y, March 15,1956 wwm*' McCullom By Eve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER PagtThbiMtf Population -- 685 - Soundg pretty--good; doesn't it? As a result of the special cens\is conducted last week, our village is now on the map -- or will' be soon as the official resuits are printed by the U.S. government. itarl Koch, village attorney, hak' said that anyone who feels he was missed in the enumera- , fifth" can still be counted. There * is * a' limited time in. which the census can be amended. If you have any dpubts, take care of the matter NOW! Call 2171 and give the information. Mrs, Betty Baumbeck and Theresa Schultz are to be cbmipended for the tremendous job they did. in behalf of the vital project. In spite of the penetrate ihg cold and wind last Thursday, . they covered the greater part of * *' the area. The work was finished On Friday with your reporter Assisting. Charles VanDerJiaegen, regional field assistant, was. pleasant and efficient and speeded up the processing of the work. Again, we wish to remind you to call if you feel you were missed. The census cannot be amended after official publication $by the ^government. . °f the Luke • The by-laws were read for the second ,®me at the meeting last Thursday. One more reading and a ^jt^J^ill be taken on adopting J^jlic party sppnsored by ladies' organization will be atv Whitey and Berniece's ^ March 24. The gals lowering three lovely gifts to HiM?ate individuals. Betty Polla iflt party chairman. Louise iPrstein was appointed welchairman by President ?fyeshments were provided -hostesses, Betty Murray, qnr-McDonald and Ruth Smith. j.lnGKt meeting will be held ^iiy, March 22. Buttons 'n Bows And a multitude of ruffles adorning wee Wendy Lee (aBPtiiOigham. The little lady ijHpf her appearance at Great Lakes; Kaval hospital Thursday, MarCn 8, at- 7:23 p.m., and Weighed in at 10 lbs. 8 oz. er daddy,, John, is fairly irsting the buttons off his Air rce uniform 'cause she looks t like him. New mother, Doroand her daughter came s on Monday and resumed enc$ in their h<H$e' on Orchard Drive. May God add His blessings to the new family. week! The credit for being cochairman of the Heart fund was given to Eleanor Ebey instead of Eleanor Creutz. Both women are afctive in civic affairs so the error was a natural one. Excuse it, please, Eleanor Creutz. The, 'other one was a . real boner. Perhaps your reporter should.. take a vacation. The Memorial Park is located on the west side of Gate 6 and not Gate 1 as was reported. Violations Three tickets for speeding were given out this past week. They were issued to Gerald Wegener and Sallie Reuter of McHenry and Donald- George Hojnacki of Chicago. Comfort and Style The interior of the beachhojose is taking on a new look, thanks to the cohibined efforts of Ed Hammerstein, Sr.; Fred Eckhardt, Ed Listen, Clayf and Earl "Nelson. The fellows cleaned, scoured and polished the whole place and then set up the new chairs which were delivered last week. We'll be able to have our meetings in comfort from now pn. Ouf Sympathy To Mrs. Jone Ingersol on the death of her father, Jack Borrell, Sunday, March 4. He was laid .J$o rest, in Chicago last Wednesday. Protecting Our School Children It is a great feeling of security and satisfaction to see our squad car patrolling our streets and highway. There is an officer on duty every morning, watching out for the safety of our youngsters as they wait for the school bus. Perhaps this will prevent a Recurrence of the accident which hospitalized Bobbie Ostrum some months ago. Our police officers ar? doing a wonderful job and deserve the cooperation of every resident in the village. Our Slip Is Showing Your reporter goofed on not One -- but TWO counts last Sorry To Hear That Joe Matterer is still hospitalized at Highwood hospital, Highland Park. His charming wife, Mabel, reports that he is showing improvement every day. A "sunshine shower" of cards helps the shut-ins a great deal, so let us not forget. Drop a card now, while the thought is fresh in your mind. Anchors A weigh! Hugh Houck is the latest member of our community to join the Armed forces. Hugh was sworn into the Naval Air Reserve at Glenview on March 7 and will be called to active duty in two weeks. He'll be taking his boot training at Great Lakes and then will probably be assigned to carrier duty. Hugh is having his last fling as a civilian, visiting his aunts and grandmother in Lawrenceberg, Ind., this week. Gossip Gleanings Fred Matthesius was questioned about his wife's birthday and the date of his anniversary. The muddled fellow just couldn't come up with the right answers! This calls for drastic action, Anne. Lennie Mager celebrated his birthday Sunday, March 11, driving into Chicago with a flat tire. His spare tire was gathering dust in a local garage! Good place for it. A delicious dinner was »ei*ved on Sunday by Betty Houck when the Houcks entertained the Mc- Ouat family. Sarah and Harry Mackin journeyed out from Chicago on Sunday to visit Jean and Hugh McDonald. Signs-of Growing Up Lynne Schultz played hostess to many youngsters for the occasion of her eighth birthday on Saturday, March 10. Her mom served up an abundance of ice cream, cake, candy and soda pop to fill the hungi-y tummies. The young ladies and gentlemen included Linda Passalaqua, Sandy Fairchild, Susan Swanson, Berniece and Diane 43jork, Marlene Passal, Geoffrey Houck, Liz Liebman and Chryssie and J. Ijt. Levesque. The youngsters played games for prizes and came home tired but happy from the gay time. The Art Olsens of McHenry and children, Kaaren, I^utch and Allan, paid their respects to Lynne on Sunday when they visited at the Schultz home. Still Hurtin' Little Danny ^ Strach is still nursing a sore throat but most of the ill effects have worn off. Danny had his tonsils out at Sherman hospital, Elgin, last Friday. He is convalescing this week, but barring complications, he'll probably be back at his studies on Monday. Birthdays and Anniversaries Dave Hansen admits he has a few years to go before joining the ranks of our young old timers. He was 33 March 9. Lil and Dave married on his birthday ten years ago. Lots to celebrate. "Mickey" O'Flaherty says she's "getting old but feeling young." Her birthday is Tuesday, March 19. Terry Doran is getting to be quite the young man. He'll be six VOTE FOR [3 John P. Manning ROCHELLE, ILLINOIS Republican Candidate for Stale Representative Boone, DeKalb, McHenry and Ogle Comities. Your Vote and Support Will be Appreciated Primary, April 10, 1956 Comenient H Fof Depositing Your < Two Above-Average Oividends Paid Yearly j Fridays 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Closed All Day Wednesdays , Other week days 9 A.M. te 5 P.M. 3% CURRENT RATE McHENRY SAVINGS and LOAM ASSOCIATION A GUARANTY SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 522 W. Main Street Phone McHenry 2 'I VETS . MO M0IEY NONVETS $1,200 DO YOU KNOW >ou can buy a 3 bedroem home for $9,475.00 and up, let included, with the following features: • Architect designed • Carpenter-built • Grading & Seeding • Gravel dsw© •, Sidewalk from lot line to Front & Hear doors • Combination Aluminum Screen and Storm windows • Completely decorated interior and exterior ® Plastic tiled bath * Exhaust fan in kitchen The home you select from our Architect designed plans can be built on: • Your paid op lot • A lot on which yon have made a down payment • Anywhere In McHenry County Office Located: 682 W. Main Street, McHenry Phone McHenry 1907 Veterans and Non-Veterans can save additional money by doing some ot the work themselves . . . Such as grading & seeding, etc. robert emy GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction & Remodeling Route 4 -- McHenry. BL Home Phone: McHenry 622-W-l tomorrow (Friday), March 16. Berniece * Bjork is feeling mighty frisky with spring on the way. Her natal day was Saturday, March 10. Best wishes to all our celebrants. That's it for today,, see you next week. ECONOMIC CONFERENCE Gov. William G. Stratton is planning to attend a conference at Carbondale, on economic problems of Southern Illinois, to be held Monday, March 19. The meeting is being arranged by the new state Division of Industrial Planning and Development, Southern Illinois university, and Southern Illinois, Inc. Southern?-Illinois cities and villages seeking new industries have been invited to send representatives. to the conference to give information on the labor supply, available sites and buildings, public utilities, tax rates, water supply -and other resources of their £u*eas. The Division of Industrial Plan ning and Development, a part of the state Department of Registration and Education, was created by the 69th General Assembly to compile data on industrial plants to locate or expand facilities in Illinois. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS , CONVERTS LAND '. "Nine-tenths of the land in the twenty-thousand acre, fenced-in federal arsenal in Will county has been allowed to go back to its natural state. Here are wide reaches of grassy prairie such as were found all Across Northern and Central Illinois before the coming of white settlers. Glen D. Palmer, director of the state Department of Conservation and Col. Curtis L. Farrell, arsenal commandant, have long had their eyes on this vast enclosure as an ideal place for prairie chickens and sharp-tailed grouse. Now their plans are being put into effect. Last week a number of these two varieties of grouse, live-trapped in Nebraska, were turned loose in the arserial tract. The grounds are surrounded by a tight, eight-foot wire" fence and guarded by the U. S. Army. A trapper, hired by the federal government, works the year.. around to keep predatory animals killed off. Director Palmer is confident that prairie chickens and sharp-tailed grouse, practically extinct in Illinois, will multiply in the arsenal grasslands. Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealei today. FILL FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL - CLAY FILL - BLACK DIRT FRANK'S EXCAVATING PHONE MsHENRY 51 KM - -SPECIAL! In The Vicinity Of Lily Lake GRAVEL or CLAY FILL as low as 85* per yard Bolger's drug 103 So. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, BL Read The Classified Ads We lack the Biggest Difference in Gars Today With a Total of ^ • PERSONAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT mm OyU WW I H S U T d H C 6 Divided Equally Between Husband and Wife At No Extra Cost To You With Your New Rambler • Hudson - Nash - Metropolitan Here's I he Big Difference That Makes It Possible :inett Cerf Interviews George Romney |a«un>0Nwy tsiwgi* unit* coMeTRucnou, PiowEB«a> b/americam voices, MMC6 RAMBLER, MUDSOM, NASM AND METROPOLITAN "THE STRONSEBXSARBT", BGBT AU.-AROUMD CflKS ON "ThfE OOfiD UAMTNE OXCARTS' WERE BUILT WITH RAT WOODEN-BEAM PRAMES./AXLES AND WHEELS WB?£ AAOUN1EO BELOW. A FLOOR OR BOC WAS PUT OW TOP. THE BUSSY, WAGON AMD •hotmfi Bag carriage'used similar rat frames and 1 attached bocxes TOOAy, MOST CARS HM/B serorate fiat frames WTTH separate bocxes bolted to @Nty AMERICAN MOTORS BUILDS CARS ON THE '.SIMGLE UMIT' PRINCIPLE. BOOT AND FRAME ARE WELDED INTO A TOUGH, SUP6RSTROfJG "SINGLE. UNIT". RESULT: PERFORMANCE AT LESS COST. ..GREATER COAAR3RT.. /VUDRE IMSIDE ROOM-EASIER RAGKIMG...SUPERIOR HANDLING AND CORNERING...ELIMINATION.OF BOOy SQXJEAKS AND RATTLES...DOUBLE SAFETY. .TOR RESALE VALUE Why a laid of $25,000 Personal Automobile Accident Insurance is given at No Extra Cost! We backourconfidence that American Motors cars are stronger, safer, more modern than others by giving each buyer of a new Rambler, Nash, Hudson or Metropolitan a total of $25,000 Personal Automobile Accident Insurance at no extra cost--divided equally between husband and wife. This insurance provides for the payment of $12,500 to beneficiary or estate of either you or your spouse (if a member of your household at time pf purchase)--thus providing the total of $25,000--if either or both should be fatally injured while driving or riding (either separately br together) in your new private passenger American Motors car anywhere in.the world. Both are insured for the entire first year of ownership. Covers fatality resulting within 100 days after date of accident. Applies to privatelyowned cars purchased in the continental United States and Alaska where state insurance regulations permit. Don't buy any new car until yon gel tfi« farts about the priceless protection only American Motors cars can give you! See your Nash dealer! See your Hudson dealer! Tune in Disneyland on ABC-TV. See TV lifting• for Time and Channel. AMERICAN MOTORS MEANS i,Oi RE FOR AMERICANS mm Nash Ambassador CuSlom Country Club Hudson Hornet Custom Hollywood ....Rambler Custom Cross Country Noted publisher, columnist and television personality gets inside story of revolutionary advance in car construction from the President of American Motors. CERF: Mr. Romney, why do you offer a total of $25,000 insurance with your new cars? ROMNKYt It backs our claim that "single unit" construction makes the strongest, safest, most modern cars. CERF: Is there really that much difference between the way you and other manufacturers make cars? All the difference between yesterday's railway coach and to- ' day's streamliner. Other cars still use a principle old as the oxcart: A flat frame bolted under a separate body. In our cars, frame and body are welded as a "single unit". It's the biggest stride since the all-steel body. CERFi And this makes a safer car? ROMNEY: Twice as safe. Instead of a flat frame underfoot, our frame is a steel, box-girder enclosure as big as the car. It gives you "wraparound" protection in front, rear, Bides and top. CERFt That sounds like real protection. WIY:That's not all. Flat frames others use are stiff, so they transmit collision force throughout the car. Our big steel box-girders up front absorb most of the impact. They take the brunt of the punishment instead of passengers. CERF: What about performance? ROMNEY: That'sa real plus."Single unft" construction gives a better power-weight ratio. It's stronger and safer, but eliminates useless weight and bulk. Our cars have set many racing records. CERF: And economy? ROMNEY: They're tops. Rambler holds the gas mileage record in Mobilgas Economy Runs. Again, because our "hard-muscled" single unit avoids dead weight. CERF: I like room and comfort. Q©KAMEY: Nash and Hudson have more room inside than any highpriced car. Rambler equals medium- priced big cars. As for ride, the greater strength of our "single unit" lets us use larger springs, and superior front suspension. CERF: Isn't resale value important? ROMNEY: You bet. Rambler has top resale value in the low price field. In addition to other advantages, welded single unit cars last longer, make better used cars. CERF: If all you say.is true, why don't the Big Three make cars your way? ROMNKY: You see, mere "bigness" c^n be a handicap in advanced automobile engineering. One of the biggest of the "Big 3" was years behind others in adopting the allsteel body. The bigger you are, the more factories you have--the more it costs to change. CERF: I can understand that. lOMNEY: Beginning in 1940, we spent over $50,000,000 to develop the "single unit" car. Today, it will cost the biggest companies billions to re-tool for our method. CERF: Do you think they will follow you? ROMNEY: No doubt about it. Our major competitors will probably make the change gradually--piecemeal-- or one model at a time. Frankly, we will be happy to see our "single unit" construction adopted, because it will mean better, safer cars on American highways. CERF: Well, I'm about ready for another car. I'm going down to look at American Motors cars. ROMNEY: All I ask anyone to do is see and drive our modern "single unit" cars at a Nash or Hudson dealer's. The rest is up to you. At Your 'MW4WAM! Dealer • At Your HUDSON Dealer AKEMOOR HOTORS Inc. BOUTE 120 PHONE'McHENRY 742 McHENRY. ILL.