W Thursday, Decamber 8,1955 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER WANTED WANTED -- One week only, rags, we pay lc per pound. Pick up or call 53-J, 517 West Waukegan Rd. Bil} Staines." 27-5 m 4^ 'f WANTED -- Woman for hbusework and baby sitting 2 to 4 hours daily. Call MoHenry 761. -31 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid' for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED TO BUY -- I can and will pay more for junk cars, irons or metals than my competitors. Call Roy Grooms, 1368-M-l. 29-tf WANTED TO BUY -- A small,. 1 bedroom home, must be clean, compact and attractive, with garage, small lot. Located in or near McHenry. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St. Phone 268 or call Mr. Plumb, 1046-J. 31 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT _ Garage in the vicinity of 107 N. Green street. Tel. McHenry 2048. 31 LOST" AND FOUND LOST --' DARK rimmed glasses without case. Finder please phone 402-W. 31 MISCELLANEOUS =•1 NOTICE -- Is your old rug worn out ? Is it the wrong color or size ? Why not trade it in on a new rug or carpeting by LEES. Free estimates. Home shopping service. Easy budget terms. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St. (Route 14 North) Woodstock, 111. Phone 888. . 31 Fish Fry Every Friday Night 5 to 10 p. m. American Legion Home Sponsored'by American Legion Auxiliary 30-4 MISCELLANEOUS Club Lilymoor Route 120 presents a PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Here's that band again SAT., DEC. 10 -- One Day Only "THE MELLO TONES" Friday Nite French Fried Perch Served with French Fries, Lettuce and Tomato Salad*.. 75c Golden Fried Shrimp Dinner $1.25 This Ad is worth 50c toward the above dinners . . . CLUB LILYMOOR Route 120 31 NOTICE -- Terra Cotta ReSale Shop will bs closed for inventory January 1, 1956 to February 27, 1956. Mrs. R. D. Dietrick, Crystal Lake, IU. 31-4 NOTICE -- Shop here for the entire family. Toys, etc. Starting Thursday, Dec. 8 our store will be open every evening 'til 9 p.m. McHenry Dept. Store, 103 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 459. 31 ;V; •• -v, <• I* NOTICE -- When filing Sales Tax Returns please be sure to use Code No. 56-21 to assure proper, credit to the City of McHenry.11 ' City Council; City of McHeniy 31 Feather Party Sat., Dec. 10 PARK PUB Refreshments Served. 31 Grand Opening Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Dec. 15, 16, & 17 Free Gifts and Surprises Galore. Store Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. . Including Sunday THE CORNER STORE Route 120 . {lakeland Park •31 Has your drinking become i problem ? Me*, "Women; if. so, write Alcoholics Anonymous, iftt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 211. Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.tn. 12-tt LEGAL NOTICE OF CLAIM DA^E Estate of Catherine Boger, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that January 2, 1955, is the claim date in the estate of Catherine Soger, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ARTHUR BOGER ELIZABETH BOGER FRETT, Executors Joseph X. Waynne, Attorney McHenry, 111. (Pub. Dec. 1-8-15) $ & * w "Just A Couple of the mariy • Gift Values that SANTA left at VYCITAL'S" Y Whije Enameled | S Pc. Folding * TABLE & CHAIR SETS Seats and table tops are covered in your choice of black, red or yellow leatherette. Extra> Chairs at $2.98 3 Pc. Set only *095 and . . . f o r t h e y o ( j n g man or miss -- How about a WRIST WATCH Priced from by Weslclox $6.95 to $12.95 | USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN! J A Small Deposit Will Hold Any 1 Article Until Christmas. VYCITAL Hardware 132 S. Greon St. ^bone 98 Sheet Metal Shop Melfepry, |U. LEGALS IjlliipplllWllip^ PUBLIC NOTICE -- Notice of Proposed Changes in (Schedules I COMMONWEALTH EDISON Company arid its Public Service Company.. Division hereby give notice to the' public that there •has been filed with the Elinois Commerce Commission on December 1, 1955, a revision in Schedule 8-R, • Information and Requirements for the Supply of Electric Service, now effective in Chicago and in Public Service Company Division territory. The Company is proposing, through the revision, to extend through the year 195$ its program of sharing installation expense of improved service entrance equipment with certain residential customers who purchase and install equipment requiring threfe-wire, 240-volt, single-phase service. The size of the service entrance equipment conductors, the cost of which is to be borne by the Company, Is being increased for single-family residences in order to provide greater wiring capacity. Further information with respect to this change may be obtained either directly from the Company orby addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission in Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed change may be inspected by any interested pafcty in any business office of this Company Or of its Public Service Company Division. COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. By D. R. Bower Treasurer (Pub. Dec. 8-15) STATE OF ILLINOIS) County of McHenry) ss.» IN THE CIRCUIT COURT HERBERT FREUND, doing business as S. H. FREUND AND SON, Plaintiffs, vs. ELMER ANTONSON and LAVERNE ANTONSON, his wife, and "UNKNOWN OWNERS", Defendants. CIVIL ACTION IN EQUITY. No. 34531 Affidavit showing that the defendants, "UNKNOWN OWNERS", being persons who have or claim some right, title, interest, or lien in, to, or upon the following described real estate: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quar tferof Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the ThM ^rincijpal MgT^iian, in Mc- . . Ijfenry County, Illinois, described as follows: Commencing at th- Northwest corner of Block 4 of Wattle's Second Addition to McHenry, a subdivision in the Northwest Quarter of Section 35 aforesaid, thence West along the South line of Oak Avenue extended -West to the East line of Highway Route N6. 31 a distance of 187.52 ffeetf^thence South along the East line of said Highway 264.02 feet to the North ltne of Grove Avenue extended Wttst to said Highway, thence East along said North line of Grove Av*nue extended West a distance of 181.48 feet to a point on the Southwest corner of said Block 4, thence North along the West line of said Block 4 a distance of 264 feet to the place of beginning; except that tract of land conveyed by Elmer Antonson and LaVerne Antonson, his wife, to Dawson Trine, et al, by Document No. 281376, and also except that tract of land conveyed by Elmer Antonson and LaVerne Antonson, his wife, to Clifford F. Ki'ehl by Document No. 269193, and also except that tract of land conveyed by Elmer Antonson and LaVerne Antonson, his wife, to Charles J. Cors< H et al., by Document No. 279173. and that the name or names of each of said persons is unknown to the plaintiff and on due inquiry cannot be found, so that prdcess cannot be served upon said defendants, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereJby given to said "UNKNOWN. OWNERS" defendants that the plaintiffs in the above entitled cause filed their complaint in said cause on the 2nd day of December, 1955, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said court, and that you, the said "UNKNOWN OWNERS", defendants, must file your appearancein said action on or before the Jrra Monday in the month of January, 1956, aftd in the event you fall to do so default may bfe entered against you any day thereafter. LESTER EWNGER, (SEAL) Clerk of said Court. (Pub. Dec. 8-15-22) NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF WILLIAM KNIGHT FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION 4 NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a reclassification of the property described below, which requests a. change in classification from "F" Farming District to "R-l" Residence District, in accordance with the prayer of said Petition filed with the Board: That part of the South half,of the Fractional Southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: .Beginning on. the North line of. the South Haif of the said Southeast quarter at a point 8.25 feqt East from the Northwest Corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence Southeasterly in a straight tine 409.2 feet to an , iron, stake which is 222.6 feet' East from the West line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence Northwesterly in a straight line 426.4 feet to a point on the North line of the South half of the Fractional , Southeast quarter which is 31.04 feet West from the aforesaid p*ace of beginning; thence East 31.06 feet to the place of beginning, ALSO Beginning pt the Southeast Corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Fractional Section 7, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian and running thence West 1301.2 feet to a point in the center line of the public highway, which is 16.3 feet East of the Southwest Corner of said Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence Northeasterly on the center line of said highway on a line forming an interior angle of 60 degrees, 06 minutes with the last described line for a distance of 448.77 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of said Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter 1079.2 feet te the East line of said Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence South along said » East line 389.06 feet to the place of beginning; ALS<^ The Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 7, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian; ALSO All that part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Fractional Section 7. Township 45 North, Range 9 East of *he Third Principal Meridian, lying Northerly of Fox River (excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of sa4d Section 7; thence North along the- West line thereof 1320.82 feet, more or less, to the North line of said Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence East on said North line 8.25 feet; thence Southeasterly on a line forming an angte of 58 degrees, 52 minutes to the right (from the last described line produced Easterly) foi; a distance of 409.2 feet; thence Southerly on a line forming an angle of 31 degrees, 22 minutes to the right (from the last described line produced Southeasterly) for a distance of 970.2 feet to a point on the South line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 7; thence West on said South line 224.4 feet to the place of beginning) except therefrom that part thereof falling in Klapperick's Subdivision Unit No. 1, according to the Plat thereof recorded August 21, 1940 in Volume 7 of Plats, page 66'; ALSO Part of the Southwest Fractional quarter of Fractional Section 8, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying Westerly of Fox River, described .as follows: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Southwest quarter Of said Section 8, thence 4outh on the West line .thereof a distance of 1820 feet, more or less, to the, waters edge of Fox River; thence Northeasterly along the waters edge of Fox River, to an intersection with the Southwesterly line of a certain tract of land conveyed by Henry J. Klapperick and Mary C. Klapperick, his wife, to Charles Frederick Elliott and Mary Belle Elliott, his wife, by Deed dated November 2, 1928 and recorded in Book 184 of Deeds, page 127; thence Northwesterly on the Southwesterly line of said tract of laffid so conveyed, to the most Westerly Corner thereof; thence Northeasterly on the J Northwesterly line of said tract j of land conveyed as aforesaid, a j distance of 168.35 feet to the most Northerly Corner thereof; thence Southeasterly on the Northeasterly line thereof, 35 feet to the mosf Westerly Corner of a certain tract of land conveyed by Henry J. Klapperick and Mary C. Klapperick, his wife to Charles E. Reed by Deed dated March 1, 19.12 and recorded in Book 150 of Deeds, page 501; thence Northeasterly oo.the Northwesterly line of land so. ^conveyed 84.48 feet to the most Westerly Corner of a certain tract of land conveyed by Charles E. Finkl and Elizabeth Finkl, husband and wife, to Benjamin L. Olsen and Emilie L. Olsen. his wife, by Deed dated August 5. 1927 and recorded in Book 171 of Deeds, page 538; thence Northeasterly on the Northwesterly line of land conveyed as aforesaid, a distance of 154.44 feet to the most Westerly Corner of Lot No. 13 of Riverclale Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof recorded September 27, 1892, in Book 1 of Plats, page 35; thence Northeasterly on the Northwesterly line of Lots 13 and 12 of $p.id Rivferdale Subdivision and said 'line extended 111.53 feet to the center line of an .unnumbered strip of land lying between Lots 9 and 12 in said Subdivision; thence Northwesterly 36.4 feet to a point in range with, the Northwesterly line of said Lot 9, said point being 8.25 feet distance from the most Westerly Corner Of said Lot . extended Southwesterly; thence Northeasterly on the Northwesterly line of Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in sakt Riverdal Subdivision and said' line pro duced 607.75 feet to a point oi the North line of Fractions Southwest quarter of sai& Sec tion 8; thence West on Mi< North line thereof 1020.9 fee to the place of beginning, (ex cepting therefrom all that par lying Northeasterly of a cort tkvuation of the Northeasterly Z line of Lot 4 in Riverdaie Sub division) and (except that pat falling in Klapperick's Subdivision Unit No. 1). Said hearing shall be heard ii the City Hall in the City of Mc Henry, Illinois, at the hour of P. M. on the 27th day of Decern ber, 1955. All persons interestec may attend. VcHENRY COUNTY ZONINC BOARD OF APPEALS. s By: Harold J. Bacon, Its Chairmai Petitioner's Attorney: William M. Carroll, Jr. 110% Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: 1334 Join oar 1956 Christmas Saving) Club now, at the McHenry Statg Bank. 31 For Christmas... and loveliness YARDLEV Fragrance Duet WORKMEN'S SPECIAL! Monday thru Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. t Shot and a Beer 30c CLYDE'S 120 CLUB ROUTE 120 LAKEMOOR UTTLEF By KERN PEDERSON HtlfwDdcm bayr cSami. iNth. SI efvtct By JOE DENNETT HALP/THIS DOG IS A MEAT EATER/ OFF MAIN STREET MEATBALL/ BRlNlG THIS dog a bone TO DISTRACT him from ME/ THATS I T ' M-NICE DOGGIE/ -fluudfi. By TOM OKA ReU«»cd by Smitb Set* Dcruicx. M |> SUITS HtlttED By BRAD ANDERSON XJlJ5T5HOT J ££A/*1PA AA/' i TtfRNfP n GRANDPA'S BOY A GHOST £ To find anything you want, use theYELLOW PAGES -- your Classified Telephone Directory. Perfume Purse Flacon with its companion Toilet Witter Daytime fragrance in choice of: "BOND STREET" .APRIL VIOLETS LOTUS SSi-. BOLGER'S PHONE 40 108 S. Green St. McHenry, ID Yardlejr Products for America arc mid in England ana1 finished in the U. & A. from the original English formula*, combining imported and domestic ingredients. llncle "Epi^rins Some family trees could stand a lot of prunin'. • • • Nope, we never really did see an ace in the hole. ( • • • It's true that big hearts al* ways make good livers. • • • When Jr. Hinch prays for his daily bread he always asks for Jelly too. • * • In fishin' for a bride most fellers want to ketch a small mouthed lass. * • • Just how much is a grain of truth? • • • The time tar climb is in your prime. Even the things that we kin do without all cost too much. « • » Yep, accordin' to the figures men do eat more than women. • • • Ain't it a scream to hear a group of women all call each other girls? • • • Sophia Binger says she goea to parties to be went with but it don't work. • • • Tod Bolton got a Job lir a bakery and he passed with flying crullers. • • •- If Uncle Same does take your shirt he's got a bureau to keep it in. --REV. CHARLEY GRANT. L-2-55 ACROSS 1. Fall Flower 6. Ovum 9. Columbia Broad* casting Systtm (abbr.) 12. Glistened 13. Salt 14. Garden implement 15. Floctai . 16. Natuial height 18. Demolish 20. Redacted 21. Brtast bona 24. Acta 26. Sharpen 28. Deals out 28. Still 29. Anew 30. Make lace 33. Worries 34. Back of Mck 3& Quotes 3& Guided 40. Worship* 42. Ran 43. Schemed 46. Language 48. Things, in lav 49. Consumed 50. Distinct 51. Saras, agent 52. Edict 53. Slavea t>OWN 1. Rind of tree 2. That girl 3. Fart moving stream 4. Bear /- 6. Plant exudation & WORD T. A portal 8. Rejoice 9. Inclined trough 10. Annoyed 11. Plants IT. Bind* 19. Push gently 21. Bashful Pedal digit 23. Ditches arouad castles 27. Catalogues 29. Ammunitions warehouse SO. Later 31. Mimic 32. Snread to dry 33. Flowerkas plant 34. Sewing implement 35. Island south of " Naple's Bay 36. Wastes time 87. Brown 39. Heroic poems 41. Bristle 44. Morning moisture 46. Simpleton 47. Mistress (abbr.) Solution -- L--jp PIP----a--I