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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1956, p. 4

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Pag* Fein v;y \Y ^ ^. >* ~J V v- ..^••yiy ., -. .'•' • • ' wr • {p, >,r ^ <• . • ^rpr if* rv 0S-V,»? y tl„»-, *'-- ' v • - r "„ i ' '. L 7. - - ' . •'. » ? ' THE McHENRY PLAINDE '.?'*v: . .Thursday, January 5. 193$" £«Axr- anen*r* u;Twas a grand and. glorious holiday season. Now, the time tl&8 comeAto. set our course toward another year. We have tried like everything, 2mt still write 1&55. There must be some way of ... remembering. You young fellows can easily remember if you realize this is I«eap Year. .MoSt of us saw enough football the past weekend to carry us over. The games were not only wonderful, but the parades and half time shows were fantastic. Aside from the parade, we thought Florida gave California a real race in spectacular entertainment. Tuesday morning we heard one newscaster tell us about the errors (particularly on who kicked that field goal) in reports from California. Lo and behold, that same fellow^ signed off by telling t us that Maryland had kept its' record intact by defeating Oklahoma. That was news! Gene Golding wound up the old year with a 254-612 that was the talk of the bowling alleys. We presume that you have exchanged your gifts for the proper size. Next year we plan to have the family post all sizes on a bulletin board. Wouldn't you wonder how a main could live with a woman all those years without knowing the size of hose she wears. We thought your feet lengthened with the years. HERE AND THERE WITH GOLF -- McHenry (Recreation *•« Business Men-- 4 P. May, 225-527; B. Bartz, 528; C. Gurbis, .$4,7;A, McCarroll, 532; J Marsella, 529; J. Frisby, 527; G. Golding, 254-612; E. Pieronir 200; E. Buss, 545; B. Doherty, 531; C. Bruce, 209-578; E. Kroncke, 202; K. Massheimer, 221-579. Foresters-1- L. Thennes, 536; 201. J. Wagner, V.F.W.-- H. Devine, 201; A. Otto, 219- 542. Thurs. 9:15-- T. Krause, 539; Corso, 219-540; Huff, 220-545; F. Gregory, 533; Steadman, 545; A. Noonan, 202- 218-578; Peisert, 565; D. Kleinhuizen, 203-529; Overton, 210; Sutton, 201-548; Larkin, 203-535; Crouch, 528. Commercial-- A. Wagner, 207; L. Thennes, 547; E. Anderson, 525; C. Hyatt, 525; W. Zimmer, 217-578; M. Thompson, 201-526; G. Novak, 212; R. Justen, 200; „-D. Weber, 550, .Left Overs-- H. Knox, 432; C- Rosing, 178- 467; P. Stilling, 176-489; D. Ludford, 189-446; L>. Crouch, 458; R. Gary, 471, Back to basketball this wef t. The Warriors of MCHS travel to Lake Forest Friday night. Teams in the county are figuring ways of stopping Crystal Lake in the coming tournament. Maybe they should demand a handicap. v McHenry High is going to have to find a giant center to compete with the tall crop we see around the loop. Remember way back when a 6-footer was a big man on a basketball team? We thought Jim Kupec',s golf column Was buried for the winter, but a group of the boys were out for a holiday round. Jim has a story this week. We have been questioned as to why a certain Gage Town druggist hasn't been mentioned in this column for sbme time. It was one ofNour unwritten resolutions not to snention that fellow in 1956. (Of course, if you hear anything bad enough about him, please do not hesitate to contact us.) Nite Owls-- B. Hulquist, 432; L. Vacondio, 460; J. Rosing, 466; C. Colman, 178-509; M. Kuna, 175; B. Dowell, 468; L. Weber, 430; P. Green, 439; S. Sutton, 180-485. 6 7- By Jimmy Kopec Starting TlH* New Year right by playing golf, twenty-four golfers opened the 1956 season on New Year's day. First to tee -off was a threesome ,of youngsters, Johnnie Rourke, Butch Miller and Bobbie Bedkenbaugh. Next in line was a tensome -- that's right, a tensome -- John Varese, Julius Goffo, Frank Rourke, Bob Kralowetz, Harry Hans, Orv Marion, Hal Nillis, Emil Simon, Ralph Bennett and Jim Kupec. The weather was ideal for the occasion and those who took the family for a ride to view the mallard ducks at the golf course blinked their eyes twice when they saw ten golfers scattered across the first fairway. Only two players of the ten scored a par 4 on the first hole. All golf etiquette was abolished, except for the putting. From the second tee on, there were two, three or four players hitting at onfe time. Kralowetz brought along a fruit and vegetable case hammer to drive the tees into the hard ground. From the fifth hole to the ninth, all took part in a skin game, with Bennett winning two and Varese one. Ralph Bennett played amazingly well over a frozen course; in fact, his 37 is real good in the summer time, especially when he birdied the No. 8 green. Playing the back nine were Fred Rogers and Bob Beckenbaugh. Playing in a threesome behind the tensome were Wally Kadisak, Ed Burns and Matt Hoffman. By the way, it took the tensome one hour/And fortyxfive minutes to play mine holes. In a sixsome were Paul Overton, Harold Michels, Norm Knaack, Bud Mickels, Bill Bacon and Bob McCulla. Big Mike and Foo birdied the first and second holes. These guys don't know it's winter. Norm "Foo" Knaack came home with a fashionable 39. All in all It was an eventful day of fun, ,full of laughs and, fresh air. Bennett took movies of the action on the first teejand Grace Goffo and Orv Marion took snapshots. A picture or two will be published in the next edition of the Plaindealer, we hope. % OUTDOORS By Jack Walsh Ice fishing is starting to .pick up a bit. Channel Lake is losing a lot of its fish to ice fishermen. Lake Geneva is pretty good for perch fishing but the local fishermen of Lake Geneva say that fishing has dropped off; You know, it's funny how some fishermen are set in their ways. Some say that a barometer is the best gauge to tell how good; the fishing is on certain days. Some sweSr by fishing calendars and some old timers can tell how the fish are biting by the way their feet feel. Just goes to show that we can't all be right. Well, we received 'a report from the state telling us that almost 10 million people visited Illinois State Parks and Memorials during 1955. The Department siA -- Bowling Bar --- Thurs. Nite Ladies-- \y V. Voase, 105-493; M. gart, 486; M. Hettermana^ 475; E. Mangold, 469; B. FreundT'460, I. Stilling, 458; L. Meyers, 455. The newsroom grapevine tells lis that operator Zilly is real pleased with our remark about the Crystal La|ce team. You see, he hails from that town. What, he doesn't know is that we are trying to build them up for a knockdown. DAILY PINUPS: ' Strategy is a system by which problems are solved before they surround you. Children grow by inches and are best preserved by yards. While some are busy making headlines, others are content to mould heartlines. No one is too young to be •taught or too old to learn. New Year's resolutions are many and varied, they're made by the single as well as the married. They're made by the young -and also the old, so many are broken, some few of them hold. •' "Happy New Year" --Anonymous The McHenry Matmen UirnedT in a fine performance yat the Palatine invitational tournament, finishing in third place behind powerful Palatine and Oswego. Nine of the twelve McHenry boys won their first match on Tuesday, advancing to Wednesdays ^semifinal and final boutdT Stogond place medals were woir\by? Tom Thompson, A1 Horn, Bill Braents and John Sternickle. Third place George. Taylor, and fourth place, Martin Kinnerk, Jeff Moss, Paul Jessup and Carl Walker. Final team standings: Palatijie, 96 points Oswego,' 63 points TtfcHenry, 59 Roints Glenbrook, 56 points E Crystal Lake, 43 points Wheaton Academy, 36 points West Aurora, 23 points North Chicago, 10 points LY FAT Buy U.S. Savings Bonds m TEN DAYS OR MONEY BACK you are overweight, here is the fijrst really thrilling news to come ong in years./ A new & convent way to / get rid of extra pounds easie/ than ever, so you cari\ be as slim and trim as you want. This new product called DIATRON curbs both hunger & appetite. No drugs, no diet, no exercise. Absolutely harmless. When you take DIATRON, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions and automatically your weight must come down, because, as your own doctor -will tell you, when you eat less, you Vaigh less. Excess weight endaftgors your 'heart, kidneys. So noVjm^ter what I you have tried before, get RON ahd prove to yourself what it caai dd. DIATRON is sold on this GUARANTEE: You must lose weight with the first package you use or the package costs you nothing. Just return the bottle to your druggist and get your money back. DIATRON costs $3.00 and is sold with this strict money back guarantee by: BOLGER'S Drug Store McHenry, 111. Mail orders filled. :BAY MJLTIMEE- 1:30 to 4 P.M. Opening Evenings Tues., WecL Fri., Sat. and Sun.* 8 id 11 p. m. , JUST FOl FUN ROLLER RM McHENRY, ILLINOIS a if. A TIP FROM OUR D0NT GET STUNG DEPART! Perhaps sooner than you know li you'll need a new supply of envelopes. letterheads, or business forms. Take a tip from us and bring your business to the shop that specializes in high quality job printing at prices you can afford. m. •• • McHENRY PLAINDEALER JOB DEPARTMENT Phone 170 102 N. Green St. GENOA T H E A T R E Box Office Opens Mon. - Sat. 6:45 - Sun. 2:45 FRI. & SAT. JAN. 6-7 "THE RETURN OF JACK SLABE" John Ericson - Marie Blancb&d y- Superscope SUN. & MON. JAN. 8-9 Audie Murphy "TO HELL AND BACK" Cinemascope - Technicolor TUES., WED. & THURs! JAN. 10-11-12 "HOW TO BE VERY POPULAR" Betty Grable - Robt. Cummlngs Box Office Opens Moh. - Sat. 6:45 -- Sun. 2:45 m FRIDAY & SATURDAY tis lu^H' !1 > UM-Jh lis as'i U».a i m - c. - vi. CLARK GABLE • LANA TURNER fcs®mm? TORSOS Twin Bill SUNDAY DEAN JERRY MARTIN-LEWIS- 0tQl' By 71ECHHiCC>^*' A PMQSAMOUKfT PlCTUR* Open Sun. 2:15 p.m. Weekday 6:45 p.m. of conservation sajrs that more people would have visited the .parks had it riot been for the terrible heat during the summer. We would like to make another request for stories from our readers. We are sure that some sportsman or sportswoman has an odd or freak experience! to tell about. - 1 CARD fOfc* THANK3 * I would like , to thank neighbors and friends for prayers, "Cards, flowers, visits and gifts. These many remembrances, still being extended while I am confined to my home because of illness, are so greatly (appreciated. *35 Mrs. Joe A. Schaefer THANK ,YOU I want to thank all of my friends who sent me gifts and cards and remembered me in other ways since 4jny accident. They have helped the time pass more quickly. 34 Ricky Justen Insured Savings: Savings invested 111 Crystal LaJke Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 21/2 per cent pins y2 per cent extra. / 33-tf fTTrm Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 644 Sundays Cant, from 3:00 p.m. Saturday Matinee 2:15 p.m. Week Days 7:15 p.m. FRI. & SAT. JAN. 6-7 Also Sat. Matinee "A LAWLESS STREET* Randolph Scott - 7 Ajigela Lanslbury Tedhnicolor SUN., MON. & TUES. JAN. 8-9-10 "THE VIEW FROM POMPEVS HEAD" Richard Egan - Dana Wynter Cameron Mitchell --Color by DeLuxe and Cinemascope WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. JAN. 11-10-13-14 Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in "ARTISTS AND MODELS" VWtaVision and Technicolor HM THEATRE [Phone JAc&son 6-1421 Waaconda, HL Route 176 Adults 60c Children (under 12) 25c Open Daily at 6:40 p.m. Open Sundays at 2:30 ,p.m. H&EE PARKING - 125 CARS THURS., FRI. & SAT. JAN. 5-6-7 i -no** M<*G-Mvs ROMANTIC COMEDY! The Tender T*ap ~ irnffirnrnmT-- DAVIO CCLC9TC SMATRAREYNQLDSWAYNEHOLM in CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR I SUN., MON., TUES. & WED. JAN. 8-9-10-11 JERRY MARTIN-LEWIS THURS., FRI. & SAT. JAN. 12-13-14 •'MAN WITH THE GUN' f • Mc •• • IW RY 7Jeafiie * ** • • + * w . •1< * 2I8 So. Or--n St Mc Henry. (MpoU 044 NOW! Plenty of parking space in our new parking lot adjacent to theatre. FRIDAY & SATURDAY JAN. 6-7 HE Ruieo THE RECKLESS, ROMANTIC LAST FRONTIER I (TAYLOR ILLY pebhandi "j '°®onco( oCf(0n TINGLHM ACTION ROMANCtS trca ITCH'S MAU Q9 fAMil mb Jeb/Uuc^v with BRIAN DONtEVY MARY HOWARD CENE LOCKHART mmmm SUN., MON., TUES.,>ED. JAN. 8-®-10-11 Doors open Sunday 2:45 p.m. ^ Dean Martin - J^rry Lewis "ARTISTS and MODELS" (Technicolor and VistaVUdon) NATIONAL HAS THE MEAT VALUES TOO! I. National's 100% Pure. GROUND IfffVVMS V®0 Bim* W MVIN6 YOIS MOR3 Armour Star or Morrell Pride-Tendered Short Shank--6 to 8 Lbs. SMOKED PICNICS Agar** Tray PaeM Sliced Bacon. Morrell Pride--Whole or A»| Size a a. CANADIAN STYLE BACON.. "• 69 j lf.S. Government Graded and Stamped Choice 1 Cera Fed Beef--Best Hade Cuts BEEF r POT ROAST ! u- National's So Fresh--Whole Cut Up--Completely j Cleaned--Gov't Inspected--Packed ' in Sealed Cartons i PAN-READY FRYING CHICKEN I Lb. 49 4 nshcniMii Cod, tfaddock or Pinii Fillets. „ S 1fl0 Pork Tenderloin . "• Advertised Meat Prices Effective Thru Saturday. Jan. 7 'J Delicious, Rome Beauty, Winesap or Mcintosh APPLES Criip & fonder--N*w Crici jp iviiewso* U. S. No. 1- CAiBAGE 215e ONIONS 1--fellow 3.lU9e! Louisiana U. S. No. I a as. nonaa brown--Largo Sito | Sweet flfATOil %lb 25° ;?m!CAL CEL!BV 2»X29* j HorMa Grown--largo Slto mnmmm U. S. Ho. 1 Washed--Dakota Red POTATOES 25-Lb. Bag 89 California Grown--Vitamin Pocked, Fresh CARROTS 1-Lb. Bag Advertised Prodvee frlces Effective Thra Sot., Jan. 7 10 West Elm Street

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