-"y TifluSaay. March 15. 1956 ••aXiittaaMai it THE MCHENBY t>LAINDEALEft > RING WOOD "fifr1 Mrs. George 500 Club Mr. and Mrs Louis Hawiey entertained their five-hundred club at their home Tuesday evening. High scores went to Mrs. Carl Hallstrom and Pete Sebastian and low to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and B. T. Butler. Home Bureau ^ a , The , Ringwood "Home Bureau was entertained in the home of Mrs. Ben Walkiggton Tuesday. Miss Downey, home advisor, gave the lesson on "Selectiort of Shades, Blinds and Hardware of Window Treatment." • ' - Mrs. Carr Entertains * * Mrs. Lester Carr entertained her five-hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1, o'clock dessert 4 £5 luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. Q§car Berg low. r . Roundup Club The Round-up club held a party and pot-luck supper at the phurch Saturday evening. A social time was enjoyed. 5 Church News The combined fourth quarterly ^conference of both churches was held at the Ringwood church Sunday evening. Dr. Ray Bond, our district superintendent, presided. The business meeting was followed by the showing of slides of Dr. Bond's Holy Land trip. On Thursday, the W.S.C.S. groups Of both churches attended a luncheon meeting at the Mc- Henry Methodist church. . The Senior Youth Fellowship 11 group met at the Greenwood church, i Birthday Party There- will be a birthday party at* the" church Sunday evening, March .18. Evoryone is welcome. Paper Drive The, junior Youth Fellowship held a paper drive on Friday. They icked up three tons of paper, ey will pick up more soon. Anyone having paper call jay Walkington. Sick List * Glad to report that George Shepard is still gaining and hopes to be home from the hospital in a week or two. . Bake Sale The XV.S.C.S. will hold a bake sale at Muzzys Friday, March, 23. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawiey visited - relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and daughter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackermffin, Sr., at Poplar Grove. Mrs.1 Millie Rush of Richmond £spent Saturday with her sister, *• *Mrs. John Ehlert. Mrs. '3. C. Pearson and Mrs. %3. T. Butler attended teachers' meeting at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Clayton Bruce and Mrs. Henry Aissen attended an appreciation dtoner for the Women of the Moose *-at Woodstock Monday evening. s Duane Ehlert and son, Jeff, of ^Bohner's Lake, spent Sunday - afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen spent Saturday evening in the Delbert Schfpeder home at Woodstock: Mrs. Wm.-, Cruickshank spent Friday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. fjrancis Costellb, and family near Hartland. Mr. ajid Mrs. Roy Harrison and. son, Loren, and Mrs. Warren Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison' and family and celebrated the ninth birthday of Gary Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lovelette and family of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mrs. Earl Shales returned home Saturday evening after spending a week in the feme of her daughter Mrs. Mayiiard Stohlquist, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe at Huntley. ^ Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. J. C. Pearson attended the Royal Neighbors fiftieth anniversary supper at McHenry Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, Jr., and family of Mundelien visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and daughter spent Monday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. George Shepard spent a few days the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Alan Ainger, and family at Hebron. Mrs. Byron Sowers and son, Charlie, and Mrs. Betty Tretow and ' family spent the weekend with relatives at Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rochau of Kenosha, Mr. ar\d Mrs. Philip Mueller of Lake Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Brough of Roclcford and Pete Justen of McHenry were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. ° Mrs. Bob Brennai> and children spent Sunday afternoon and evening with her parents at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie of Greenwood called on her mother, Mrs. Flora .Harrison, > Sunday afternoon. - . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen of McHenry and Mr. and Mj-s. Skiro of Chicago were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. „ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son, Jimmie, spent Sunday in the Kirk Harrison home at Antioch. SHOW DECREASE/ IN NUMBER STATE PRECINCTS FOR '56 WW}. ? f Pag« EleW 1HM '111 I 11 I I1 H l l 'M'I"!"!"!1 Illinois will have a total pf 9,511 precincts in the 1956 elections, a decrease of 265 from the 1954 figure, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced. Estimated registration is 4,- 977.000, a decrease of about 310,- 000, Mr. Carpentier ^aid. ' The greatest decline in number of precenicts was in the city of Chicago, where the total "of 3,779 is 373 less than in 1954, Secretary Carpentier said. The remainder of Cook county showed a gain of 44 precincts, making the county's 5,000 total 329 less than two years ago, he said. Other counties which showed declines are Henderson, 1, and St. Clair, 29. Counties showing gains are: Adams, 3; Coles, 5; DuPage, 12 Kane, 4; Macon, 16; Madison, 10; Morgan, 5; Peoria, 1; Rock Island, 4; Sangamon, 1; Wabash, 1; Washington, 2; Will, 24, and Winnebago, 6, Secretary Carpentier said. ' F. M. RADIO '& TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR G.E. & SENTINEL • -First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service 22 Years Radio & TV. Experience Pick-up & Delivery All Parts Installed By Us Are Fully Guaranteed • We Service All Makes "THE SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION" Phone McHenry 979 or 577-M-l HOURS: DAILY 9 A.M. TO 7 P-Mf. FRIDAY 9 AJVf. TO 9 P.M. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS 128 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, HI. You'll Want'To L©©k Your Very Best On EASTER . ... And you WILL look your very best if you make it a point NQW to have your clothes expertly cleaned and pressed here at Local Cleaners. We take extreme cafe and pride in all work we do because we realize that a satisfied customer is our best advertisement. By the way, you'll want to have your winter ....J garments cleaned tbo, because you'll be stojing them- away for the summer months before too long. Phone McHenry 20 For Pick Up & Delivery Local Cleaners 206 S. Green St. McHenry, I1L Pistakee Highlands By Mary Mueller The Pistakee Highlands Community association held' its monthly meeting-March 7 at the home of President Hoi ijer. * Plans were discussed for ob- [ taining a regular megting place for the association. [ An application for the charter | for the association Has been obtained and the necessary signa<- tures are being solicited. It won't be long until we ire a regular chartered organization.. One of our new residents, Clayton Holmes, was present at the meeting. We wish to take this' opportunity to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Holmes into our organization. , Tom and Mary Corcoran are expected back about April 1. They have been taking advantage Of the baths while visiting Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gartner have been visiting their son this past week. SIL-KOL-O AMAZING NEW RELIEF FOR CHRONIC HEARTBURN. SOUR STOMAL -- OFTEN SYMPTOMS ULCERS. Stop doting yourself with pilli and waf«n that giv« only temporary raliaf and throw your system out of balance. AT LAST! Now nature's way --SIL-KOLOID it not a synthetic, it is Nature's own way of replacing the natural elements for proper function of body organs. Over 500 clinical test cases, ulcer victims have returned to normal living habitt. Ask yoiir druggist today pr write S-K-O Sales Corp., Box 909 - Milwaukee 1, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Jordan visited a daughter, Mrs. Floyd G. Ciendenin, of Rockford last week. Little Miss Pat Ronan, one of our wee set, celebrated her first birthday. Master -Mhrk Bentz will celebrate his fii^st birthday March 18. One of our small fry set, Master William "Butch" Nielson celebrated his seventh birthday March 7. "Butch" entertained several boy friends at a birthday party at his home. Friday, Butch celebrated in Chicago with his relatives and grandparents. Several of our "Pistakee-ites" are convalescing. Richard Hauck had the cast .removed from his broken leg. Mr. Rockel suffered a back injury. George McNamar^ is in a Waukegan hospital but expected home any day. Helen Cooper smashed a finger in the car door, but was lucky enough not to incur a broken bone. Jim Mclnerney- has undergpne |urgery iif Chicago. Our boy's next baseball game is scheduled at home. Pistakee vs. Sunnyside Estates, March 18 at ,1:30 p.m. In Answer To Inquiry The car that caught on fire in front of Horner's residence, on the Johnsburg blacktop, had no casualties. Johnsburg rescue squad was most prompt and had things •under control in minutes. a WHERE IS IT NOW? That money YOU planned to save? Don't just gamble that youll save -- set a reasonable goal and than SAVE before you SPEND. And save it here -- your money earns more. CURRENT DIVIDEND 3 PERCENT Marengo Pederi C » AND LOAN OGWingS ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone 99 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $6,000,000.00 SAFtir SAVINGS REFORESTED LAND Leases on 321 acres of farmland in eight Illinois state parks have been canceled by the Department of Conservation. The ground thus withdrawn from cultivation will be reforested or planted for game habitats. The parks a f f e c t e d a r e : Dixon Springs, Fort Massac, Giant City, Kankakee River, Kickapoo, Lincoln Trail, Starved Rock and Siloam Springs. Conservation Director Glen D. Palmer described the action as in line with the Eisenhower administration's land bank plan for easing the farm grains surplus problem. Read the Want Ada. GEESE MIGRATION The state Department of Con* servation is preparing to protect the ducks and geese that soon will be migrating northward from their wintering places in Illinois and states further south. There is no spring open season* on waterfowl. Lew Cox, assistant chief of law enforcement of the department, will ask conservation officials throughout Illinois to b« on the alert against unlawful hunting when the big spring flights get under way. Glen D. Palmer, conservation director, has called upon sportsmen of Illinois to help the department give the waterfowl protection. ' ,-v s - * lA v. " : - % i§ T TEALTH--good health--is so precious a commodity that no one has ever dared to put a price-tag on it. Yet millions who could have health and vigor dilly-dally and delay. Consult your Doctor nov . Let him help you back on the Highway to Health. And, yes, of course, we hope you'll bring his prescriptions to this fine pharmacy for our careful compounding. BOLGER'S Drug Stem PHONE 40 103 S. Green St. McHenry, ID. WHEN YOU GO -y -j ^ sue J4i i : j -- i I | '/ *v~/; i •• HOLIDAY COUPE BUILT-IN VALUES ADD UP TO FINER MOTORING NOW... TOP RESALE LATERI / It's a matter of record! You get more for yoar money in Olds for- '56! Oldsmobile owners have known this for years, and many of them have enjoyed the pleasure of Rocket performance for less than the cost of owning one of the small "lowest-price" cars. Let us show you the facts and figures. You'll see that it's easy to get out of the ordinary and into an Olds ... that it's good sense to make the move now! For example, look at what you get. Start with power. Oidsmobile pioneered the high-compression era with the Rocket Engine. The 1956 Rocket is mightier, peppier than ever, with a 9.2> to 1 compression ratio! Take your choice of 210 horsepower in Super 88 and Ninety-Fight or 230 horsepower for the lower .priced "88". Want trond-sefting stylet Olds shows the way again with the double-duty beauty of the new "Intagrille" front bumper. It's two sturdy bumpers in one--and a smart grille besides! And you'll never know what a pleasure riding and driving can be until you've tried an Olds. This car snuggles down to the road, holds a straight-as-a-string course, rounds a curve dead-level. You'll find manv of the reasons behind this marvelous readability in the new Safetv-Ride Chassis. Oldsmobile's six-point suspension feattires such advances as dual stabilizers, centercontrol steering, and a heavy, solid-unit frame. It all adds up--come try a Rocket ride yourself! We feel sure we can sljow you the greatest values ever in the car that holds its value high! I\/I ROCKET 'ROUND THE ILOCK ... AT YOUR OLDSPvlOQILE DEALER'S! • R. J. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front Street Phone 6 --•--OLDSMOBriLI BRINGS YOU THE THRILU^i© "ACADEMY AWARD PfiGSHMtATlONS" SHOW • WiBNISDAT, MARCH 21 • ON M1C-TV AND RADIO L,i m - -