m /April 19.1956 WlW^mSm y THE :wSw Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield 3gpnnal .Card Party Successful" "The card party given by the Wonder- Lake hospital auxiliary Thursday, April 12, was attended by over-150 guests. A third of the^e were the lucky winners of fine special prizes, all donated by ,members and friends of the auxiliary. The coffee table was decorated, with a beautiful centerpiece arranged by Mrs. Vi Kopp, and delicious homemade <m*s were served. Other cakes, a hat handmade by Mrs. Elaine Spuehr, and clever twin dolls made by Mrs. Robert Hay were sold. Mrs. Lillian Plotner won the' ten dollar cash prize. The $223 netted is the Wonder Lake auxiliary's third big contribution *fcp the Memorial hospital buiiding.fund. In addition, monthly , card parties and* sewing BgptipsS contribute regularly to uns fu^d. Mrs. Neva Fuhrer, thi^ year's chairman, is grateful for ; the cooperation, of her committees and all who helped and contributed so generously to this benefit.- Nativity Church News Everyone is invited to the church "Where you are a strangg" j only .once." Rev. Burton Swhroeaer, pastor, has chosen fori his sermon topic for Sunday, April 22, "A Prophecy Come True." Church services are held at ig and 10:45 a.m., with Sunday -School at 9:15 a.m. Sunday evening, April 22, the Luther League will have a skating' party at the McHenry roller rink. All young people wishing to attend can meet at the church tith 7 and transportation will be provided for them. After an evening of skating, all will return to the church for refreshments. All young people of the community are welcome to attend. A date for all parents of children in the Sunday' school to remember is Tuesday, May 1, for this will be parent-teacher night, • to which all parents are invited. Itesides learning about the SuncMy School and how the parents can help the church give their children a better Christian education, slides will be shown on Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake OPEN ON SUNDAYS 9 to 1 WONDER $ LAKE BFILDER8 SUPPfcY Free Estimates & Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 ISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 the new Bible camp thaf^lhe Lutheran church has just "purchased near Richrhond, called Camp Alpine. Easter Program presented Sunday evening, April 8, the junior and intermediate departments of the Nativity Sunday School , presented their Easter program, which was much enjoyed by all who attended. A play was presented, entitled "I Know and I Believe." The cast was as follows: Leonard Benson, a blind boy who saw Jesus; the boy's playmates, Mary Jane Gillis, Patsy Thomas and Kathy Thompson; Mary Magdalene, played by Jane Wrede; and the Stranger was George Erber. The junior chdir also presented a brief concert under the direction of Pastor Schroeder. The dire<> tors for the play were Deanna Dawson and Janice Johnson and stage decoration and lighting were under the direction of Bill Nielsen. Kiwams Notes Monday, April 19, was a gala affair at the Kiwanismeeting. There were several guests, one being Arnold Rauen, who has been missing from the fold for about a year but now "he is to be a regular member. Mr. Mc- Connell was guest speaker and had some very good advice for all taxpayers. He talked about Congress and the House of Represehtatives and what they mean to us. Seven students from McHenry high school were present as the committee for the post prom dinner and they were given some pointers as to the preparation for this event. Remember the Kiwanis slogan, "Attend and Bring a Friend." Harrison School News The eighth grade will present two one-act plays Thursday, April 26, at the school. The plays will begin at 8. Proceeds will be used to help the class take a trip to Springfield, 111. Each of the "Twenty-five class members will have a part it» the plays. The first is a comedy, entitled , "Life ~ O' Party," r and the second is . a school room scene, called "Bonei!s Schoolroom." The first graders were given a skin test for TB on Monday and they will be read on Thursday. There was a baseball game Wednesday between the Harrison school team and Ringwood. The Harrison team is under the direction of Mr. Jcsserand and boys from the fifth grade up are eligible for the team. TTie state inspectors from .the state Department of Education are expected to be visiting Harrison school some time this week. The group is in McHenry county all week to check buildings and educational programs in all schools, which, if met, put them on the accredited school list. PTA Program Remember the P.T.A. sponsored hypnotist program Friday, April 20,. at the Woodstock high school auditorium. This program brings Master Hypnotist Edwin L. Baron, who will provide his audience with many laughs as well as a glimpse into the powers of hypnotism. Support your P.T.A. %y attending this program and telling friends about it. Christ the King Church News The board of the Parents Association of Christ the King church held a meeting at the home of Ray McCall on Tuesday evening, April 10. The regular monthly meeting of the Parents' association was held Monday, April 16, at the home of Raymond Schiller in Deep SprinjJ Woods. Plans are being formed for a nickel night, to be held on May 26 at Mathews hall, located in Wonder Centey„ on ..Hancock Drive. Communion Sunday for the parents will be Sunday, April 22, at the 8 a.m. mass. ' Deanery Meeting .The McHenry county deanery of the National Council of Catholic Women will hold an open meeting to which all women of McHenry county are invited on May 1, „at St. Mary's hall in Woodstock at 7:30 p.m. Father Schuler, assistant priest of St. Mary's of McHenry, will low You Can FERTILIZl Your ELawrc, Garden, and. Flow#!3* m |@ss than 15 MINUTES ^ rfTTJTTTCT LIQUID FERTILIZER You II liki H beccrus* -- IT'S READY TO USE You'll lik* it bocauto-~ IT'S EASY TO USE: You'll lik• it bccauM-- IT GIVES FAST, SURE RESULTS You'll lik* it becavce-- IT'S ECONOMICAL TO USE: 1 flol. Gro-Gretn (makes 120 gal. fertilizer--ampl* 6, for 8,000 to 16,000 »q. ft. lawn), 1 automatic mixing ' Gro-Gvn makes fertilizing as simple as spraying-ONLY SINGLE GALION GRO-GREEN--$3.90 SINGLE GRO-GUN--*2.94 McHENRY COUNTY FARMER'S CO-OP ASSN. AND VYCFTAL'S HARDWARE Am@ri€@n M©f®rs int *0000 mf@st FIRST PRIZE! • Win! 30 lew Air Conditioned Cars * 10 METROPOMTAN 100 mnn cash IVVV 0f @QC| | | $ 1141 Wonderful Prizes in oil A--ficon Moton Mmm Mors for Amncant Just Think of a Nome to Describe This Better, Stronger Way of Building Cars It's so easy to win. Come up with the name that best describes the all-welded Double Safe, Single Unit Construction of American ^Motors cars. It's fun ... and it's easy. The whole family can join in (no age limit) . . . and the simplest name imaginable--one to<j four words--might be the big winner. So don't delay a day longer,! Tun* In Diamyhnd on ABC-IV. Sn TV /isfinpi for T7m» and Channil. GET YOUR1 FREE ENTRY BLANK AND CONTEST RULES AT GO TO YOUR NASH DEALER, Lakemoor Motors, Inc., Route 10 Mcfary, III., McHenry 742 He gtfest speakerfor-the everting. Coffee and cake will be served at the close, of the meeting. I Pot-Luck Supper The regular monthly meeting of the Altar and Rosary 'sodality of Christ the King tiiurch will be held Thursday evening, May 3, at the home of Mrs. Anthony Corrado. Each lady is to bring a dish of food, thereby making it a pot-luck supper night. The ladies will gather at the Corrado home at 7:30 instead of 8 in order for them to eat supper before the meeting. It is hoped all members can come to enjoy dishes prepared by someone else and to let others sample their cooking. * More on Incorporation An open meeting was held Wednesday, April 11, at Harrison school to discuss the subject of incorporation here at the Lake. Mayor Cocney was a guest and answered several questions from the floor. The Chamber of Commerce is sending cards to each subdivision to determine the feelings on the question! in each one (this is just a survey). They urge you to fill in the card and return it promptly. The directors of Wonder Woods had a monthly meeting at Millie's on Friday evening, April 13, and opened with a discussion of incorporation. Henry Setzler of Indian Ridge was present and brought a book, "Illinois Statutes," edited by the . Illinois Bar association, which has a very informa^ve section on villages and cities. Mr. Setzler is trying to contact all the boards of the subdivisions with information both pro and con about this question which, is uppermost ih the minds of Lake residents at the present. After due consideration, the directors of Wonder Woods unanimously went on record as against incorporation at this time, their reason being that we have everything that incorporation could under the law provide, namely, good roads, water, sewage disposal, garbage collection, fire protection and police protection. General News Jamie Grasser, Wooded Shores, underwent a tonsilectomy Friday, April 13, at the Harvard hospital. Jamie is home now and while recuperating is enjoying the many cards, gifts and best wishes sent by his school friends and neighbors. y John McGraw ^of White Oaks Bay also lost his tonsils during an operation in the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Tennie Griffith is visiting .Her son in Indianapolis, Ind., for several weeks. While she is there she will celebrate her eightieth birthday, April 20. Happy birthday wishes to her. Leaves For Army Jim Van Kanagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Kanagan of Wonder Center, will leave Monday, April 23, for San Antonio, Texas, where he will enter the jet flying program of the Army Air Force. He was honored at a family dinner Monday, April 16, at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Kanagan, of Wooded Shores. April P.T.A. Meeting The April meeting of the P.T.A. - was held Tuesday, April lO, at Harrison school. Mrs. Robert Thomas, chairman, called the meeting to order, then turned the meeting over- to Mjjs. Spuehr, who in turn introduced those who Were running for school board vacancies. A letter was read from Mrs. Jay Hansen, who was unable to attend the meeting. Robert Thomas was introduced and spoke briefly. Dr. Raymond Watkins, who is running for a third term, also spoke briefly. A slate of officers for the coming year was presented and voted upon and the following officers were elected: Mrs. Virgil Burch, president; Mrs. Robert Thomas, vice-president; Mrs. Henry Setzler, secretary; and Mrs. Helen Kenney, treasurer. Mrs. Phyllis Whitfield entertained the group with several vocal selections and was accompanied by Mrs. Verna Schlofner. Delicious barbecues were served by the third grade mothers under the direction of Mrs. Helen Kenney, hospitality chairman. The mothers who helped were Mite. Fio £>eah, Mrs. Harriet Wilson, Mrs. Eleanor Schlottman and Mrs. Jay Hansen. The serving table looked very Springlike with a centerpiece of jonquils and snapdragons. 4-H Group Wins First Place The Live Wires, 4-H group from Wonder Lake, entered their skit, "Boy Meets Girl;" in the share the fun rally in Harvard and was chosen ^among the top five groups. TTiey will compete in another contest soon. Good luck, girls. Surprise Birthday Party Miss Jean Dickman was surprised at a birthday party given in her honor at the Lakeview ice cream parlor -Saturday, April 14. Jean was 18 years old. About thirty people were therfe to help her celebrate. Jim Hartman played a Hawaiian guitar and everyone sang all the old favorites. Mrs. Lu Vogt prepared the food and it was beautifully arranged on large platters. Jean was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Dancing ended the evening. A CHAT WITH US. Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for youfiself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repaias Oomplet'e Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING 8ERV1CB 809 W. Elm Street McHenry, m Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R CHOOSE THE 2 AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER COME IN AND TEST DRIVE THE NEW PACE-Sls 'TER in Quality through research and engineering The superior quality of Zeo-Ran automatic^water softeners is the product of the skilled teamwork of a corps of metal craftsmen, designers, engineers, technicians and other highly trained specialists. Every softener is subject to rigid quality control at each stage of manufacture. Hydrostatic tests ... air pressure tests ... submersion tests . . . weld quality tests . . . manufacturing procedure tests . . . ill with one objective, to make Zeo-Ran the most efficient and the most attractive softener available to the American home owner. This is S"$if a product of skilled workmanship, critical inspection, excellent materials and exhaustive testing. • Triple coate<} inside and out with 100% pure Vinyl plastic on a bonderized surface., • Exterior finish in beautiful Copper-tone, heavy duty baked enamel over Epon primer. • Distribution system entirely of copper and brass with special msulator eliminating electrolytic or corrosive actiosa {the graveyard of all wader softeners). • Permanent ion exchanger softening mit. • Fully automatic regeneration. Ask for Pree analysis of the water in your home. As a Zeo-Ran distributor, we have been equipped and are authorized to make free analysis of the water in any home to determine hardness. We cordially invite you to take advantage of this free service and to ask for details about the Zeo-Ran softener and what it will do for you in your home. THE You w i l l appreciate Zeo-Ran soft water every day of your l i f e . . . because you use water every day of your l i f e CHARLES R. P Phone 873 of McHenry 'reprif McHenry FORDS (No Obligation, Of Course) B U S S M 0 T 0 R S A L E S WE'RE OUT TO MAKE 1956 OUR BIGGEST YEAR IN SALES! WE ARE OFFERING THE BIGGEST TRADE-INS IN O U R HISTORY! COME IN NOW AND HEAR OUR EXCELLENT PROPOSITION. or Ni@iie McHenry 1 351 w. Main St., McHenry, UL . .j