Pi9« Tiii •'^-'Fr i .0 . -$Zk -'r »V. , Ttlt McHENRY PLAINDEALER • t»- - •<- .;. T>V- .*i ' rV'.*. »;/*, VW«t f . - .,-V j*v y;-i':S -r^f rv^t« ;"V> , v 7' *-^1? Ar Thursday, May 24, 1956 i'. •'! A1 - ' J RINGWOOD ay Mts. George Shepard 500 Club » Mrs. George Shepard entertained the women's five hundred clUb at her home Wednesday. A 1, . o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. " <ouis Hawley and low to Mrs. Lester Carr. Sewing Circle Ttie W.S.C.S. sewing circle met at the home of Mrs. Lena Peet Thursday afternoon. Dish 'owels were embroidered and carpet rags were sewn. Lunch was served. Graduation Party Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan entertained a group of relatives it their home Sunday, honoring the graduation of their daughter, Patty, and son, Harry, and their niece, Donna Ackerman. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner and family of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman. Sr., and daughter, Dorene. of Poplar Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Haines and family of Round family of Mt. Vernon, 111., and Mf. and Mrs. Merril Colvey and sons of Belvidere spent Sunday evening in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen spent Saturday evening in the Delbert Schroeder home at Woodstock. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Walter Wilcox spent Friday afternoon in the Leslie Aller. home at Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and family of Poplar GroVe spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Walter- Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr and Mrs. Walter Low and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Beatty-Low home. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen of McHenry. Sunday visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home were Mr dnd Mrs. Paul Miller and Mr. . and Mrs. Krai of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Tedwidler and Mr. and Mrs. John Annau Of Chicago. Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low were callers in the and Vernon Rabe spent the weekend with relatives at Waupaca, Wis, Mrs. Grace McCannon spent a few days the past week in the Frank Schroeder home at Wonder Lake. Mrs. Cora Woods is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pete Sebastian. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jrv of McHenry were dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley Sunday. Afternoon callers were Mr. arid Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove and Mr. and, Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake. Patty Hogan is visiting her grandparents at Poplar Grove this week. Jerry Cristy was a Sunday dinner guest of his sister and family, the Gordon Fossums. Mrs. Roy Harrison, Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Mrs. Warren Jones were visitors at Waukegan Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Flora Becking of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansfield of Hebron and Burton Gale of Chicago called on Mrs. Flora Harrison Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J" C. Pearson spent Saturday in Chicago. Atty. and Mrs. R. W. Churchill of Grayslake and Mrs. Fred Churchill and daughter of Jefferson City, Mo., called on Mrs. Flora Harrison Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and Lake, Mr. and Mrs. George daughter, Mary, of Hebron spent HMari.n easn da nMd rsf.a mHialyro lodf AMcckHeremnrayn, homes a^tW woooodcsistoiocckk Tluueessndaayy aafr- Sunday evening with her par Mr. Q„H Mrc nonroo, sh<1T> and family, Jay Walkington and ternoon. Mrs. Susie Evanoff of the Solon Mills rest „ home was Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Samuelson and family. Church News Sunday evening, the members of the Senior Youth Fellowship and their parents met at the Greenwood church for a potluck supper. The evening included worship, recreation and a round-table discussion on 'teen- Tarent understanding. The Ringwood Junior Youth Fellowship met at the church. A special camp project was discussed. The Ringwood daily vacation Bible school staff will meet at the church Thursday evening. The Senior Youth Fellowship vfrill journey to Chicago to see the play "Inherit the Wind" on Friday. The building committee will serve a roast beef dinner at the church on Memorial Day. Tickets must be obtained in advance. ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. John Hogan attended the brought to the home of her brother, Dr. Wm. Hepburn, by ambulance Friday. It was her eighty-first birthday. She will make her home here for the spring picnic at Woodstock Wednesday for new Home Bureau members. John Hogan, Jr., and a party of friends from McHenry went present. Mrs. Will Curtis of Sa-1 to Riverview Park in Chicago lem, Wis., is helping care for her. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Sunday. Lend Uncle sam Tour Dollars Personals Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and family of Barrington spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bruce and PROPER lOHflL DIRECTORS5 tfndu WAIC-KIAG DR. J. C. GOFTSCHEL Chiropractic Physiciaa 25 Orchard Beach Road Office Honrs: Mon., Tnes., Thurs. & Frl. 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 5:30 • 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. PHONE 748 DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160, VIRGO. R. POLLOCK SPECIALIZING IN LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES ALSO Non-Cancellable Accident And Health Non-Cancellable Hospitalization Group Insurance For Free Information Call McHenry, 111. Phone 1168-J The PICNIC-KING combines the beauty of wood with the strength of steel. Strong wood plank tops and bench seats, supported by genuine high tensile rail steel ribs and cross members. AH steel parts are finished in attractive, rust-resistant forest green, and all screws and bolts are plated for weather protection. The handsome tables are built for years of 'tough usage, and here is, another exclusive featurei CAN BE DISASSEMBLED FOR EASY, COMPACT, WINTER STORAGE The PICNIC-KING ends the winter storage problem* Can be quickly disassembled for storing in garage or basement, or can be reassembled in your game room or basement for winter iue. 6 FOOT Pre-Cui and Ready To Assemble TAilS S1S ALEXANDER LUMBER Co. PHONE 1424 Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 1336 Rt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, 111. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Aut«, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & Elm McHenry, 111. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Mifes South on Rt. 31 PHONE 950 MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO Complimentary- demonstration And free instruction in complexion care and Individual make-up and color chart. "Try before you l»uy^" CELIA WARNES, Owner Phone 1464 1 Blk- East of the Old Bridge F.ii. Ri & TEL! SALES and SERVICE 128 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Authorized Dealer For G.E. - SENTINEL - DUMONT RAYTHEON - MOTOROLA - EMERSON Also G.E. ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS, REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, DRYERS & STOVES. PH®HE McHSNIY 979 FOR PROMPT & EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF TV. & RADIO. WO'RK PERFORMED BY BONDED TECHNICIANS. WE GUARANTEE ALL PARTS INSTALLED BY US FOR ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF REPAIR. "T~"» All materials used are of first quality. Liberal trade-in allowance for your old TV. set. Up To 24 Months Time Payment Plan STORE HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Friday 9'a.m. to 9 p.rif. Sunday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. - <** • '•****»«»» rrrr ZT 1 \ - • COSH! SEE. ¥0011 ftvi AT MP! 9 'SUMK-RI6HT" OUAlSfY, 16-20 LB. CANNED HAMS Armour Star 3 Wilson's Tenderswide6 Armour £ $2.49 £$4.59 91/j-lb. Size $6.49 • HAMS "These "Super-Right" Hams are rich in the mellow flavor that comes from careful curing and smoking . . . tender and juicy as only corn-fed pork can be . . . and priced mighty modestly! ' SMOKED THESE HAMS REQUIRE COOKING >§oked Salami Pickle & Pimento Spiced Luncheon "SUPER-RIGHT" Luncheon Meils 29' SHANK PORTION LB. Bun PORTION WHOLE HAM 33® "47> 47( CENTER CUT SUCiS-LB. 79c COOKED THESE HAMS ARI FULLY COOKED SHANK PORTION LB. BUTT PORTION 35° u49c 49 CENTER CUT SUCES-LB. 79c WHOLt HAM Sliced Sliced Sliced 8-oz. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. 8-oz. pkg. 29' If Smoked Butts Sliced Bacon "Super-Right" Short Shank Allgood Brand Hickory Smoked lb. 35 "SUPER-KI6HT" ALL MEAT SKINLESS FRANKS lb. pkg. 391 Non-Carbonated P@rk Sack Ribs Ground Beef Cube Steak Sirloin Steak;• Tender Meaty "Super-Right" Fresh Quality "Super-Right" Tender Juicy Oven Reedy Tender Meaty Sizzling Steak Tonight lb. »>. 49° Turkeys ,b 39c Fresh Fryers 89c Fancy Medium Shrimp 8 Smoksd Chubs 4 to 10 lbs. Pan Ready Whole or Cut Up lb. lb. lb. 49* 39° 75* 49' Hl-C ORANGE Rich in 4% 46-01. ^ Vitamin C tin laiemon mlf erbest Dill Texas Jumbo 36 Size, Meaty CANTALOUPE - 29 Lemon Jyice Reconstituted Party Pack Brand kles Zesty Rich in Flavor Gofi Oil Pickles ted Oliiii fluffed Olives Huui Tomaf® lab Halters PretziSi iir-i-Qii Sauce °Tt" Ms6l°§-Mints dandy 2 2 2 t bti. qtjar 4-oz. Firm, Ripe CUBAN PINEAPPLE 12 Size Fresh •a. \ or Pretwl Stix jars qt. jar 5-oz. tint lO'/j-oz. jar 14-oz. btlt. 10-oz. pkg. 18-oz. btl. 8-oz. pkg. 19* 39* 45' 37* 19* FSerida Black Diamond WATERMELON TeaatOM '.t" Flw Ten Red, Ripe Beauties 8 Red, Sun Riptned Florida Grown Large, Golden Southern Grown each 5« Jg larrots 29' F Swc Green iabbage tlT 2 81" Regal® Sole Slaw California L@nons 6 - 19* Regal® Ipinach FROZEN FOOD VALUES ;es 5 2 Washed & Topped There's No Waste Washed Cello Wrapped lb. bag l-lb. cello 45* 23° IT, We lO-oi. 15° bag Yukon Club (Assorted Fldvors) BEVERAGES 3% 29° (PLUS DEPOSIT) Strawberries A&P's Brand Sliced & Sugared 2 te 45' Gr f las Fr®iih Firs Sweet Young 2 12-oz. i Tender pkgs. 1 A&P's--Just 2 14-oz. i Heat 'n Eat pkgs. nade 6-oz. tin Ors Ice Banq ;e Ji§@e ii A&P's Unsweetened A&P't Crestmont 2 m 2 6-oz. tins •/j-gal. ctn 8-oz. pkgs. (0)0 Q Q LUX Bi 2 large bars DI 2 RINSO fiRGENT large pkg*- 63 tux FLAKES 2 £ (S3e LUX LIQUID DiHRGENT 12-oz. tin WHITE "POP-OUT" liX TISSUE box of 400 r Chicken Noodle pkSof 2 Knit Miracle Whip Kraft Velveeti Kraft Salad ii Kraft Cheese Whiz Kraft Malted Milk Salad Dressing l»r Light Meat Cheese Spread There's No Other Like Itl Cheese Spread Kiddies Love It 2 lb. loaf pint btl 83° : ii® 8-oz. btl. Kraft isndwitl Spread Kraft Handi liacks Dreft Detergent BOSCH Itolatt Brink pkg. 8-oi. J«r 8-oz. Jar Assorted 6-oz. links : 43e Ci| Canned Beverages Chicken.> Tmi Delrich Marprine Collage Inn • Heinz Tomato Ketchi Dash Detergent Dash Dog Food Tomato Cocktail 6,2*'z* CCc tins 99 Sll 4!c 25e 49° 2 tins l-lb. otns. 46-oz. tin 2 14-oz. btls. 25-os. Pkf. For a More Active Pet 2 ~ 27' flmer. Family Detergent 2 £ S3' AMaiCA'S FOREMOST FOOD , tETAIlER . • . SINCI 1859 2 largo Pkgs. 12-oz. I»r 63e 33s 2 THE GREAT ATlAffTIC A PACIFIC HA COMPANY Prices effective through May 26th Plaindealer Want Ads