Johnsburg NQWS By Htm. Betty Hetterraann Hallowe'en Doings On Monday evening, Oct. 31, there will be many children walking the streets in costumes doing their annual door to door canvass for treats (or as the case may be -- tricks). Drivers have been aleftea ^from time £o time to approach the ttwn with caution on Hallowe'en night. The Johnsburg rescue squad is putting flares along the roads again this year as they did last year to promote the safety of the children out on this night. So please take it easy when you see those flares next Monday so' there will be no injuries. Speaking of Hallowe'en, you ftill have a few more days to get your costumes together for the dance at the Community club next Saturday night. Judging will take place at 10 o'clock sharp and prizes will be awarded to those in the best costumes. Plan on bringing a gang and coifiing over to the club hall and have yourself a oall. Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday evening. Taking part in the procession were eleven priests, forty-seven ; servers and approximately 150 j school children. | Inspiring sermons were given ; each of the three nights by Father Terence, a Benedictine priest j from Aurora, 111. The choir and the entire con- ' gregation closed the devotion with singing the hymn, "Holy God We Praise -Thy Name." P.T.A. membership Have you joined St. John's P.T A. ? Will you kindly do so before Nov. 1 so that your child's room can receive credit in .jthe membership drive? One of the classrooois will be the ludky winner of a cash prize. If you' are interested in the school your child attends, you will join the organization that aims to work cooperatively for his best interests. 8t John's School News I Last week three rften from the , McHenry fire department came , to our school to observe the safe- ( ty measures we had taken j against. fire. The men were very j pleased'with the fire drill as it ( only took us sixty seconds to, vacate the building. j The men gave us literature and j home fire inspection blanks when i they departed. At the last meeting of the Civics club several topics concerning fire prevention were discussed. Room chairmen gave talks and distributed the material left to the children in each classroom. j Barbara skrentny, school reporter' Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy birthday to little Kathy Lieser, who is 1 on Nov. 1. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Thelen, who observed their anniversary last week and to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. who will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary on Oct. 28. Best wishes to all. kHii Moves Into New Home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmit-t moved into their newly completed home in Jak-Ana- Heights test Thursday. Special Devotions » For three days St. John's church was appropriately decorated with flowers and candles in order to give special honor to the Blessed Sacrament during1 Forty Hours Devotion. The devotion was opened at the 8:30 4igh mass on Sunday and closed solemnly with procession of the Around the Town I am very sorry Mr. and Mrs. Harr^ Freund and daughters, Donna Lee and Mary Ellen, were omitted, from the Freund family party list last week. Robert, son of Mrv„ and Mrs. Leo Smith, left last Thursday morning to serve his enlistment period in the service of his country. Mr. and Mrs. Gene King and family were dinner guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mayme King, ' last Sunday to celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Joe Smith spent last Monday visiting relatives in Rockford. The Rudy L&ssers entertained relatives from Chicago last Saturday. "3 The Hettermann's tavern softball team joined more players and their wives at the V.F.W. last Saturday in a festive party to end up the baseball year in I style. Hettermann's" team ac- I cepted their "first place trophy I and individual trophies for" the j players. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pitzen visited their daughter, Susan, and Carol Ann Stilling at St. Coletta's school in Jefferson, Wis., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hettermann and family visited the Kenny Hamshers in Fox Lake last Friday evening. MUST LIQUIDATE ENTIRE STOCK OF Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William J- Meyers celebrated" their forty-ninth wedding anniversary last Sunday with their family. Present for supper were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund, Billy, Ronnie, Judy and Gerry of Ingleside, Laura Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Meyers and Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Meyers, Dennis and Richard, and Mr. and Mrs.. "Si" Meyers, Jimmy, Mary Lynn and Patsy. Shop At Home FUTURE TEACHERS. INVITED TO FALL WORKSHOP OCT. 29 On Saturday, Oct. 29, the Jo Daviess county"** Future Teachers association club will be host to the clubs and chapters in the northern twenty-five counties of the state at a fall workshop for the northern region of the Illinois Association of Future Teachers of America. The meeting/ will be held at the Galena high school, with Ed Noteland of -the Northern Illinois State college, I.A.F.T.A. president, presiding. During the afternoon, county group meeting discussions, suggestions as to the organization of new clubs andi chapters will be discussed and* plans made as to effective procedures to use to encourage more of the capable high* school students to consider a career in teaching. McHenry has a very active "F.T.A. club organized within the last few years. NICKELS HARDWARE 822 West Main Street McHenry, J3L WILL BE OPEN FOR SALE FRI. & SAT., OCTOBER 28 & 29 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. BOTH DAYS SUNDAY, OCT. 30 the Doors of Nickels Hardware Store will be closed forever ai 4:30 p.m. SAVINGS to the PubUc up to 50% OFF of the established Retail Price. EVERYTHING MUST GO -- NOTHING HELD BACK CASH & CARRY -- ALL SALES FINAL. WE MUST VACATE STORE BY SUN., OCT. 30. 672 West Roosevelt Rd. E LIQUIDATORS Chicago, m. DAN POWERS, Auctioneer The undersigned will s$U at Public Auction on the farm located 7 mi. So. of McHenry, 7 mi. West of Wauconda, 2 mi. Eatft of Crystal Lake and % mi. E. of State Rts. 176 and 31 on Rt. 176 on TUESDAY. NOV. 1. 19S5 Starting at 11:00 o'clock sharp, the folowing described property: 53 head of livestock, consisting of; 25 Hi Grade Holstein dairy cows. 12 of these cows will either be fresh or close springers by day of sale and 4 have freshened in the past 3 weeks. Balance of this dairy is milking good and is in heavy production. 1 Holstein heifer, 6 m'os. old vaccinated. 1 Holstein heifer, 4 mos. old, vaccinated. 1 Angus steer, weight 850 lbs. 1 Holstein bull, 2 yrs. old, registered. 4 brood sows with 15 pigs. 5 feeder pigs, average weight 75 lbs. -- 40 tons 1st cutting mixed hay, baled; 30 tons mixed hay, baled; 10 tons straw, baled; 500 bu. oats; 30' silage 12' silo; 40 acres standing corn. MACHINERY -- j. D. model A tractor and cultivator; A.C. model •i n I cultivator; A.C. combine, P.T.O. J.D. corn picker ImwatC ? : J D" tractor P1™, 2 bottom, 16" on rubber pow; 2'hottom, 16"; McD. grain drill 10' with grass seed attachment; J. D. tractor disc 9'; M. H. tractor disc 9'- J D tractor manure spreader; J. D. corn planter, two row; J. D 'power rZPZj*? com J D. side delivery rake 5 . sec" <*ra£' J- hammer mill; 2 rubber tire waeons and hay racks; 1 rubber tire wagon and grain box; 1945 Dodge dump truck -.«* ton; 1935 Ford^truck; DeSoto 4 door sedan; 2 broofer stZs; hay bunk on Wheels; wheel barrow; hay rake; milk cart; drtve belt' Chic equipment; fanning mill; 8x10 brooder house; electric clippers- tractor Chains; drill press; hog feeders; electric fencer; many other small items too numerous to mention. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Surge milking machines, 3 units- electric hot water heater; 2 wash tanks; 26 milk cans; pails, strainers etc TERMS: $25.00 and under cash, over that amount % down and'balance in monthly payments plus interest. Buy what you want, sign your own note, no cosigners needed. Settlement must be made on day of sale. $; , s . Lunch Wagon -- Not Responsible for Accidents FRANK QUINDEL ESTATE TOti*f SAIJSS CORP. CJerk PHONE 110 WOODSTOCK ILL. ? i i ANNA ft QUINDEL, Executrix s \ CLOTHES tfirie toficaatb... - for men on the go! Pick any topcoat from the smartest Curlee selection 'in years. You'll find the Curlee Styling gives you smartness PLUS comfort . . . from the day you sliR your arms down the well-cut sleeves. Only Curlee topcoats can give you such quality fabrics, so smartly styled . . .at such moderate prices. There's one tfjust right" for you in this big selection; see them now. CURLEE COATS $45 to $59.50 McGee's store for 117 So. Green St. PHONE 47 men McHenry, HL Inform Public Oil Plans For Airport VJ (Continued trom Page I) companies which have larger planes are forced to terminate their "trips in Chicago and Rockford. If additional commercial enterprises decide to locate in the county, the amount oh the tax rolls will be greatly increased and more employment opportunities will be offered in the county. At the same time, a well-run Airport could bring into the county additional revenues from airplane servicing and maintenance. Airport Authority It was,explained by Mr. Friend that a Purvey of the various methods of solving the problem had led the Aero club to the conclusion that a Municipal Airport Authority of McHenry County would offer. the best solution. The question of- the formation -of such an authority must be submitted to the voters for their approval and if an authority is authorized it would then have the power to acqUire land and proceed to activate an airport. Once such an airport were in operation, the project becomes eligible for both U.S. and state funds and such funds can cover a substantial part of the entire cost- of the project. The federal government agencies have only recently announced that it is their intention to make a larger share of their funds available to the secondary or feeder type airports, such as that proposed for the county. . The minimum amount of land necessary for the planned facility would be about 200 to 250 acres, and additional land should, be available at the site chosen for possible future expansion of the facility. The immediate requirement would be for runways about 3,000 to 3,200 feet long and at least one runway should be hard-topped for all-weather operations. Runway marker lights would also be needed on the hard runway to provide for night operations. The airport should be centrally located in the county but Should not be too near any city so as to assurfe that aircraft operations would not be disturbing to the populace. Every1 effort"" is to be made by the Aero club to obtain the necessary signaturfes^on petitions so that the question of tiie" Airport Authority can be presented to the voters on the ptimary ballot in April, 1956. Talks and films will be presented at other social, fraternal and business gatherings in the county during the- coming months. LAKE RESIDENT ESCAPES SERIOUS INJURIES IN CRASH Barbara Brand 6f McCullom Lake was hurt only slightly last Thursday in an auto accident which authorities described as the type which might easily have caused 'serious injury or death. She was treated in a local doctor's office for, an injured shoulder, cuts and a bump on an eye. According to sheriff's deputies, she lost control of her car north of Wonder Lake in the early "e vening, after which it crashed into a fence. The auto was reported to have skidded seventy feet before hitting a fence and then rolled over three times down a bank, landing almost 100 feet from the highway oh its wheels. "Windows were . broken and the top and hood bent. Gene Huff and Bob Tonyan returned home Monday after spending some time visiting Pfc. Bill Tonyan, Jr., who is stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. They also visited Angela Tonyan, who lives in Seattle. \ Order your rubber stamp at the Plalndealer. RATS!! How many have you? It costs $2.00 • y*ar to keep a rat and rat population on many farms runs into ttia thousandsl The new tasted Rodanticida is Warfarin --tt will eliminate rat population. Ask for CENOL WARFARIN READY TO USE SAITS CENOL WARFARIN POWDER DO A REAL JOB tor Sale at BOLGER'S PHONE 40 103 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. VARIOtlS TYPES t>F HALLOWE'EN FUN PLANNED (Continued from Page 1) than dollar for dollar in providing for their own people. Parents who don't want their children to wind up • being real ghosts on Hallowe-en are urged to watch what they wear while enroute to parties or while going out to "trick or treat" next Monday night. Safety authorities urge that they wear something white; walk on the left side 6f roadways in rural areas; avoid making quick moves into streets; make sure that masks don't restrict vision; and cross at lighted intersections when possible. The history of Hallowe'en dates hack many years ta the time when 'superstitious folks thought strange things might>. happen for they actually believed^; that witches, rode abroad oil" •>. broomsticks, elves played pranks 4 and the future* might be foretold ' by jumping over a lighted candlejy or by any one of ft hundred® other magic rites. Many of these strange superstitions have come down from pagan ancestors of^ 2,000 years ago, for our Hallowe'en . occurs about the time of the ancient Druidic autumn festival. Years later, some of the Roman beliefs and ceremonies were added and following the spread of Christianity, Nov. 1 was mader a day for honoring of all the saints and the eve of that day was called "Hallowe'en (or All Hallow-Even) meaning the /'holy eve" of All Saints* Day. Want Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plalndealer today. Now Hear This! •*# >* American Legion Post 491 PARTY NITE SATURDAY, NOV. 5 8:30 P. M. Dancing to the Music of # PAT LESTER'S ORCHESTRA and ALL THE BEER YOU CAN DRINK For $1.00 Per Person Admission PUBLIC INVITED Open Daily S "a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon v What you see here is automobile history .in the making. For this is an actual onthe- scene shot of a camouflaged '56 Chevrolet shattering the Pikes Peak re^) a dramatic, top-secret rujji» supervised' and certified by NASCAR*, here's record-breaking proof that this '56 Chevrolet has the power, cornering ability, and sureness of control that will make your driving safer and more fun. And you can see and drive it soon now. Just wait! •Natfonol AuodaHoo for Stock Car Auto facing whom offkfob find and eorHM tho portomanet of (fcfipr»pm«fcwHQii moM sSiW;:: A RECORD-BREAKING NEW CHEVROLET FRIDAY, NOV. 4 hot one's even hotter! • > 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILL. i I