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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1955, p. 16

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Sixiafi THE McHENfi* PjJUNDEAtEft |^^jS|!iiiKl^gfe^|||^ VH ^.•V ^ £•'•"• "jiV Hh £. ." "Z^. Z,., T^W •By Mrs. George Shepard Church Nm Paul Walkington and John Hogan, Jr., our laymen, assisted us in our worship of God Sunday morning in . the absence of our pastor, Rev. James Reid, who is conducting a spiritual life mission this week in the* Ashburn Methodist church on Chicago'6 south side. He will return home Friday evening. The Senior Youth Fellowship will meet at the Ringwood church next Sunday evening. Marilyn Rawson will lead a discussion on the film strip, "Getting Acquainted With Yourself." Worship will be led by Ruth Swanson. The Ringwood official board will meet at the church Wednesday evening at 8:30 p.m. School News During the absence of. Mr. Andreas on Nov. 21, Mrs. Hoppe substituted. The amount of the turkey party reached the sum of $70.35. Susan Davis, school reporter Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Timm and family of Sycamore and Frank Muzzy, Sr., of Marengo spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago were guests in the George Shepard home on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H&wley sjsent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe at Crystal Lake. John Anderson and friend of Madison university spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe and sons of Richmond spent Thanksgiving day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schroeder and childreii of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and children of Greenwood and Loren Harrison were Thanksgiving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener at McHenry w^re Mr. and Mrs. (Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and family of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogel of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogel of Broadhead, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Bob, of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smart and daughter of Champaign and Bill "Wegener of McHenry. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brenner and family of Elgin, Glen Wattles, Howard Wattles and son, Donald, -of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie at Greenwood on Thanksgiving day. Guests in the Beatty-Low home on Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Palos Heights, Mr. and, Mrs. Clarence Dalke of Lombard, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son, Delmer, of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. Mrs. Lena Peet and daugrtters, Ali^e and Marian, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze at Crystal Lake. Mr.' and Mrs. Ben Walkington and Virginia Jepson "spent Thanksgiving day in the Lyle Peck home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannort of Bloomington spent Tuesday until Saturday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and family spent Friday evening in the Floyd Feezel home at Woodstock. Anna Mae spent the weekend with Loretta Feezel. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and son, Jerry, were Thanksgiving day guests of Kenneth Cristy, Jr., in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and family spent Thanksgiving day in. the Donalcf^Fritz home at Union. Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, Jr., and children attended open house at the Villa rest home at Pistakee Bay on .Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson of Colby. Wis., spent the weekend in the Kenneth Cristy home. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and A. W. Smith spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and family at Elkhorn, Wis. Mrs. Grace McCiuinoji was a supper guest in the Lloyd* Gratton home at Woodstock Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy took their son, Larry, to the Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn., Monday, returning home Wednesday evening. Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and family and Mrs. Harley Rusch of Sheboygan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultze and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee and Mrs. Susie Evanoff of the Solon Mills rest home spent Thanksgiving day with Dr. and Mrs .Wm. Hepburn. Mrs. Papierniak erf Highland Park was a caller in the afternoon. The Ackerman family held a reunion on Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and family of Poplar Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ackerman and family of Elburn, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Decker and family of Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph fKiller and family of Wau- \v> There's a morry Christmas in the cards for all your family and friends whi*n you select your greetings h^re. We've religious cards, snow scenes, children's cards, many more to choose from. By XORCROSS Be sure your greetings arrive on time . . . select cards now. SEE & BUY THEM \ i A AT BOLGER'S drug store 103 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. kegan, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackerman of Seattle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. ^Howard Wagner and fa'mlly of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wagner and family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Burman of Harvard, Mary Hogan of Champaign, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and daughter and Mr. and Mi's. Darrel Samuelson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Downing of Woodstock were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mary Hogan is staying at the Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago this week and attending the National 4-H Congress. She was awarded a beautiful wrist watch from Mr. Wilson for her outstanding records and leadership. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ehlert and daughters of Twin Lakes were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik at Sunnyside Estates. Mr. Holms of Fox Lake was a caller in the Dr. Hepburn home Tuesday! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman visited their son, Fred, Jr., at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Ruth Oonk has returned home from the rehabilitation center in New York, where she has been a patient for several months. We are all glad to have her home again. Mrs. Grace McCannon was a guest in the Robert Thompson home at McHenry on Thanksgiving day. Guests in the Walter Glaiiser home on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glauser and son, Gordon, and Miss Grace Glauser of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd spent Thanksgiving with their daughter and family, the Arnold Ecksteins, at McHenry. ^ Thanksgiving day guests in the J. c. Pearson home were their son, Jack, of Parks • Air college, St. Louis, Floyd Peatt of Greenwood, Gust Pearson and Miss Lona Brever. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Renslow and family and Mickey Finley of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Renslow and family of LaGrange were guests in the James Finley home on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer and family spent Thanksgiving day with his mother, Mrs. Olivia Bauer, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rasmussen and daughter, Michele, of McHehry spent Thanksgiving with her parents,, Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Low. Mr. and Mrs. Alaii Lupdgren and son, Ricky, of Elkhorn sipent Thanksgiving day with 'j&jr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and family of Poplar Grove and Mr.'and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and daughter Were supper guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce, Thanksgiving evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Low and Mrs. Russel Ra&mussen t and daughter, Michele, spent Friday at Jefferson, Wfs. Mrs. Ben Walkington went to Chicago Saturday evening to hear her granidson, Harold Lee Jepson, of Elgin, who was guest soloist with the Chicago Symphony orchestra at Orchestra Hall. She remained until Sunday evening with her daughter, Miss Virginia Jepson. HILARIOUS COMEDY SUCCESS NOW AT , CHICAGO THEATRE CONSERVATION COURSE The 1956 undergraduate conservation education course for Illinois teachers will be held June 25 through July 13; the new graduate course is scheduled from July 16 through Aug. 3, both at themate..fairgrounds, Springfield. They are sponsored by the Departments of Conservation and Agriculture, and the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. In making this announcement, Dr. B. K. Barton, conservation education supervisor, said full information regarding the two school sessions will he sent to all Illinois school superintendents and priqpipals shortly so that teachers who wish to attend may begin making plans. • "Bus Stop," the hilarious New York comedy success, newest hit from the pen of playwright William Inge, came to tHe Selwyn Theatre, Chicago, for five weeks only on Nov. 21. For the first three weeks of the engagement the regular matlneefl will 'be given on Wednesday and Saturday. For the final two weeks the midweek matinee will be omitted and Sunday night performances Dec. 11 and 18 will be substituted. The setting of "Bus Stop" is an all-night eatery in a small town about 30 miles west of Kansas City. There a cross-country 'bus becomes stranded rfft. a snow storm and the passengers are forced to take refuge in a seedy restaurant until the roads can 'be cleared the following morning. Among the passengers is a flashy chanteuse Who is concerned with escaping the lumbering attentions of a blustering cowboy who is also a passenger. This youthful cow-poke is determined to add her to the livestock on his Montana ranch, blankly unable to understand that cattle and chanteuses -- even inferior chanteuses -- are not the same breed. Stage, screen and TV actress Peggy Ann Garner portrays the sensuous nightclub singer, and Albert iSalmi, of the New York company,' (it's now in its 37th week on broadway) is the blustery cowhand. Winifred Ainslee is the laconic cafe proprietor and veteran Glenn Anders depicts a dissolute college professor. Others are Russell Hardie, Sally Hester, S6ZZ A»NaH»H 3NOIM axvwLLsa HOL* asroHd 0s:s 01 01 ^Bpuns pu» 9 o} og:(f uado (oioa JBau) zi ttl jo 1S9/A sanui % '0ZI jo apjs ON S.U3A3W3AVH paa;uBJBnS ditfsueursfjoAY - sajn^xa; pue stija^ed jo uoipaps auij;- sSny pue 'P-re^ 86 2$ A\uo jBpads 'apiM uzL 'sptJiq 'uaajg (/Ao\\a/L 'pai - QNaia-lOOM •o;a 'sMOjjid - SUOJ<Jb - SMopuiM hbuis joj ieapi aoaicte D6£ A^uo 9g - puwq UMOU5I u9M • saidwvs AHadvna GET THIS GENUINE ALL-ELECTRIC TRAIN with your NEW automatic DRYER This is a Factory-Sponsored pre-Christmas offer Jnf look how *vcfc yoo save: Model 0E9 Electric Dryer Value . . . . $169.95 "American Flyer" train Value . • . . *62* Total Value ' « . $232.25 YOU PAT Mtir $169.95 YOU SAVE.. $6230 » Cat iltfUIr klfbr Tttm CM k vnmfti OS few M p* wttk aoo turPifft of MMki ar« hroniied with -<boo mb«4 Rmote Control Rtvmlag (antral WfclstU £- WlTH the dryer season at iB peak, tad Christmas just around the corner,j here is a (itiory-sponibM combination offer that nets you a big, fat savidg at a mftft opportune time. The Dryer is a full-featured 1956 Model that brings you the highest efficiency and built-in quality in the entire dryer industry. From an operation and service Standpoint, there is no finer dryer on the market. We have been allotted only a limited number of American Flyer trains and therefore urge that you act promptly. So hurry. Phone and ask us to set aside a train for you. ALL-ELECTRIC "CHOO-CHOO" TRAIN includes: P«w«rf«l Itctniefivt Taitdsr wM pistM «cti«a ^Refrigerator Car, Tdnk Car, G«a4«to aed Cabaasi Can hava rMl kawckltaj ovulars 260 lediee a( track TrastU Sat SO Witt traaiftfranr lamate Central Billbatrdl WfclstU CAREY ELECTRIC 119 So. Green Si.- Phone 251 McHenry, 111. Wallace Roohey and Jim Nolan. . Robert; Whitehead' and Roger L». St€vens produced "Bits' Stop"; .Hatoldi Cltirman dlrebted it; Boris Aaronson designed the setting, and the costumes are fey Paul Morrison. 1955 FATALITIES Motor vehicle crashes on Illinois highways killed 1,712 persons during ithe first ten months erf this year, thr$e per cent more than the number of traffic deaths listed in the corresponding period of 1054, according to a report by Edwin A, Rosenstone, director of the Department of Public Works and Buildings. October fatalities were 222, highest for any month this year, and 23 per cent above the 181 traffic deaths in October, 1954. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Highway construction projects in ten counties* totalling $3,130,- 000, were placed under contract at Springfield last week by the state Division of Highways. Nearly 3,000,000 of this is for further work on U.S. Route 66 in Will Grundy and Madison counties mu der Governor William G. Strat- •ton's plan for completing conversion of the 290-mile arterial highway into a four-lane divided expressway from Chicago to St. JLrouis by the close of next year. Since January, 1955, almost $70,- 000,000 of new Illinois highway work has been placed under contract. m &£ to <P" (Savings Invested in - Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn 246% ph'8 Vi % extra,. 28tf You'll Find USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN NIESEN'S 5C to *t°° Store PHONE 38 528 W. Main Street McHenry, 111. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Take It Easy- . Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . When you want to reach your destination In a harry . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with you, It's time to call us for a cab. Remember our number McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 WINTER TIRES FOR USE EITHER WITH A TUBE OR TUBELESS Put Them on Your ftmnf (tor-No Special Wheefs or( Rims Required. • GRIP BETTER ON ICE e STOP QUICKER IN RAIN • PUU BETTER IN SNOW OR MUD Available In BLACK or WHITE SIDEWALLS 200 PROOF ANTI FREEZE $1.00 In Your Container Gal. UP TO $6.00 TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY McHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main Si. WALT FREUND, Prop. PHONE 294 McHaniy, I1L » \

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