'wT y*- *• - • '• • • -v :• •' ly,December %, 1955 ^, v s - ; ' • • , . THE KeHENBY PLATNDEALEB ' K~'H ij'&k "rt.v PBgeStewn HELP WANTED jHELP WANIED -- Local resident to act as sales and service ' .representative for national con- ;cern. Salary and commission. Will train. Write to Box 104 care of Plaindealer. 32-2 Help Wanted Machine Operators Needed Aome experience on either of the" following. TURRET LATHE DRILL PRESS New higher rates of pay- Usual employee benefits Low price cafeteria' Excellent record of continuous employment for 47 years. Unusual training opportunity Overtime occasionally available. BARCO MFG. CO. 500 N. Hough St. Barring ton, 111. WANTED WANTED TO EXCHANGE -- International Hide-a-Bed sofa for living room divan in good condition. Phone 401-R. 32 Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested, in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2%% plus extra. 32 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price | paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh.- phone Woodstock' 1610-M-2. 43-tf 32 HELP WANTED -- Pressor, in 'small, modern dry cleaning plant. Tear round position. Call Mundeiein 6-&360. , 32 iiELP WANTED Woman to Work nights in nursing home from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. or 12 midnight to 8 a.m. Call 461. 32 p- \REAL ESTATE fXDR SALE -- Small home, comk dieted, Wonder View on nice high lot. For quick : sale, $4,500.00. Terms. AIRSPUN BUILDERS McHenry 430 15-tf 4ifOR SALE -- See our model "home. Size 24'x40'; lot 90'xl20'; Russ stone . tront; 3 large bedims. Adjacent shopping center; 11 basement; custom built birch >inets; plastered» walls; gas leat; tile bath; oak floors; small Sown payment. May Bldrs., Richid 4381. 30-3 TOR SALE cinity. McHenry and vi- )X RIVER NQRTg OP JOHNS ItTRG -- Sell or rent, 3 "bedroom jme, ftijl -USseSftefttf automatic jil heat, garage, lot 72x217 nicely vooded with evergreen trees. Price ^15,000. Terms. jr appointment call our office Johngburg, McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE 29-tf WANTED TO BUY -- I can and will pay more for junk cars, irons or metals than my competitors. 4. Call Roy Grooms, 1368-M-l. 29-tf WANTED TO BUY -- Second hand upright piano. Phone Wonder Lake 5664. 32 WANTED TO BUY -- Used typewriter. Call McHenry 497-R after 6 p.m. 32 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Pair of glasses on Green street or West McHenry business section, near bank or post office. Reward. Call 634-J-2. 32 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE •-- Terra Cotta ReSale Shop will be closed for inventory January 1, 1956 to February 27,* 1956. Mrs. R. D. Dietrick, Crystal Lake, 111 ^ ' 31-4 Has your drinking become t problem ? Men, women, if so, write Alcoholics Ahonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- Pointer, male. Large dog, 1% yrs. old, housebroke. Just a wonderful dog. SMust be house pet. Call 632-M-2. 32 TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- Spring- Spaniel, male, 1% yrs. old, housebroke. Good with children. Must be house pet. Call 632-M-2. 32 '56 CHICAGO AUTO SHOW EXPECTED TO SET NEW RECORD Guy Cranberries Now; ^Freeze For Later Use LOST -tt-( Quantity of paper money under 930 in front of Town & Country Gift Shop on Riverside Drive, Monday. Reward. Call Mueller, McHenry 2097.' *32 MISCELLANEOUS Fish Fry Every Friday Night 5 to 10 p. ra. American Legion Home Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary . 30-4 FOR SALE -- Large ranch home jm highway 120, walking distance • to McHenry, on 1 acre, trout t ptream in back yard, basehient, (forced air heat, air conditioned. 3 jfcar garage. This property is also tfsoned for business. Ideal for doctor or lawyer. Full price $18,000. ? Terms. Call McHenry 430. 23-tf tjpOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 --Richmond Road McHetfry, 111. Phone: McHenry 4214 24-tf FOR SALE -- 1st mortgages pay ing 6% interest. Also sale contracts at substantial discounts. Inquire of Attorney V. J. Knox, phone 43. 31-3 SITUATION WANTED P . 1 . SITUATION WANTED -- To care 5/or children in my own home by hour,,day or week. Phone 1472. 32 SITUATION WANTED -- Will keep children of working mothers in my home, during the day. Phone ?1930-W. 32 HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS NOTOCB* --• Thoaa heavenly LEES carpets are so. sensibly priced, With low monthly payments and a liberal trad«-in allowance you can enjoy new carpeting -- how! Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St., (Route 14 North) Woodstock, HI. Phone 888 32 NOTICE -- This is to inform the public of McHenry and vicinity, that I am <10 longer associated with Family Album Plan, as of Dec. 1, 1955. Anyone signed up after this date will not be honored. Worwick Studio. 32-3 Announcing Mr. Henry Cieslak will ]t>e in McHenry and vicinity days of Friday and Saturday, Dec. 16 and 17, for Sales and Service on Singer Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners. Phone Woodstock 294 SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 221 Benton St., Woodstock 32 NOTICE -- ,The Toddler Shop and Young Teen Corner will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Sunday, Dec. 18. 32 NOTICE As I am going into business for myself, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted widef the name of Clem and Fred Well Drilling after this date. 32 Clem Wirfs. \A/haf~ k &y/t What beautiful price! Include extra cranberries in Freeze and serve them to your family after the holidays -- when they a^n't expecting to see these sparkling red berries, says Geraldine Acker, University of Illinois foods specialist. Cranberries are easy to freeze. Leave them in the sealed bag and place in your freezer.. Take them out in two or three months and use them as you would fresh berries. Dressing Garnishes Turkey Ami Platter Dressing usually dresses up the traditional holiday turkey, but you can also use it to decorate the platter, says Dorthy Figge, University of Illinois foods specialist. * Make extra dressing and put it in muffin ti®s; Cover them with foil and place in the oven for the last hour of roasting. When you're5 ready to serve, unmold them and use with parsley on the' platter ,as. garnishes. Shop at Home The 1956 Chicago Automobile Show will extend the area of Its position as - tlie nation's greatest when the forty-eighth amiiiai edition is presented »at the International Amphitheatre January 7 through 15. Officials of the sponsoring Chicago Automobile Trade association said more domestic and foreign passenger cars said trucks will be displayed in one location at the same tinie than ever before in United States automotive history. ... Use of the new Exposition Hall of the international Amphitheatre adds 180,000 square fe^t, all at main floor level. This win permit not only a greater variety of models of afl domestic automobile lines, but for the -first time gives ample space for the displays of foreign car manufacturers. Edward L. Cleary, manager of the show and executive vicepresident of the Chicago Automobile Trade association, -estimates the overall value of - the entire 1956 exposition at nearly $10,000,000, a new record. That includes automobiles, trucks, experimental and "dream CfU"s." colonfui } display bk^kgroundi), lighting t effects and costufning and pei*onnel of the spectacular stage revue. If you are one of the lastminute shoppers, you'll find/that local merchants still tyve many fine items available for your gift shopping. Festive Desserts Housing Supply, Demand Balanced, Says Realtor All signs indicate that our home production is travelling a well-charted course -- a course meeting demand, but without over-building. This was the view expressed recently by T. P. Mathews, president of the McHenry County Board of Realtors. "Important in the Rousing sup- Ply and demand estimates has been the figure of withdrawals from 'housekeeping' of the unfit, or condemned, units. Certainly, a good part of the stepped-up demolition of unit dwellings has resulted from the Build America Better program of the National Association of Real Estate Boards," said Mrs. Mathews. To end the most festive meal of the year, or to serve when company comes to pay a Holiday call, you'll want a very special dessert. Holiday Mincemeat Mold is an eicellent choice in many Ways. You'll like the wonderful mincemeat-pineapple flavor and its festive prettiness. Best, of all is the simplicity and convenience of preparation. Holiday Mincemeat Mold 1H cups canned unsweetened 1 cup canned mincemeat 1 pack^femJn flavored gelatin Whipping cream Heat pineapple juice and dissolve gelatin in it. Chill until slightlv thickened and stir in the mincemeat. Pour into a mold and chill until firm. Unmold and garnish with whipped cream. Six servings. Ready-In-Minutes Holiday Desserts Goodie Puddings: Canned puddings (fig, plum or chocolate) and the canned fruit breads make hasty-tasty noliday desserts. K°at, slice, and top with hard sauce and slivered toasted almonds. Christmas Ambrosia: Combine chilled canned orange or tangerine sections with crushed pineapple and grated coconut. Sprinkle with chopped glazed cherries. Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer EDDIE tin EDUCATOR soys Illinois common schools will spend $510,000,000 Mi year. Good dollar valve moans good scholar vols*. Good school bosinost l» *• pwpli'i bailnm. / IllvfiOfS Education •4 Read The Classified Want Ads IC1 JAMS "Burr, yn ffMgst f»ar rabbm ni tin ctaiflsr MAnONAt SAFCTY COUNCft Thanks to our friends for the' beautiful flowers, your good wishes and » l A.V A overwhelming support. SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION rhone McHenry 2 522 W. Main Street McHenry, Open Evenings Til Christmas TRIVET Keeps Foods and Coffee Hot Ideal Gift for the Ham Please. ftinnerware Wrougb* DISH In satin smooth copper finish. CHAFING We welcome GIFT SLEUTHS!" THE AGATHA SHOP PHONE 145-d 110 8. Green St., McHenry, III. £ Reg. $1.95 S-T-R-E-T-C-H 51 and 60 Gauge Irregulars & Seconds 69' - 79* Longs - Medium - Shorts Men's - Boy's and Girl's SOCKS "SPECIAL"----* NYLONS 60 Gauge - Shorts t 3pr.$F to OO (i IK m llin cHENR CRYSTAL LAKE BLACKTOP ROAD I L L McHENRY, ILL