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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1956, p. 10

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J 4 $ - yjr< 1' *V; P.geTw .. .., THS. McHENRY PLAIND]EALER ;."V' m Thursday, February %. IBS# l!l!ljl!l!lllil!l!|!!I|!lll!l!l!i;i!l!t!|!|!ri!ntrtrPriT!'ri1f|irrriTlt!l?l,rfl1ll:ltM;l1il!!'l?f'(:lf1!f,f!mil^l!lilii:ill!lll!W!l!l{III!l!f!lilll!!tM land Park - West Shore Beach j By letta Gleeson and Dorothy Uttich s fi * s ^iiiliiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiirisriiiiiiiiirriiiiiiiiiJiiiUiiJiii^iiriJiiiiiiii'iriiiiiiTi'iii'iniiTi'i-ii^i'i^iiJ'iii'i® Coming aiill Going "We Have been requested by the Last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. McHenry township fire depart- prank Holas entertained Mr. and m<ent to remind you when calling^Mrs Rudolph Baker and sons. Cor the fire department be sure Ruciy and George, from Stickney. to give ; your name, street and Weekend guest at the William house number. Also, if at al' Humphreys' home was their possible, someone should meet daughter. Mrs! Donald Warrell, of the trucks at the entrance to' di- ' Chicago. rect them to the fire. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seery had All calls made by the fire de- visitors from Chicago on Saturpartment are paid from taxes day Jap 28. when Mr. and Mrs. and there is no charge to the George panar and their nephew, individual using the services of Myron Clouser, came to spend the. ©re department. j ^ day „ 7~~~r~ I Mr. and Mrs. William Krater Stork Shower : attended a dinner dance at the Alice Sullivan was -guest of L^g-jon home on Saturday, Jan. honor at a pink ancj blue shower i After the dance a num'lrer of given in the; home of Mrs. Doro- ; the coupies went to the Krater thy Meineke 'on Tuesday, Jan. 24. home to raid their refrigerator. The center of attraction at the for a midnight snack. sarty was the Jarge stork seen ; Mr &nd Mrs Harold Rose of flying over a bassinet that was E, W0Qd park and Mr. and Mrs. overflowing with many pretty ^ q{ Elmhurgt were g^. and cleverly decorated packages visitors at the Larry for Alice and her coming, heir. straJ^utet home. The -Hae hostess, Dorothy Meineke,: ^ t ^ ^ &t ice also had a very pretty table set- j ^ ting, featuring a stork center-18 ,n«- Dawson Qf ChicagQ piece and napkins folded and been^teiting with her son pinned as diapers. . j daughter-in-law. Mr. and The. guests who attended were Lloyd Dawson, for the past Mary Jane Toren. Louise Mc- ! I, =nf/y'. B«"e M^yert', Maife"a|ws™i<lay afternoon Suests of Mr. Raiford Marge Franklm Elame! ^ Robert Lauraen were Jett, Florence Svitanek, Margaret, Taylor, Joan Kramer, Mae Mc- I Auliff, Ann Hucke and Dorothy j Uttich. Gifts were also received! from Lois Dietz and Mae Meller, j who were unable to attend. I Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eberspacher and son, Jackie, Mrs. Lilli&n Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jacobsen and Mr. and Mrs. Etoerspacher. £>inner guests of the Laursens for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laursen and son, Bernard. The Joseph Hebetfs attended the wedding of their piece, Moni-v\ ca Brewer, of Des Plaines, when she became the bride of James Ruley -*of Wheeling last Saturday. The Hebers also attended the reception, \$iich was held in Des Plaines. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parisi attended the Kiwanis charter banquet as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cina. The banquet was held Saturday night, Jan. 28, at the McHenry high school. VA ASSISTANCE A representative from Rockford Veterans Administration office will- be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Feb. 7, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. Insured Savings: Savings invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2'/i per cent plus y2 per cent extra. 38-tf Happy Birthday To Robert Humphreys, who celebrated his sixteenth birthday on Monday, Jan. 30. Congratulations To Charles and Frieda Messel, for passing the ten year mile- ' stone of matrimonial bliss. The Messels anniversary was Thursday, Jan. 26, but they celebrated on Saturday, when they and their children went out to dinner. / Polio Fund Mrs. Earline Davis, representing the American Legion auxiliary, collected donations , in Lakeland Park for the Polio Foundation this past week. Our community contributed $55.45 to this worthy cause. Another Fish Story Ice fishing is still THE sport of the moment. Frankie Sweeney caught a 22-inch northern pike last Thursday and Wayne Strandquist landed a 30-inch one. \ 111**' - EARNINGS „ 71 I / *7"' /I make It your formula for SECURITY IN '56 SAVE BY MMl - CURRENT DiVII^ND 3% r v t ] - i g o F e d e r a l Sowlroflc AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phona 99 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $6,000,000.00 SAHTT SAVINGS / is Dries 5 Imes Mr? If ybu're interested in getting the dryer that does the Best job for your family and is easiest on your budget . . . remember this! An Automatic Gas clothes dryer costs less to use than other types --much less 1 Why pay 5 times more? Also, Gas dryers give you automatic operation ond have a gentle way with everything from lingerie to blankets. NOW TOY befer® you BUY Use a Dryer f@r ©oy § WITS3®tBf ©EtS&OOfi'tflOII Simpty phone or visit our nearest store ' office . . . get yours delivered now. Pmnny F/amo* Says: "*omombor, c \ i 9at piped into your homo roadily actotnmodotos • GAS dryot. Mo cosily ••rv/co connections are noododl" Mrkil* qumniltims lmt#, speclol low InttmUmi prices i 9ondix mnd Hamilton Ml Drreri. See the now tipn• and laber-taving OAS dryori •© N,I. GAS CO. Tour doolmr's or our niarotl it or*. ENTERPRISE 1441 1rod*-Marit Cepfrigta. 1954, Northm UUngb Cat Coop any NORTHERN I L L I N O I S Gas C O MPANY " v • ' • ' ' ^ • CANNED HAMS Popular Brcwds | AGAR'S BRAND 9 to ll-lb. size lb. 63c 3t$2« "Sup«r-Ri(ht"--1st Thra Sth Rib--7" Cat LOOK YO THI LEAD1R...A&P TO CUT YOUR FO@@ BILLS MORES 644 PRICES CUT in the Past 23 Wteks HERE ARE JUST A FSW-- Beef Rib Roast* 49 Leag Island Style Oven Ready Ducks >49 Smoked Butts Frsil Pork iutis Round Steak Chuck Pot Ron "Supar-Right" Bencltu I '/j lo 3-1 bs. "Super- Right" Bon* In Full Cut Bona in Blade Cut' „ 33* ,b 55' m: 33* Lamb Shoulder Roast IT Leg of Lamb >b. Thick Sliced Bacon 2 lb Frash Orattad Fresh Lake Smelt plcg. 2 lbs- , b2S 69* Cheese Spread l€rdftBs Velveeta 2^79e FOI BEiUXE FROZEN MLTRf DISi@l'MTED FRYERS lb. 45c CHICKEN BREASTS ......l-lb. pkg. 85c CHICKEN LEGS 75c CHICKSH WINGS Mb. pkg. 25c "Super-Right" Sausage Values Old Fashion, Olivt Loaf, Cooked I gflc SalamSei PiP Loaf Spioo Lunchton ( llic#d Skinless Franks 35c Bolocna, I iver Sausa^t ,b 39c Golden Whole Kernel NIBLETS CORN L'itanii "HI Ctl 2' ^ 3 3 Florida Seedless 80 Size - ^ Grapefruit 10-49 Southern Grown New Cabbage 2 15 Texas Carrots Calffornia OAl Swaat, 200 Siza fioz, 0-w Florida 90 Sin Swaat, Juicy doi. Hand Salactad 3 Butterfieli Potatoes 2 uiisff'i iiiii vi;:, 2 r 27 Bolt Pineapple Juice ZTW u IA NMUo.nii' JawlOrawj lMf$ teaches Slt£r2 r 65' IemPf Mott's Sane IZ ® liMurtWlMbChickn*'I" Min* D'"c^ - 'c/uuUU UJ © Li'I ^®III Luncheon^M«*t \ tin . . ' 'i* • dexo Shortening A&P's Own Pure Vocotabla Ciinamon Rolls AppSifie licei Pineapple 3 "I *l°° wlji w:'r Pineappfie Juice .. ^ ^ fR< - Frio! CocfetiSI tc£U 3 8 2 lb. bag ..4I! lbs. lb. bag Crisp Flavorful 3 lb. tin Jane Parker Goldti POUND CAKE 29c pl, 25e Cello Pinal iiiiry Porta Ricsi Yams FROZEN FffilB UES •y Reg. 39c ee. Jana Parkar Jana Parkar Ovan Frath Jana 16-oz. Parkar loal 13 &I51® iiir^ ig Soft fin wuwgrn Tisss li® literi® Fresii !§« Sultana Choica fruit* Craam StyU ce r.,2 Co|orad A i£ tins 17-ox. tins 46-ox tins l<|b. ctns. 24-01. loaf full lb. box Quartarad I For a Mota ^ 16-OE. <Tj| Active Pat W tin* Whit# 400 et. Ilup IV Facial box Soft Q Gantla V rolls Tida't In 9**nf fJQC Dirt's Out pkg. Mills Pat Food Pitato Chips T;if • CAMM FiATUllS l.j.iallow Keif limk Cherries tray of 10 Chocolaia Covarad Warwick Choeolata lb. box 12-ot. pkg 'X. 65* liRfuat Pies Strawberries Leaf Si Baaf. Chicken, Turkey. Pot Libby's-- Slicad & Sugarad 3 8-o». pkgs. Libby's Tandar Libby's Flavorful 59* 2 49c 2 X': 33' IO-OI. 97C pkg. «r f§ea Beans uU/. 2 X'- 39* Alf Orange Juice 2 ^ 27° 25* mg ivmrm Hr:/ • ^ m Lilltfs P«p Juloe 29* Bes§ 3 Sravy Terry's Frozen Frozen, Beef, Chicken, Turkey 'X 49' 4 ' pkgs. Apple, Cherry, ^IO'/J OIft0c PMCK, Pumpkin • 09 25* 69* 'X' 21' ANSEL SOPT | 9c FACIAL TISSUE 400 ct. box FEBRUARY ISSUE WOMAN'S DAY V The A&P Magazin* STILL ONLY leneyirahailriikers Pirl Dog fill !iiSii@r« !©ip®S liap 3 Cashmere Bouquet Soap 2 Nabisco lb. Brand pkf. i6 Ad Deterg 2 ""29e Room Deot bars bath siza 26c For Automatic Washers Florient Aerosol Cuts Grease Fast 24-az. Pkg. •'/a-os. tin Ifi rtf. siza AMERICA'S rOREMOST FOOD RatAllC* .. . SiNCt 1859 S«Pe me GREAT ATLAffffC a Meinc If A COMfAHT All prices effective through February 4th suseanser Babo Cleanser 2 Woodbury Faeia! Soap Woodbury Bail Soap 39' |je 3 29° 2 *iani 3^^ 3 ~ 2 f i ' 2 r 25' IN TOMATO SAUCE SSI iaaiMi 15^4-OZ. tin COCKTAIL Planters Peanuts l-OZ. tin Campion lb. pkg. ») Read The Plaindealer Want Ads

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