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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1956, p. 2

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Child Study Group Concludes Meetings The child Study group of Mc- Henry P.T.A. invites all parents to attend its last meeting of this school year on Thursday, April 12, at 8 p.m. The subject, "Giving a Child a Moral and Spiritual Guidance in the Home," is the last in this semester's group on "Mental Health for the Child." Seated around a conference table at which they share cake and coffee, as well as views, the group has enjoyed many interesting discussions. The committee expects this last meeting to be as well attended and received as the first, three. Other subjects were on the guidance program in' the schools, grouping in the schools and recreational guidance. Panel members, who will start the discussion at this session, are Mrs. Charles R. Peterson, Mrs. Edwin Wittrock, Mrs. Lee Gladstone, Harry P. Stinespring, Jr., and Don Howard. Cliff Thornton will be unable to attend. Heuel-Adaim Wedding "a To Occnl- June 23 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heuel of 4031 Brummel street, Skokie, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mariclare, to (Charles M. Adams of McHenry. The marriage will take place on June 23 in St. Lambert's church. Surprised On Birthday Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party observing his sixteenth anniversary on April 9. His parents and Dennis May invited a group of his classmates to spend an enjoyable evening jplaying games. The guest of honor opened his many gifts, after which lunch was served at a beautifully set table centered with a delicious birthday cake. .Attending were Dennis May, Ken Loush, Ray Martin, John Perry, Ken May, George Diedrich, Larry Stilling, Don May, Tom, Lloyd and Robert Thompson. Charles Sowers and Billy Freund were unable to attend. Future Teachers Are Chapter Guests Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kapa Gamma met at Edgebrook school Monday evening, April 9, with the Future Teachers of America as guests. The Misses Patricia Krause, Joyce Russo, Esther Zimmer and Mary Harvey gave a panel discussion on teaching. Members especially enjoyed slides of her recent trip to Europe, shown by Miss Dorothy Drakeford. McHenry teachers present were Ethel McGee, Eleanor Foley, Mary Harvey, Lillian Bolger, Nellie Doherty, Genevieve Knox, Edith Vogel and Dorothy Gibbs. OEFFLING-TONYAN VOWS EXCHANGED LAST SATURDAY Past Oracles Entertained The McHenry County Past Oracles' cluh was entertained by I meeting, 4-H leaders were wel Make Plans For Achievement Day The April meeting of the Ringwood Home Bureau was held at the home of Mrs. Kopp at Wonder Lake on Tuesday evening, April 3, with Mrs. Milbrandt as co-hostess. At this Fox River Valley camp at the home of Mrs. George Johnson on Tuesday, April 4. Guests were present from Harvard; Woodstock, Gurnee and ftiverview Samp. District Deputy Gladys Ames and Marion McCulla were present, as well as Mrs. Charles Ensign of Lake Villa, who still belongs to the McHenry camp. A pot-luck lunch was served at noon, followed by a business meeting, during which plans were made to hold the annual luncheon at Gurnee May 1, Fox VaJIey Camp * "' v At Niesen Home Fox Rivet Valley camp, R.N.A., held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, April 4, at the home of Mrs. Marie Niesen, with Helene Pepping, Lillian Miller and Susan Olsen as assistant hostesses. . Following a business meeting, six tables of cards were in play. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Kantorski at McCulldm Lake on May 1. Tell Engagement Of Miss Barbara Glorney Mr. and Mrs. James GJorney was much admired. corned and a number were present. The thought for the day wfts read by the secretary and was taken from the column "Words and Things" in a Chicago paper. It was as follows: "If you dream of leaving footprints in the sands of time, here's news, to make those footprints better don a pair of working shoes. The Home Bureau creed was read by Mrs. Elsie Hoppe. Roll call answers were, "The first seeds I plant in the garden." Achievement Day for the seven 4-H clubs of McHenry township was planned for the evening of July 16 at the Ringwood church The program will include demonstrations, skits and a style revue. The lesson was given by Mrs. Muchow and Mrs. Kopp, the title being "Curtains for your Windows." Mrs. Kopp used her own windows for illustrations as to material and arrangement. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Beautiful handicraft wag shown by Mrs. Kopp and her collection of 175 African violets St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg; was the scene of a beautiful spring wedding last Saturday, April ?, when Miss Janice Oeffling became the bride of Mr. Edward Tonyan, Jr. Rev. Fr. Joseph Blitsch officiated at the marriage of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling of Johnsburg and the son of the senior Tonyans of Court street, McHenry. The lovely, dark-haired bride chose a white gown of lace, styled with long sleeves, V-neckline and a cummerbund extending into a taffeta bow in back. The lace bodice was enhanced by' sequins and the long train featured layers of pleated1 net. Her fingertip veil fell from & white crown and she carried Easter lilies. •" Miss Dorothy Hiller acted; as maid of honor for her cousin, wearing an aqua dress, princess style, with boat neckline. She wore a band of matching material on her head, to which was attached a blusher veil, and carried white carnations. Miss Cathy McMahon, a friend, and Miss ArSelle Oeffling, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaids. They were attired in dresses of the same style as that of Miss Hiller, but in shrimp color. Little Carol Jean Hiller, cousin of the bride, was the charming flower girl. She wore a white dress. styled with square neck, white bow at the back and a net skirt featuring rows of ruffles at the bottom. Her halo of white net and flowers had white streamers and she carried a bouquet of white and pink carnations. Jack Schmitt, a close friend, served as best man and groomsmen were Anthony Schaefer, a friend, and John Tonyan, the groom's brother. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Oeffling chose a dress of aqua and white nylon and white accessories and wore a corsage of white carnations edged in pink. Mrs. Tonyan wore a blue lace dress and white accessories and had a similar corsage. At noon, dinner was served to forty members of the bridal party and immediate families at the Johnsburg Community club hall, where a reception was held after 4:30 o'clock. Supper was served to 375 guests, followed by a social evening. The couple left on a two-week honeymoon trip to Florida and upon their return will reside on Crystal Lake road. The former Miss Oeffling graduated from the McHenry high school in 1954 and has been employed at the Oaks in Crystal Lake. The bridegroom graduated from the local school in 1953 and is an employee of Tonyan Construe^ tion! company. PERSONALS Glen Wells, a former McHenry resident, and son of Los Angeles, Calif., called on old friends here last week. j Mrs. Harold Patzke has returned to her home in Fort Meyers Beach, Fla., after a yisit with relatives here. Mrs. Anna Barron of Milwaukee, Wis., a former teacher in the local grade school, spent the weekend with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes have returned from a trip to Florida. Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo visited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Wednesday. The Harold Nelson family of Sterling, 111., were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson. Mrs. Mike Degen and Mrs. Joseph Williams, accompanied by Mrs. Ben Tonyan and Louise and Anton Williams of Ringwood, visited Sister Lambert at St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. Mesdames Charles Vycital, Fred Rogers, Maurice Clark and Hugh Murphy attended a meeting of the National Council of Catholic Women of the McHenry Deanery, held at Spring Grove Wednesday. Mrs. Emil Herdrich, Mrs: John Granath and Mrs. JMagnus Nelson visited at Cedar Lake, Ind., arjd Crete, 111., last week. Mrs. Arthur Edstrom visited her sister, Mrs. Bertha Zoller, at Illinois Masonic hospital, Chicago, recently, where she is recovering from surgery. Twenty members of St. Clara's court of the W.C.O.F. of McHenry, and eleven members of the Johnsburg court, attended a conference of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters of the Rockford diocese, held at the Sacred Heart school auditorium in Aurora Sunday. George Howden, a student at St. Francis seminary, Milwaukee, Wis., and Tom Howden of Appleton, Wis.r visited their aunt, Mrs. LeRoy Conway, and family a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Frahk Kromer her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen. _ . • _ • Mr. and Mrs- Nick M. Justen, daughter, Clarene, and Miss Josephine Freund visited the for- Wis. of Highland Psjrk and Mr. and, mer's daughter, Sister Nicele, at Mrs. j George Pdttinson and son§i$t. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, of Wpodstock Were Sunday visitors in the William Staines home. Richard Clark of Omaha, Nebr., was a weekend visitor here. His wife and. son, Ricky, who accompanied him here, remained for.a longer visit with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. Other Sunday guests in the Thompson home were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Messman and sons of Woodstyck. Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Amo, daughter, Kathleeh, and Mr. and Mrs. Harbld Rolfs of Kenosha, Wis., were here Saturday to attend the wedding of their ^lephew, Edward Tonyan ,to Miss Janice Oeffling, which took place at St. John's church, Johnsburg? Mrs. May Baur returned to her home in Keokuk, Iowa, Friday, after a few weeks' Visit in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Nye. Mrs. Eleanor Peterson and Miss Lenore Frisby were visitors in the George Frisby home at Arlington Heights Friday evening. Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Arthur Martin visited in the home of the former's niece, Mrs. George Strandel, and family in Aurora Sunday. Miss Dorothy Justen,- R.N., of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. knd Mrs. Donald Meyer are the parents of a son, John Francis, weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz., born April 5 at Memorial hospital. They have four other children. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson are the parents of a daughter, born at Memorial hospital on April 4. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bassi are the parents of a daughter, born April <8 at Memorial hospital. A son was born ^April 9 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmitt. Ensign and Mrs. Donald C. Freund are the parents of their first child, a 6 lb. 3 oz. girl, born at St. Joseph's hospital, Athens, Ga., April 10. Mrs. Freund is the former Joan Nell. VILLAGE RULING Effective April 1, all dogs must be tied in the village of Spring Grove. Violators will be fined. ^Ntobslershop Young Teen Corner - Come and Visit Us In Our New Location 109-111 E. ELM ST. CARD OF THANKS 1/ want to take this means of thanking everyone for flowers, cards, prayers and masses while I was confined to Sacred Heart sanitarium. They were appreciated so much. 48 Mrs. Rita White -v v- -. 'mil. 1$ & SPRING TEA TICKETS Tickets for the annual spring tea of the W.S.C.S. may be obtained from circle chairman, Mrs Julius Goffo, Mrs. Harold Vaupell, MrS. Harry Lundy, Mrs. Albin Olson, Mrs. Harold Sanford, Mrs. Richard Barrows and Mrs. J. J. Gruenfeld, the latter who is also ticket chairman. One of Your Neighbors This is the third in our monthly series of ads featuring one of our clients and one of your neighbors . . . The attractive lady pictured here is Mrs. Edward Sekins of McHenry Shores Subdivision . . . Her very becoming permanent wave was .created in our salon by Mrs Pedersen . . . The wave is soft, easy-to-manage, and will last for several months . . . Why not enhance your own charms with a lovely permanent? Call 147 for an appointment today. By the way, your picture will not appear in one of our ads unless we obtain your permission. Open Tues., Thurs. and Frl Evenings 'til 9 YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS iversiJe lyling Gifluch 186 N. Riverside Drive airstuitng McHenry, 111. to Phone 147 Give Your That ONAL bf cleaning them YOlJRSil# Rental Machines Make Rug Cleaning A Do-It-Yourself Pleasure. Does All The Hard Work Of Scrubbing Out The Deep Down Dirt. CLEAN ALL YOUR RUGS IN ONE RENTAL! Rental charges for 24 hours ©6% $5.00 Plus cost of liquid shampoo Phone Now To Reserve The Machine In Advance ..PHO>ME 1115 118 MAIN ST. r V McHENRY, ILL. HBAHY PiiSlE C $ m<&T@w TT1ST ANYONE CAN WIN! *25,000 CASH FIRST PRIZE! WIN 30 m*J M CONDITIONED CARS 10 METROPOLITAN CONVERTIBLES 100 KELVINAT0R APPLIANCES 10©@ CASH PRIZES! of $10 each! 1141 mNDERFUL PRIZES IN All! Amerkon Motors Meant More for Americans IT'S SO IASY! JUST NAME THIS "Single Unit" WORLD'S MOST MODERN CONSTRUCTION You've still got time to strike it rich! Just think of a name for American Motors construction with frame and body a single, rigid, all-welded unit! All the family can enter! The first name that comes to mind may be a winner! But time's growing short, so hurry! Turn to DfaMyiond oa AtC-TV. S*. TV fafeftk for Tla* and Cfta^al See Your Nash Dealer PETERS-NYE VOWS EXCHANGED APRIL ? ' IN CANTON, MASS: In distant Canton,. Mass., in St. Patrick's Catholic church, a wedding of local interest was solemnized last Saturday, April 7.- •United in marriage were Miss Fleur Peters, daughter' of Mr. and -Mrs; Roderick- Worth Peters of Canton, and William, Nye, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye of McHenry. Rev. Francis^King officiated at th,e double-ring service, the pastor beings a personal friend of the bridegroom's uncle, Dr. William A. Nye, when they were in service- together at Pearl Harbor. The lovely bride wore a gown of brocaded satin, ballerina length, with matching cap and blusher- veil. She carried white roses. Mrs. Donald Reuter, sister of the groom; was her only att&felant, wearing Nile green taffeta with white accessories and carrying , white roses. Mrs. Walter Carey, of McHenry, an aunt of the groom, also attended 'the wedding. What you are has its influence in making other people what they are. ROUTE 120 IclENRY ILL. PHONE 742 MONEY AND BANKING ' In Everyday Living . TWINS that make a welcome addition to any family arc Series E and Series H United States Savings Bonds. The one offers safe provision for future security; the other, safetjp./>/tw sure income for current needs. Buy Bonds, here at our bariE • • • "A MISUNDERSTANDING that could have been avoided" is the theme of this true story. One mprning, a lady we know entered a store where she had long been a good customer, a bill from the store in her hand. "I've already paid this biH once," she told a clerk, with obvious annoyance. The clerk took her message and the bill to the store manager, who consulted his books. "We have no record of payment," said, the manager at last. "Perhaps the lady has a receipt . . . ?" She hadn't. Politely but firmly, customer and manager each insisted that the other must be mistaken, Neither, though, had clear-cut proof. It became increasingly apparent that however the matter was finally settled someone would not be completely satisfied. An unfortunate situation -- that need hever have arisen, had the lady been in the habit of paying all her bills with checks. Then, if she Had paid the bill, as she believed, she would have had a rs receipt -- her cancelled check. * • • WHAT A CONVENIENCE to busy people such as you: Having checking account service, safe deposit facilities, helpful loan services in a single place. Doesn't it make sense to save at our bank, where you can attend to all money matters at once? McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Saving's Deposits Member Federal^ Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 DIserimiiMtifig Women Demand the Latest in Style...the Finest in Dry Cleaning... o Clothing retains its like-new smartness after cleaning! The secret is the amazing^ thoroughness of Sanitone*s unique cleansing action. Thoroujgh indeed, but oh so gen tie... Safe for even daintiest fabrics! One trial will convince you. * % Gets Out ALL the Dirt • Spots Vanish Entirely • Perspiration's Gone • if Better Drqpe... Longer Lasting Press • No Dry Cleaning Odor SANITONE is Nationally Advertised in the Saturday Evening Post and the Ladies Home Journal and is available to McHenry residents only at RAINBOW . CLEANERS N. Front Street McHenry, I1L (Around corner North of National Tea) PHONE 927 for Pick-up Sqf^Ico or SAVE 10% Cash 'N i i

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