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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 May 1956, p. 7

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Thursday, May 17, 1956 McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Seve* % CLASSIFIED FOR SALE DOG HOUSE, 4'x6\ insulated, less than a year old. Phone 1691-R. *2 ! BOY SCOUT UNIFORM, for sale. size 12. Phono 627-J-l. ANTIQUE MARBLE top walnut sidebroad; also unmatched round 3\valnut table and six chairs; chairs have been recently reupholstered. H. R. Beth. Phone Woodstock 1610-R-2. *2 COMPLETE LIVING room set, including lamp, tables and coffee table, $75.00. Phone Wonder Lake 3766, 2 DAPPLE GREY PONY six years old, ideal for children; little Mexi- !' v^an burro, ideal pet. Call Crystal Lake 2161. *2 9x11 WILTON RUG with pad. Runner to match. $20. Ever Hot electric roaster,. $20. 18x26 mirror with gold frame, $5. Phone 2261 *2 DELUXE MODEL Crosley electric stove, foi sale. Excellent condition, $95. Phone McHenry .^166. 2 GUN RACK, tilt-back couch, one twin size Hollywood bed, play pen, baby bed, high chair, bathinette, car bed. washing machine, • boys roller skates, size 3. Phone • 539-R-l or 691-R-?. 2 NEW 30" CROSLEY electric stove, large oven, 6 cu. ft. G.E. refrigerator, both for $200. R. Cunny, Lakemoor. Phone 213-M. ' _2 PERENNIALS, blooming stage. Call 10 or 1772. 2-4 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT. Gentlemen preferred. Cfill after 6 p.m., 209 E. Elm street. 2 BY THE MONTH or season, 120 acres of pasture for rent. Has water. Phone 1772 after 8 pan. ' 1-2 PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman. Call 299 2 HELP WANTED SIX ROOM modern house, three bedrooms.,, Phone McHenry 802. 2 5 ROOM HOUSE for rent. Oil furnace heat and hot water. Phone Wonder Lake 3349. 2 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment and, bath. Located at 513 Waukegan Road. Phone 772-M. 2 PAINTERS WANTED, union, steady work in Winthrop Harbor or Crystal Lake. Phone McHenry 1803. McHenry Decorating Service. l-tf MAN WITH chaaffeur's license to run farm milk pick-up route on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Hours 7 to 10 a.m. Good pay. Reply Box 160 care of Plaindealer. ^ 2 SALESMAN WANTED. Salary plus commission, car furnished. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 221 Bpnton St., Woodstock, 111. 1 OR 2 APTS. for rent. Pistakee lake waterfront, good beach; by] season or month. References. Tel. McHenry 1660-R 2 FREE RENT, permanent to pensioned or retired older couple in return for prrt time gardening, caretaking;; no children. Give particulars, references. Reply Box 145 care of Plaindealer. 2 4 ROOM HOUSE by week from June 1 to August 18, ^Wonder Lake, Birch Drive. Call evenings after 5:30, BI 7-6387 or see on weekends, L. Lascola, 3341 S. Ashland, Chicago. 2 1 BEDROOM apartment for rent. 307 N. Green St. Call 142-R. 2 TRACTOR CLEARANCE. Regular $169.95, 2% hp. hoe tractor, 32 ^attachments available. Let power do the work for you. Now $99.77 and a $30 plow free; quantity limited; hurry. Ward's Farm Store, Woodstock, 111. 2-2 ^A.K.C. WELSH Terriers. 7 blonde red cockers, A.K.C. German Shepherds with or without papers Toy Fox, Rat Terriers, Police Collie-Shepherds, cutest, mixed, cheap. Phone 3251, Ann's Kennels, Paw Paw, 111. *2 PISTAKEE BAY, garage apartment, 4 rooms, hot water heat, beautiful view, 1 or 2 year lease, adults only. Available at once. Reply Box 144 care of Plaindealer. 2 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, two room kitchenette, near McHenry shopping center. Suitable for young couple. Call 1493 after 6:00 p.m. 1-2 HELP WATTED Life Guard Wanted Young "man qualified to work as life guard during summer months. APPLY . \ HONEV HILL BEACH Wauconda, Illinois 2 MOTOROLA CAR radio, will fit 1946 to 1950 Chrysler products; 2 1/6 hp. electric motors, for sale. Best offer. Phone Genoa City, BRowning 9-6123. 2 DUBONNET RUG. 12x12, and pad, $20; console Philco radio, like new, $20; bedroom chair and rocker, $2 each; night table, $2; 12 crystal goblets, $9; 6 crystal goblets, $3; 2 electric coffee sets, new, 1 $15, the other $25; and other items. Call McHenry 1715. 2 ^8 INCH TILTING arbor bench "saw, ball bearing type. Nationally known brand, other extras, less motor. Perfect condition, priced right. McHenry 938-J. *2 DESK LIKE NEW; Philco refrigerator, perfect condition; ukelele and a Martin Tipple, for sale. Phone 596-J-2. 2 LIKE NEW, 5 hp. garden tractor, with all attachments and sickle ^fbar. Bargain. Call Richmond 3231. BARGAINS: FORMALS, gifts, clothing, antiques. Mission Resale Shop, rear of St. John's church parking lot, Algonquin. Turn west Bank corner. Open Friday 10 till 4:30. *2 •d USED RUGS for sale. Cleaned, repaired and moth proofed, all colors and sizes. Final clearance on all remnants and carpets in stock. Open till 9 p.m., Monday thru Friday for your convenience. Tidy Carpets and Rugs, 604 Washington St., Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 888. 49-tf FORMICA TOP tables, chairs, dishes, glassware, for sale. Gift Port Tea Rcom 2 FOR REffT SEVERAL Buildings and Large Barn for rent. Suitable for storage. Fairwood Farm, So. Green St. Phone McHenry 1074-R. 46-tf LARGE APARTMENT above Drug store in West McHenry, for rent. Please write Clara F. Campbell, 103 E. First, Elmhurst, 1. 49-tf 3 ROOM HEATED apartment in Lakemoor for nent, with stove, refrigerator and washing machine. Call McHenry 742. 52-tf --Help Wanted Want to work at the friendliest place in town? ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. . . . has a few openings for operators. IF YOU LIKE • People • A responsible job • Good pay and • Pleasant surroundings . . Come in and lgafrn more about becoming a "voice with a smile". EX-OPERATORS: Credit Given for past experience. Salary higher than ever. Call Miss Marshall on McHenry 9901 or see her at 102 N. Park, McHenry. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. 51-tf MEN WANTED for tree work, union wages. Phone JAckson 6-2238. 2 He|.p Wanted Turret Lathe Operators New higher rate? of pay. Usual employee benefits. Low price company cafeteria. Excellent employee relations and working conditions. Overtime occasionally available. BARCO MFG. CO. 500 N. Hough St. Barrington, 111. | 48 years of continuous j employment. 2 OPERATORS, experienced on women's dresses. Steady work, also part time work. Call Mary Schiavonne, 590-J-l. 1-3 GIRLS WANTED for day and night shift, light machine work. Excellent working conditions, hospitalization benefits, paid annual vacation. Precision Twist Drill and Machine Co., 10 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake. 2 SAX OR CLARINET player for orchestra work wanted. Phone 511-J-l. 2 REAL ESTATE 1_ FOR SALE OR RENT: BrAhd View spacious two bedroom ranch type home, modern, full basement, automatic gas heat and garage. Phone McHenry 161. 1-2 For Sale 3 BEDROOM MODEL HOME Located at Leonard Heights Rte. 176 near Rte. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE VETERANS DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $875.00 Modern Ranch Styling Side Driye Fully Improved Lots, with City Water and Sewer Full Basement Veds Tile Bath Automatic Heat Fully Insulated Ceiling and Walls Rusco Comb. Doors & Windows Thermopane Window Wall Modern Youngstown Kitchen Formica Tdps Large Wardrobe Closets Ideally located' to schools and shopping. GODFREY & JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION 9743 Irving Park SCHILLER PARK. ILL. Phone GLadstone 5-6556 45-tl LAKELAND fc-A/.i lot 60'xl20\ located near lane, oublL water in, j reasonable. William Kuby, 9 Crescent Rd„ Lake Zurich, 111. GEneral 8-7505. *1-4 HEAL ESTATE MEAT MARKET and Grocery for sale. Well stocked and well equipped. Excellent all year round business plus 5 room apt. Phone Wonder Lake 5681. 36-tf 2 BEDROOM, year old home, 3 blocks to shopping, 200 ft. to river, $9,800. Terms. Many other homes from $6,000 to $27,000. Airspun Builders and Real Estate. Phone McHenry 430. ,2 REAL ESTATE OPENING OF MAPLE GROVE Terrace this Spring. Lots with a beautiful view, for sale. % mile from high school. Bernard Bauer, phone 2242-R. 47-tf you wor last week? below. See our signature Want Action?? Ask Mr. and Mrs. Harold Voss of Huemanii's Subd.. We listed their riverfront home last Friday evening . . . SOLD IT SUNDAY!! Ft PHONE 1126 MECHANIC WANTED, must be thoroughly experienced automotive mechanic. Apply in person McHenry Garage, 600 Front St., McHenry. 2 ELDERLY WOMAN to take care of aged lady. Call 137-R or 414-J. 2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-- HOMES--FARMW CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, ill. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf REAL ESTATE We are now located 2 blocks east of bridge on Route 120. We have only opened re cently and have had many calls for homes, lots and farms. If you are'lnte rested in selling your property please call our office or come in and see us. AIRSPUN BUILDERS and REAL ESTATE McHENRY 430 43-ti FURNISHED two bedroom house, ideal for summer on Fox River. Screened porch, storm windows for winter. Move in June 1 and start living. Owner occupied. L. Neikirk, Huemann's Subd., McHenry, HI. 1-2 FIVE ROOM HOME for sale. Enclosed porch, completely finished, hot water, automatic heat. Call Wonder Lake 4052. 2 3 BEDROOM, six room house for sale, la block from Fox River! 2 blocks to church and school. Large modern St. Charles kitchen; Immediate possession $12,000. 767-J. 2-2 For Sale Wooded Homesites at The Country Woods and Walkup's Woods at Crystal Lake, 111. RALPH BRUNS PHONE Crystal Lake 2239 2 ACRES ON Crystal Lake blacktop road for sale. Call 1167-R, Saturday or Sunday. *2 $18,800 BUYS THIS 2 bedroom home located on John St. near Green St. Living room and dining area. Tiled kitchen and bath, full basement, floored attic (room for 2 extra rooms), oil heat. Aluminum canopies. Finest of construction. One car garage, lot 66x166 (extra lot when James st. is cut thru), landscaped, fruit trees. Shown onlv by appointment. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St. Phone 268 or Mr. Plumb 1046-J. 2 •51-6 WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom house, den, utility, laundry, barroom, TV. room, large living room, dining and kitchen. Wall to wall carpeting, 2% car garage, on 2 large lots. 30 day delivery. This home is well worth over $20,000. Will sell for $16,000. Can be bought on contract. Airspun Builders & Real Estate, McHenry 430 46-tf FULL OR PART time all around handy man; also part time bartender. Town Club, 201 Riverside Drive. Phone 12. 2 Help Wanted Immediate Opportunities! Draftsmen Die Makers Die Repairmen Punch Press Operators Machine Setup Men Many employee benefits. Steady work. Visit our employment office. Open 8:15 to 4:45 Monday through Friday, and Saturday uqtil noon. Phone SHerwood 1-7900. SHAKEPROOF DIVISION Illinois Tool Works St. Charles Road Route 25 Elgin, Illinois 51-tf 1st ANNIVERSARY DANCE Sponsored by The McHenry Fire Department at the FIRE HOUSE -- ELM STREET SQUARE and BALLROOM DANCING DOOR PRIZES - REFRESHMENTS Donation $1.00 per couple For Sale 3 bedroom home, 2 years old. Sell on contract. $1,000 down. PRICE $11,500 • ALSO Several choice building lots for sale. WANTED Wanted Property Listings: Lake, River & Channel front property. We have a waiting list of prospective buyers for properties of this type. GEORGE D. WATTS, Realty Fox Lake, Dl. PHONE JUstice 7-1011 (Call Collect) * 52-tf INVESTOR WANTED to finance building in'Woodstock for reliable growing sales and service business. Reply Box 156 care of Plaindealer. 1-2 Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 TWO NEW modern ranch homes, three bedrooms, attached garage, 1 % acres each. Near Wauconda shopping center. Reasonable. Buy direct from owner. Save commission. Phone McHenry 1793-J. 1-2 WANTED LOAN OF $1,000 for down payment on home. Will pay back $1,000 plus interest. Good working reliable family man. Please call McHenry 9856 ask for Bob Carlo. *2 Wanted Scrap Metal Donations for the furthering of the Mill Winder's Hot Rod Club of McHenry Call McHenry 471-W or 960 After 6:00 P.M. We will pick up anywhere in McHenry County 1-2 Listings Wanted HANK Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Fedej- al Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and. earn 2%% plus >4% extra. 38-tf FOX RIVER FRONT lot for sale by owner, I90'xl77'x79'x66'. Call McHenry 2094. 2 6 ROOM HOUSE in Spring Grove for sale. Basement. Reasonable. Phone 2223. 2 REAL ESTATE wanted for our clients. 2 and 3 bedroom, modern homes. In or near McHenry, close to railroad preferred. From $12,000 to $15,000. JACOB FRITZ • REALTORS In Johnsburg McHenry $7 38-tf HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Maaon Contractors B-dL Builders of New Oomtouotiofl and JSemodellng PHONE 409-R BOB PEPPING LEO KRABBENHOFT II E. bl REAL ESTATE Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 52-tf WANTED TO BUY TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-ti WE PAY highest prices for old cars, iron, metals, paper and rags. Prompt pick ups. Call Roy Grooms, 1368-M 1 or Staines 53-J 47-tf USED 12 fr. row boat. Write Elden Petersen, 4750 Clarenden, Chicago 40, 111. *2 LOST AND FOUND 'OUND: The best scource of hot local news. It's Waukegan radio. Don't lose McHenry County Date Book, 9:45 and McHenry County News, 12:45. Dial 1220 any day. '1220 on your dial makes your lay worth while." . 2 MISCELLANEOUS 'It's Polka Time' Music by "The Starlights" SATURDAY, MAY 19 at CLUB LILYMOOR ROUTE 120 NOTICE: We now have the Sleepy-Dryes recommended by McHenry doctors. Price $1.25 Toddler Shop. Ill Elm. Phone 746. 2 LAKEMOOR ELECTRIC is moving to a new area. I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank my customers for their fine support in the past. Goodbye and Good Luck? KEN CUNNY •2-2 HAS YOUR DRINKING be&Uie a problem? Men, women, if so write Alcoholics Anonymous,- Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 pjn.. 12-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY: Part cocker, male, 8 months old. Housebroken. Good with children,. House pet., Call 632-M-2. 2 WILL TRADE WILL TRADE equity in 2. bedroom house in Wonder Lake for late car or house trailer. Reply Box 159 care of Plaindealer. 2-3 DH, OIENRY FREUND OPTOMETBIST At 136 S. Green l&cHeiiry (Closed Thursday EYES EXAMINED -- CLASSES FISTISO VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 0 TO 12 AJL and 1 TO 5 PJL FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 PJK. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT , PHOKfS McHENRY 452 to Redwood or Pine Lawn Chairs and Swings, Picnic and Umbrella Tables. Pier and Park Benches --" Chaise Lounges, Wheelbarrows, Flower and Sand Boxes^ -- Bird and Dog Houses -- Children's Play Pens -- Fencing, Trellis Arbors, Etc. Cabinets made to order -- Cement Chimney Caps, Cesspool Covers and Slabs. CLARENCE J. SMITH JpJbnsburg Phone MfHwry 191M' TOPICS ; ' Allan McKlm cal pulse and flashes it onto your screen as a picture again. All this in an instant, showing the action before the camera. Now, if your screen does not give you a clear-cut, easyviewing picture, you can be --pieture begins in a camerai sure in about 95Vc of the Glenn Paulsen Many times at McHENRY TV people have asked us. "Just what is television anyway; what makes it work; why does it break down: give us a non-technical answer that we can understand?" So here goes . . . The TV thirty pictures per secoftd, about seven-eighths inches high an9 one and a quarter inches wide. But, instead of film, those pictures are recorded jn an electron tube which changes the picture to an electrical pulse, then to a TV wave. The sending station sprays the wave to your antenna and your TV set changes it back to an electritimes that somewhere be tween the tip of your antenna and the inside of your picture tube, that aflectrical pulse has gone astray. It must pass through a multitude of electronic devices which makes up your TV set. Phone 2233 and we will put that straying pulse back on the path toward a good picture. ENRY T PHONE 2233 On %Diu 120 - 2 BOd. Ea»t «l Bridge What's the point ol advertising? It's as simple as this. If you have something to selL the more people who know about it, the more you will selL Your ad in this paper affords the quickest way, for the least money, to get your selling story before the most Let's talk advertising in terms of TOUR business. Just cal) McHenry 170 or 171. McHENRY PLAINDEALER people. It it pays to sell, it pays to advertise . . . because advertising IS selling, geared for large-stale, profitable results! liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim

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