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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1956, p. 5

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^.Aptf 119.1958 * * K zr+* > \ ~ . . ~ •< ^ *- * 1 y * " 1 >* vj* « * * THE llcHEl^Y PUINDEALER 3 <|jg-£v t<g-£ * 4£1 McHenry Plaindealer Phone 170 - 171 : Published every TTiursday at McHenry, 111., by the Mchenry Publishing Company, Inc. :#• NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1H IasS0C5t6n •BHHDBEfSBSBB W. BURFEINDT, Geit'l. Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor • SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry Comity Year $3.00 Months $1.75 Months ....*. • $l.Qj>- Outside McHenry County Year .......... $3.50 Months .... $2.00 Months $1.25 jpwSmL-*--PR.E S S \ fitsictanTn/ ; Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Mcpenry, Illinois, under the act of |Iay 8, 1879. FAILURE TO HEED IGNALS CAUSES OST ACCIDENTS h1 Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced that a sampling of more than 400,000 imoving traffic violations during 1955, contained in the driver control files, indicated - that failure to heed stop signs or traffic signals,. ^counted for, more than 33 pei^fibent of the total violations. JSpeediiig convictions were second * rj • list with a total number oC^viojLations in excess of 26 per ceft£v' ' Th¥ number of persons convicted of traffic signal violations totaled 137,244. Speeding convictions in the sampling amounted to 108,955. Persons convicted of reckless or negligent driving were third on the list, numbering 23,359, or slightly more than percent of the total. This is e first time in the history of the Drivers License Department statistics of this type are available, Mr. Carpentier said. Secretary Carpentier called attention to the fact that traffic safety experts regard chronic stop sign violators as one of the greatest hazards to the general public. A large number of vehicle , and pedestrian accidents, particularly in urban areas, he said, •occur at intersections controlled by such signs. Secretary Carpentier also released figures based on sampling breaking into age groups the total number of violators and the per cent of such violators to the total number of violations. He cautioned against attempts to .generalize on the driving habits iof any particular age group due to the difficulty of determining the total number of drivers in such age brackets and the complete lack of statistics determining the incident of total miles driven by such drivers. Traffic iexperts, he said, agree that such information has a direct bearing upon the ratio of violations comn^ tteKi. ips on raffic CHARLES F. CARPENTIER S c c r c t 3 r y of S t a t e It. is apparently impossible to 1mpreBS some motoristB with the dangers they face when they cross a railroad track when either a flagman or a mechanical or electric signal instructs them to come to a stop. The law states that when a driver approaches a clearly visible etee* trical or mechanical signal device which warns of the approach of a train the driver must stop within 50 feet but not less than 10 from the nearest track. The motorist shall not proceed until it is safe to do so. (Section 83a Uniform Act Regulating Traffic.) STOP It is also required by law tliat a motorist shall stop and remain standing at a grade crossing when a crossing gate is lowered or when at flagman gives or continues to give a signal of the approach or passage of a train. (Section 83b Uniform Act Regulating Traffic.) All motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire and school buses carrying any school children must stop not less than 10 feet from the nearest rail when crossing at grade any railroad track. Before starting up again the driver of any such vehicle must listen and look in both directions for the approach of any train. (Section 84a, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic.) A copy of the completely new "Rules of the Road" booklet will be sent to you free upon request. Write to CHARLES P. CARPENTIER, Secretary of State, Springfield, Illinois. Fli c»<: Y Johnsburg News {By Mi*. Betty Hetteiruann . 5Tl .. . • »;5v. Hold Installation Th6 juvenile girl Foresters of St. Agatha's court, No. 777, are cordially invited to attend the installation of officers next" Sunday afternon at 1:30. It will take place in St. John's school hall. Supper will be served following the installation. HURT IN ACCIDENT R. W. Wangler of Rt. 3, McHenry, escaped with minor bruises and cuts when he lost control of his car and it left the highway, overturning, Saturday night. The accident occurred on Rt. 47, south of Rt. 72, near Stark Station. The car was demolished. Schmitt and Conway Agency is now located at 312 E. Elm St., formerly occupied by Toddler shop. 50 $ W TED m eusT®Mii wiatoimts ALUMINUM STORM & SC WINDOWS NOW! T $]O00 For Standard Size Including Installation and Life Time Guarantee , r DOORS $59.50 -- INSTALLED . NO- M&MEY DOWN! TERMS TO SUIT FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS & CANOPIES %©ne " McHenry 159.3-M For Free Home Demonstration and Free Estimates -- No Obligation . - > \ Your Local Weather-Tile Representative "CHARLES L. HANSEN I|IWTERVILLE PARK SUBD. . McHENKY, ILL. Answers Calls The Johnsburg fire department and the rescue squad were called last week to lend their assistance. The fire department was called to Pistakee Bay last Wednesday to put out a grass fire. On Saturday, the department was called on twice, the first being a brush fire in Pistakee Highlands and then to the Leo EMedrich farm to put out a field fire. °Late Saturday evening, the rescue squad was called to assist in extricating a man from his car. The car overturned as it went around a corner and the squad gave first aid to the injured. Service Notes Jim and Barbara Miller and son, Jimmy, returned here last week after spending quite some time in Ft. Belvoir, Va. Jim was recently discharged after completing his two-year hitch in th§ Army. The Miller family will move to McHenry some time next month. A2/C Robert Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, was quite surprised recently when he ran into Bill Pierce at a service club near Tokyo, Japan. Small world! President, Laura Schmitt; vicepresident, Joan Haag;: secretary, Bonnie Meyers; treaSuter, Isabelle Stilling; and sergeant-atarms, Betty Freund. Anyone wishing to attend the county banquet at the V.F.W.- in McHenry on May 1, is asked to get their reservations in as soon as possible. • New Board Members Last Saturday's election results, show changes in the school board. W. T. Petersen and A. W. Albrecht will be replacing Joseph Huemann' and Elmer Meyers. The turn-out for v this election was nothing short of terrific. Everyone should exei'Cise his right to vote at all elections. " Art Stilling was elected to the school board of the McHenry high school by many votes- cast for him in last Saturday's election. Our congratulations are extended to these gentlemen. " spending a month's . .furlough with his parents, the George Hillers. , Joan Dehn of Chicago spent last weekend visiting at the Richard Dehn home. On Saturday evening Rita Dehn and Bill Beeskow, ailso of Chicago, visited there. Don't forget to get your tickets for the ladies' night banquet at the Community club hall on May 7 at 6:30. New Officers The Thursday night Ladies league elected new officers for next season at their banquet held in Carpentersville last Thursday evening. They are: Birthday Club Happy birthday to Mrs. Tina Lay, who observed her birthday on April 10; to Richard Dehn, who has an "over 25" birthday on April 21; and Gerry Wakitsch has a birthday on April 24! ~ Best wishes to all. Around the Town Mr. and Mrs. Gene King and'5 family of McHenry were dinner guests at the home of Mrs! Mamie King recently to celebrate Eileen's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith entertained Mrs. Ann" Doran of Chicago, Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Mrs. Liz Smith and Mrs. Helen Pitzen as their dinner guests last Sunday afternoon. Dick Hiller. left for Denver, Colo., last week, where he will resume his Air Force duties after CONCLUDE LIST OF NEW BOOKS ON LIBRARY SHELVES This concludes the list of new books added to the McHenry public library in recent weeks; Fiction "A Good Mar. is Hard to Find" by O'Connor, "The Carmelite" by Groseclose, "Leaven of Malice" by Davies, "Band of Angels" by Warren, "Marjorie Morning Star" by Wouk, "Bath Fangle" by Heyer, "The Stepmother" by Hutchinson, "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit" by Wilson, "Venture Into Darkness" by Hobart, "The Breaking Wave" by Shut^ and "The Troubled Midnight" by Sterling. Non-Fiction "Looking Beyond" by Yutang, "Why Johnny Can't Read" by Flesch, "No Man is an Island" hv Merton, "Meet Mr. Eisenhower" by Smith, "Bottoms Up" by Skinner, "Great River, the Rio Grande" by Horgan, "The Mighty Soo" by Judson, "Eat Your Troubles Away" by Kordel, "Sorry to be so Cheerful" by Dolson, "Prince Philip" by Dean, "The English Novel" by Allen. SEEK OUTSTANDING SCOUT Search "has begun for an out-1 standing Eagle Scout whose qualities and experiencejs would make him a likely candidate for a trip to the Antarctic as a member of the Expedition "Deepfreeze." One Eagle Scout will be .chosen, nationally to serve, .the expedition as a junior scientific aide in Antarctica during the Int e r n a t i o n a l G e o p h y s i c a l y e a r 1957-1958. LEGAL NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION VILLAGE OF SUNNYSIDE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN* that pursuant to an order of the County Judge, of McHenry County, Illinois, a Special Election will be held on Saturday, the 12th day of May, A.D. 1956; that at said Election each qualified legal voteV resident within the Village of Sunnyside, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, shall have the right to cast a ballot for the following Village Officials: ONE (1) VILLAGE PRESIDENT ONE (1) VILLAGE CLERK SIX (6) VILLAGE TRUSTEES ONE (1) POLICE MAGISTRATE that the place of holding said election shall be in the office of SUNNYSIDE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, within the limits of the VILLAGE OF SUNNYSIDE; that the polls of said election will be opened at Seven o'clock in the morning and will close at Six o'clock in the evening of that day. The term of office of the village officers elected at above election shall terminate as soon as their successors are elected at the next regular election in April, 1957 and | have qualified. j Dated this 16th day of April, A.D. 1956. j HENRY L. COWLIN. ' County Jud^e of McHenry •County, Illinois. RAYMOND 1). WOODS, j County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois. ^ Buy U.S. Savings. Bonds EDME/the EDUCATOR I hove ItivjHil a long Hmc and have never found two children exactly alike. Each needs individual attention. If classes are too large I cannot do as good a jcb as I should. Illinois Education Association Subscribe to the Plaindealer, WanttoCut Your Auto insurmze Costs? FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO . - WILLI K©INSMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 • Volo, 111. Phpne McHenry 667-W-l SLENDER ahd SHAPELY shoos for spring At McHenry s Store.... Fashion experts say Ladies' footwear for Spring 1956 is to be slender, graceful and gay. For years the people of McHenry have wanted a family shoe store in their town; a .store featuring famous brands of footwear for all members of the family, but, in particular, a store which carries a complete line of ladies' shoes. Although our stock of ladies' shoes is not as complete as it will be very shortly, we do feel we have a large enough selection at this time to satisfy even the most discriminating ladies. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OUR GRAND OPENING AD WHICH WILL APPEAR IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE! ROTH SHOES 118 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. • ^ You can run all over J town... but you can't beat the Good Deal an^ |\Good you'll get from Your own Neighborhood L *Ford Dealer | i& * N Why pay for the "other fellow's" careless driving? State Farm aims to insure only "careful drivers"--the kind who have fewer accidents and fewer claims. You can rely on State Farm for sound protection at reasonable rates. Call me, I may be. able to save you money! It RJS ti km jMf STATE FARM A|Mt Bob Conway Phone: McHENRY. 285-76S 312 E. Elm St. CLUKVEH Mrs. Anna Cluever of Magnolia avenue, Chicago, last Thursday, April 12, in M&4 Henry. She had been visiting heri; sister, Mrs. Ferdinand Frett, fo*D the past three weeks. Hie body! rested at the Peter M. Justenl funeral home until Monday, when last rites were conducted fror St. Mary's church, with burial St. Boniface cemetery. - ! • Classified Ada bring reaul Place yours with the Plain today! stYlS SUM SLACKS TRADE MARK Campus leaders won't be seen,In anything else (His foil I Oshlcoth B'Gosh gives Super-Twill all the high styling most wanted by college men. Back strap, no pleats, tapered leg. Sanforized, colorfast, wonderfully long wearing. For school, leisure or workshop. An unmatched voluel In army ton, silver tan, charcoal. Sizes 27-36. White's Men's Shi PHONE 19 ?# 208 S. Green St., MeHenry, IUf COM! TO THE McHENRY BOAT SHOW SATURDAY. APRIL 2ht A. M. to 1 A M D \ SUNDAY, APRIL 22nd 11:00 A.M. to AT Buss Motor Sales ADMISSOON ..FREE! Sponsored by ?HI McHlMY i@AT DEALISS

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