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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1956, p. 6

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THE, MpHENBY, A# VtVjstyj. January 1% 195$ WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS RING 3.750 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD! McHenry Plaindealer Published eVery Thursday at McHenry, 111.^ by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. N A T I O N A L E D I T O R I A L A S S O cjhiji T QN W. BURFEINDT,, Gen'l. Manager \DELE FROEHLICH, Editor BUSINESS SERVICE Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 25 .vords, $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. Card Of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum. Want Ads close promptly at i0 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c Col. inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified1 Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equi^ valent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. SASH^ITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities Vinyl - Rubber - Cork Asphalt Tile Floors Linoleum -. Wall Tile Lee's Carpeting and Rugs Carpet Laying TIDY Floor Coverings Phone Woodstock 888 20-tf CONCRETE & FROST BREAKING - Hourly iates for jackhamrner and frost breaking service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Builders. Inc. Richmond, Iilinois. Phone office 4381, Res. 4681. 35-tf SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County^' 1 Year .. $3.00 6 Months $1.75 3 Months .....' $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CABS Accessories and" Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East of the river bridge. Open Weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. 21-tf INSURANCE ANY RISK - ANY KIND ANY TYPE We Do Not Lag With Claims Q,WE PAY THEM. FreeVPolicy Analysis and Estate Planning Service. Fitzgerald's Insurance 210 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. . 17-tf HAROLD J. FREUND Painter and Decorator 300 Grand Ave, McHenry Phone 926-R 45-tf ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILING SPECIALIST Fox Valley Iron Works VICTOR A. HOPP Main St. Ringwood, 111. Phone 1696-R 3-tf FOR SALE -- 1955 Chevrolet Belaire 2 door, radio, heater, tubeless whitewall tires, two-tone paint like new, only 7,000 miles. Must sell, leaving for service. Call McHenry 594-R-l after 5:00 p.m. 38-tf FOR SALE -- '53 Super 88 Oldsmobile. Radio, heater, tires like new, 35,000 miles. Phone Richmond 4128. *39 FOR SALE -- 1953 Packard 2 door, overdrive, radio, heater, white sidewails, two tone. Priced to sell. Will accept trade. Call Wonder Lake 3762 between five and seven p.m. »39 BOAT3 & MOTORS OARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats ervice - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf BUSINESS SERVICE EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR FO£ Sides and Service call SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 221 Benton St. Woodstock 294 52-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 367. 26-tf Every Type of VEHICLE SERVICE License Plates. Driver's License & Transfers. Truck License Service. Notary Public Available Fitzgerald's Realty Rug cleaning at its best! 3 day service. Free pick-up and delivery. Furniture cleaning, moth-proofing repairs, carpet laying, and all other professional services. We are insured. Free estimates cheerfully given. Cash and carry discount. Tidy Rug Cleaners, 604 Washington St. (Route 14 North) Woodstock, 111. Phone 162. 39 SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Cesspools, I}ry Wells, Tiling and Flooded Basements Ed Marsh and Stan Coss Phones: Woodstock 1610-M-2 McHenry 691-W 2 Wonder Lake 3933 5-tf New homes and remodeling; custom made kitchen cabinets and formica tops; garage and attic flats. Tel. justice 7-1951. Wm. Wei her & Sons, General Construction Co. 41-tf 210 So. Green St. PHONE 1126 26-tf While Shopping In McHenry leave your laundry bundle to be washed, dried and folded. 8 lbs. for 70* RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 890-M 25-tf Chain Link and Rustic wood fences. Materials only or completely erected. Anderson Fence and Sup- Ply. Lyie D^Anderson, 519 Waukegan Rd., McHenry 724. 30-tf Electrical. Service and Repairs No job to large or to small. Phone Wonder Lake 4924 alter 6 p.m. *39-4 BUSINESS SERVICE GORDON FOSSUM PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning -- Repairing Ringwood, 111. Phone: Wonder Lake 3751 19-tf WELLS DRILLED and DRIVEN Trenching and Digging Septic Systems - Water Lines Dry Wells - Seepage Beds Garrelts and 'Rogers McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry ^539-R-l Wonder Lake 2763 5-tf Your local, independent agent will take the time to go to bat for you when there is an insurance claim to be settled ... THE KENT CORP. INSURANCE St REAL ESTATE FOR OVER 29 YEARS , Insure, through this Agency and Feel Safe PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, W. BUSINESS SERVICE For Garbage Disposal Service Call Jim Jorgensen KIMBALL 6-1432 or McHENRY 365 • Address: INGLESIDE P. O. LONG LAKE, nj. 47-tf Candid Wedding's rrom Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home Call Us For Appointment Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, I1L DODD SANITARY SEWER SERVICE Cleaning and installing Septic tanks. Electric Root Rodding. Free Estimates. Ph. McHenry 1370-W-2 22-tf Auto License Fast Pick-Up Service Photo Stat Sfervice Money Orders, Checks Cashed Notary Public Pay Gas, Electric ar.a Telephone FOX LAKE CURRENCY EXCHANGE > C7T trtlKe, 111. Hours: 9:30 to 6 p.m. Phone JUstice 7-3761 \ 30-tf BUSINESS SERVICE B I N O ' S PLUMBING and HEATING iSOB FRISBY, Jr. Quality fUires - ltadiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M 7-eow Whether it's a hole in your roof or a whole New Roof call McHENRY ROOFING CO. 411 Waukegan Street McHENRY 956-M Howard Voeltz * 35-tf Painting & Decorating Wall Papering Wallboard Taping Reasonable Prices. For Estimate Call Crystal Lake 573 J. STANLEY ROUTE 3 McHenry 39-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Table top gas stove, good condition, $20. Call McHenry 1371-M-l. 39 FOR SALE -- Dining table, 42x58, perfect condition, $8.00. Call Wonder Lake 4G22. ' 39 FOR SALE -- 2 hp. Page garden tractor with plow, harrow 'and snow plow, also household furniture. Louis Dingley, Richmond. Phone Richmond 3833. 39 FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, on Rt. 47, 1 block south of Rt. 14, •Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- Used rugs for sale. Northern Illinois' largest selection of used rugs taken in trade as part of our service to our customers who have fought the finest, those heavenly, all wool carpets by LEES. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washingtor St., Woodstock. 39-tf FOR SALE -- Water softeners, no money down. Guaranteed. Eliminate rust, lime and odor. For free analysis, call McHenry 431-R. 27-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT S10 Main St., McHenry, 111.' Phone McHenry 1749 37-tf Finger Trenching. Win go anywhere. Call Chicago, Lincoln 9-6850 or reply to Harold Finger. Rt. 4, Box 665 McHenry. 14-tf For Sale NYLONS Stretch Seconds 75c Stretch Irreg. . < .... $1.00 First Quality $1.25 60 Gauge Irreg 3 pr. $2.50 60 Gouge Seconds .. 3 pr. $2.00 60 Gauge Shorts .... 3 pr. $1.97 Colored Heels Box $2.25 McHenry Hosiery Mill Crystal Lake Blacktop Road 33-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE -- 35 ft. Continental house trailer with 2 bedrooms, bath, forced air heat, electric brakes. Airspun Builders and Real Estate, McHenry 430. 38-tf TILING / • Own and operate a Dari-Castle Soft Ice Cream and Foods. Earn $8,000 to $12,000 annually working six or eleven months. WRITE or PHONE DARI-CASTLES, INC. 319-323 McDonough St. Joliet, HI. PHONE 3-0012 3&-tf SCRAPE UP THE MOST YOU CAN! Call on YOUR GARBAGE MAN the Illinois Sanitary Service RUBBISH - ASH - GARBAGE REMOVAL By Contract or Load Licensed and Bonded PHONES: McHenry 1363-R-2 JAckson 6-4172, Wauconda 32-tf Floors Plastic Wall Tile Asphalt - Cork - Linoleum Rubber - Vinyl JAMES H. WEGENER Box 42 McHenry, 111. PHONE 664-R-2 or Wonder Lake 3777 Free Estimates. 36-tf Peter A. Freunid SANITARY SERVICE * I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf : • FOR SALE -- Taverns: Save 50%; Buy Riesen Clear: Glass for guaranteed perfect glass washing. $1.60 a gal. Buy Riesen Chloricide, guar, anteed, no odor, no taste. J. C. Thies Co. *37-8 FOR SALE -- Gray mouton lamb coat, size 14, $75. Also dining room set, including buffet; piano. Call 514-J-l. 39 FOR SALE -- Oil furnace, 2 years old, complete with controls and radiator ducts, $150 or best offer. Phone 1792. 39 License Plates 48 Hour Service Nothing for you to fill out. WORTS SINCLAIR Rts. 120 and 31 PHONE 356 39-2 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Station Box 38 Phone McHenry 1480 46-ft Priced To FIVE 1 Acre Lots Adjoining Cooney Heights Subdivision May Be Purchased Separately or as One Unit. cHENRY REAJLTY 532 MAIN STREET PHONE FOR SALE -- Our Spring coats have arrived; 10% off until February 15th. The Toddler Shop and Young Teen Corner. 39 FOR SALE --- Boxer, male, 14 months, housebroke, nice disposition, $20. Call MCHenry 632-M-2. 39 FOR SALE -- 1,000 bales, first and second cutting, mixed and alfalfa hay, excellent condition. Wonder Lake 3252 39-3 For Sale A Bigger Cash Discount "LOST OUR LEASE" SEWING MACHINES SINGER NECCHI PFAFF School Surplus, Demonstrators 60c on the Dollar Open Sew Time Account No Money Down. BARRINGTON 1553 Open 1 p.m. to 9 Daily 1 p.m. to 5 Sunday SEWING CENTER SUPER MART 140 S. Northwest Hwy. Harrington, HI. 39 FOR SALE -- Refrigerator, Leonard, in good condition, $75; Kenmore washer $35.00; "Admiral 12y2" tv. $35. Phone 1368-J-2. Private party. 39 FOR SALE -- 6% cu. ft. Frigidaire, like r.c>v, $75, or -will trade for small dejp freeze. Phone McHenry 248. 39 FOR SALE -- Quaker space heater, suitable for 4 room cottage, $35. Call McHenry 2085 or 248. •39 FOR SALE -- Used refrigerator, good running order; fine for summer cottage or second refrigerator, $20. Call McHenry 1543-R. 39 Sale JUST RECEIVED Shipment of New Skirt Lengths For Spring Ben Franklin Store on Green Street 38 FOR SALE -- Blonde dinette set with extension table, $30; modern ripple wood shadow box and matching planters, $10; modern red chair, $20; dark mahogany coffee table and 2 end tables, $15; 9x12 gray twist Magee rug $20; Oriental 3 way floor lamp, $20; Bissel carpet sweeper, $5; new toe shoes, $6; tap, $4; ballet, $2, practically new, all size 3. Leotard with skirt, size 7 to 9, $5 complete. Call 535-J-2. 39 SPECIAL 5-sec. garage doors uninstalled; 8x7 ft. for $69.50 FOB Crystal Lake; also 9x7 ft., slightly more 'The Overhead Door Co.) of Crystal Lake, 111. 91 Grant St., phone C. L. 221, down town next to Moose loage. 39 Mtaon Contractors 15 and L Builders ef New Construction and Remodeling UCT1@N COMPANY PHONE 409-R SOB PEPPING LEO KRABBENHOFT • it.-rj' ,'r • Introducing Alvin Jensen For Prompt, Efficient Service Call McHenry 2®48 or Crystal Lake 1564 Sfcrffem llnois Breeding Co-op "FARMER OWNED, FARMER OPERATED" FOR SALE FOR 'SALE -- 1, 12 bass accordion, perfect condition; 1, 120 bass accordion (original value $1500) with mike and amplifiers, 2 years old, perfect condition. Make offer. Call 1629. 39 FOR SALE -- Gas stove, 4 ^Burner, just like new. Call 68-J. »39 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- For light housekeeping, one room apartment with bath and shower. Buck's Town Club, 201 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 12. 36-tf FOR RENT -- In Fox Lake, two bedroom apartment, furnished or unfurnished, heated garage. Available February 15. Children accepted. Phone JUstice 7-3101. 39-tf FOR RENT -- 1st floor apartment, five large rooms, 1% baths, fireplace, garage, automatic oil heat, attractive site with large yard across from golf course. Call Richmond 3733 after noon Feb. 3 to noon Feb. 5 for appointment. 39 FOR RENT -- 1% room apartment, refrigerator, hot plate, shower & bach, utilities furnished. Buck's Town Club, McHenry, 111. 201 Riverside Dr. Phone 12. 39 FOR RENT --• Hodse, suitable for small family. Phone 965. *39 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Women for pleasant telephone work in McHenry, no experience necessary. Salary, full or part time. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Write care of Plaindealer, Box 116. *39 Order your Rubber Stamp at the Plaindealer today! GOSSIP IT... You SAVE SAFELY on the Finest Cleanihg at MeHENHY * CLEANERS 108 Elm St., McHenry, 111. We "Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps. HELP WANTED Help Wanted Turret Lathe Operators New higher rates of pay. Usual employee benefits. Low price company cafeteria. Excellent record of continuous^ employment for 47 years. Overtime occasionally available. BARCO MFG. CO. 500 N. Hough St. Barrington, 111. 39 HELP WANTED -- Lady, for about 1 month, light housework and oare of children, live in. Phoy Crystal Lake 1563. 39 <3 ^ MA«^neW1"foliust/">e i fcNORCROSS CAUMS. Valentine & I ... foreV Day--Feb. 14th Bolger's drug store [ 108 So. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. I wommiiw The Fannin Trading Post McHENRY COUNTY FAEMEBS CO-OP ASSN. FB1-0-P©P Super Greens Pellets Extra Vitamin Boost For Your Layers. Sprinkle On Top Of Regular Mash. 2 to 4 Lbs. Per Day Per 100 Birds. PHONE McHENRY 7Z8 523 Waukegan Road Dead Animal Removal WHEELING RENDERING WORSSS Be Legal, deep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State jlEopacttoo Made by HDepft. of Agiflcialtare. Highest cash prices paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect 45-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road FOR SALE -- Wilson Bulk Milk Coolers. Disston and Homelite chain saws sold with service by Laurence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry 475. 23-tf WANTED -- Down and erlppred cattle at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 1651-R-l, collect ®15-tf HOGS WANTED -- All classes. and weight for highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marengo Da<W tiO£ Market, phone Marengo 2P). 50-tf B. M. FLEMING & SON 11*. NEW IDEA -- PAPEC DEALER ITKACTORS SALES & SERVICE ^ A Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY 88 522 Waukegan FOR SALE --- Choice second cutting alfalfa and clover hay. Melvin Ehredt Round Lake. Phone Kimball 6-4756. *38-2 McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. SALES & SERVICE GUS FREUND,, PHONE McHENRY 185 • W. Elm St. (Basement)^ ATTENTION FARMERS Don't let your equipment depreciate this winter. Can build you immediately a 30x60 Doane designed tool shed for $3,000, no money down, 36 months to pay. Need a 12 sow hog house, $850, no money down! Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. Richmond, Illinois. Phone office 4381, Res. 4681. 35^E

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