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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1956, p. 12

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w %. „ * **r* 1 !f ' y <• • / " i * \ <' * *"!<?* *'> * 5 w<, r / -f. ' ) " ' •* 1* >* v» -i •*** 'v 1 rOttJife THE McHEWilY PLAlNDE^LEft Tbiirsaay. May 24. 1956 1 Richmond Community News *' 11 By Phyllis Carlson • >t - Wedding Bells Miss Frances Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .Dale Roberts of Tolona, 111., became the bride of Duane Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Harris of rural Richmond. Rev. Noyce performed the wedding ceremony in the Community church Saturday afternoon.- * The bridesmaid was Miss ;Joyce Kiest, a high school senior "from Tolona, a town near Champaign. The best man was Richard Jacobson of rural Richmond. The ushers were Mr. Roberts, an uncle of the bride, and George Rudolph. The church was dfvoratod with baskets of spring flowers. Mrs. Harriet Burton was the organist and Mr. Owen Richardson sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly." The bride ' wore a ballerina length, nylon lace dress. Her mother made her veil, a circular one, of rtylbn net with matching nylon lace. The bridesmaid wore ' rose nylon with a net stole. The bride carried American beauty roses and a white prayer book. The reception for the bride and groom was held at the Hunter Golf club. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harris are planning to live at Round . Lake, where Duane is employed in construction work. Olsson at 1:45 p.m. The annual meeting of the Women's council of the Community church will be held Wed- are almost over, nesday. June 6. beginning with a 1 p.m. luncheon. Reservations for the luncheon, can be made via the circle chairmen. Picnic This is the week for picnics. Each of the upper grade roorhs planned a picnic of its own. The first, second and third grade rooms will go together to Fox River park tomorrow for their school picnic. All the mothers arc invited to the lower grade picnic. School days for the year Pancake Supper a Success The Couples' club was pleased with the success of the pancake supper held at the Community church last Saturday evening. They felt their efforts were well worthwhile. Vacation Church School The dates for the daily vacation church school this year are June 11 to June 22. This school is a cooperative Venture of the Community church and of Grace church, Richmond, to fill a need for religious instruction and for recreation for the children of the community. There will be classes for nursery age through the eighth grade. Royal Neighbors-Meet Tuesday evening, .the Royal Neighbors met at the hofne of Miss Margaret Johnson. This organization meets the fourth Tuesday of every month. Mrs. Kenneth Granger recently attended the recorders' school of instruction in Rockford, conducted by Miss Margaret Walker, the . supreme recorder from Rock Island. Between „ 100 and 150 attended the school. Eighth Grade Promotion Tonight you \ are invited to come to the high school auditorium and see the eighth graders receive the diploma that entitles them to enter high school in the fall. These eighth graders are from the Richmond grade school. Last week Tuesday, the eighth graders from the rural schools received their diplomas. Confirmation Sunday Sunday at Grace church, the children who had completed a year of catechetical instruction were confirmed at the 11 a.m. service. Those in the class were Dennis Ehorn, Barbara Hall, Pat Johnson, Carol Michelle, Henry Metz, Tommy Karls and Judy Sebo. The confirmands wore white robes and each had a boutonniere of a red carnation. The class gift was a set of red paraments for the pulpit and lectern. The family of Mr. and Mrs. William Buchert gave red altar paraments and a red stole. The Lutheran Women's guild gave the pastor a new robe. All Rotary News Last week, Rev. Clarence Kerr, pastor serving at the Woodstock Children's home, told about his work. The home is doing a fine . job and well deserves v the support that it hopes to receive from the organizations of the county. This week the speaker was Capt. Eugene Hendricks of the U.S. Army Reserve, located at Waukegan. After the dinner ...High School Graduation Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., the , seniors will receive their diplomas in the high school auditorium. P.T.A. County Council Last Thursday evening, the McHenry county council, of the P.T.A. met in the high school at Hebron. The largest attendance of the year was due to the fact that eighteen members of the Richmond P.T.A. showed up for the meeting. Most of the officers and many of the committee chairmen for next year attended the council meeting. Mrs. Fago, president of this district, which includes three counties, spoke at the meeting and installed the new of the county council. officers Birthdays Dick Wilder ceilebrated his birthday Sunday. Tuesday, little Karen Sheldon celebrated her first birthday. Karen's mother and daddy enjoyed her first birthday more than they enjoyed the day last meeting, the Rotarians adjourn- j year for Karen's daddy is a high ed to the high school where all school teacher and Karen chose interested high school students and their fathers were invited to attend. Rotary committees for the year, beginning July 1, are: Chairman of community service, Arlie Pickering; chairman , of boys' and girls' activities, Floyd Goehring; members of the committee are Ray Thompson and Fred Gunderson; chairman for community, safety, Pete Ehorn; members of the committee are Earl Hendrickson and Leo Karls. Field "trip The first three grades of the graduation day last year as the day to be bom. However, she waited until about midnight so that Doc Harris, who delivered her, could give out the diplomas and so that both her daddy and mommy could attend the graduation exercises. Most considerate of the younger generation, don't you think so? of these gifts were dedicatrfTT^chmond S^ade school went to Sunday zo° Milwaukee last week Baby Baptized At the Mother's Day service at the Community church, little Dav?~ William Klassy was baptized. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Klassy and is not quite a year old. Church Meetings' Monday evening, the Sunday School teachers of Grace church ; met. Wednesday afternoon, the Good Fellowship group of the Community church met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Westcott. The Christian Service group of the Community church also met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Lasco and Mrs. Richards. Today the vacation church school staff meets at the Lutheran church. Tomorrow, the Friendship group will meet with Mrs. Viggo for their field trip. The kids came home tired, but happy after a big day. We know they are too young to remember the song that goes "All the monkeys ajen't in the zoo, every day you see quite a few," but we wonder if they can appreciate what those lines mean4 now. New* from Carleton College Carleton college students who have maintained scholastic averages in the' upper 10 per cent of their classes, members of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, were given recognition at the annual Honors Day convocation Sunday, May 19, in Skmner Memorial chapel. Among those receiving recognition was Miss Mary Wittmayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wittmayer of Richmond. Mary is a senior and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. mayer went to Northfield, Minn., last weekend to see Mary. They attended the Honors Day (convocation at Carletort. They visited in? Minneapolis, too. The Wittmayers brought back some- of Mary's accumulation of things gathered over four years in college. They will return, to Northfield in a few weeks to see Mary graduate. Pastor Carlson ^flew to St. Louis last week for the convention of the Illinois Synod of the United Lutheran church. In this air age, many people travel by plane, but in our family, none of us hais ever been in an airplane, so you can imagine the prestige father has. accumulated" in the eyes of the children. He bummed a ride home with a preacher friend from Sharon, Wis., and arrived home while the offspring were' asleep. About 6 a.m. next morning, all three hopped in bed and questioned him about what it's like up in the 'air. The joys of fatherh&od! Dr. Savage, friend of the farm animals, is in .Burlington hospital. We hope he will soon be home. The children in the beginners' Sunday School class at Grace church made "get well" cards for Doc Savage. We all miss him. 1 Next year's first graders registered for school last week, met the teacher and saw the room. The sand t^ble in the first grade room was certainly an attraction for the very young. Have you seen the art exhibit at the Hunter Golf club? There are paintings on display by Mrs. Manka and her pupils. Perhaps one of your neighbors paints. Why not go and see? Don't forget the Memorial Day parade next Wednesday. Seniors Honored at Party The seniors were guests of honor at a supper given by the Youth Fellowship group at the Community, church Sunday evening. The committee, together with Dr. Bertha Shafer and Mrs. Noyce, cooked spaghetti and meat balls for quite a few. Ice cream and delicious chocolate chip cookies were the dessert. Dave Harris was master of ceremonies. Everyone had a good time. We will need quite a few freshmen to replace the seniors who will be leaving. Of course the seniors can never be replaced, really, but we hope they have many interesting ex- . periences ahead, with college for many of them. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiifiiiiiussiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiitiiiiiii J0HNSBURG NEWS By Betty Hettermann i in t inn nuin i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i nn t;t iiiim i Bake Sale' The Christian Mothers are sponsoring another of their popular bake sales next Sunday, May 27. The sale will take place in St. John's school hall following the masses. Anyone donating bread, pies, cakes, cookies, beans, potato salad, etc., are asked to bring their articles to the hall as soon as possible in the morning. Be sure to come and purchase some home-made goodies for the finishing touch to your Sunday dinner. Hospitalized Mrs. Marge Fischer of Jak- Ana Heights entered Memorial hospital last Saturday morning. She will remain there for several days for observation so how about dropping her a card. Cards mean so much to a person when they are confined to a hospital. Plus One Mr. and Mrs. t>\nald Butler of Niesen's subdivision welcomed their second child, a daughter, born May 9 at Memorial hospital. Congratulations to the new parents. Dog Lost A forlorn little dog wandered to the Harvey Palmer home last week and decided to stick around. The Palmer family is quite concerned because the dog looks as though it has been a pet. The dog is about two feet high, is black and white and is very well behaved. Lynn, of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the Walter Durrenberg home. Freddie Durrenberg made his confirmation in Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. The Jim Hettermann family and Mrs. Helen Hettermann visited the Krift-Lois home in Wheatland, Wis., Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Stermer of Elmwood Park spent last weekend at their summer home in Niesen's subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levey of. Chicago spent last weekend at the Phil Mangold home.- SUCCESSFUL CADET The office of tbe late Rep. Chauncey W. Reed has announced that of those candidates from the 14th Congressional district of Illinois who participated in the recent qualifying examination conducted by the Department of the Air Force, Michael A. Clarke, Crystal Lake, qualified as the only successful cadet to be enrolled at the Air Force academy for the class commencing this July. . M.C.H.S. News The following is a continuation of the high school code, which has been printed and distributed to each student. ' Personal Appearance 1.. Students wear clean, neat clothes (e.g., slacks and jeans worn with a belt, and regular or sport shirts for boys; and blouses and skirts or dresses for girls). 2. They avoid excessive ornamentation and extreme dress. 3. The boys have their hair cut in a conventional style. Auto Rules 1. They do not take cars from the school grounds any time during the day without permission. 8. They obey state and city traffic laws which provide: A, speed limit of 10 m.p.h. in the parking area and in the streets adjacent to the school; B, no overloading of cars; C, no operating cut-outs or straight exhausts or excessive noises. Around the Town Miss Violet Crowley and Bill McEnnis of Chicago spent last week at their respective homes on the river. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hawryluk and daughters, Nancy and Carol Mr. Here and There and Mrs. Edwin Witt- Thanks to one and all for making our Grand Opening a wonderful success. Hoping we can be of service to you again. ^ Liz & Harold Wirch iIARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINUKALER WANT ADS ATTENTION RICHMOND MERCHANTS We are pleased to announce that we now have a local young man, Ronnie Manka, to represent us in your area on matters concerning display advertising in our paper. Ronnie will call on you at your place of business in the near future to assist you in ev^ry way possible. Or, you may reach him by calling Richmond 3332. eaning and Repairing GUARANTEED ^ WORK A dogged or leaking radiator can result in •erioOs motor damage. Let us clean qnd repair your radiator new* See m Sewiee GENERAL REPAIRS Welding Ornamental Iron ADAMS Bf ». HEP air sef :e Bus. Phone 783 - Res. 209-J Located in Stilling's Phillips "66" Service Station SOD m. Elm St. McHenry, E1L HUNTER COUNTRY CLUB RICHMOND, ILLINOIS EMI - PRIVATE MEMBEIRS1K1 Mt MEN'S $35.00 WOMEN'S $27.00 FAMILY $6©JO JUNE 1 1ST FEES WSIK DAYS $1.25 SATURDAYS $1.75 SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS $2.00 ilLIGHT Pii AFTER 5 P.M. (OS?) - 75* except Sundays & Holidays Buy U S. Savings Bonds Shop in McHenry Stores. JUNE 5 MEETING A hearing will , be held Tuesday, June 5, at 3:30 O'clock at the city hall, at which time Dorothy A. Hampton is asking for a variation allowing the operation . of a women's clothing and accessory shop in her rfydence, which is located in Won-® der Center on the Wonder Lake blacktop road. air rout SEPTIC TANK womanG SMOOTHLY Inexpensive-- Easy to apply • ,, ^Stimulates Bacterial action Helps prevent Sluggish er clogged septic systems BOYER BAC-TIVMOR ALTHOFFS "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" PHONES: 283 - 284 501 Main St. McHenry, 111. Famous Culligan WATER SOFTENER All Exclusive Features Phone Wauconda JAckson 6-5421 Ready Mixed 1: ^ Concrete Vi it r * ...CUTS DOWN WASTE Stop' wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the right concrete mix right on time! McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "EAPIO IJISPATOHED" PHONG 920 this COMPLETED Year-round 3-BEDROOM HOME ; 'm& 816 LOT ' Only at Beautifully WOODED HI@HLAND SHORES ON LARGE NEARBY LAKE O N L Y 895 D OVV N P l»' Sma/I c s / n9 Cost AFTEr First 3 Years Fsr Principal i Interest For MST 3 Years £ ^9 MONTH Fsr Principal i Interest * We Cordially Invite Old' Custesners to be' Our We Invlt® You to Use Our Cocktail Lounae and Disiifw Judged by its GIANT LIVING ROOM, almost 28 FEET LONG . . . by {lie THEiii large airy Bedrooms with sliding door closets ... by its EQUIPF3B Bathroom. Kitchen and Utility Room . . . Yo«'d expect {his home to be in the $12,000 CLASS! You get a BIG LOT with ample room for fits© lawns and gardens, play yard and pleasqet summer "outdoor" living right in the heart of the "Fo* River Valley.'* FULLY COMPLETED Plus These "EXTRA" FEATURES-- • Interior WALLS ready to dee- • Year-around INSULATION Exterior crime sainted * and Co,d •rate. Exterior prime p Infd with PLUMBING; WATERLINE • Newest AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT #r#(B MA|N fo HOUSE • AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER • Kitchen and bathroom with • Electric WIRING I Nationally Known Fixtures HOUSE with BIG LOT 95 FURNISHED MODEL OPEN Every SAT. and SUNDAY ONLY 695 D O W N HOUSE & LOT Plus Smell Closing Cost A De Luxe 2-Bedroom Fully COMPLETED YEM-AROUNB H®fe4E gjcad] LARGE SITI In Beautiful LAKELAND PARK and Wooded! HIGHLAND SHORES iiell" or "S@mi e BATHROOM wttk • FIXTURES II >6,995 HOME & SITE INCLUDING Closing and Finance Charges and 3-Year Fire Insuraoce AWer [FiirsG 3 Years e LARGE PORCH • TWO Bedrooms • Large LIVINGDINING Area O EQUIPPED Kite he* At either LAtCELAND PARK or 11 S i H?KS " yoa can have a home at a PRICE THAT WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. YOU GET ALL THIS: All coEiafructloa completed; inferior WALLS ready to decorate; exterior prime painted. Latest AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT; Automatic WATER HEATER: Year-around INSULATION; Electric WIRING; hot and cold WATER PIPES with PLUMBING: WATER LINE from MAIN to HOUSE. A* MONTH For Principal and Interest For First 3 Years *59* ..:™ For Principal and Interest BOtiVS OUT TODAY Take ROUTE 120 to about lA mile WEST of McHenry city limits and TURN NORTH at LAKELAND PARK sign. FURNISHED MODELS Op*a Every Sot. ami Sm. 5S32 W. DIVISION ST. • COIumbus 1-5148 e^iA 1JVs'fp>!.^

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