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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1956, p. 7

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^ MfrfclrtMMfe SAVE (ifeTIME REAL ESTATE Real i) , , Wanted All Hades Neeqls Is Good People And- Water '^^A.LL that a seller' needs is a REALTOR and a BUYER. Some , sellers are wise . . . some OTHERWISE. The wise cam a REALTOR . . . because that is ,.$h<eir business . . .. to find a buyer ready, 'able and willing to purchase what you have for sale. 'He who hesitates is lost," is an old saying. That is Why there * are so many in Had^s, says the j^preacher. Buyers are waiting, *Maut too many sellers are hesi- . tating. PROFITS . . . not PROPHETS foretell the future in Real Estate. Money in Real Estate is made on "turn overs," and LOST on "hold ovefs." We need 3 and 4 bedroom homes. REALTOR H. G. FITZGERALD has 10 families right now that need 3 & 4 bedroom glomes. Please call for quick *ction. Start Packing When You List With *• 44 SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Meat Market and Grocery, Weil stocked and well equipped. Excellent all year round business plus 5 room apt. Phone Wonder Lake 5681. 36-tf FOR SALE -- $11,500 buys this 2 bedroom home in McCullom Lake. Has lots of eye appeal. Living room with dining area, kitchen, bath, basement, floored attic, oil heat, elec. hot water heater, attach, garage. Beautifully landscaped lot and fenced In. An ideal home for an plderly couple. ALSO « 2 acres McHenry city limits, on highway. A one bedroom cottage, living .room, dining room, bath, kitchen, oil heat, 2 car garage. An opportunity for vegetable or fruit farm, 4 blocks to all shopping- A bargain at $10,500. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St. Phone 268 or Mr. Piumb 1046-J. .44 FOR SALE -- Shell - 3 bedrooms in Orchard Heights- For information call Biackstone Home Improvements Co., Chicago, SPring 7-4270 or McHenry-1026 or 1405. 37-tf McHENRY AM> VICINITY Spring Grove - 1% stbry home, 2 Wedrooms down, 2 i^if finished on 2nd. Hjptfwood floors, full basement, oil heat, garage. On Main street in Spring Grove, 2 blocks to railroad, 3 miles to Fox Lake. Price $15,750. < « Main Street iin Johnsburg, 2 story residence, 4 bedrooms, hot air heat, also suitable for beauty parlor or other <wnall business. Price j58,ooo. , ; 2 bedroom home,- gas heat, full basement, garage, wooded lot. Price $12,000. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg, McHenry 37. Lakemoor - 2 bedroom, hot air heat, garage, full basement, large lot. Full price only £10,500.00. ALSO" qA rooms, utility room, attached garage, lot 50x125, facing the lake. Price $9,500.00. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS In Johnsburg - Tel. McHenry 37 38-tf FOR SALE -- At Htinterville Park. 3 bedroom ranch home, 6 years old. Detached garage. $10,- 900 by owner. Leaving town. Call McHenry 1570. . . ' 37-tf FOR SALE 1 year old ranch home on 5 acres, 40 miles from Chicago on blacktop road. Full price $14,500. Terms. ALSO 4 room home, completed, on large lot in Lakeland Park, $8,000. AIRSPUN BUILDERS McHenry 430 36-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Graduate nurse wishes part time evening work nursing or pa^t time as pianist, evenings. Call 596-J-2. 44 WANTED WANTED . -- Buildings to be wrecked. Write care of Plaindealer, Box 120. 41-4 WANTED -- Real Estate. Will you sell your home ? I have a buyer for a 3 bedroom home, large lot if possible. Must be located on Chain-O-Lakes or Fox River. W. H. Wyatt, 35 E. Grand Ave., Fox Lake. JUstice 7-1601. 44 SIL-KOL-OID AMAZING NEW RELIEF FOR CHRONIC HEARTBURN, $OUR STOMACH -- OFTEN S Y M P TOMS OF ULCERS. Stop doting yourself with pills and wafers that giv« only temporary relief and. throw your system out of balance. AT LAST! Now nature's way -- SIL-KOLOID is not a synthetic. It is Nature's own way of replacing the natural elements for proper function of body organs. Over 500 clinical test cafes, ulcer victims have returned to normal living habits. Ask your druggist today or write S-K-O Sales Corp., jBox 909 - Milwaukee 1, Wis. ADULTS ONLY! WE CANT SUPPRESS the feeling that much of today's automotive advertising is directed not to adults, but to children! For who else but children could be enticed by the wild1 give-aways and impossibly hiigh traces we are asked to believe? Kids love fairy teles--grownups want the facts! THE FACTS OF LIFE (as far as buying an automobile is concerned) are clear and simple: You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't get 'both a distount on tJhe price plus a tremendous trade-in allowance besides! A dealer must-make a profit to stay in business.. So, how do you get the deal and the terms you want? *" YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT by coming to Buss Motor SaiLes who fs willing to take Just enough profit to make staying in business worth while. B|8S£ Motor Sales guarantees to treat you as an adult--and well give you such an attractive proposition on a new 1956 Ford as to be well-nigh irresistible! iHow about seeing us soon! Get to Knew Your FrtencHy Ford Dealer Who Says, '1Dont Watch The Fords Go By . . . Drive Ore Yourself.' THE tJcSfgttRY PLAINDEALER Pag* Se*«i WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED -- For our clients, 2 and 3 bedroom, modern homes, in or near McHenry, close to railroad preferred. From $12,000 to $15,000. JACOB FltlTZ - REALTORS In Johnsburg McHenry 37 38- tf Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2%% plus extra. 33-tf WANTED - Fill dirt. George Calbqrn, 201 Anne St. Rt. 6, McHenry. 44-3 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- We pay highest prices for old cars, iron metals, paper and rags. Prompt pick ups. AI90 for sale, good used tires, 15 or 16 inch rims. Call Roy Grooms, 1368-M-l or Staines 53-J. 32-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- 2 or 3 bedroom apartment or house. Call 1791-M. *44 WANTED TO RENT -- Apartment or house for, couple- with teen-ager. Furnished or unfurnished. Write to E6x 128 care of Plaindealer. 44 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE -- Spanish or Hawaiian guitar instruction. Also piano tuning and repair. Stfeffen's Music, 117 Hutchins St., Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 934-M. , 42-4 NOTICE -- We are moving to our new location soon so -- Bargains - Bargains Bargains. Keep shopping our special sale racks and tables. The Toddler Shop. 44 NOTICE -- Stanley Hunt, preseht committeeman from Rlngwood, will run on a "write in" campaign for precinct committeeman for McHenry precinct 1. At. the time of registration, Mr. Hunt was out of town and his name does not appear on the ballot. 44 WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid fo» iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610.-M-2. 43-tf WANTED TO BUY -- Small 2 wheel bike with training wheels, suitable for girl of 4. Phone 1798-J. 44 Order your Rubber Stamp .. .At tiie Plaindealer today! Look Out for Your Comfort this Winter Cold weather's a-comin'! Be prepared; order ooal now. McHENRY COUNTY Farmers Co-op Ass'n Phone 729 or after 4:30 - 1502 52S Waukegan Rd., McHenry Has your drinking become a problem ? Men, women, if so write Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, HL Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf Insured Savings: Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2'/2 per cent plus l/2 per cent extra. 33-tf F R E E OVER 500 SAMPLES OF QUALITY RUGS AND CARPETING TO CHOOSE FROM IN YOUR HOME. Easier Special FREE 40 oz. waffle padding with your purchase Plus CASH allowance for your old rugs or carpeting. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING A CARPET EXPERT TO YOUR HOME AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. T I D Y Carpets and Rugs 604 Washington St, Woodstock, III. PHONE 888 ovfsrae 0 TM IS FIRST of Hie POWERUNED SERtES Mr. Farmer ... meet your new power farming team-mate ,.. that big advancement in tractors you've been waiting for. It's the powerful new Minneapolis-Moline 445 . . . first of MM's advanced POWERlined series. Drop in and take a good look--you'll make one of the most important discoveries in power/arming history. You'll see the tractor built to give you a brand new start in farming profits. featuring o High-Turbulenc* Valve-In- Head Engine o Dynamic New Powwlined Design • Independent Live Power Take Off • Big Capacity Hydraulic • 3-Poini Hitch • Exclusive New Ampli-Torc Drive • New Hydraulic Power Steering • Power Adjustable Rear Wheels • Power-Matched Tools Available WILL BE ON DISPLAY MARCH 9 AND 10 Fincutters Garage MODCSM MACHmntY GRAYSLAKE, ILL. AUCTION ED VOGEL - WM. H. RUSSEL Auctioneers ... Being overstocked and having decided to discontinue dairying on the Olson Fat n, I will sell on the said farm io- sted 4 miles East of Richmond, riinols on 111. Route 173 then mile South or 8 miles West of Antioch, Illinois on 111. Route 173 then mile South or 2% miles north of Spring Grove, Illinois on Saturday, March 10, 1956 beginning at 1:30 sharp 24 HEAD OF MILCH COWS 13 Holstein M.lch cows, 4 fresh and balance bred back to-fseshen In early fail: 11 Guernseys, 5 fresh and 2 springing, balance milking good and bred back to freshen in early fall; 1 yearling Guernsey bull. HOGS 10 bred gilts; 8 pure-bred Durocks; 2 pure-bred spotted Poland Chinas, all of these to farrow between March 15 and April 10; 2 purebred Durock boars. MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT Double-unit Universal milker; single-unit McCormick milker; stainless steel strainer; steel wall cabinet; hot water heater; 12 milk cans. FARM EQUIPMENT McCormick manure spreader. TERMS: All sums of $25 or under, cash. Over that amount, *4 down and balance 6 monthly installments at S«/» interest, arrangements to be made with the clerk before purchase is madt. Not responsible for accidents. RUSSEL RUDOLPH, Owner STATE BANK OF RICHMOND, Clerking (Pub. March l-6-'56) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOHN A. ANDERSON Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, April 2, 1956, is the claim date in the estate of John A. Anderson, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be -filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. , - " /S/ Evelyn Anderson Henke, Executor /SJ Theodore L. Hamer, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. \tar. 8-15-22-56) AUCTION Having decided to discontinue farming, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale on the farm located 10 miles West of Grayslake, Ell., 2M> miles East of McHenry at the town of Lakemoor, on Highway 120, on SATURDAY. MARCH 10th Commencing at 12:00 o'clock OTTO'S LUNCH WAGON ON GF^T^DS' 5® HEAD CATTLE -- 9 MILCH COWS (5 Hoist\?ilL, 2 Shorthorn, 2 White Face) -- 4 recently fresh, 1 with calf by side; 2 White Face due in April, balance close springers; 14 Springing Holstein heifers; 8 Brown Swiss spring heifers;.6 6-mos. old Holstein heifers; 9 Hereford steers & heifers; 1-yr. old Holstein bull; 1-yr. old Shorthorn bttfl; 2 10-rnos. old Holstein bulls; 5 8-mos. oM Holstein bulls; 4 8-mos. old Angus, 3 heifers, 1 steer.; 2 8-mos. old Black and White Face; 6-<mos. odd Hereford. HOGS -- 20 Brood sows, due to farrow in April< 15 feeder pigs, 100 to 150 lias. HORSES -- 1 Team of outstanding Roan horses, 3*800 lbs. with har-. ness, etc.. POULTRY -- 100 Chickens; 15 Muscovy ducks; 10 geese; JO Peking ducks. TRUCKS -- 1946 Dodge 1% ton truck wtth grain box; 1941 % ton pickup. 2 TRACTORS, COMBINE, BALER & FARM MACHINERY -- John Deere A tractor on rubber with starter, lights and cultfvator; John Deere G tractor on rubber with cultivator; Case Baler with motor: John Deere 12A combine; John Deere 10 ft. drill wi'th grass seed and fertilizer attachment; Wood Bros, corn picker; McC-D 4-roH corn shredder; John Deere 2/16 Powertrol plow on rubber; and a complete liije of farm machinery and to^ls. I. Ed Vogel - William H. Russel - Auctioneers Have decided to quit dairying, will sell my dairy on my farm, located 3^2 miles Southwest of MoHenry, or 4 miles North of Crystal Lake, bn the McHenry-Crystal Lake black top road on THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1956 Commencing at 1:00 P.M. sharp. 26 Head Of Holstein Dairy Cows 7 springers, 6 fresh recently. Balance milking good and bred back for fall freshening. 13 of these cows are out of artificial •breeding. Ail vaccinated. 1 Holstein Pure Bred bull, IS? rrios. old, Hickory Creek breeding. s MACHINERY Spring tooth harrow, 8 ft.; McD. 7 ft, grain drill; corn Sheller; 2 steel wheel wagons. • SEED 5 foot of silage in 12 ft. silo. MILKING EQUIPMENT MieiD. pump & motor; 2 solution- tanks; 2 Surge stainless steel units; 10 milk cans; pails & strainers. Terms: All sums of $25 or under cash. Over that amount one fourth down the balance in ^x monthly installments • at 6 per cent interest. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS PAUL J. DOHERTY, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK. Clerking REAL ESTATE - FARM TO BE AUCTIONED AT 2:00 P.M; 157 ACRE FARM. -- 28 Acres ccf good wood land suitable for subdividing. 129 Acres of work land with a v. ry good set of , farm bufidiiigs. Running water in all buildings on good highway only 2% miles East of McHenry at the town of LakemooT. 5 f(J room modern home with full basement and insulated. This farm Has been well kept and carried a large herd of cattle and hogs. LOUIS I. BEHM, Realtor Grayslake, Illinois Phone GRayslaJce 3-8181 STEVE DANKO, Owner ROBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION Clerk Union Grove, Wis. FT M. RADIO & TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR G.E. & SENTINEL • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service • 22 Years Radio & TV. Experience • Pick-up & Delivery • All Parts Installed By Us Are Fully Guaranteed • We Service All Makes 'THE SATISFIED CUSTOMEITIS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION" Phone McHenry 979 or 577-Mrl HOURS: DAILY 0 AJVf. TO ? PJL FRIDAY 9 AJVf. TO 9 PJM. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS 128 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, Hi Phone 195 lit I iW CITY TOAFFte where tensions usually mount, Chrysler's cat-like flexibility brings a wonderful sense 54 of calm. And those admiring, glances confirm your iH •• J -o .o j •• * ^ju^dgemnentt mthaatt uthuiss iis AAmmeerniccaa s bbiiggggeesstt fitninee ccaarr bb*uqyr.. THI 1LTOBWK YOU PAL u when you drive the year-ahead cart The only cars with which you can compare a Chrysler Windsor V-8 are the other luxury cars . . . because that's what the Chrysler Windsor V-8 is. ,fBut you can own this car jor the cost of a medium-priced car! And at this price, it simply defies comparison. -N^^Take the way it handles in city traffic. Something quite wonderful happens. Instead of feeling tense, you're utterly relaxed -- thanks to Chrysler's full-time Power Steering System and a host of other brand new Chrysler exclusives. You're handling a big, powerful car that 44 responds like a mind reader. It does the work for you. Your Chrysler is beautifully balanced between the forward thrust of its mighty airplane-type engine and the most powerful brakes in the industry. This car flows! Yet, if you can afford any car in the medium-priced field, you' can afford to step up to a Chrysler Windsor V-8. Compare its year ahead new-car features with the other leading cars in its price class. We think youTl agree that it looks and acts like a car that costs $1,000 more than it does! PowerStyle" CHRYSLER SEE YOUR CHRYSLER DEALER FOR THE BIGGEST BUY OF ALL FINE CARS CHRYSIIR SITS NEW W0RI S RECOii! WINS DAYTONA "FLYING MILE" AT 139.373 r^.fa. A Chrysler 30Q-B swept the 1956 NASCAR Speed Trial Ciuunpiaaship# at Davtona Beach with a sand-scorching "Flying Mile" average speed of 139.373 m.p.h. Shocked competition watched as Chryslerbarreted down the bcach . topping last year's stock car record (also set by Chrysler) by 12 m.p.h. • n • haria ss h'JM'. ^ V

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