foresters and the Moose club. The Violin Quartet: Judy Freund, Kathleen Anglese, Sue Stinespring, Diane Pieroni and Telia Nardi OSRITAL Slo&A With the advent of frozen foods, ready mixes for cake, biscuits, pizza and almost everything else, we seem to be getting away from the old fashioned, but still good, simple fare of our mothers. How long is it since you saw or ate a dish of old fashioned rice pudding -- the kind you ate with good rich cream over it -- before you ever heard of a calorie or a high protein diet? Try this. Old Fashioned Rice ^Pudding 1 can Tice 4 icnps milk 1 tsp. isait i/2 oup sugar \ 1 tsp. vanilla ( Grated rind of 1 lemon Wash rice, mix with other ingredients and pour into a buttered pudding dish. Bake about three hours in a very slow oven (250 degrees), stirring three times during the first hour of baking to prevent rice" from settling. You will find this has a nice creamy, taste even without adding cream. Teachers Benefit From Fall Education Courses LOIS McELMEEL BECOMES BRIDE or ^ MR. DANIEL LENNON A beauitiful wedding was solemnised at i3t. John's Catholic chtirdh, John^urg^ on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 11 o'clock mass wheh Miss Lois McElmeel became the bride of Mr. Daniel Lennon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. McEamcel of McHenry and the bridegroom is, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander V. Lennon of Long Lake. The charming bride was radiant in a white dress of lace net1, styled full length With train, full, hoop skirt, V-neckline and long pointed sleeves. Her fingertip veil fell front fi pearl crowri. Acting as maid of honor for her sister was Miss Gloria McElmeel, while the groom's* sister, Miss Ann Lennon, was jtihior bridesmaid. Attending the bride as bridesmaids were Mrs, Dorothy Hintz of Chicago, Miss Shirley Kellermann of Franklin Park and Miss Barbara Riner of Villa Park. All were attired similarly in gowns of turquoise crystalette, styled stra.plesk with jackets. Their headpieces consisted of miniature white mums and they carried the same flowers in their bouquets. James Lennon served his brother as best man and grooms-' men were Dave Lettnon and Jamse A. Lennon, the groom's cousins, Robert Schaefer, cousin of' the bride, and Bill Hints, a friend. For her daughter's wedding^ Mrs. McElmeel chose-a light blue ensemble with which she wore matching accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Lennon wore a blue dress, white hat, black accessories and a white orchid corsage. Following the service, breakfast was served at the McHenry Country club for the bridal party and members of two families. At 6 o'clock, 450 guests enjoyed a buffet supper there. The newlyweds are now enjoying a week's trip west, after which they will live for the present with her parents. The bride graduated in 1952 from Leyden high school in Franklin Park. The bridegroom is a graduate of Grant high school in Fox Lake and is nota an employee of Muller Plumbing in Glenview. * ? October 29 Annual Hallowe'en party - Johnsburg Memorial Hall - Sponsored by Community Club The Robert Brugger family of much. CARD OF TFHANKS I would like tb take this means of thanking everyone who sent me cards, flowers and gifts and who visited me during the time I was confined to the hospital. Everything was appreciated so Kenosha, Wis., Mr. jrtvd Mrs. Fred Bienapfl; the Rsdjtfi Srhith and Joseph Brefeld families were supper guests in the Dale Dixon home Sunday, where tihey helped little Bobbie Dixon celefbrate his third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith, Jr., and sons, Jimmie and Dannie, of Chicago were weekend guests in the home of the senior Art Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benes were Rockford visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and daughters of ElmhurSt and Mr. and Mrs. Schmalfeldt and daughter, Tamara, of Kenosha, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Irene Guffey. Mrs. Mabel Powers spent the past week, in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Burge, in Grayslake. The Edward winters family of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests of Mrs. Agnes Nieman and daughter, Mary Kay. •21 X.' Marjorie Egerstaffer 'MARRIAGE LICENSES/ Donald H. Warrell of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and Diane R. Humphrey of McHenry. Alfred J; May of McHenry and Mrs. Irene T. Karaa of Spring Grove. lllltllttHMililllllllllllillU It Pays to Advertise "AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD SUPPLEMENT" Added to your diet, it assures a more complete nutrition. Call: FLORENCE ENGDAHL McHenry 1074-R Mrs. Alex Adams underwent 3urgery at Memorial 'hospital this week. Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars To meet the needs of teachers in northern Illinois, Elgin Community college, in its adult program, has included the education courses found most in demand. Among the courses open for education credits are included child development, philosophy of education, American government (federal), U.S. history, effective speaking, basic logic, sociology and psychology, among others. In the non-credit field are such courses as group piano, leathercraft, cerarrfics, enameling and sewing. Read the Want Ads. "Watch these DANGER Signs!" September 29 Lecture Luncheon -Club -- Country' Club -- 1 p.m. St. Clara's Court, No. 659, W.C.O.F. October Circle 4, WlSiC.S. -- Dessert Luncheon at Church October 5 St. Clara's Court, W.C.O.F., Luncheon -- 1 p.m. Circle 3, W.S.C.S. -- Beulah Greuri'feld Home -- Dessert Luncheon -- 1 p.m. , October 6 Public Party -- Legion Home -- Sponsored by C.D. of A. Circles 5r6 -- Meeting at Eleanor Wright Home 7:30 p.m. Work Day at Methodist Church -- 9:30 a.m. October 8 Fiftieth Anniversary, O.E.S. -- Dinner, McHenry Country Club. October 9 Pure Oil Glee club Concert -- High School Auditorium -- 8 p.m. -- Sponsored by Friendship Guild, Zion Lutheran Church October 11 Circle 1, WAC^. i-- (Dessert Circle 1, W.S.C.S. -- Dessert Luncheon -- Methodist Church -- 1 ; , lOctqber jl2 Circle 2, W.S.C.S. -- 1 p.m. -- Dessert Luncheon -- Methodist Church October 13 Work Day at Methodist Church -- 9:30 a.m. October 15 P.T.A. Carnival -- Edgebrook School -- 6 to 9 p.m. lOctober 20 Regular W.S.C.S. Meeting -- Work Day -- 10 a.m. October 521-22 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Church Basement (October 25 Harvest Holiday Bazaar -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. -- Community Methodist Church SEPTEMBER BRIDE •>; . •i Medlar PQioto MRS. WAYNE DIXON This lovely bride, was Miss Marcella Etten before her marriage on Sept. 17 in St. Patrick's church to Mr. Wayne Dixon. The ceremony was performed at a 10 o'clock nuptial high mass. ANNOUNCES iCANDIOAGY Charles M. Adams has* 'announced that he will be a candidate for state representative on the Democratic ticket in- the primary election to be held April 10, 1956. The new district includes Ogle, DeKalb, Boone and McHenry counties. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank the many friends who sent me cards and flowers, offered prayers in my behalf and those who visited me during my recent illness while I was confind to my home. *21 Nick Weingart Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer MONEY AND BANKING In Everyday Living SERVICE CHARGES on a checking account can be avpided. Our bank makes such .charges only when a depositor's loanable balance is not enough to cover the cost, 0T service to, his account. We wilt!! gladly tell you what balance you should maintain 4bas$d on the number of checks ypu'dv usually draw) to enjoy -.Urrtitbuf charge the benefits of fjMjV'rtS by check. » • • • \Vhcn should a child have his or her own allowance? It is ,wdl to teach a child how to iffandle money at an early age. Small allowances should begin is soon as the child recognizes small coins, can count money And make change. When the child enters grammar school, the allowance should be increased to cover lunches, carfare and school supplies. Out of the allowance the youngster should be taught to save something regularly for the things he or she wants. DID YO# KNOW that you can bank with us at any hour . . . /Wherever you may be? You can if you use our helpful bankingby- moil service. We supply mailing forms -- free -- on request. Ask for details. Low-cost bank instalment credit enables many people to have the benefit of goods and services while paying for them in convenient monthly instalments. We extend such credit for most worthwhile purposes --very likely including the one you have in mind. Come in! McHENRY STATE BANK •Interests- Paid On Savings Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 dr^ll & and Scales 9 Tight, Itchy Scalp • Excessive Falling Hair i-t Having sold the EMIL PATZKE ROOFING BUSINESS, I wish to thank all for their past patronage. For the same workmanship and consideration in the future call -- r. McHenry 956-M Mrs. Emil Pat|ke • Dry Hair • Dam • Thinning on Crown and Temple 9 Excessive Oily Scalp and Hair Our Beauty Operators Know . . . that proper care of hair and scalp has its reward in vibrant, radiant appearance ... A good permanent is essential . . . good styling is flattering . . . abd a "Willat Magic Raiin Permanent" is the most flattering of them all! Call 147 for your appointment with Beauty Now! rw OPEN TUE8., THURS. AND FRI. EVENINGS^ 'TIL 9 P. M. YOUR LOVELINESS E3 OtJR BUSINESS 126 N. 9iciit<&tyllnfy Studio, DHve McHenry. HI. Phone 147 To kill)RATS and MICE wholesale \ insist on OR CEN0L WARFARIN BAITS GUARANTEED TO DO THE JOB S drugstore S. GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENRY, IL.U Mi. i i t i i 1 1 1 mi i M i i i » » » flittrsday, September 29i " --f BOY SCOUTS •fr • •!' -fr 4. ^ Troop ,10 Newly' elected officers of Troop 10 include Charfene Hagberg, president; Suzanne Thompson, vice-president; Virginia Peterson, secretary; Sandra Schmunk, treasurer. The" game committee includes Carmen Anderson and Marilyn Kittil. Virginia Peterson, scribe , Troop 162 AmericaflH Legion sponsored Tropp 162 held ,its regular autumn elections at the last troop meeting and the results are; as follows: stey^ . pike, senipr patrol leaderj fedb Haiig, assistant leadjer; Robert Jessup, Quail patrol leader; Robert Rode, Golden Artfow patrol leader; Billy Anderson and Robert English, Wolf patrol leaders. Elections were undecided for the Pioneer and Deer patrols. Dodge ball game was supervised by Steve Olson, with Bob Beckenbaugh artd Bill Kirk as high men. The rope game was supervised by Freddie Wahl. Mr. Kirk brought in a live birdi for the boys to identify. S.P.L. Stetfe Fike told the boys the correct answer. It was a Carolina,. Rail, which is a migrant shorebird and used to be on the hunter's list. NEWLYWEDS / -t ^ * i'-y Medlar^Photo THE >*AMES R. ?IER€ES Miss Patricia Wohlert became the bride of Mr. James R. fierce, Jr., of Woodstock in a! pretty nuptial rite which took place at St. Mary's- Catholic church, McHenry, on Saturday, S$|j>y. 17. The newlyweds will make* their home in Woodstock. HARDEST BUSIEST 4 CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS This Dress Just Looks New Because It Has Been DRY CLEANED Count on Our Sanitone Service to Keep Your Clothes looking LikopNow Longer... A garment doesn't have to look worn to be unsuitable for dress-up wear. It has only to lose "the | bloom of youth" and that's the end. That's why, ] the best dressed women everywhere are turning J more and more to our Sanitone Dry Cleaning. It not only gets out spots, and.all soil--even ground- I in dirt and perspiration, but it also maintains likenew freshnessofcolor, pattern and texture through - cleaning after cleaning. May we serve you, too? Call today. PHONE 927 for Pick-up Service r or SAVE 10% Cash 'N Carry at 3 RAINBOW CLEANERS N. Front Street McHenry, Dl (Around corner North of National Tea) OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TO 9 P. M.