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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1955, p. 7

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'Uttujgfeys September 29; 19S5 THE MfcHENBY PLAINDEALER m, HELP WANTED _ -- Aluminuir Window and fiber glass salesman, highest commission paid. Call ^ McHenry 534-W-l. Full or parttime. Experience m)t "necessary. lltf \. WANTED I ASSEMBLERS • i, . r LACERS and t SOLDERfeRS ALSO Part Time work available from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. apply* IV I ADMIRAL i CORPORATION .307 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 16-tf HELP WANTED -- Orchestras for modern dancing, square dancing, Latin music. Magicians^ comics, Impersonators, rtiu&ic&l singles. Entertainment acts of all kinds for future bookings. Please reply by mail to: Jr. Vice Commander, American Legion Post. No. 491, McHenry, Illinois. 19-2 Help Wanted * Bakery Route Sales Established retailed routes. Available for ambitious young married men. We can offer: Security High Wages Advancement Our men receive pay while in training; guaranteed salary plus commission. Scheduled days off with pay plus 2 weeks vacation and other benefits. For full information, contact ' 4 OMAR BAKERIES „ : Highways 21 and 63 Liberty- :-ville, or call collect Libertyville 2-1772. 21 HELP WANTED -- Be Independent!! Want full or part time iocal Rep. Fruit Juices for homes. Prospects and Big profits guaranteed. Ipeed car, big demand, start now. (jrive experience. Kinzie Wells Co., Box 3441, Mdse. Mart, Chicago. / *21 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Woman for general housework, 2 days a week in Lakeland Park* Phone 1363-W-2. *21 gELP WANTED -- Girls' for light factory work in progressive manufacturing concern in Johnsburg. Pleasant working conditidns, paid holidays and vacations. Skysweeper, Inc., McHenjy 1090. 21-2 Help Wanted TYPISTS and STENOGRAPHERS New modern offices. Pleasant surroundings Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Apply Mon., thru Fri. BARCO MFG. CO. 500 Hough, St. Barrington, 111. " 21 HELP WANTED -- Girl to assist dentist; will train. Write Box 74 in care of Plaindealer. 21-2 HELP WANTEID -- Man for bottled gas delivery and general hardware shop work. Apply in person, Vycital's Hardware, 132 So. Green St., McHenry. 21 HELP WANTED 9-- Men to learn knitting machine operations. No experience necessary. Apply in person. McHenry Hosiery Mill, Crystal Lake Blacktop Road. 21 REAL ESTATE Help Wanted Production Lathe, Drill Press and Grinder Operators Permanent New Modern Shop. Excellent record for continuous employment. Occasional Overtime. BARCO MFG. CO. 500 Hough St., Barrington, 111. 21 HELP WANTED -- Woman to work tn nursing home on Pistakee Bay from 4 p.m. to 12 midnight. Call McHenry 461. 21 HELP WANTED -- Painters and Tapers, steady work. Phone 1803. 21 Help Wonted General Foundry Help Apply in Person. Richmond Foundry Co. Richmond, 111. 21 HELP WANTED •-- Experienced woman to do housework on Fridays or Saturdays. MUst live in McHenry or provide own transportation. Call 1448. * 21 FOR SALE -- Low priced homes McHenry & Vicinity. Income property, 2. 4-room flats, near Pistakee Bay, a nice location. iWater rights. Also 2 bedroom home, gas heat, water front, price $14,500. McCULLOM LAKE, 5 rooms, bath, corner, 2 lots, landscaped. Price $8,000. Also 2 bedroom all year round home. Price $3,950.00. HICKORY WOODS SUBD., 2 bedroom home, 2 lots, water rights. Price $7,950. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS, 2 bedroom home, gas heat, full basement, garage, one year old. Price $11,500. Also 2 bedroom home full basement near beach, one year old. Price $10,500. FOX RIVER NEAR JOHNSBURG, 2 bedroom home, 2 car garage, lot 60 x 265. Price $13,750. •WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom home new, full basement well built. Price $13,750. WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom home, new, full basement, well built. Price $14,000. LAKEMOOR, 2 bedroom well built (log) < home, water front, nice location. Price $10,500. • V For appointment call our office in Johnsburg, McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR 17-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- On Route 31, McHenry, 111., poultry farm, 5% acres includes 7 room0house, 2 barns, garage, 600 ft. on highway, $18,- 000. Phone Eleanor Renard, 244-J. •15-tf FOR SALE -- 5 room year 'round home. Wall to wall carpeting, completely furnished, tile bath, finished attic, gas heat, large lot. Spring Road and Maple Hill Drive, McCuliom Lake Estate. Mr. James Pokorny, Telephone McHenry 554-R-2. Will sacrifice. 21-2 FOR SALE -- Year 'round 2 bedroom home, 2 car garage, 2 lots, $6,000. Phone Wonder Lake 2531. 21 10. PER CENT DOWN To non-veterans, 3-bedroom ranch, face brick all sides, attach, garage; utility room; automatic gas heat; many extras; on large lot; immediate possession; shown by owner and builder. Full price $16,- 900; low terms to qualified parties. Call McHenry 901 for appointment. 21 FOR SALE -- $1,250 down payment, 'andMonthly terms to suit, buys a 2 bedroom bungalow, 5 years old] Attractive living room, kitchen" and utility room, hardwood floors, plastered walls, gas heat, 2 car garage. River rights. Entire price $10,500. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St. Phone Mr. Plumb 268. 21 FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom, 4 room home; oil heat; furnished; 2 years old. Country Club Subd. Price $7,350. In McHenry: 3 bedroom, 5 room home; 2 car attached garage, large breezeway; oil furnace; basement; carpeting, draperies. Two years old. $20,000. In McHenry: New 3 bedroom, 5 room home. Large carport attached. Basement. One floor. Plastered. Hardwood floors, all brick, $17,- 500. Knox Real Estate, 405 Richmond Rd., McHenry, 111. Phone 421-J. 21 FOR SALE -- Large ranch home on highway 120, walking distance to McHenry, on 1 acre, trout stream in bsck yard, basement, forced air heat, air conditioned. 3 car garage. This property is also zoned for business. Ideal for doctor or lawyer. Full price $19,500. Terms. Call McHenry 430. 21 FOR SALE -- In McHenry, by owner, 3 bedroo*i home, lot 88x132, full basement, hardwood floors, combination windows, Venetian blinds, 1% baths, ceramic floor tile, wall-to-wall carpeted living, dining rooms, natural fireplace, birch cabinet kitchen, gas heat, attached 1 car garage, knotty pine room. For appointment call 1490-J. 8-tf FOR SALE -- Small home, completed, Wonder View on nice high lot. For quick sale, $4,500.00. Terms. AIRSPUN BUILDERS McHenry 430 15-tf FOB SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES BESOBT PROPERTY Knox Beat Estate 405 Richmond Boad McHenry, 111. • Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- 4 room, year round lakefroht home, full basement, oil furnace, cabinet kitchen, bath, attached garage, wired for electric range, newly decorated inside and outside. Price $10,500. Call 917. 5-tf FOR SALE -- Gas station, good location, well established on corner, new equipment. Phone Grayslake BAldwin 3-8371. *21 FOR SALE -- Sacrifice, 3 bedroom home, basement, breezeway, attached 2 car garage, carpeting, drapes, storm windows, fireplace, hardwood floors, plastered. Will .sell qn. contract. Best offer. Phone 829. 21 SITUATION WANTED WANTED WANTED For Fair Prices And Good Service Plus Proper Disposal of i ( Down Or Crippled Ca^e (Must Be Alive) Please Consider The- \ Importance of Proper Disposal - L. BURNSIDE & SQlfs CALL MARENGO 1$7 * COLLECT Marengo, Illinois ^ 12-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh., phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 4^tf WANTED TO BUY _ We pay highest prices for junk cars, iron and metal. Call Grooms, 1368-M-l or Staines, 53-J. fl-tf MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE -- $1.00 down holds any snow suit or coat set until Nov. 21 tf'™* TDM A SIS SUA STREET McMENRY, ILL. Has your drinking become a problem ? Men, women, if so, write Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf RAYMOND REESE AUCTION Wm. H. Russel - Edwin Vogel Auctioneers WANTED TO BUY -- Cider mill and press. Phone 18Q1-R. »21 WANTED TO BUY -- Household goods of all kinds, old furniture, bric-a-brac, glass and antiques. Call Richmond 4103 after 5 p.m. 21-5 WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE-- Outboard motors, any year or make, any condition. Also for sale, completely reconditioned motors. Call 938-W. 21-tf WANTED TO BUY -- Honey extractor, 2 frame or larger, in any condition. Phone 1886-J. 21 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Responsible family desires 3 bedroom house. Call Genoa City, Bfy^Wning 9-6128. 21 LOST AND FOUND SITUATION WANTED -- Experienced dish washer and kitchen helper wants full time work. Call 638-J-2. 19-tf SITUATION WANTED -- Typing to do in my home. Will also address and mail advertising literature. Phone Richmond 2841. 20-2 SITUATION WANTED -- Ironing to do in my home. Phone Richmond 2841. 20-2 WANTED "WANTED -- Organizations and clubs to participate in fund raising project in cooperation with local distributor. Fine, wanted item. Brings good return to your group without investment. Send name to Box 72, Plaindealer. 20-3 Classified Ads are Read by Everyone! LOST -- Silver type Rosary,- on Sat., Sept. 17 in Richmond, I1L Keppsake. Reward. Phoqe McHenry i69 collect. 20*2 LOST -- Tan Beagle puppy in vicinity of high school, answers to name of "Marco". Reward. Phone 1820. 21 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE -- Those heavenly LEES carpets are so sensibly priced. With low monthly payments and a liberal trade-in allowance you can enjoy new carpeting -- now! Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St., (Route 14 North) Woodstock, 111. Phone 888. ' 21 FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY Boneless Perch - French Fries Salad - Rolls & Butter -- 75c French Fried Shrimp Dinner -- $1.25 ALYCE JOYCE AT THE HAMMOND ORGAN CLUB LILYMOOR 21-tf Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Save More By Shopping At Home FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT SAND - GRAVEL r DRIVEWAYS EXCAVATING BT. 5, McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 580-M-l Mm Have You Known OF THE New Tetra Petkus GIANT RYE FOR SEED? It is a new variety giving higher yields of grain, greater tonnages of growth for cover crops or forage. Here's what farmers say: "I have grown Tetra Petkus Rye for 3 yea,rs. Tetra Petkus Rye has far out-yielded other varieties of rye and even wheat on my farm. I particularly,.like Tetra Petkus Rye because o^ its high yield, stiff straw, ease of combining." William H. Sweigard, Jr. "I planted about 13 acres of Tetra Petkus Rye using about 2 bushels per acre. It shows a very ruddy green color in comparison with ordinary rye and a much stronger straw which seems to be a shorter growth, with heavier leaves." Glenn E. Burgess "Tetra Petkus Rye, a new variety developed in Germany, produced wonders for 3 Monmouth County seed growers. ' Hugh Oakley,. Walter Lott and Henry Zdancewic each planted 10 acres of this rye last fall. Hugh's average yield was; 46 bu. A and Henry's 45 bu. A of field run grain. Walter averaged 44tyj of cleaned seed per acre." „ News Letter: New Jersey Field Crop S6e your Seed Dealer. He can order for you from us, or you can order direct from us. We. are exclusive distributors in Northern Illinois. Send postal for descriptive free circular. Bristol Grain and Seed Company BRISTOL, ILLINOIS PHONE: YOrkville 8-8891 Statement of the Ownership, Management, and Circulation, Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, as Amended by the Acts of March 3, 1933, and July 2, 194G (89 U. S. C. 233) Of the McHenry Plaindealer, published weekly at McHenry, 111., for October 1, 1955, State of Illinois County of McHehry, ss. 1. The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, McHenry Publishing Co., Inc., McHenry, 111. Editor, Adele Froehlich, McHenry, 111. Managing Editor, None Business Manager, William Burfeindt, Jr., McHenry, 111. 2. The owner is: (if by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the. names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual member, must be given.) A. Howard Mosher, Mc Henry, 111.,; Gracia Mosher, McHenry. 111. 3. The ^known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee ,or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity otiher than that of a bona fide owner. 5. * The average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown above was: (This information is require^ from daily, weekly, semi-weekly, and triweekly newspapers only.) 4,094. WILLIAM BURFEINDT, JR., Business Manager Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of September, 1955. HELEN KNOX Notary Public (SEAL) My commission expires December HF, 1958. Having purchased a farm in. Northern Minnesota, and getting possession this fall. I will sell all my personal property on the Farm located 2 miles West of Woodstock on Route 14, adjoining the Roso Farm, on FRIDAY. SEPT. 30 Commencing at 11:00 A.M. The following described personal property, to-wit: 65 ^ead of Livestock Consisting of 42 choice dairy cows, 15 of which are springing close; 15 cows fresh/in the past thirty days; 12 summer cows. We are now producing 14' cahs of milk a day. 22 vaccinated heifers, ranging from dne to two years old; 1 Holsteln stock" bull. This is a/good dairy of cows, and we welcome inspection at any time. FEED 4,000 balds of hay. all put up without rains 25 tons of straw, baled from staak; small amount of silage; l,60(n bushels of good oats; 52 acres pf good, hard standing corn CHINERY McCormick'Dcering M tractor and new style cultivator; 1952 .model; New Idea tractor manure spreader (new); 10* I.H.C. grain drill on rubber, with gross seed and fertilizer attachment; 2 bottom I.H.C. 16" plow;- Gehl silo filler; I.H.C. 4 section steel drag with folding draw bar; 8' I.H.C. binder; New Idea 4<y grain and bale elevator; New Idea power mower; High Speed wagon with combination box and rack; Bob Sled; milk cart on rubber; W.C. Allis Chalmers tractor and cultivator, 1948 model; I.H.C. corn planter on rubber (new); 3 bottom I.H.C. 14" plow; 10' I.H.C. tandem disc, (new); Papec blower, 50' pipe; New Holland 76 baler; New Idea side rake; I.H.C. horse drawn corn binder; New Idea single row com picker; tJ. S. 6 roll husker; fanning mill; silage cart; new stock tank. MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT 2 new Surge units with motor, pump and pipeline; solution tank; pails and strainers ; . wash tanks with electric heater; 20, 8-galldn milk cans and many other articles too numerous to mention. This is a large sale and will be started on time. Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn 2>/2 % plus 1/2% extra. 28tf HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS >t CHAIN LINK" Cm MEANS SAFETY 8c PROTECTION FOR YOUR CHILDREN -- ALSO -- BUSTIC WOOD FENCES For FREE estimates Phone McHenry 724 Lyle D. Anderson ANDERSON FENCE and SUPPLY McHenry, 111. Lunch Wagon on Gwmcte. i Not Responsible for Acc^enti Terms: Usual Bank. Tfaritm. si RAYMOND CX Owner fV First National Bank of' | Woodstock - Clerking Member Federal Reserve Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Buy U.S. Saving* Bond* '| if;- ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT. OF THE SCHOOL TBEASUBEB For School District No. S4i McHenry County, Illinois : From July 1, 1954, to June 30, 1955 fef; , RECEIPTS "~l[ ' Educational and Building Funds Aggregate Amounts from Each Source I County Collector, McHenry County if 11,343.88 County Superintendent of Schools, Distributive Fund . 933.Q8 County Superintendent of Schools 5 v Stiate and Federal Aid (School Lunch) 14085 Book Rentals . 186.74 Hall Rent 3.^0 TOTAL RECEIPTS $12,608-45. DISBURSEMENTS Wages and Salaries Aggregate paid to each individual less Withholding Tax, Retirement' and other deductions. Weldon C. Andreas, Administrative Services $3,819.63 Hazel M. Heideman. Teaching Services 2,587.2fr Harriet C. Burton, Teaching Services (Music) .. ; 220.00 Ruth Mead, Teaching Services (Art) 253.$)' Elsie Hoppe, Teaching Services (Substitute) 26.Qfft Betty A. Tuft, Teaching Services (Substitute) 20.00 Joseph X. Waynne, Legal Services for Special Election $ 40.00. J. P. Walkington, Salary and Expenses (Clerk) 59.00 C. R. Page, Treasurer's-Salary . v Teachers' Retirement System, Teachers Retirement Payments $396.00 U.S. Treasury, Withholding Tax (Tea'chers*) ... 461.90 County Supt. of Schools, Textbooks 26.23 Ginn $ Co., Song Books . 11.32 Stationery, Supplies, etc. P. O. Knuth Co 2.75 E. G. Winters 13.01 Garden City Ed. Co 14.55 Hazel Heideman 3.17 Ruth A. Mead 37.60 Fuel C. N. Carlson 214.91 The Pure Oil Co 493.07 Public Ser. Co., Light . . . 116.55 Janitor's Supplies Turner Products 89.85 Althoff's 12.81 Earl R. Walsh, Insurance 157.94 Repairs & Replacements E. G. Winters 24.01 Weldon Andreas 160.00 Vycitals, Inc. 25.83 Wonder Lake Builders Sup 13.01 Paul Zenk 60.00 Kruse Hardware 9.65 Jerry Hogan 36.00 Midwest Vis. Eq. Co. ... 3.63 Gordon Fossum .60.00 N«w Equipment B. T. Butler 194.50 'Miller School of Sup 15.54 > Modern School Sup. Co. .. 50.5? Other Expenditures Gordon Fossum, Tuning & Repairing Piano 19.00 Athletics Mark's, Basketball Suits and Letters 38.64 Co. Supt. of schools, Book Bill 260.12 General Control . t> The McHenry Plaindealer, ~<"- Elec. Notices and Ballots, An. Fin. Statement 27.37 Gen. Telephone Co., Service 7tl& Total Disbursements . .$10,159.36, C. R. PAGE Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of September 1955. HELEN KNOX (Seal) Notary Public a complete G-E HOME LAUNDRY (or only $4,88 a week AUTOMATIC WASHER DRYER-CONDITIONER TIm wa«her that d«an» and redwni the wash water to give you cleaner clothes. • New Filter-Flo® Washing System filters lint out of your wash. • Big Capacity -- Over 50% more clothes capacity than many other washers. • Water Saver Control for small loads. • Activator® Washing cleans clothes piece by piece. • Plus--Automatic) Detergent Dispenser -- Operating instructions on washer lid-- Famous G-E written warranty. The dryer that dries, fluffs, sprinkles and refreshes clothes . . . electrically. • Saves time and 'work--ends weather worries and lugging heavy wet clothes-- cuts ironing too. • Protects clothes from sunfading and weather wear. * Makes clothes soft and fluffy--they smell sweet and clean. • Sprinkles clothes automatically-- eliminates tiresome hand-sprinkling. e Plus simple dial and pushbutton controls--Either 115 or 230-volt operation--C-E warranty. APPII AN CCS Carey Electric PHONE 251 119 .So. Green St. McHenry, TIL COMPLETE BODY and FENDER REPAIRS AUTO PAINTING Any Color 3950 and up WINDOW GLASS FOR ALL MODEL CARS MUFFLERS & TAIL PIPES INSTALLED Time Payments If Desired Call McHENRY 244-B Day or Nile All Work Carries & Pull Tear Guarantee HANS or RICH AUCTION The undersigned has decided to discontinue farming and will otter the following personal property for sale {it public auction on the farm located 5 miles East of Lake Zurich, HI., 2 miles Southwest of Mundfrlein, 1 mile We^t) of Route 45, V* mile South of Route 63 on Route 59A and 83, at the Southwest side of Diamond Lake, on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5TH Commencing at 10:00 o'clock D.S.T. OTTO S LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS THIS IS A VERY LARGE AUCTION AND WILL HAVE TO START AT 10:00 PROMPTLY. COME EARLY -- MANY VALUABLB SMALL ITEMS WILL BE SOLD EARLY. 00 HEAD REGISTERED AND HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE-- 38 MILCH COWS, 10 recently fresh, 6 close springers, balance milking good; 4 Springing heifers (2 registered); 5 Heifers, recently bred; 18 Heifers, 4 mos. to 1 yr. (10 are registered). (This is an outstanding herd of Holstein cattle that were selected from some of tjhe best purebred herds in the County. Many of these cattle were sired by Ty Vic, King Bess Perfection, Zurbridge Nobly Born, Gray Vie# Burk Noble and other good sires.) POULTRY ft EQUIPMENT -- 50 geese, 100 ducks; Million $ Battery brooder, 3 Incubators, and miscellaneous equipment. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 2 DeLaval milking units with motor and pump, DeLaval water heater, 25 8-gal. milk cans and a complete line of dairy equipment. HORSE EQUIPMENT -- 2 pony carts, 2 pony cutters, quan. saddles and harnesses. PRODUCE -- 1.000 bushel oats. 1,000 bushel old ear corn, 3,000 bales ^•ood. alfalfa and brome 1st and 2nd cutting hay, 1,500 bales good straw, 9 acres standing soybeans, 40 acres good standing corn. TRUCKS -- Chevrolet 1-% ton truck, EHC I-V2 «on truck with dump body. S TRACTORS, CHOPPER, BALER, COMBINE, PICKER A FARMf MACHINERY -- McC-D Super M tractor with cult.; McC-D Super C tractor with cult, and mounted plow; Ford 1954 tractor with David loader, plow, cult., disc, wood saw and power post hole digger; NH chopper; NH blower and pipe; MH combine with moftpr; NH baler with motor; Dearborn corn picker; Meyer hay conditioner and mower; MH 3/14 plow on rub.; Case 10 ft. disc with 18 in..blades; Lindsey 4-sec. steel drag; Brillion 12 ft. cultipacker and seeder; JD tractor corn planter; Ward hammermill with feed table; Horn stalk chopper; Case trac. mower; NT 4-bar side rake on rub.; Knight PTO manure spreader;* U. S. grain blower; Bolen garden tractor; 2-wheel rubber-tired hydraulic dump wagon with grain box; 2 rubber-tired wagons with heavy duty racks; rubber-tired wagon with steel combination box; 2 McC-D heavy duty wagons with hydraulic self-unloader; Badger barn cleaner for 100 ft. barn; Leech h^avy-duty silo unloader and a complete line of farm machinery. (This1 is a very good line of machinery - all late models.) f ' BUILDING MATERIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES -- Including 60 smooth panel birch doors and lugfe* quantity of Steel I beams. BE SURE TO COME EARLY. - V? GEORGE SWANSQN, Owntr Rnyr.RS & jBEHM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, WBfc -- W®"8 I*®

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