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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1955, p. 13

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T^^jftrmatti«b«rl5. M55-• ' - ••/»*•• a * . -cV. ' -.i#*' • • .-':!>- •• " PLAINDEALER- ! • / • Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield mim Dr. and Mrs. Donald V. Anderson and three children moved recently from Wooded Shores to Woodstock. They have a daughter attending high school there. Another daughter, Ellen, was given "• a ' farewell party by her eighth grade classmates before she left school here. She was presented with a scarf of the- colors of'Harrison school. The Wonder Woods canasta club met Thursday, Dec. 8, at ' Sandgren's homig. The high 'Scorers were Velma Sinclair and M?iry S&ndgren.« Other guests were Catherine Wurm, Mary Jane Sellinger, Neva Puhrer, Ann Miller! and Marcella Meeker. Stic dollars was donated to the hospital building fund. Thursday, Dec. 8, Mrs. Eleanor Wright of Wooded Shores entertained a group of co-workers, who are night nurses at Memorial hospital. A gaily decorated Christmas tree and appropriate table setting created a festive mood. Each guest brought a gift and as games were played the £ifts were used as prizes. Guests were Mrs. Peggy Hanson,^ ^Wanita Pilchard and Mrs. Gallrelri from Woodstock; Mrs. Vaierle Patterson, Johnsburg? Mrs. Janice Przybyl, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Helen Kainholtz, Cary; ind Mrs. Phyllis Whitfield, a neighbor of Mrs. Wright. Christmas cookies, cake, jello sapdr and coffee were servea fairly early because several of the wbmen were "on duty." Legion News On Sunday, Dec. 4, a bowling sweepstakes, sponsored by the McHenry County council of the ^'J^erican Legion, was held in Woodstdck. The Wonder Lake post wa&- represented by John Eberle, Frank Korifecky, Floyd Eckman and George and Lois Weeks. Post 1169 has donated a 25- foot Christmas tree to the Cub Scouts. This tree will stand" in the memorial square and will be decorated by the dub Scouts. It p promises to be another job well done by the youth of- the coip- Two veterans from our lake a^Ca Who- are in Hines hospital will appreciate Chrhrtnias cards froin friends and neighbors. They ar& Harry M. Wilkinson, Ward , ^-2, and William El Schrdeder, * Ward G-3. i .. >•- ' '-VUtt:,. 'T -r-- e- . - jS»K. JSrnie Vojgt of Wonder Center is# enjoying the warth" sun of F^jfcida these days. He toll be btfdk for the holidays. -Robert Grosso, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Grosso, suffered a broken wrist and cracked kneecap inftyan -'automobile accident Sunda.^, 'Dec. 4. Fred Davis, Marengo* who was a passenger in the cdrt received severe cuts on the fape. Bob, who has just returned frdm the service, was hospitalized ttyree days. The seventh and eighth grades will have a Christmas party at H^jrison school Friday, Dec. 16, . aKj7:30 ,p.m. There will be a grab bag of gifts, dancing and a door ppjze and games. Chaperones will b& Mrs. Frances Feldhahn, Mrs. Mftder, Mrs. Betty Miller, Mrs. Bgyce King, Mrs. Liedtke .and ]$£!. Roti. EXPERT RUG CLEANING in time for the Holidays Phone 927 i\ ' F<^ Pickup Service V RAINBOW $ CLEANERS p. Front St.. McHenry #- The Brownie-Scouts of Wonder Lake, who have been holding their meetings in small groups in the subdivisions, had a combined meeting Wednesaay, Dec. 14, at Harrison school, it was a Christvisited in Wonder Lake for eleven, gift exchange and cupcakes and ice cream. A good time was had' by all the girls. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevenson of Leamington, Qontario, Canada, Kellener, Mrs. Catherine Taylor days with Mrs. Stevenson's two sisters and brother, Mrs. Justus Kellenr, Mrs. Catherine Taylor and Sam Lemcnt arid their families. Their daughters and son-inlaw drove down' to take them back after their vacation. Many happy occasions were enjoyed during their visit. Bible Church News The Christmas spirit was carried out in the annual meeting of the Missionary Guild. Ladies of the gjiild exchanged gifts and a pot-luck dinner was served. The devotions were centered around the Christmas story in Luke II. Election of officers was held and- the new officers are as follows: Ruth Bordwell, chairman; Velma Wright, vice-chairman; Mary Lashbough, secretary; Anna Samkus, treasurer; and Emma Skemp, pianist. There are interesting plans for the new year's work and extend a cbrdial invitation to the ladies of the Wonder Lake community to fellowship every second Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be at the home of l£rs. Anna Samkus. Your attention is drawn to the annual Christmas program presented by the Wonder Lake Bible church and Sunday school. This year there will be two programs iij order to facilitate crowded conditions. Thursday, Dec. 22, at 7:30 p.m„ the nursery- through the junior department will present their program. Sunday evening, Dec. 25, at 7:30, the intermediate and senior classes will present a pageant entitled', "A Prophecy Infilled." All. in the community are invited to attend thfese holiday programs. Lutheran Church News The Nativity . junior"* chdr will Sing at the McHenry county home and the old folks' home in Woodstoak Saturday, Dec. 17. Thfe annual custom of the choir is sponsored by the Wopdstock V Inserts slide up and down on traces of ERAYDO metal .. . a special formula ziqc alloy that is virtually friction free.. • Co binding, no sticking. V jScreen is on inside... stored in upper position, practically out of sight. VtJpper or lower ventilation with full screen protectiod. V Safety catches help prevent accidents. V Glass inserts easily washed in place. Can be removea ii desired. N«w, durabbi beautiful, matching aluminum combination sawn and stirm doors are olse available. Don't delay, t now for a frtt home demonstration and estimate. Absolutely M •bllfatfon. us] S Door Canopies Aluminum Awnings ' Arthur Boger PHONE 840-J SO? E. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, ML SAUSAGE JUMBLE Ohce in a while you find a mealin- itself recipe with a flavor that will delight your family, and at the same time is economical enough to save substantially on your budget. Sausage Jumble is just such a dish. It is made so quickly and is so easy to prepare that you will hsy^ a thoroughly " " ' ' ' ial delicious and nourishing meal on the table in a jiffy with just the addition of a salad, bread, and dessert. % cup; minced onions 1 pound sausage 1 12-ounce package frozen corn 2%-cups (No. 2 can) tomatoes 1 cup water % cup uncooked rice , 1% teaspoons salt hi teaspoon pepper Vi cup grated cheese Brown onions and sausage in skillet over high heat, stirring frequently until browned. Drain off excess fat. Stir in com, tomatoes, water, rice, salt, ahd pepper. Bring to a boil; lower heat. Sprinkle top with cheese. Cover. Simmer 25 to 30 minutes, or until rice and corn are tender. Yjelds six servings. Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has pointed out that •the present time is a good period fdr motorists to purchase their 1956 motor vehicle license plates oyer the counter at the Springfield and Chicago offices of the Automobile department - After the initial rush on the opening day of sales, Dec. 1, When more than 35,000 sets of plates were sold, volume has declined abruptly, Mr. Carpentier said. The two offices are prepared to handle more applications than • are being submitted at present, he said. "IWoiorrsTs wno will get their plates now will have to spend 'less time standing in line and they need have no further concern aibout the future deadline for displaying plates, which we ex- |>ect to advance this season," Secretary Carpentier said. Advantages of buying plates over , the counter are the immediate possession of the plates and a receipt for the fee which may be used as a substitute for the registration card until the automobile department has had time to prepare the card, Mr- Carpentier said. The Sprmgfield office, on the second floor of the Capitol building, is open from 8:30 a.m. to Women of the Moose. Christmas carols and anthems will be sung during the program, then the childVen will go through the wards talking to the residents, who are always glad to see and hear~ the choir. The Nativity Sunday School program this year will be held at Harrison school on Dec. 18 at 7:30. This had to be done because of the lack of space at the church. Alt children now will be able to see the program. The children are asked to be $t ^th$ school no later than 7:15. . The Nativity Brotherhood- Is having "family night" onMonday, Dec. 19, to which they Invite all the men and their families. The program will begin n&t 8 and a Christmas movie, duced for the Illinois Bell Telephone company will be showV All who attend are asked11 tb bring sandwiches, and the rest-1 of the refreshments will be prpvide# by the Brotherhood. The McCullom Lake Conservation Club Sponsors PARTY with PRIZES of TURKEYS St : and SPORTS EQUIPMENT FREE REFRESHMENTS - MUSIC SATURDAY, DEC. 17 - 8 P. M. Whitey and Bernice's Tavern „ McCullom .Lake - * :?4 > n a\\ u phone gejviee URGE PURCHASE OF LICENSE PLATES OVER THE COUNTER WORWICK*S McHenry Camera Center Cameras Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged PHOTO SUPPLIES View Masters and Reels Color Films Processed Fam||y Albums See Us Before Vou Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive phone Mchenry 275 -?r, 4:30 p.m. weekdays and from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturdays. The Chicago office, at 334 South Ashland boulevard, is open from 8:30 a.m. weekdays and from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays. WOMEN OF THE MOOSf! The Women of the Moose meeting was held Tuesday, Dec. 6, when three candidates were installed: Eunice Tobey, Delores Straus and Mary Delight Lennon. The social committee served refreshments antr games were enjoyed. The ladies are planning a pqtluck supper as part of the next meeting Dec. 20 at 6:30 o'clock. All members are urged to attend and bring a dollar gift for a grab bag. (Savings Invested In Crystal 2L'a/2k%e PSluavs inygs lid Loan earn 2% extra* 23tf $7,744 Con+ribute3^ To '55 Seal Sale Page ffilrttia The McHenry County Tuberculosis association reports that residents of the county have contributed $7,744.18 to the Christmas Seal Sale. Tuberculosis will strike about 100,000 Americans this year. In an attempt to control the spread of tuberculosis, the association is anxious to have every person x-rayed each year. Ninety-four per cent of the money received from the sale of Christmas Seals supports the community and state where it is raised, six per cent goes to the National Tuberculosis association "or medical research. Your annual purchase of Christmas Seals is the sole support of your Tuberculosis association. don t DRUG STORE I * for Your . . . XMAS TREE LITES * and DECORATIONS GIFTS - CARDS and GIFT WRAPPINGS i f^Your Ideal Shopping Center 1 for that last-minute Gift" ' IJ ic x\ /tfjency " 129 N. Riverside Drive iPhone 26 McHenry, I1L SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE P'h Business & Service Directory oi Wonder Lake WONDER LAK? Free Estimates & Delivery Pbptt6 W. Ik 3231 Ed it John's Wonder Lake Standard Service Phone: W. L. 8241 or S46S All Minor Mechanical .Repairs • Lubrication • Washing • Tires ft Accessories "If you can't stop in smile as you go by!" Ton Expect More From Standard And Get It! CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 LIONEL TRAINS with MAGN5-TRACTION' $1995 Complete Sets as low as ALL ACCESSORIES & TRACK IN STOCK "O" and "027" GAUGE m *: m :< M $ :< < mm m m. :< •< < m 1:< <: I\M 1 M < :< :« :< m <; :< :< mm < '0, M :< fdfilie ENTIRE FAMILY VYCITAL'S HARDWARE has Wonderful Gifts for Everyone on Your Gift List ... Here are just a few of our Hundreds of Gift Selections. 53 Pc. SET DINNERWARE ... $25.95 Sunbeam Shiffield 6 Pc. STAINLESS STEAK SET. $5.95 West Bend ELECTRIC BEAN POT $7.50 Westclox KITCHEN WALL CLOCK $3.98 Wiss Model "E" PINKING SHEARS $3.95 Black & Decker 21 Pc. ELECTRIC 'TIX-Klt" $29.95 Roto JIG SAW - MMS Delta SEALED BEAM LANTERN $8.49 Stanley BENCH PLANE $4.95 7 Pc. COCKTAIL SET $538 Raycine ELECTRIC HAIRCUTTING SET $1095 JUST fOR SlS DOLLY BASSINETTE $4.98 17 Pc. CHINA TEA SET $2.89 X1" . •Body 20,,x9" FOLDING DOLL CARRIAGE $5.95 White FIGURE ICE SKATES $8.95 FLUFFY YARN SEWING CARDS 98c "Dew Drop" BABY DOLL Cries directly from eyes $9.95 TOURNAROCKER $5.95 <(} Inter City DELIVERY TRUCK $2-25 Westclox WRIST WATCHES Hard toe HOCKEY ICE SKATES Benjamin GAS PISTOL ELECTRIC RADIO STATION $6.95 to $12.95 $&95 $12.50 $6.79 COMPLETE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS LIGHTS -- TREE STANDS -- TABLE DECORATIONS "OPEN EVERY NITE TIL CHRISTMAS" mm> : m mm-: mm m sr >: mm m & mm mm mm m >: mm mm. w. mm mm- m mm 'M m m m mm m ¥ i mm mm m Mm Mm VYCITAL'S 132 So. Green Street SHEET METAL SHOP Phone 98 McHenry, IU. • . M&i

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