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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1956, p. 7

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Af>ril 12, 195S HELP W jtt'JlfflBlinr PIJONiMiALER REAL ESTATE LABORER WANTEb. McHenry Plastering. Call 1189. 49 CONSTRUCTION laborers wanted, steady employment, vacation, group insurance plan! Learn a trade. Steady, reliable applicants wanted. Immediate openings. A. \ N. May Builders, Inc. Phone Richmond 4381 or 4681. 49-3 HEAL ESTATE"" CORNER LOT on Griswold Lake Hills, 90 feet by 150 feet. Call McHenry 817-R. 48-4 For Sale 3 BEDROOM MODEL HOME Located at Leonard Heights Rte. 176 near Rte. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $875.00 Modern Ranch Styling ^ Side Drive Fully Improved Lots, with City Water and Sewer Full Basement Veos Tile Bath Automatic Heat Fully Insulated Ceiling and Walls Rusco Comb. Doors & Windows Thermopane Window Wall Modern Youngstown Kitchen Formica Tops 9 Large Wardrobe Closets Ideally located to schools and shopping. GODFREY & JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION 9743 Irving Park SCHILLER PARK, ILL, Phone GLadstone 5-6556 45-tl I WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom house, den, utility, laundry, barroom, TV. room, large living room, dining and kitchen. Wall to wall carpeting, 21,<5 car garage, on 2 large lots. 30 day delivery. This home is well worth over $20,000. Will sell for $16,000. Can be bought on contract. McHENRY, 2 bedroom ranch, ;forced air heat, attached garage, fftin Country Club Subd. Full price $11,500. Terms. Airspun Builders --^and Real Estate, TMcHenry 430. 46-tf 13 Waterfront Homes ® Demanded by CA$H CU$TOMER$!! WE ALSO NEED: • 3 - 4 B e d r o o m ' H o m e s ! • Vacant Lots! • Acreage! LI$T WITH FITZGERALD REALTY .Q, 210 So. Green St. PHONE 1126 49 SHELL HOME for sale in Orchard Heights. 3 bedrooms. For information call Blackstone Home Improvements Co., Chitago, SPring 7-4270 or McHenry 1025 or 1405. " 37-tf ATTENTION! Builders and Subdividers. 86 acres, really ripe for development. 1700 ft. of water frontage on Chain-of-Lakes. 20 acres of woods. Sell on contract. Your inspection invited. Write or1 Call Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 49-2 OPENING OF MAPLE GROVE Terrace this Spring. Lots with a beautiful view, for sale. Vz mile from high school. Bernard Bauer, phone 2242-R. 47-tf BRICK HOME in Cooney Heights for sale. 1% story; 4 bedrooms, gas heat, IVz lots, landscaped. 3 blocks to depot. For appointment, call McHenry 1737. 42-tf The Deal Of A Lifetime If you are interested in making money, don't pass this one by -- 86 acres, full set of farm buildings, 1700 ft. water frontage, 20 acres timber. This 86 acres, when subdivided, should bring over $500,000. Can be bougflft for $75,000 on contract. Shown By Appointment CALL 1216 44-tf MEAT MARKET and Grocery for sale. Well stocked and welJ equipped. Excellent all year round business plus 5 room apti Phone Wonder Lake 5681. 36-tf 2 LOTS IN Lakeland Park, 70x140. Water in on both lots. Will sacrifice. Phone W$uoonda, JAckson 6-7559. ------ *484 REAL ESTATE We are now located 2 blocks east of bridge on Route 120. We have only opened re cently and have had many calls for homes, lots and farms. If you are interested in selling your property please call our office or come in and see us. AIRSPUN BUILDERS and REAL ESTATE McHENRY 430 43-tf LOT FOR SALE, 100 ft. river frontage in McHenry. By owner. Phone 476-J. *49 SIX ROOM summer home, 3 bedrooms, natural fireplace, enclosed porch, double garage with sleeping quarters and bath. Water frontage and pier. Located at 51 Orchard Beach. Phone Woodstock 714.! 49-3 TWO BEDROOM brick, ranch home, attached garage, side drive, forcpd air gas heat, extra lot, range, refrigerator and chrome kitchen furniture included. Asphalt tile floors, tile bath, near town. All cash, reasonable. Phone 1599. « *49-2 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM, new house, for sale. Tiled bathroom and kitchen, hot water heat, water frontage. Agreeable terms. Phone 674-J-2. 48-tf SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE-- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL. ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry^ 111; Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf For Sale New Brick 5 Room Ranch Home in McHenry; 2 bedrooms, 7 closets, hardwood floors, full basement, hot water heat, attached garage. Lot 85x155. City sewerage, snear shopping district and transportation. Phone 1926 49 McHENRY and VICINITY WONDER LAKE, 1 year old ranch type, Water front, 2 bed room, kitchen & dinette. Large living room?, full basement with large picture window facing lake, shade trees, sandy beach. Furnished, includes deep-freeze. Price only $21,000.00. McHENRY, large ranch type home, 2 bedrooms, large living & dining area, fireplace, tile bath and powder room, glazed in porch, 2 car attached garage, 2 lots, 2 blocks to shopping. Price $18,500.00. McHENRY, Country Club Subd., 2 bedroom, brick & stone home, fireplace, oak floors, aluminum storm windows, attached garage. Price $16,800.00. PISTAKEE LAKE AREA, 2 bedroom home, gas heat, full basement, attached garage, wooded lot, completely decorated. Price $12,- 000, $2,500 down, balance terms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTORS In Johnsburg - Tel. McHenry 37 46-tf 5 ROOM HOUSE, basement, kitchen cabinets, built in wardrobes, water softener, fibre glass awnings, automatic oil heating, insulated, $11,500. Call 569-R-2. Owner Sig Strach. 49-2 90 ACRES, over 1000 ft. water frontage, for sale. Ideal for development. Phone 1282-R. 49 WONDER LAKE, 120,xl25rwooded lot, 6 room frame house, for sale. 3 bedrooms.--full basement, auto. «oil heat. 2 car garage, 1950 Hudson included ' Must leave state, want quick sale. Make offer. Phone Wonder Lake 6404. *49-51 2 STORY HOME overlooking lake, for sale. Living, dining, kitchen, bath, sleeps 8 people. Large fireplace, oil furnace, completely furnished. Aluminum awnings, 2 lots. Sold on contract or cash, $3,000 down, 5%. Price $10,500. Several 3 and 4 bedroom homes for sale. Knox Real Estate, 405 Richmond Road, McHenry. Phone 421-J. 49 Just send name a nd address on postcard (or this SI book of 1956 Hontes in color, with 54 homes and over 130 floor plans. No cost No obligation. May save you thousands of dollars on your new home. Supply limited. Write today to .. . HIM HOMES Reeklk. IE JOB WANTED as caretaker andraking leaves, cleaning yards. Any- •t-rioiT help, call '493-R or contact William DeWolf, Mt'd. Del. McHenry. . N *49 WANTED TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS WE PAY highest prices for old OUR CIDER PRESS is still makjPagrSevi MISCELLANEOUS WILL CARE for pre-school child week days in my - home in McHenry. Phorte 933-M. 49 WILL CARE for 1 or 2 children in my home fof working mother. Call Wonder Lake 3392. 49 WANTED REAL ESTATE wanted for 6ur clients. 2 and 3 bedroom, modern homes. In or near McHei close to railroad preferred. $12,000 to $15,000. JACOB FRITZ • REALTORS In Johnsburg McHenry $37 38-tf Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2%% plus % extra. 33-tf WANTED: HERD of about 18 cows, 10 tons of hay, 60 bushels of corn, 100 bushels of oats. Phone 883. 49 cars, »ron, metals, paper and rags. Prompt pick ups. Call Roy Grooms, 1368 M l or Staines 53-J. 47-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT furnished cottage June or July 'til Sept.. 1st. Reliable family, excellent references and respect other peoples property. Prefer' Pistakee, river or chain of Laltes region. Phone Arlington Heights, CLearbrook 3-1615 and reverse charges. 49-2 LOST AND FOUND STRAYED, 2 WHITE geese and 1 white gander, between Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake on Rt. 120. If seen, call Raymond Steinke, 527-R-l, collect. 49 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY TOP PRICE PAID for jron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf THANKS TO THE VOTERS for the splendid support in Tuesday's Primary A. B. McCONNELL State Representative ing the same fresh cider you enjoyed last fall. Open 9 to 6 Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sat. "and Sun. Mossley. Hill 'Orchards, corner of Rts. 12 and 22. 49 FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHTS „ Boneless Perch French Fries, -Salad, Rolls and Butter -- 75c Jumbo French Fried Shrimp Dinners -- $1.25 CLUB LILYMOOR Route 120 49 your summer cottage. We will completely clean your summer home and make it ready for immediate occupancy, including turning on water, doing dishes, cabinets, floors, windows, etc. Reasonable rate. Phone 1543-R or 1481-M. 49 4S I wish to thank all the voters who elected me as Committeeman in Precinct 7. "IT'S POLKA TIME" at CLUB LILYMOOR • on Route 120 Saturday Nights Music by the "STARLITERS" APRIL 21 Anniversary Feature "Make Believe Danceland" 49 NOTICE: Starting Saturday, we will have our own homemade pies again at Pantry Delicacies, Riverside Drive. 49 HAS YOUR DRINKING become a problem? Men, women, if so write Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meet' ings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf i WOMEN OF THE MOOHE The Women of the Moose hflB their regular meeting Tuesday, April 3. Minutes, reports and communications were read by Marge Fernstrom, recorder. Madeline Mayfield, junior regent, presided in the absence of the senior regent, Ethel Wolf. There was one new member, Myrtle Kensey, sponsored by Hilda Mailfold. Games were played and refreshments were served. To all members who have received invitations to dinner to be served for Women of the Moose April 29, kindly reply. The next meeting will be held April 17 at 8 o'clock sharp; please attend. Ann Rodenkirk, chairman of the academy of friendship, would like all members to bring some donation for the bake sale, being held after the meeting. Refreshments will be served. Any news, reports or anything of interest kindly contact Myrtle Edstrom, publicity chairman, 54- R. J. W. RAYCRAFT x *49 WANTED TO BUY lot in Mc-1 THANKS TO St. Jude for favors Henry or Johnsburg vicirilty. received. G.W. Phone 1536-J. 491 49 DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 AJM. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENtNOS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M. EVENINGS BY, APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Carpet WJ-To-W Large Selection -- Expert Workmanship Low Cost Terms Up To 3 Years Dress Goods & Drapery Fabries Is your home just HALF INSURED? The cost of replacing your home and its furnishings is just about twice what it was 40 years ago. Examine your fire protection now -- not after the fire--and find out if you're only half insured. H Pmyt fl» Ibwr Tier STATE FARM Agent Ready Drapes - $5.98 and up w ARE FRANKLY PROUD of the service our skilled Registered Pharmacists render in helping to preserve the health of this community. So we invite you to benefit from their competence and care. Bring us your Doctor's next prescription. You can rely on us to compound it promptly --and precisely as directed. B©L©i§TS Drug Store PHONE 40 I0S S. Green St. McHenry, 111. \ \ \ I L D0U9L! VENTILATING LOUVRES AT GNBS I NO DARK ROOMS t STURDY ALUMINUM FRAMi! HAVIMf Rt. 120 - 4 miles east of McHenry Open 9:30 to # and Sunday 10 to 3:30 McHENRY 2296 PHONE FOR ESTIMATE Do You Need Aluminum STORM WINDOWS? SCREENS? COMBINATION DOORS? PORCH or JALOUSIE ENCLOSURES? Steel or Fibre Glass AWNINGS? CANOPIES? PATIO COVERS? Bob Cmmay Phone 285 off !6S 589 Main St McHenry, I1L "THANK YOU" TO EVERYONE Who Helped Moke 1W Grand Opening of COUNTRY MOTORS Such An Outstanding Suecess LON H. J. SMITH. Prop. LAURA F. SMITH. Sec. "BUD " MEYER. Service Mgr. Terms To Suii WEATKEHi-TITIS Doors Only 159.50 The Quality Door that lands pride to yovr home. Built to Hie finest architectural standards, pricod for the average Imm STORMS & SCREENS $19.0(1 Installed and Guaranteed WEATHEK-TITE Installed FREE ESTIMATES )ne local WIAfHSR' For beauty and value see this window beforoyou buy. Change from storm sash to screens in 30 seconds. Enjoy draf* freo vcaSitaties, R@@ff@s®ntatives CHARLES L. HANSEN McHenry, 111. Phone 159S-M E. WISE, JR. BaETington, 111. Phone MErcury 9-525S WATCH FOR K GRA We neglected to thank the Carey. Electric Shop for their very fast and efficient service which helped make it possible for us to be operating so soon. OP1M1M© AD TOiCH IN THIS PAPI1 SOON! To the many, many people who have been in our new store we wish to offer our 'apologies for the fact that we have a shortage of some items. We assure you that we are receiving new stock daily and will shortly have the most complete stock of footwear for the entire family in all of McHenry County. We carry such Nationally Advertised brands as Air-Step, Miracle- Tred, Golo of Dtinmore for Women. Nunn-Busch, Roblee, Pedwin, Royal Cadet for men. Robin Hood, Great Scott, Skip-Eze & Bumpers for children. Robinettes and Golo for growing girls. You can't .miss! ROTH SHOES 118 So. Green Si. MeHonry,c. HL ...CUTS DOWN WASTE Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell ua your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the right concrete mix right on time! McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RAB5® DISPATCHED" P530MI3 MS J

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