Thursday, November 3,1955 -wF^r-^r PLAINDEALER LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By, Ann Brzexinski Village News •t The next village meeting will l?e held on Thursday, Nov. 10, J|t 8:30 p.m. at the fire department community house. Everyone is urged to attends • A reminder -- The garbage man has been instructed to pass up . the fifty-five gallon drums. The village icpde provides that you jnust nave one or two thirty- JKve gallon garbage „ cans with gpvers. The police are being instructed to issue tickets to violators beginning Nov. ,1. •Garbage cans are also to be placed out on the lot line on the collection days. > Also a reminder that all shrubs imd bushes growing outside of, property lines be removed. Work on the road%:i/will continue through winter and into spring. Fire Department The Hallowe'en dance held on Saturday, Oct. 29, proved to be as fine a success as the dances held in previous years. Everyone enjoyed dancing on the newly painted and waxed floor. The fire department thanks all for tfyeir generous help in making it a success. . The work on the second floor is still going on, but more help to needed badly. Please get in touch with Norman Morrison and Frank Bitterman. Fire Department Auxiliary The fire department auxiliary Will hold'its feather party on Saturday, Nov. 12, at the fire department community house. It is a nice warm feeling we get when we see th6 children are made happy, so let us all do our best to make thife party a big success. The proceeds of this party are for a Christmas party the community children. Mrs. Myrtle Booster is the chairman of the food committee and Mrs. Helen Para is in charge of the books. P.T.A. - The next Lily Lake P.T.A. meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. at the Btihoolhouse. -v Mr. and Mrs. James Buchwalter spent a pleasant afternoon attending the McHenry P.T.A. ^onv'ention on Wednesday, Oct. 26. grotips " at the V.F.W. ~ grounds for their Hallowe'en party on Thursday, Oct. 27, Parents, brothers and sisters were invited also. Having fun at the party were Michael Hatch, Chtick Zaihiib* « «------•••• mm t 0i .t j broski, Michael Wall, Hugh Say- Thursday Socials I nor» Sam Sossong and Ricky The Thursday night socials are'Foss- Tommy para was a visitor, being held at Wally's Oasis every The, b°y* were judged on the Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Everyone mashs they had made, and later is welcome to attend had, fun roasting wienies and toasting marshmallows. Apple On the Mend cider was served Chipper Cynowa's last skin graft turned out satisfactory. He is in his usual high spirits and sends a big hello to everyone. Louis Pogany, Jr., is again entering Children's Memorial hospital on Wednesday, Nov.. ,2, for further examinations. Brownies The Brownies held their Hallowe'en party on Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the fire department community house. Games were played for rizes. Party favors, candy, cookes and ice cream were served. Girl Scouts The Girl Scouts held their Hallowe'en party on Thursday, Oct. 27, at the fire department community house. The forty childreh present enjoyed coming - in through the cave of the winds, made up in the kitchen. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes, games were played, doughnuts, jello, candy and chocolate were served. Mrs. Marge Ehrhardt managed the party, assisted by Virginia Godina, Dick Beahldr and Mesdames Pope, Shaw and Bonder. A meeting was held at Mrs. Bonder's home on Wednesday, Nov. 2, in regard to a training program for Girl Scout leaders. Anyone interested please call. Mrs. Bonder or Pat Morrison. Den Cub Scouts 7 joined the other Scout McHenry Bible Church The McHenry Bible church young people had their Hallowe'en party at Pastor Liberty's home in McCullom Lake. Games were played, cakes and soft drinks were served. Dick Beahler won first prize for the most original costume. With Sympathy * We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Wade on the death of their sister-inlaw, Mrs. William Wade, of Westmont, 111., on Friday, Oct. -28. Mr. Wade at present is still at Downey hospital for a complete examination. Mr. and Mrs: Frank Harder-had a wonderful surprise this past weekend. The children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, twenty-three in all, came out with a complete ham dinner to celebrate the fifty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harder, and they also received many lovely gifts, Mrs. Harder was also celebrating her birthday on Saturday, Oct. 29. We all wish you many happy years together. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Booster entertained twenty-four members of a Young People's club, connected with the Lutheran church on California and Walnut in Chicago. This club was formed in the late 1930s and disbanded in the early 1940s. This was their first meeting to get together and they plan to meet once a month again,to plan a reunion of the members in the near future. Many pleasant memories were relived again throughout the evening among the friends. Here *n There Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Wade became the proud great-grandparents of a 6 lb. 14 oz. girl named Beverly Jean, born Monday, Oct. 24, at Lombard. Beverly Jean is the new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hix. Mrs. Hix is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wafle. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cammarata enjoyed the company of their daughter, Mrs. Roy Nosal, and her family for more than one reason. Her son-in-law, Roy Nosal, is helping Joe paint walls at home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Para entertained Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mayer and son on Sunday. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 PJtf. IfUDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 NOW TRY THE TOP FUEL OIL <b \ CLEAN! C-L-E-A-N-E-R T-H-E C-L-E-A-N-E-S-T TYDOL HEATING OILS REMEMBER You Pay No More. You start on our profit sharing plan with your first fill. Nile CASH DISCOUNT CALL 730 McHENRY FOR FULL DETAILS IcHENRY COUNTY FARMERS' CO-OP ASS'N. McHenry, Illinois After 4:30 p.m. Call 1502 Birthdays Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cammarata and their children enjoyed themselves at a birthday party 4n Northlake, HI. Their grandson, Keith ^ Nosal, celebrated his fourth birthday on Sunday, Oct. 23. A belated birthday greeting,'.to Mrs. Clatre Forbes. She celebrated her birthday op Wednesday, Oct. 19. • Mrs. Louise Unruh celebrated her birthday on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Package Liquor Store and Tavern PIZZA Italian Spaghetti . Sandwiches KITCHEN CLOSED ON TUESDAY'S McHENRY 336 180 So. Green St., McHenry, BL Also, her great-grandson, Jerry Bolda, was 3 years old on Saturday, Oct. 22. _A double birthday family party was enjoyed at the Ted Beahler home. Ted had a birthday and also Robert Hatch, Marge Beahler's. brother. The guests present at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatch of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hatch and family of Lakemoor and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hatch of Mt. Prospect. Michacl Schiavone was 2 years old on Satairday, Oct. 29, and enjoyed il with a family birthday party. n Mrs. Lena Parratore had her birthday on Wednesday, Oct. 26,_ and enjoyed it with friends from Chicago at the firemen's dance. Also, her son, Joseph, was 12 years old on Saturday, Oct. 29, and celebrated it with friends. He received many fine gifts. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Parratore entertained Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ignoffo from Chicago. A very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day to you on your birthdays. Lilymoor A wonderful time was had by everyone at the Hallowe'en dance given by the Left Ilander club Saturday' at Club Lilymoor. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Belford entertained friends from Peoria on Sunday. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says Production method* hav« changed. School method* change too. let m subscribe to the best in each. Schools must change with the changing times. . Illinois Educotioe Association NEW SPEED LIMIT Passenger automobiles being driven by employees of the Illinois Department of Public Welfare on state business will henceforth be required to observe a 65 miles per hour speed limit by day and a 55 miles per hour limit by night. Trucks and buses must observe a 45 miles per hour limit. Adoption of these highway safety measures was announced by Dr. Otto L. Bettag, department director. The speed limits are the same as those proposed for enactment by Gov. William G. Stratton in his message to the 69th General Assembly at the opening of the 1955 legislative GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler A customer drove-in hurriedly at GUETTLEFTS and told us to greaSe the car within the next hour. "Get rid of that tidking noise. I don't hear it until I get up to 60 and then it gets worse as I go faster," he explained and then walked off. After greasing and checking the car, my helper and I took it out for a trial run. Sure enough ... at high speed there was that 'shaky, ticking noise'. Listening more intently, my helper noticed that the religious medal 'St. Christopher' was vibrating against the body metal beneath the upholstering that it was pinned onto. My helper pinned a note near the medal for thd customer. "Nothing wrong with the car. It's St. Christopher getting scared after 60." Phone 331 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMUTORS session. Hie ftepart&ent' _ lfe Welfare uses about 450 ***tomotive vehicles, most of state-owned. JUNIOR DAIRYMAN Announcement has been received that William Brown has been accepted as a junior member of the Holstein-Friesian Association of America. He was eligible to become a member of the organization for having done satisfactory dairy club work with registered Holsteins and was recommended by Herman Brown, club leader. Buy U S. Savings Bond* Modern Living W PORTRAIT OF POISE. She reaches for the telephone instead of running for it. This impresses friends who think such convenience is expensive. Actually, it's not. You can enjoy additional telephones for only about 31 a day each. Just call your Telephone Business Office. Illinois Bell Telephone Company. Oh-h-h! Those '5© NEW MM SUPER HOLIDAY COUPE ITS "OH" DAY n . U.S.A.! Oldsmobile for ' 5 6 is here! The sensational Super "88'*... the car with the power personality! The magnificent Ninety-Eight ... the fine line of distinction! Netv with Starfire styling . . . gleaming, glowing lines that say Oldsmobile in an inspired new way! New with the Rocket T-350 Engine... teamed with new Jetaway Hydra-Matic for the smoothest going ever! See the dazzling new OldsmobQes for '56--today! ...WITH P O WE R NEW S ING ! NEW JETAWAY HYDRA-MATICI NEW ROCKET T-3SOI NEW 1*34 NINETY-EIGHT DELUXE HOLIDAY SEDAN. ON Q A L A NINETY-EIGHT...The Fine Line of Distinction d i s p l a y i i m o u r s m o v a / r o o m s n o ® I VISIT THE "ROCKET ROOM" ... AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S! ------ R. J. Overtoil Motor Sales 403 Fr°nt Street ?lumt6 " PATRICE MtlNSEL, KEITH ANDES AND'BEftT LAHR STAR FOR OLDSMOBILE IN "THI GREAT WALTZ," SAT., NOV. 3# ON NBt-TV!