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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1956, p. 15

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Thursday, March 1. 1956 THE McHENRY PIAINDEALER Page Fifteen Lakeland iPark - WestStore fcach By Jetta Gleeson and Dorothy Uttldi iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ?/, Board of Directors Meet IThe board of directors of the Lakeland Park Property Owners' association had their • regular monthly meeting Tuesday, Feb. 21. The board rejected the one bid for installation of the entrance lights and put John Svitanek in charge bf contracting for the individual jobs involved in the installation. A considerable sayings over the bid price is an- •%eipated by this scheme. The board also discussed the bjttiiness for the . coming general meeting, -A. report * was received from the nominating committee and the budget to be presented to the • membership was discussed. The coming barn dance also received some attention from the board members. The nominating committee for fe board of directors reports, at the following names have , beeii submitted for the vacancies to be filled on the board: Joan Krater; Earl Boyce, John Ahrens, Charles Kluk, John SvitaneK, Glen Uhles, Ray Grote and Bernie Laurence. The candidates have been contacted and have accepted their nominations. ,'5Did Your Mother Come From f Ireland?" Well, it doesn't make any difference. You can still come to our St. Patrick's day daiice on March 17. Alert your baby sitters, get out your glad?rags and let's have fun! Head-on Collision Ed Mandziara was involved in a head-on collision on Roosevelt , Apad in Oak Park on his way *rome from work Saturday, Feb. 35. He is Jiow a patient in the Oak Park hospital, where he was taken after the accident. He was badly shaken up and suffered a damaged knee-cap, which required surgery. We send our best Wishes for a speedy recovery.. Undergoes Surgery Our best wishes and prayers go <0ut to Elmira Kujak, who underwent surgery in the Woodstock Memorial hospital Thursday morning, Feb. 23. We hope by this time she is feeling much better and soon will be back became five years old on this date, while Debbie had nve more days to go before she reached the ripe old age of two. The little junior miss guests, dressed up in their pretty party finery, were Pamela Messel, Mary Barbara Uttich, Sharon Michalik and Joyce La- Par. The gentlemen guests, with their slicked down hair and shiny faces, were Tommy Uttich, Tommy Messel, David Michalik and Michael and Brian Gleeson. Coffee-klutching at the same time were the young guests' mothers and Sharon and Debbie's grandmother, Mrs. Lucille Stevens. and their aunt, Betty and Mary Laurence. To Alan Kujak, who celebrated his sixth birthday with a stag party last Tuesday. The gang was invited, to a supper of hamburgers (we wonder how many!?). Later the boys played spin the bottle and showed their prowess in dropping the clothespin in the bottle and carrying ••nuts on a knife. They must have been well coached on the .games as they all won prices. The boys polished off the evening with cake and candy. The gang's roll call found Gary aiyi David Bockman, Bradford Grote, Gregory Uhles and Harry Meyer present. To Paul Heber, who reached the nine year mark Saturday, Feb. 25. Paul celebrated with famUy and friends on Sunday. Those present to wish Paul a happy birthday were Dean Glosson, Marge Heber and fiance, Don Mortz of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. George Nellessen and George, Jr., Charles Heber, Don Flindell, Ed Keeshen and Stanley Pollett, and of course, his parent^, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heber, and his sister, Rosemary. -home.-- ---- ----- Let's help pass the long hours in the hospital by sending cheery cards to our sick neighbors. Congratulations To Wally and Betty Laurence on their eleventh wedding anniversary Saturday, Feb. 24. They enjoyed a delicious steak dinner with the Floyd Leighs and the Bernie Laurences to celebrate the occasio^i. Happy Birthday To Sharon and Debbie Leigh, who took turns blowing out the ^tndles at their joint birthday party Monday, Feb. 20. Sharon Coming and JGoing Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Czajkowski were Mr. and Mrs. George Leone and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leone and son, Robert, from Chicago (both Leone families are future. Lakeland Parkers); Johnny LaBarbara from Rockford, Bill Seeny and family from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lorio from Lakemoor, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grote from Lakeland Park and George Leone, Jr., from Chicago. We might add that Ray Grote was "oh the ball" and sold all the guests tickets to our barn dance. Frank and Rosemary ____ Holos entertained Rosemary's mother. Mrs. Rose Nemec, and her sister, Roberta Nemec, and friend, George Kay. Those visiting the Art O'Gara family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauspies and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Vasa and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Navik from Chicago. ' Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Uttich on Sunday, Feb. 26, AHTHUR FANTER ACTION Havtag Wcided to quit farming, I will seb all of my personal property onHhe farm on Route 14, 1 milie Souw of Crystal Lake, and % mile East of Pure Oil Compahy, and 4 miles West of Cary, and 6 miles North of Algonquin, on SATURDAY. MARCH 3 Commencing at 12:00 LIVESTOCK 7 steers 1 yr. old, white face; 8 white face heifers, 1 yr. old; 150 Austria White chickens. MACHINERY , John Deere A 1&49 traotor; Tractor manure loader; John Deere 2 bojt, 16" tractor plow, (high speed mould board); John Deere R.T. wagon & rack; John Deere tractor 2 row corn planter, (2 yr. old); John Deere traotor chains; scale; corn shelter with motor; triumph wagon box; 1940 Ford dump truck; brooder aitove; 2 feed bunks; John Deere 2 row cultivator; John Deere 40'ft. Gr. elevator, 1 yr. old & wagon hoist, with mptor; John Deere tractor disc (2 yr. old); John Deere 4 sec. wooden drag; 8 ft. Van Brunt Gr. drill; Oliver manure spreader; Int. 7 ft. power haiy mower; John Deere side delivery rake; Challenge grain blower and pipe; James 10 hole hog feeder; 1939 Ford pickup truck; brooder house; 1 hay bunk. FfcfSD 25 tons mixed hay: 900 bu. corn; 300 bu. oats. FURNITURE Duo-Therm ou; stove; 275 gal. oil tank; gas plat* and some furniture; Coleman oil stove; Skelgas hot water he iter; Coldspot ice box (ihotor can be attached). Lunch Wapon On Ground? Not Respons'ble For Accidents Terms: Uraal Bank Terms ARTHUR FANTER, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal ReserVe System Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. ROTARY CLUBS CONTRIBUTE TO SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Rotary Clubs of Richmond and McHenry, together with the other seventy-five Rotary clubs in the 213th and 214th districts of Rotary International (northern Illinois), is contributing to a graduate scholarship for Johi\ Francis Martin of St. Anne f o r study abroad during the 1956-57 school year. Mr. Martin, now attending Purdue university, expects to take a year of graduate study at the University of Sydney in Australia, majoring in industrial pharmacy. He will participate in a bi- , : : i • The setting sun offered just the right illumination for capturing this fisherman in silhouette. Silhouette*--Interesting Outdoors or In were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cowell and five children from Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mayer and sons, Joe and Pete, from Hillside. • Silhouettes are pictures that are: fun to take once in a while-*- whether you do them indbors or out. They aren't anything one would substitute for the usual snapshots of favorite people, but they are a nice change of pace-- the variety that adds spice to our pictures. The principle is a simple one indeed. It's merely a matter of placing the subject squarely between the light and the camera. Obviously, this isn't going to work outdoors on a bright sunn^r day. It would simply give youji back-lighted picture. So, for outdoor silhouettes, it is a matter of getting up early or doing youir picture taking late in the day. The sun should be low--in either the east or west to produce the desired effect. Indoors, a white sheet, a darkened room, your subject posed in profile, and a Short time exposure --these are what you'll need for "Operation Silhouette." If you're Shooting indoors in the daytime, stretch the sheet over a window so that the sunlight shining through will provide a luminous white background. Note that this will put the light behind the subject and in front of your camera --contrary to the usual rule of having the light fall on the subject from behind you as you snap the picture. With your background all set up and your subject in profile against it, next darken the rest of the room and prepare to make a short time exposure. As with almost all picture-taking, here's a case of "no jogs allowed"--for camera movement would really be fatal to the final results. This means, of course, that you'll have to. place your camera on a tripod or sojne other'firm support to hold it steady during exposure. --John Van Guilder EAGLE - PICHER TRIFLE SLIDE /Him mirnMm J | STORM WINDOWS and DOORS Unique ERAYDO metal tracks, of a special formula zinc alloy, assure eapy, jamproof operation! Self-storing glass and screen panels quickly rearranged as seasons demand. Liberal Trade-in Allowance on your old windows and doors. Zephyr Ventilated ALUMINUM AWNINGS and DOOR CANOPIES ARTHUR BOGER PHONE 840-J 307 Waukegan ltd. McHenry district scholarship fund accumulated over the past sixteen years, and through which the Rotarians of northern Illinois now provide two scholarships annually, one for a student residing in this area to study abrdad, and another for a student from another country to pursue graduate studies at Northwestern University, Evanston. Mr. Martin graduated in 1948 from St. Anne Academy, a Catholic parochial school taught by Dominican Sisters. He graduated with high honorB from St. Anne Community high school in 1952 and is presently a senior at Pur-. due University, in the school of phfrmacy, Scholarship applications imHoy this plan are inaugurated by clubs in the cooperating districts; and later screened by a special bi-district scholarship committee as to scholastic and character qualifications. The program is in line with the objective of Rotary International to foster the "advancement of international understanding, good will and peace." Insured Savings: Savings Invested lb Crystal Lake Savings and Loai Association are insured . by the Federal Springs and Loan Insurance Corp., andean Zy2 per cent plus Yi per cent extrm. SS-tf m WONDERING f t&e locti USTS BEAUTIFIES PROTECTS COSTS LESS COMPLETELY SATISFIES HOLOS WATER PRESSURE LASTING PANT ^ for MASONRY BEST BY TESf ALEXANDER LUMBER Co. PHONE McHENBY 1424 547 W. Main St. McHenry, m. Bonft let strains aad pains deny yea an aelivs life- Muscle strains, undue tension on certain vital body parts and the pain of varicose veins cfcn be relieved by proper use of scientifically designed elastic supports. Ask your doctor. SILASTIC SUPPORTS TENSOR9 THE ELASTIC BANDAOE THAT'S TRULY ELASTIC Because TENSOR is an elastic bandage that's made with LIVE RUBBER THREADS it provides positive tension, long life, and does not bind. Cool, too! i ABDOMINAL BELTS • Made of surgical elastic with cluster lacings for e v e n s u p p o r t . Handy side straps for exact tension control. SUSPENSORIES **Vital zone" s u p p o r t . R e l i e v e s overstretched c o r d s t h a t often cause fatigue. ELASTIC ANKl KNEECAPS Specifically designed for firm support with free movement. Knncip oi „ iwMtt In col- $|50 Flit, UKE A NEW MAN Look better, feel better. BRACER tm proves fatigue. GLAMOROUS BAUER & BLACfc mm. STOCKINGS that won t ditcoipr NYLON Famous, fashioned NYLON elastic hose. Lightweight, inconspicuous. Twoway stretcji - insures correct support. Open toe for comfort. Bolger's drug store 108 So, Green St, PHONE BfeHttiry, ML Primary Election Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEM, THAT ON Tuesday, the 10th day of April, A.D. 1956 ~ AT THE uSuAL POLLING PLACES IN THE VARIOUS PRECINCTS in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, a Primary Election will be held for the purpose of securing an expression of the sentiment and will of the party voters with respect to candidates for nomination for the office of PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and for the purpose of electing Two Delegates and Two Alternate Delegates to the National Nominating Conventions in the Fourteenth Congressional District of the political parties named below, and for the nomination of candidates for the following offices of the Political Parties named below: United States Senator j Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State Auditor of Public Accounts State Treasurer Attorney General / Clerk of the Supreme Court Representative in Congress, 14th Congressional District State Senator, 52nd Senatorial District Representatives in the General Assembly, 32nd Representative Dist. Appellate Court Clerk .Appellate Court District Number Two Clerk of the Circuit Court State's Attorney Coroner And for electing, by each of the political parties, Committeemen as fOttawa: One Representative Committeeman of the 32nd Representative District. One Precinct Committeeman of each party tor the above named precinct. The political parties entitled to participate in said Primary Election are the Republican Party and Democratic Party Also, Notice is Hereby Given that there will be Two Members of the County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County to be elected on the above date. The polls of said Primary Election will be opened at 6 o'clock a.m., and will continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of staid day. Dated at Woodstock, in McHenry Cbunty, in the State of Illinois, this 28th day of February in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred arid Fifty-Six. RAYMOND D. WOODS County Clerk ABSOLUTELY Reg. Price $189.95* A Brand New 1956 is yours WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 1958 FULLY AUTOMATIC NORGE WASHER! THIS BEAUTIFUL MATCHING PAIB BOTH FOR OMIT $ 299 95 • * NORGE AUTOMAHC D1YIR Lowest temperature and highest airflow with gentle tumbling action. Exclusive TIME LINE control allows you to select period up to 120 minutes. Knee-action door latch. The automatic door safety switch stops dryer action when door is opened. Use on either 110V or 220V. No more blue washdays, chapped hands or aching backs for Mom when Dad provides her with this Norge Automatic Washer and Dryer ... Top-rated for 1955 and still tops for 1956. Look at ALL of these features -- WASHER AND DRYER UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR! M@RGE AUTOMATIC Advance control panel. Exclusive TIME LINE control -- the most flexible and easiest to use. Exclusive Wave Action Agitator -- double 4- vane design provides complete washability for full 9 pounds of dry clothes. Five-way, active water rinses. Super spindry, Built-in Sediment Remover and the famous Norge reSUDSer to cut your water and soap costs by rinsing hot sudsy water for second washing loads. For the Price of the Washer Alone You get BOTH the Washer & Dryer for *Gas Dryer $29.95 Extra Reg. $299.95* * Price Quoted Picked Up At L & H TELEVISION L & H TELEVISION 606 Front Street PHONE 909 McHenry. I1L

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