f f . f i , , / ThnMday, Odob« 6/1955 •A - ' \ * » ' wMMmmmmmrnm TTWWcHENBy TE$INDEK£EB Wonder Lake News My Vifwwa Mb WA Meeting: and Square Dance ';• The garrison Parent-Teacher association will hold a meeting at the school next Tuesday evening, Oct. 11, to which the public is invited. The business session will be conducted by the copresidents of the group, Mr. and t Mrs. Robert Thomas. The pri- 1 mary business to be discussed will be .the plans for a membership drive and the acceptance of a new Dudget. At .the ciose of the meeting there will be a square dance, • for f which w. H. Althoff will serve as caller. Refreshments will be served. Altar and Rosary (Sodality The members of the Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ The King Catholic church will meet Thursday evening (that's this eevning, Oct. 6) at the home of Mrs. Estelle Mendyk. The members will recite the rosary before conducting the meeting. On Leave from Services Billy Merritt, now with the Navy, will be on leave until Oct. 14. He is with his motljer and F step-father, Mary Lou and Leo Hartog, on a trip to Corpus Christi, • Texas. Home on leave from the Army is Donald Audino, son of Mr) and Mrs. Anthony Audino of Indian Ridge. Donald is proudly showing Off his young son. Enlists in Navy • Robert Kolar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolar, jr., of Indian Ridge, left Monday for Great Lakes, where he will take boot training in the Navy. Rob enlisted aibotit a week ago. He was graduated in 1953 from McHenry high school and has been working at the Northern Trust company bank in Chicago for the past two years. Last week, Scout Troop 145 gave a party at the Kolar home for the new Navy man. A group gift of an electric razor was presented to young Kolar. Rob has been a Boy Scout' eleven years, from Cub Scout up through Sea Exiplorer Scout. For the past two years, he has served as assistant scoutmaster to J2d Druml for" Troop 145. Holy Name Society - The Holy Name society of CJhrist The King church will meet at the home of Raymond Mendyk on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 8 p.m. Now Convalescing Frank White, who was hospitalized for some time with a heart condition, is now at his home recuperating. Mrs; White says that sh% is sure that _ hsuband would not be alive to^ day if it had not been for the wonderful first aid rendered her husband by Wonder Lake's vol* unteer fire department. To use her own words, the men who responded to her call for help artf "really wonderful." Baby Dies • Patricia Ann Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henning Johnson, died Sept. 26 at Children's Memorial hospital in Chicago. She was only 9 days old. Graveside services for the baby were held at McHenry County Memorial Park cemetery. The Hennings have three other children. Nativity News The Rev! Burton Schroeder will preach on the topic, "A Life Member," at both the 8 o'clock and 10:45 services Sunday morning. This Sunday is officially called "New Member Sunday" and hew members will be received into the church by confirmation, letter of transfer and'renewal. A special reception will be held in the afternoon for the new members and their families. All members of the church are Invited to this reception to aid in giving a welcome to the new members. Ser^ ving will be from 3 to 5 o'clock. In the evening, the Luther League of the church will meet at the church at 7:45 p.m. and then will go, to the skating rink at McHenry for a party. After an evening of skating, the young people will return to the church for a wiener roast In the basement fireplace. All young people of the Wonder Lake community are invited to participate in the skating party. Next Wednesday evening, Nativity Altar guild will meet at the church. Meeting time is 8 p.m. the high scoring player was Mrs. Marcella Meeker. Those present, other than those mentioned, were Mrs. Ann Miller, Mrs. Ruth Woodward, Mrs. Mary Sandgren, Mrs. .Bernadine Misiak and Mrs. Neva Fuhrer. FFA NEWS The McHenry F.F.A. chapter travelled^ to Belvidere on Sept. 29 to/the Farm Progress show. " chapter soil judging team received third place in the Section 6 contest In individual placings, Dick Wissell received thirteenth and Bill Jensen, seventeenth. On Oet. 6, the F.F.A. chapter Will hold a chapter farmers' meeting in the agriculture room. All of the sophomores who became Greenhands last year will become chajpter farmers. Everyone who showed at the Woodstock fair will receive h|s F.F.A. fair money at the meeting. Twelve members showed on F.F.A. day and won a total of $207.79. Mr. Proctor, adviser, and the five senior agriculture boys are planning their trip to Kansas City, Mo., for the national F.F.A. convention next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Dick Wissell will represent Section 6, while Ted Schaefer and Harry Diedrich are delegates for the McHenry chapter. Tom Thompson and Dave Young will complete the list of those attending. John Hogan AQLR (RECEIPTS McHenry county dairy farmers received $302,626.01 for milk delivered to a leading dairy company's receiving stations during the month of August. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS The (physician-patient (Relationship What does your doctac mean to you? Do you consider him a friend? One, perhaps, ;tl*at you don't see frequently, ^but one who, you know, win fte there when you need him? And.does your physician feel the: JMime about you? This is the true meaning of^ the physictan-pafttent relationship. This is the ideal accord, or rapport, for which- we should all strive, the educational committee of the minota<j3tate Medical society observes inHealth Talk, What is this accord, this harmony between the physician, and his patient? It is a mirtuaiLU?ist and understanding, a willingness to help each other. - How can you help your physician? Best of all by being ^honest with him. A frank presentation of your complaints will enable him to deal with eacte^in' turn. As he considers each symptom or manifestation an assembly line is being formed to. obtain a composite picture^ You are an individual. You have no counterpart. You are unique in that no one is just like you. That is why you must be frank with your physician. To present physical complaints and attempt to conceal the einotional ones is foolhardy. The emotional factors are real too, .and often create the basis for a disturbed personality. Physicians are human beings too. True, they differ in the pattern of their thinking, . but this is developed by their training to care for the sick, and, intrinsically, their sincere desire to restore good health. This innate wish must be deepseated, otherwise your physician and many of his colleagues would have dropped by the wayside during the long, hard years- of learning in medical school and task-compelling difficulties during internship and residency in hospital training before beginning the practice of medicine. Hospital Auxiliary The Wonder Woods canasta group met Sept. 22 at the home of Mrs. Catherine Wurm, who proved to be the high scorer for the evening. At the second table, COLLECTIONS No Collection -- No Charge Personal Calls * Nation-wide Service Lakeland Credit Adjusters 210 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 1400 But your physician weathered the storm of arduous studies to reach hi9 goal -- his interest in human beings. And that is why he needs your truJt and understanding. He wants to know about you so that he can help you. And here are some things he wants you to know about him. He urges you to feel comfortable in his office, to feel free to discuss openly your symptoms and complaints, some of which may be imaginary. But until he Is convinced they are imaginary, he'll probe your problem for the answer. Until disease or some abnormality can be ruled out, his understanding sympathy will be comforting. And your bill? Your physician wants to know about that too. Talk about it frankly. Why is it some of us wouldn't dare make repairs to our homes ^without discussing fees, yet we shyly avoid discussing prices with our physicians. And, frequently, we are the very ones that criticize the bill on receipt, because we fail to understand the scope of our physician's services. Think it over. What have you done as a patient to establish a friendly accord with your physician? Have you given him an even chance to be better friends with you -- to understand your problems better? Or have you been responsible for building the wall that separates you? Think it over, Mr. Patient. A close personal relationship between you and your physician needs your cooperation, and the mutual trust and confidence will be rewarding dividends. 1 l l l l I l.. -1 • • i. . • I I I • By Marie Schaettgen Membership Drive Mrs. J. Mikota, president of the American Legion auxiliary in McHenry, announces that the auxiliary membership drive began on Tuesday, Oct... 3. She would like sill members to pay their dues this month. After Nov. 11, there will be a twentyfive cent penalty for delinquent members. The membership list has been divided among several of the members, all of whom will contact you. Mrs. Robert Sti^eben is membership chairman and will be happy to answer any questions regarding membership. The two committees are- headed by Dorothy Weichmaim and Marie Schaettgen. On Dorothy's team are Christine Krinn, Eleanor Reid, Cletire McAndrews and Eleanor Creutz. On Marie's team are Minnie Green, Frances Matchen, Pearl Pietsch and Delia Freund. We would like Very much to enroll new members this month. If you know of any eligible women or girls who would like to join, please have them contact any one of the; committee, who will have application forms. There are now 67,754 jiinior From where I sit... Joe Marsh Shades of Tom Sawyer! Hack Willis had. just stopped the tractor so's he could cool off at the pump, when a young insurance salesman came up the drive. Hack was tired of plowing, and needed insurance on his new barn. But he also needed to get that winter rye in fast. The salesman, an eager kid, noticed hesitation. "I come from a farm," he said. "Why don't you look at these booklets--get all the dope--and 111 take that plow a couple of rounds for you." Young fellow laid off a pretty straight furrow, too. It was almost dark before Hack--sitting in the shade--was able to decide just what kind of policy to get. From where I sit, to be a good salesman--or a good citizen--it always helps to "put yourself in the other man's place.** He may have a different sort of job with different problems... he may prefer to close a deal over, say, a friendly glass of beer while you might prefer something else. But both of you can co-operate if you make it a "policy" to try. Copyright, 1955, United Stales Brewer $ Foundation members and this number is increasing rapidly. The junibrs are the daughters and sisters of American Legion members, who are under the age of 18. We have found that the? juniors make sincere and enthusiastic members of the auxiliary. They take an active part in the work of the organization, carrying out programs of their own and sharing in the activities of the auxiliary. Through this sharing they are receiving excellent training for patriotic and civic leadership. Membership in the auxiliary Is rewarding in many ways. It gives women a common interest with their men. it provides them with a satisfying activity of their own, an activity which is aimed at helping others. Despite all the "good works" programs of both the Legion and the auxiliary, there is time left for fun. Some of this fun is enjoyed together by, both the post and the auxiliary. The reasons for joining are many but the most important of OPEN these is th^ '^We, have you." ^ . 5 »ve to, CARD OF ttUNKlSf t I would like to take this opportunity to thank friend? neighbors for masses, prayers and flowers during the time I was confined to tyie hospital. They were appreciates so much. ^ *22 Mrs. Loretta Adams mi for you H°U8 ES DOANE esigned MACHINERY SHED Presented By A. N. MAY BUILDERS, Inc. RICHMOND, ILLINOIS OCTOBER 15TH 1:30 TO 3:30 D.S.T. William Fletcher, farm building Specialist from Doane Agricultural Service, St. Louis will present a program at 2:00 and 3:00 P. M. Milking Parlors, self feeding methods, and labor saving ideas will be discussed. REFRESHMENTS % Milte\South of Solon Mills, Illinois, 3 miles South of Richmond -- Watch for sign on highway. CORNER of GREEN and ELM STREETS McHENRY, ELL. PHONE 80 (We reserve the right to limit quantities) ON SALE THURS./FRI. & SAT. ONLY! GROCERY DEPT. Red Label - Cream Style or Whole Kernel CORN Dehnonte FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 Tins Red Label - Yellow Cling PEACHES 2V2 Size Tins Domino pure Cane SUGAR 10 lb. Bag 95 - - I . • • 4 fl Red Label - Btur lett PEARS 3 21/2 Size Tina MEAT DEPT. U. S. Gov't. Graded Choice Blade Cut Chuck Roast Country's Delight MILK V2 Gallon - 35* 67- (Plus Btl. Deposit) Starkist Chunk Style 3 V2 Size Tins Red Label Pure link Pork Sausage .... / Armour Star All Meat Frankfurters . Limit 8 lbs. Per Customer $ lb. Cello Pack Libby's Tomato Juice z 46 oz. Tins 49 Pink Beauty Salmon 3 V2 Size Tins Grapefruit Juice Z 46 oz. Tins 39 t PRODUCE DEPT. Extra Fancy California - Seedless Green GRAPES j: 29 e Golden Yellow Bananas Z lbs. 29 California Iceberg - Large Size