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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1956, p. 13

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jjFhursday. May .10, 1956 THE MCHENRY PT.ATwnPMFB Page Tfc|rte«% Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield Water Safety Program May Be Dropped For the first time, the Wonder Lake community failed to meet their goal during the Red Cross t drive held in March. Many people may not realize that the water safety program is sponsored each year by the Red Cross and failure to meet the goal during the drive can mean curtailment of this program. That could mean there will be no swimming instructions for ^the children hero at the Lake this summer. The cost for swimming instruction is $4.50 per child per summer and the Red Cross must meet this expense. Mrs. Phinney, executive secretary of the Red Cross in McHenry county, is giving us extra time since this is the first year Wons der Lake has failed, so3 with ad- • l^ditional contributions the difference can be met. Isn't it worth ^ the efforts of all of us to see that this difference is met and that our children willvbe able to have this excellent training offered fhem this summer?' Anyone who has not joined the Red Cross or who wishes lo make an additional contribution, please mail it to the Red Cross in Woodstock or to Betty Srls- • J^orf, Rt. 1, Ringwood. A Red Cross worker will call for your contribution if you wish. Just call Wonder Lakfe 5641. Visits Friends J. B. Massey of Tallulah, La., spent the weekend of April 28 and 29 with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hood of Deep Spting Woods. Mr. Massey and Mr. Wood worked ^ogether in the South some years *ago and they had a good time renewing their friendship. Parents Assn. Card Party The Parents association of Christ the King church will have a card and bunco party Monday, May 14, at 8 at the Raymond Schiller residence. The stuffed kangaroo, hand knit mittens and homemade aprons which have ^een on display at various business places will be given t.6 some lucky people that evening. Cake and coffee will be served and the public is invited to attend. up may register at the date to be announced later. The traveling Rosary ' A traveling rosary has been purchased by the Altar and Rosary sodality for Christ the King parish. Each Catholic family in the parish may have this rosary for a twenty-four hour period, during which time the family is to say the rosary together and then pass it on to another family. Every twenty-four hours this rosary is said by a difjflfrent family. A statue of the Blessed Mother comes with the rosary. Ask^one of the women of the sodality when your family may have this rosary. Pot-Luck Supper Success The ladies of the Altar and Rosary express their gratitude to -Mrs. Anthony Corrado for the use of her home for the pot-luck l^jupper held May 3. The co-host- "^?sses, .who did a fine job, were Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Dvorak and Mrs. Doherty. After the supper, a business meeting was hold. Mrs. Alice Condron gave a very humorous and interesting book review. Birthday Soon Martin \\eisenburger will be 12 years, old May 13. He plans to have a group of friends help him celebrate with a roller skating party at the McHenry rink. Three Birthdays in One Family ' The O'Byrnes of Wonder Woods celebrated three birthdays during the month of April: Jim, April 17, Mary Frances, April 24, and Jewel, April 28. On Friday, i April 27, a group ol friends gathered to celebrate with Mary. Guests included Corky Slavin, Karen Strohm and Kay Do- Wayne of Woodstock, Judy Sandgren, Judy Grever, Andrea Morris, Donna Clark, Nancy Houda and Betty Hill of Wonder Lake. More Birhtdays Betty. John and Sara Wright of Wooded Shores each have a special day in May. Sara, who was 6 on May 7, had several neighborhood friends to help her celebrate with ice cream, cake and games. Guests were Jamie Crasser, Lois and Earl Hansen. Billy and Brian Whitfield and Debbie Falkenthal. Carol Woods had several school friends to help her celebrate her birthday Friday after school. Guests were Jeanniejo Benoche, Susan Jacobsen, Donna Setzler, Sharon Hoffman, Karen Weeks, Judy Knackstedt, Judy Baerwaldt and Peggy Coss. School friends of Susan Jacobsen were treated to hamburgers, French fries and cokes when they went after school Monday, May 7, to her birthday party. The friends were Carol Watkins, Patricia Grabovy, Karon Weeks, Louise Ruggero, Barbara Whitfield, Peggy Coss, Sharon Hoffman, Peggy Wrede, Carol Wood, Susan Benoche, Linda Mansfield, Judy Knackstedt and Jeanniejo Benoche. Vacation School A church vacation school will be sponsored by the Altar and vttosary sodality of Christ the King church from Monday, June 11, through Friday, June 22. The church school will be held in Mathew's hall from 9 to 11 a.m. Children from 5 years of age on Jackie Specht and Gerry Pierce, who each won a ca^e. A special dance was given by Jackie Specht and Tim Meiling. Cake was served and , pop was sold. .Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. Karl Weisenberger had his flash camera on hand to take pictures of the party. Cakes were donated by Mrs. Motulewicz, Mrs. Sorenson, Greta Weisenberger, Mrs. Bonnieruer, Mrs. Yeager and Mrs. Etheridge. A donation of one dollar to cover expenses of balloons, streamers;, prizes, etc., was given by Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Lake and Mis Byrnes. Chaperones for the evening were the Mesdames Router. Sorenson, Ceeich. Liedtke. Specht, Hampton and Roti. Since this was the last party for the seventh'and eighth graders, Mrs. Roti, chairman of youth recreation, hopes the children have enjoyed the parties as much as she had enjoyed bringing them to them. To the eighth grade young people she extends wishes for happy, successful years in high school. Mrs. Roti was very grateful for the cooperation of those with whom she worked the past year. Mrs. Specht made very attractive posters which were displayed before each party and brought about much enthusiasm among the children. Mrs. Leidtke, cochairman, chaperoned every party and helped with driving some of the children home. Mrs. King and Mrs. Specht were always available to chaperone when they were so hard to find. Mr. Josseran'd, seventh grade teacher, attended as many parties as possible and his presence there was always a help. A small profit was realized on the sale of pop by Mr. Dean's letting tlie school purchase it at cost. This profit was used to make the parties more attractive. A very good pattern has been set this winter and let us all help it continue. Nativity Church News Sunday, May 13, Mother's Day will be observed in the church as the day in God's presence we honor our mothers. The sermon topic will be "A Child's Tribute." Luther League Meeting Sunday, May 13. at 7:30, the Luther League will meet for their regular monthly business meeting and will make further plans for the spring dance to be held May 19, Saturday, at Harrison school. There will be games and entertainment during the evening and refreshments will bo served. There is no admission charge and all young folks at the Lake are welcome to attend. The dance will begin at 7:30. Will Attend Convention On Monday, May 14, Pastor Schroeder and Bill Hoeft, the elected lay delegate of the congregation, will attend the annual meeting of the Illinois Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America, to be held in St. Ixiuis at St. Mark's Lutheran church. The convention will meet through Thursday and much important work "of the Synod Mil be carried outsat this meeting? 'The most important work is the planning of the construction of a new Old People's home in the Chicago area. First Communion- Sunday Thirty-seven children will receive their first Communion at Christ the King church during the 9 a.m. mass Synday, May 13. This is the largest group of children to receive First Communion in the Chrisit the King church. C.Y.A. Meeting The weekly meeting of the C.Y.A. was held • Sunday, May 6, ! at the home of Carl Walker. The ' hayride was postponed until later | in the summer. The group is now [planning a semi-formal dance to i be held May 25 at Harrison \ school, beginning at 8.30. Enter- ' tainment during the intermission ! will bo provided by Ann Lund- I borg and Grace Wideman. Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake Open On Sundays 9 to 1 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY % Frw Estimates & Delivery PhmM W. L. 3231 CRIS1 and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 Last Party for 7th & 8th Grades An April shower party for the seventh and eighth grade young people of Harrison school was held April 27. Streamers and balloons were showered on the youngsters and each balloon contained notes with prizes. /There was one big scramble for the balloons. There was dancing until 10 and then a game of musical chairs produced two winners. Remember Mother with by Joyce CO-ORDINATES by BARBARA FIELD SLIPS, GOWNS & BABY DOLL PAJAMAS by SCHRANK ^ SIMPLICITY & TOP-MODE DRESSES • NEBEL HOSIERY • COSTUME JEWELRY • PURSES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES -GREETING CARDSWe Also Carry Apparel For Men, Boys and Girls OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS 'TIL 6 HANCOCK DRIVE WONDER LAKE 4391 • /i Be s with Shur! Our 1956 Building Program Is Now Under Way! Don't Continue To Pay Rent When You Can Own A Beautiful Home Of Your Very Own For Less Than You Now Pay For Rent! • Low Down Payment - Balance like rent. • We arrange for V.A. Financing. • 4 2 5 - y e a r l o a n s a v a i l a b l e f o r n o n - v e t s w h o qualify. • We will build anywhere in this area on your own lot, or, we have listings of numerous lots which we will help you purchase. • These are not "Pre-Fabs" -- Completely carpenter- built by local workmen. • Come in Today and see our large selection of floor plans - any size home to fit any size budget: • Phone us now for details. No obligation. C@mstr5J€fi®si Co., Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 210 So. Green St. Phone 1126 McHenry, Ol. The next meeting of the C.Y.A. will be at Walker's Sunday, May 14 at 7 p.m. Harrison School News The school year is drawing to a, close and the eighth grade students are planning events to make their graduation a lasting memory. The seventh grade students are included in a trip to Springfield and a banquet which is being eagerly awaited by all. In order to help finance the trip, which will be over night, the two grades put on two plays a week ago. The crowd was very good and the receipts totaled over $200. The twenty-five young people will go by chartered bus and stay in a motel over night. They will be accompanied by several parents and Mr. Foils and Mi*. Thomas, and be gone May 21 and 22. The seventh and eighth grade banquet will be held May 28 at the McHenry Country club. Broken Rones Last week, Kenny Justice fractured his collarbone at- school." Kenny is in the eighth grade. Friday, a second grader fell just right and broke his leg. The doctor rushed him to the hospital, where he will stay for awhile. Mrs. Brickley, who is Douglas Targo's teacher, will stop in at the hospital on her \yay home and give him his lessons so he will be able to go on with his class. f Handy Helpers . The Handy Helpers, 4-H group, have taken "safety" for their project for the year. Each girl is to talk about hazzards around the house at the next meeting. The girls will make party favors for the graduates of Harrison school. They also plan a bake sale which will help them attend camp this summer. Last Sunday was 4-H Sunday and the girls were urged to attend church. Cancer Drive Mrs. Eleanor Wright is in charge of the cancer drive for Wonder .Lake. The 4-H girls are helping her call on residents this week. All contributions are welcome and necessary to help combat this disease. Btble Church News- Mother's Day^Jiiay "13, two babies will be baptized. Other parents wishing this for their children should contact the pastor. The third Friday in May, the eighteenth, the men of the church will be travelling to Villa Park and join in a spiritual fellowship there with a large number of men of the Villa Park Gospel tabernacle. Food and fellowship highlight the night, so men, keep this date open. Missionary Guild f The ladies of the Ridgefield Bib]e church will be hostesses to the Missionary guild at the church in Ridgefield on Thursday, May 10. An interesting program has been planned for the afternoon. Everyone is asked to be there promptly at 10»a.m. so that we may accomplish some handwork for our missionaries. Bible Church Officers At the annual business meeting held Tuesday, April 24, the following were elected as church officers: L. Loshbough, chairman; E. Dornbush, vice-chairman; Roy Swanson, treasurer; Mrs. L. Cartan, secretary; H. ; G. Skemp, Sunday School superintendent. nohtyV^ IT YOURSELF AND Top Quality Wall Tile at LOWEST prices Choice of many colors. 28V2° sq.ft. SERGANT'S fyaiSisQ,Jlea fyakm PHONE RICHMOND 4193 Located on Johnsburg IUL, 3 Vi miles North of Johnsburg (About 2Vi miles North of Sunnyside Estates) S EM I - GLO SS E fsl A M EL easi/V Dries?? nuick'V / K *• * \ v 6(5 Sfliin-LU* Give walls and woodwork a gay, colorful, washable satin finish with BPS SATIN-LUX Semi- Gloss. The ideal finish for kitchen and bathroom walls and woodwork; also all other rooms where a semi-gloss finish is desired. Bolger's d SATIN-LUX is color matched with FIAT LUX and GLOSLUX for tingl* color styling. ig store 103 So. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. WIN a NEW TOASTMASTER TOASTER Do You Have'a Treasured Old Toastmaster Toaster? Bring It In and Register It In Our Treasure Hunt --Pearls Given for Registering-- Grand Prize for Oldest Toaster Registered! "Who has the oldest Toastmaster toaster in our community ?" We want to know, because we are offering its owner a beautiful new Toastmaster Automatic toaster FREE! It's easy to enter our Treasure Hunt. Just bring your old Toastmaster toaster to our Housewares Department any time before the contest ends. Register its model and serial numbers and your name and address (you don't leave the toaster). If yours is the oldest Toastmaster toaster entered, you will receive a beautiful new Toastmaster toaster FREE! Lose no time in entering our Treasure Hunt, for, in case of a tie, the first toaster registered wins. When you register your toaster you will receive FREE and without obligation a beautiful gift--a lovely strand of Imperial Simulated Pearls, shown at right. These imported pearls, in the stunning new neckline length, will complement your favorite frock or suit. Here is truly a Treasure Hunt in which everyone wins! This gorgeous strand of Imperial Simulated Pearls will be yours absolutely FREE, just for "registering your old Toastmaster toaster in our Treasure Hunt. Complete with lovely presentation pouch, they will please the mosr discriminating taste. GRAND MODEL I 114 AUTOMATIC TOASTER Cont MAY Come In and See the Complete Line of New Toastmaster Automatic Toasters, Priced from *175° to J3950 r (ft MODEL I At l-SLICE AUTOMATIC TOASTER For >m*ll familial and p*naM living alona It's idaal. Compact, automatic, makes parfact toast avory tima. MODEL t Bll 2-SLICE AUTOMATIC TOASTER Amarica'i most compact now automatic toastar. Small in siza but a giant in parformanca. Makas parfact goldan toait, tlica aftar site*. MODEL I Bit POWERMATIC 2-SLICE TOASTER Unique Powar-Acfion lowan braad automatically, and sarvas It up FAST •*- all by itsalf! Toasts ona tlica in aithar slot. Parmits interruption of toasting at any tima. «! MOCEL I C4 POWERMATIC J-SUCE TOASTER For king-iiied families. Powar- Action takaj braad out of your fioaart, brings it back toaitad peifaction. I, J or I ilicos -- light, dark, or in-batwaan. T O A S T M A S T E R H E A D Q U A R T E R S CONTEST STARTS MAY 7TH AND ENDS MAY 19TH! GIVE "MOM" A TOASTMASTER TOASTER ON MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 13TH. A GIFT SHE'LL ALWAYS CHERISH. VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 132 S. Green St. PHONE 98 SHEET METAL SHOP McHenry, 111. OUR| 50&Jyear 1906 1954 "• _ " SAW-,

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