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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1956, p. 11

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mrsday, April 5; 1956. iSfi|P|pW^W THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEH Wonder Lake News By Phyllis WUtfidd Wboded Shores Incorporation The board and advisory committee met with counsel and discussed the various problems that have confronted them the past years and with the increased population growth, future problems that are now arising. It was decided that the best method for the subdivision to carry on would be as a village. The present P^perty Owners' association has been operating as such but without the benefit of authority con-, ferred on 21 village. A petition was circulated and over fifty signatures were secured. Because of the lapse of time, all residents could not be contacted in the short pieriod to get their signatures on the petition. TJfe' governing board felt thuat because of the May 1 deadlire on tjhfe tax year, the petition had to be" filed at once in order to have the election before May 1. All residents and property owners have.. i>een notified by mail and roundr table discussions have been plajhned to be held at the Grill resilience every Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. All residents and owners are invited to partippate.; Nativity Church News Sunday, April 8, Rev. Schroeder has "fchosen as his sermon topic, ^Knowledge Fosters Faith." On this Sunday, National Christian College Day will be observed in conjunction with churches throughout the nation, stressing the worth of Christian highef education. <fc\t 7:30 Sunday, April 8, the Sunday School of the church will present their Easter program in the form of a play and concert. The junior and intermediate departments of the school will present A play entitled "I Know and I Believe," • the story of a blind boy who comes to see the risen Christ. The junior choir will also present several selections as their mrt of the program. Everyone iS*invited to attend this program. Wednesday, April 11, at 8, the Altar Guild of the church will meet and the topic for discussion will be "The Sacramental Vessals." All ladies are invited to these meetings, and to help in this interesting and vital work. Friday, April 13, the junior choir of the church will have a party- given for them in thanks {i£}d recognition- for their services arid fine, singing during the Lenten and Easter season. All the choir members, and any child between' 9 and 14 years of age who would like to join the choir is welcome to the party, which will begin at' 7:30 p.m. will hold the regular monthly meeting Thursday, April 5, at the home of Mrs. Estelle Mendyk, who lives in Indian Ridge. The meeting will begin at 8 p.m. The Holy Name men will hold their monthly meeting Thursday, April 12, at 8 p.m. at the home of John Gustek. The Altar and Rosary ladies and the Holy Name men will receive Communion in a body April 8. The same Sunday, the ladies of the Altar and Rosary will hold a bake sale in the rear of the church. A card party will be held April 9 for the benefit of the Christ the King Parents' association at the home of Mrs. Raymond Schiller, first house south of the Nativity Lutheran church. The party will begin at 8 and everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Widen will live at 7237 West Summerdale avenue, Chicago, but come summer they will be visiting at the Lake to enjoy the swimming. Mr. Widen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henning Widen. Thursday afternoon, the neighborhood ladies honored Mrs. Widen with a going-away party. Coffee and cake were serve'd and Mrs. Widen was presented with a lovely gift. Christ Hie King Church News The Altar and Rosary sodality Kiwants Notes Monday night, March 26, the Kiwanis at the Lake had the pleasure of seeing a fiim entitled "Flying Business Men." This film was shown by the guest, Joseph Gausden of Mc- Henry, for the purpose of showing the necessity of an airport within our county. Tickets will be mailed to all members for the eighth anniversary dinner and ladies' night to be held Saturday, April 14, at the McHenry Country club. Steak and lobster will be on the menu so don't forget the date. April 17 will be fellowship' meeting night at the Crystal Lake club. If you can attend, you will be helping your fellow club. Receive Awards Governor George H. Sorensen presented Brothers Santo L. Ruggero of Rt. 1, Ringwood, and Henry Seibel of Rt. 1, Crystal Lake, their lifetime membership cards in the Woodstock Moose lodge on Thursday, March 15. These cards are now permanent and will not be issued annually as before. The tWo men were enrolled on the same day, Brother Ruggero being the doctor at the Lake and Brother Seibel a farmer in the Tera Cotta area. Move from Lake Mr. and Mrs. Robert Widen and children, Linda and Dale, moved this last weekend from their home in Deep Spring Woods, No. ,1, to Chicago in order. jto be clo^r^to .Mr. Wujpn's work. The Widen family has liveVl at the Lake for. three years. Mrs. Widen directed the choir at Christ the King church and sang as soloist at various church services. She was also active in the McHenry Choral club and will continue the season with them. Have you tried the b elastic wa? health? man* SUPPORTIR BUT 'W SUSPENSORIES F#r, -"vital ion*" •upport, 'relieving ov»r.^, »tr»tch«d, t # »4l • r 7J« Support back and abdoman-- took batter, feel better, work better. tSJI and up. I SUPPORTERS For the active man. the protection you nee4 In active eports. Me to St 41 Tired, overworked muscles, ligaments and tendons may often be the cause of a man's unexplained fatigue--that dulling drag long before the day is over. Doctors often recommend elastic supports for men who want to be alert and active again. We'll be glad to show you our large selection of Elastic .Supports by Bauer & Black tin first mtmt in Elastic Supports. il'S 40 McHenry, HL PHONE 10S So. Green St., J £ VOTE REPUBLICAN Tuesday, April 10 WARREN E. WRI1T for GOVERNOR Warren E. Wright if a tried and true public official with the welfare and interests of all the people of Illinois his primary concern. Has unprecedented record in tioo terms as State Treasurer; lifelong resident of Illinois and veteran of World Wars I and II. J For Better Government and Good Government in Illinois mO T E R I G H T W I T H W R I G H T Surprise Visit kichard Widen surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henning Widen, over the Easter weekend with a visit during his leave while being transferred from Florida to Hutchinson, Kas., for advanced flying instruction. He left Tuesday for the air base in Kansas. Wonder Woods Ladies Meet The Wonder Woods social group held its monthly party at Millie's Pizza Monday, March 26. Twenty ladies enjoyed an evening of cards. A lunch consisting of coffee and cake were furnished by Frances Fitzgerald, Marie Finn and Bernedette Misiak. All ladies in Wonder Woods are inj vited to attend .these meetings, which are purely social in nature, and are held the last Monday of every month. Page Eleven surgery at the hospital in Woodstock. She is feeling very, well but friends aire asked not to visit for awhile. Births Birthday Party Happy birthday to Jeanniejo Benoche, who was 9 years old Easter Sunday. Jeanniejo had a birthday party at the Lakeview ice cream parlor Thursday, March 29. Helping her celebrate were some of her school chums, Susan Jacobsen, Barbara Whitfield. Pam and Paula Parker, Ronnee Sommers, Eileen Bruscato, Judy Baerwaldt, Carol Watkins, Donna Setzler, Judy Knackstedt, Karen Weeks, Jill Johnston, Judy O'Brien, Sharon Hoffman and Jeanniejo's sister, Susan. The girls enjoyed hamburgers, cokes, ice cream, cake and candy. Jeanniejo received many beautiful gifts. Congratulations go £o VflJree couples who have recently vnad additions to their families^ Mr. and Mrs. Martin Woisenbtlrger had a boy March 22. He weighed, in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and will be named Edward Joseph. He had a sister and two brothers waiting to welcome him home and all are helping take good care %f him. " % Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mackalinski had their boy March 23. He will be named Joseph Edward and he was welcomed home by a sister and two brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pierce's baby boy was born March 29. > " » » f P.T.A. The April meeting of the P.T.A. will be held Tuesday, April 10. April is legislation month and those who are running for the school board will be presented and have an opportunity to say a few words. There were five vacancies and only two persons have filed, Mrs. Jay Hansen and Robert Thomas. The slate of, officers for P.T.A., 1956-57, will • be presented aihd election will be held at the May meeting. < Musical entertainment is being planned and refreshments _ will be served by th£ second grade room mothers. offers weekday services whicn would gjenefit yoor life by attending. - Monday night at 7:30 p.m„ an accredited teacher training course is being offered Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m., the young people are learning Bible geography. Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m., a wonderful mid-week service of worship in. prayers and' Bible study. / ' You are also l^minded of future events coming which should be marked on the calendar and remembered: Thursday, April 12, the Ladies* Missionary guild will conduct its monthly meeting at the Loshbaugh farm near Woodstock. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. sharp and a former missionary will be the guest speaker. Regular hand WOrk projects will be accomplished* A luncheon will be served. Monday. April 19, in the evening, five other churches will be meeting with our church to participate in a "fun night" to be held at the McHenry roller rink. The family is invited so keep this date open for sure. Happy Birthday A bappy birthday to Terry Kenney, who was 7 years old March 28. Seventeen children helped him celebrate his birthday with a party. Has Operation Otis Kramer was operated on Monday morning at Memorial hospital! His condition is fine and he returned home Monday evening. P.T.A. Sponsored Program Soon The P.T.A. at Harrison school is working hard to make their presentation of Master Hypnotist Edwin L. Baron a success. Tickets are now available from members. Anyone wanting tickets to sell, please contact Mrs. F. Grasser. Easter Guests As Easter weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanKanagan had Mrs. VanKanagan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Brenner, of Chicago. On Sunday they were joined for a family dinner, to celebrate their mother's birthday, by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Enright and three children, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brenner and daughter, all of Chicago. Jack VanKanagan also celebrated a birthday March 31. Boy Scouts Pack 358 held its»pack meeting on March 20 at Harrison school. Two dens won the Jionor pennants, den 1 and den 6. A lovely candlelight ceremony was held for our boys who received badges. They were Pat Wyatt, bear badge; Fred Kusch. lion badge; Doug ISellek, lion badge. Other awards were Buddy deLaurier. three silver arrows; Ronald Doherty, one gold arrow; Tom Etheridge, one gold arrow and assistant denner stripes;. Roger assistant denner stripes; oRger Hunt, one silver arrow; Doug Sellek, one gold arrow; and Randy Nielsen, one gold arrow., Four dens had skits which had handicraft, all on the "under the sea" theme. Our theme next montti^wiH" be oh bird watching. Our May round table, to be held here in Wonder Lake, was organized. • were ^really swell and four dens At Home Convenient Hours For Depositing Your Sowings Two Above-Average dividends Paid Yearly Fridays 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Closed All Day Wednesdays Other week days 9 A. M. to 5 P^M. 3% CURRENT RATE McHENRY 'SAVINGS/-.'- and LOAN ASSOCIATION A GUARANTY SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 522 W. Main Street Phone McHenry 2 Home from Hospital Mrs. Roy Swanson returned to her home Monday after having The Ray Hansens had Easter dinner with their parents who live in Genoa City, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Grasser and children spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, in Woodstock. Bible Church News Pastor Wright offers a warm welcome for every worshipper and work for all who are willing. Besides the regular worship services on Sunday, the church also McHENRY'S Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY m Free Estimates A Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 E DEMOCRATIC Adams For State Representative' ® Endorsed by Illinois State Federation Of Labor. ® Justice of the Peace. ® 1952 Democratic Candidate for Coroner. d The Friend of the Farmer, Labor & Small Businessman. For Delegate To The National Convention 1 Endorsed by • Democratic Central Committee. ' Life Long Resident of Mc Henry. Capable, Conscientious. Vote For Your Hometown Candidates L 1 SUPPORTED BY THE FOLLOWING LOCAL CANDIDATES FOR PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN: Precinct 1 WILLIAM HECHT Precinct 2 LESTER BACON ELEANOR RENARD Precinct 4 FRED HITFFMASTER Precinct 5 ELMER R. MURPHY PATRICK LETIZIA Precinct 6 FRANK KELLNER RAYMOND L. SMITH Precinct 7 JAMES W. RAYCRAFT JOSEPH GROBEL Precinct 8 GEORGE PEDERSON Precinct 9 HUGH J. SAYNOR, JR. OOiATIC Your Support Will Be "Greatly Appreciated THIS AD PAID FOR BY THE CITIZENS FOR ADAMS FOR REPRESENTATIVE. CRISTY and STENDEPkCH General Contrastoim : NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wondbr* Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 --m HERE'S GOOD NEWS! SANDY SAVER SAYS, "You'll get EXTRA CASH at NO Extra Cost when you SAVE and REDEEM GOLD BOND STAMPS! They're like money, for you get Cash, Trade or finest Nationally Advertised Premiums for FULL or HALF-FULL Savers Books." CHURCH SOCIETIES, SCHOOL CLUBS, OTHER GROUPS. Here's an easy way to raise ritoney -- Save GOLD BOND STAMPS! You get $8.00 cash for each full Savers Book. Many have done this for years. McHenry Area Motorist! You'll .Save More On Gas, Oil Lubrication, Tires, Batteries, and Accessories with . . . GOLD BOND STAMPS NOW GIVEN & REDEEMED BY ELM St. CONOCO Saving and Redeeming GOLD BOND STAMPS is like FINDING MONEY! It's Fun! It's Profitable! Ajnd it costs you nothing extra . . . So, if you're not already one of the thousands saving GOLD BOND STAMPS, get your FREE Savers Book and premium catalog and start saving today for that first $3.00 dividend. SHOP THE STORE THAT GIVES YOU MORE, GOLD BOND STAMPS McGEI°S, Inc. THOS. P. iOL©|R STEFFI'S JEWELRY ELM ST. CONOCO - McE IKY CIL McHEWiY DiPf. STORE - H. E. BSUSH & S WH AT S Bel Air Sport Sedan, YOUR Two-Ten" It-Door Sedan LINE ? Chevrolet's got three ... Bel Air, "Two-Ten" and "One- Fifty." With 20 sassy-styled models to pick from, there's one just made for you! ARE YOU A BEL AIR SUYHt? The Bel Air Series brings you luxuries and conveniences you won't find in many models of higher priced cars. You also get Chevrolet's record-breaking performance, with horsepower ranging up to 225! "TWO-TEN" TO YOUR TASTE? The "Two-Ten" has its own sassy new styling and colorful new interiors. Body by Fisher, of course. And you get the stability and the sureness of control that make driving safer --and sweeter--in a Chevy! "ONE-RFTY" FILL YOUR BIU? There's no lack of chrome trim in Chevrolet's lowest priced series. And you-can pick your power--V8 or 6. Come on in and see, which one of Chevy's 20 new beauties suits you best! 'One-Fifty" t-Door Sedan cowianwoiMo-temper a- 1 " TUBES MADE TO OBOER-AT flEK) LOW COST. LET US DEMONSTRATE! 123 GLAMOROUS PRIZES IN THE "SEE THE U.S. A. IN YOUR CHEVROLET' CONTEST. ENTER NOW-AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER S. America's Favorite--by a Margin of 2 Million Cars! CLARK CHEVROLET 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY. ILL. . ^ jfpfffpll \X Stf . !* _ ,.r " LA ....

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