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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1956, p. 12

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7 ' V i * *1 " ' r - • * the Me«EStHY' puam&euex •gpMeeppw Thursday, May 10,1^ •>K Richmond Community News By Phyllis Carlson husbands Entertain Wives ; the 300 delegates attending the The trustees of the Community ; thirty-seventh annual mooting of church took their wives out. to ! the Illinois Synod ol tho United dinner last Thursday evening.! Lutheran Church, of America, to They dined near Antioch. The I be held May 14 to 17 at St. ladies all agree that it was a I Mark's church in St. Louis, Mo. welcome change from the usual j The delegates will represent routine of meal planning, fixing | 154 congregations with a baptized 1 and dirty dishes. j membership of nearly 99,000 Lu- , j therans in Illinois and adjacent Women's Club News ] states. The Richrpond Women's club j According to Dr. McGuire, has become affiliated with the ' synod president, "The most im- Illinois Federation of Women's port ant /natter to come before Clubs. On Tuesday, April 24, tlit? j the Synod this year will be conlocal club was represented at the | sideration of the executive annual meeting of :the eleventh i hoard's recommendation to call district by Mrs. Willis Gardner i or hire a full time secretary for and Mrs. Medo Hst^sha. The an- ; stewardship, whos<^ duties it will nual meeting was held in Aurora ' be to keep the"financial records and was an interesting place to : for tlie treasurer, direct the bt^. The Federation of Woman's | stewardship program of Synod, Clubs sponsors several" scholar-j edit the synodical newspaper, ships and helps the, Geneva , and have charge of public rela* SchOoL for Girls. The speaker at 1 tions." the annual meeting was Mrs. -----^ Williams, the president, of the National Family Week .Illinois Chapter of the National £)jd you know that you have Federation of Women's Clubs.• , .b een living through Nat.i.o na,l Mrs. Willis Gardner will be ; pamjiy Week those past days? the president of the Richmond , j^s tj1(? during which we Women s club next season, and are supposed to take stock of Mrs. Harsha will be secretarx. our living as families, to strengthen the Christian home and Job's Daughters family. If each family concen- A chapter of Job's Daughters t it. ted some effort on keeping will be formed in Genoa City the family together as »ahoopernext Saturday, May 12, at 8:30 ative unit living, working and p.m. (DST). This is an organi- j playing together, we should zation of young women sponsored j change the divorce rate of our by the MaSonic Order. Richmond nation. Let's each in ' his own girls who are eligible are invited way help. to join the Genoa City chapter. , "In order to join, a girl must have : Rural Life Sunday some relative who is a member Last Sundav was Rural Lifp of the Masons or of the Eastern . sunf}av more technically known the rain, the kids showed up and so did Mr. Lindbloom, the Rotarian with the reflectors. Mother-Daughter Dinner Tomorow night the Lutheran Women's guild will sponsor a din- [ ner for the ladies. Tlie program ; : will be given by the daughters, : I Ihe food will be pot-luck furnish- ! ed byNthe mothers. The unpleas- i ant detail, namely the dirty ' dishes, will be attended to by the ; men. The male animal serves ! many purposes, doesn't he? | Happy Mother's Day I May all you ladies enjoy next I Sunday spending the day in | whatever way you like. Saturday is the Big Night! Yes, this is the [irom weekend, a gala one for the seniors. We hope they dance to their hearts' content, that they have no. home work to hinder them. We have even heard rumors . that the seniors are planning a breakfast. Ah, "to be young, now. that prom time is here! State will be* followed with interest by her friends here. The experience of campus^- liv-. ing at one of the nation's finest colleges for women, along with the opportunity to learn government by living it daily, will provide a wonderful experience for Cheri Lee. The. girls become members of mythical political Johnsburg News By Mi*. Betty Hettorraann " Star. as Rogate Sunday. As a part of Linda Sutton and Carol Town- the service. Pastor Carlson had send are planning to join and ; the blessing of the field and the will be charter members of the seed. It's a custom that dates newly formed chapter. ! back to.the fifth century to bless The organization of Job's i the fields and implore God to Daughters will be. held in the ! make the earth fruitful. Masonic Temple at Genoa City. ! in McHenry county, we can be The public is invited. • especially thankful for the rich soil. Surprise Party i A week ago last night Mrs. | Rotary Gives Bike Reflectors Donald Tilton had a surprise : The Richmond Rotary7 gave birthday party ff>r her husband, each child who has a bike a re- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson | Hector to put on his bike as a and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barber safety precaution. The reflector. were guests at the party. • After the children were bedded down for the night, the adults played cards. Illinois Synod Lutherans Meet Pastor Carlson will be among a bright watermelon color, reads "Please Be CAREFUL." The kids received their reflectors at 2 p.m. Saturday. At that hour the heavens gushed forth enough water to make our quota for the month, but in spite of Cerebral Palsy Tuesday, May 15, is the day designated for the Cerebral Palsy drive. During this past year several children, afflicted with cerebral palsy, were cared for in the county. If the drive this year is successful, many more" services can be offered in the future. The medical center in McHem'y has given a room for the therapy work to the foundation. There will also be a medical advisory board, which will be very beneficial. Money is needed for physical therapy and especially for speech therapy for these afflicted children. They have never had a speech therapist for them in the county and the need is great. When the volunteer collector calls on you Tuesday evening, please remember the needs of these children. CHERI LEE KRUSE NAMED TO ATTEND 16TH GIRLS STATE Miss. Che;ri Lee Kruse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Kruse of Richmond, is the choice of the Richmond unit of the American Legion auxiliary to the 1956 session of Illinois Girls State. The sixteenth session will get under way on the campus of MacMurray college, Jacksonville. June 19. Chosen because of her qualities of good character, alertness, honesty, leadership and cooperativeness in her school's activities, Cheri's participation in Girls CHERI LEE KRUSE parties, elect officials to govern them from city,, county, sta'ulegislature and administration level. State officers' inaugural proceedings offer an exciting evening for the Girls State citizens. For the comfort and pleasure of the girls, they have their own post office, bank, canteen, educational and administrative offices. The Jacksonville daily paper covers their activities and is distributed to them. Girls may attend the religious services of their choice. Sunday, June 24. will be visitors' day, when many parents visit Girls State, as well as interested auxiliary members and alumnae of earlier sessions. A late afternoon reception is given, honoring all guests, on Sunday. A tour of Springfield and the Lincoln shrines culminates a full week of government in action for the 450 Girls Staters. . Special tribute should be paid the sixty or more women, not all auxiliary members, who give this week from their busy lives as teachers and other qualified personnel to aid in molding this program. No staff member is reimbursed for her week of service; all serve on a voluntary basis. We wish Cheri Lee a pleasant week and hope she will return with many, memories to last her a lifetime. ' J County Banquet I Several of the lady bowlers ! from here attended the county banquet at the V.F.W. hall in i McHenry last Tuesday evening, j Some of the teams from here were able to collect some of the "cold" cash they were dishing out. Present from here were Zelda Malochleb, Marge Voase, Laura Schmitt, Connie May, Lu Ann Smith, Bonnie Meyers, Alice Ross, Betty Hettermann, Dorothy Hettermann, Mary Hettermann, Mabel Smith, Betty Freund and Fran Brand. After a short discussion, election of officers for, next seaspn was held. Laura Schmitt was elected the new county president. Showered With Gifts Miss Cynthia Frett was guest of honor at a shower held in St. John's school hall on Sunday afternoon, April 28. About, fortyfive ladies were present to wit- | ness Cynthia open her many j lovely gifts, which she will put | lO use following I'ltri iYicii i icigvr lu i John Knox next Saturday mornj ing. A delicious luncheon was ! served, fpllowed by a social afternoon of cards. Hostesses for the ! afternoon were Lucille Knox, i Helen Knox, Eileen Frett, Cath- I erine Freund and Nadine Frett. ! Pen Pals Attention! ! All you folk§ who have wanted j Bob Smith's address, here it is ! for one and all: Pvt. Robert L. Smith, 8160 AU, Box 571, APO 712, San Francisco, Calif. How about dropping him a line real soon? Happy returns to each one. Along in the anniversary department are Mr. and Mrs. Art Kennebeck, who have completed their first year of wedded bfiss. I can't rightly say how long Fred and Lu Huemann have been married but he took her out for $inner last Sunday to eelebrate. The Hettermanns made May a bang-up one with Ed and Dot winding number 18 on May 11; Jim and Betty with six years behind them a&. of May 13; and Jerry and Mary celebrate their eleventh on May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rosing will observe their first anniversary on May 14 and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehn will chalk up seven years on May 28. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wakitsch will also celebrate their anniversary this month. Best wishes to all. Robert Zitnmermahn arid Debbie. Bill Mclnnes of Chicago spent last- weekend at his summer home on the river. Mr. and r»rrs. Sen Thelen, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer and Mrs. Joe King motored to Dorchester, •Wis., last weekend to visit Sister Albertine and Sister Victricia. Don't forget next Sunday, May 13, is Mother's Day. It is one day out of 365 that is put aside to honor mothers. Show your appreciation by remembering them with a little something. Insured Savings: Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal S&viiigs and Lohh Insurance Corp., and earn 2/z per cent plus /2 per cent extra. 33-tf EXCESSIVE SPEED - Excessive speea • has been a tremendous kiljer on the high* ways and it is the wise motorist who slows down and takes his time. He' reaches his destination! FOB TODAY'S BEST BUYS . In Good US>ED CARS Turn To Hie McHenry Plaindealer WANT ADS ON PAGE 6 Around the To\vii Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyk and family^ visited relatives here over last, weekend Linda Herdrich of McHenry spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Helen Hettermann. I Come next Sunday, which j everyone should know is Mother's j Day, Mr. .and. Mrs. Joe Smith j will be entertaining their family ; for dinner. Present will be Mr. \ and Mrs. Bill Zimmermann, Joan- i ie and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- ' bert Smeltzer, Bobby, Nancy and j Tommy, Paul Zimmermann, Mr. ' and Mrs. William Morick, Cindy and Jeanine, and Mr. and Mrs. On Her Day . . . (SUNDAY, 13TH) Birthdays and Anniversaries May is certainly a popular month as far as births and marrii ages are concerned. j On May 8, Ella McGuire, 1 William Meyers and Mary Ellen • Freund all celebrated their natal | days, while Karen Huemann has j a birthday on May 14. Buddy ! Smith and Patsj^ Meyers aren't | the least bit superstitious when J they have May 13 as their birth- | day. Buddy will be*6 and Patsy Buy U.S. Savings Bonds will be 5. THANK YOU We would like to„ thank our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Mis% Iva Arp Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Arp ATTENTION RICHMOND MERCHANTS We are pleased to announce that we now have a local young man, Ronnie Manka, to represent us in your area on matters concerning display advertising in cur paper. Ronnie will call on you at your place of business in the near future to assist you in every way possible. Or, you may reach him by calling Richmond 3332. . A S.WpMBSK' f course a Lamp is always welcomed i assocks, Hampers 8c Mirrors add to any home ^^ost of all Mother would love a Sofa a T ables are a delightful gift ft Every home needs a new Chair t Right now is the time to buy AT 3fie dlauAe 3uwuture { NORTHERN ILLINOIS' NEWEST FURNITURE STORE HILL VIEW SHOPPING CENTER Route 12, Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 3461 STORE HOURS: 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Fridays & Saturdays SERVICE STATION ROUTE 12 (FORMERLY FOLEY'S GARAGE) RICHMO , ILL. FRIDAY and SA MAY 11th & 12th "LIZ" AND HAROLD WIRCH INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND TRY THE <h WtttaLm. FFERENT LINE ALL FREE! Roses for Ladies Candy <s§sid i^SB@ons For ft© ICSddies COFFEE and DONUTS FREE VALUABLE AWARD 1 BOY OR GIRL'S FULLY EQUIPPED BICYCLE AWARDED SATURDAY NIGHT AT 9 P.M. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN FREE! $1.50 DX guaranteed lubrication with purchase of 10 gallons or more of DX or DX Ethyl lubricating gasoline on opening days. Ticket good for 90 days, except Grand Opening Days. Complete Motoric (quarters - Batteries - Home and Auto Supplies. AUTOMOBILE AND FARM iitVICiB BY EKPiRT yiCHANICS ff SERVICE STATION ON K6UTE 12 D-X SUNRAY RICHI ILL «

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