£ • f W*- ^ :" •'; V; 'vf^S' •••^|Pi|i^:;.lSi» .S^|i^|i#v,!f:,^',"V;r • '•' >Ki>v»- ;L '• ;:•&.*<,&£. .. " A.'irtf-i Thursday ••*'- and WehCe Stanek, s fnencl^ Maurice Stilling, another. brother, and Charles vyalkor, the groom's brother-in-law, were ushers. , *• Mrs. Stilling chose a pale ! blue shantung dress, blue hat. i and white accessories. Mrs. Buscli wore pale blue lace and j white accessories. Both had pink j rose corsages. Breakfast for the bridal party Announce Troth * «• ! ehaol Antonson. Janic Fround, , was serve(j at the Stilling home. Of Karen Glosson Torn and Greg Herdrich. Jelf During the evening, a reception ;iMr. and Mrs. George Glosson ! Nellis, Linda and Michael Arnici, , for 300 guests was held, at St. tof Cooney Heights announce iho I Georgie Kauss and Pam Osier- Joseph's hall.- engagement of their daughter, j gren, all of McHenry, and Scott Karen Lee, to Jack Hay, son of | Verner and Don Lendrum the John Hays. No date has been set for the wedding. C.D. of A. Plana For installation A business meeting of C.D. of A. will be held the this of Chicago. Unable to be present 1 were Jack and Bethy Thelen J anft Corey Neilis. ! PATRICIA STILLING I MARRIED MAY. 30 Both Mr. aiid Mrs. Buscli are graduates of the Richmond high school.' She is employed at the Farmers Co-op in McHenry and the groom by Tonyan's Constructs tion. After a wedding trip,, the > nie, of Chicago" were guests in PFR^lOMiS T Or.' I] ,lie Charles Brown home Sun- :'i'?-J<jay, where they attended a ga- •> !• •!' 'l"t> 'M"fr .!• thering honoring Michael Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dietz of an eighth grade graduate at St. Glendora, Calif., (former local residents,^ visited friends here the past week. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapft spent the past week in Mankato, Minn. Richard Hayes of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Saturday. His mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, returned home with him for a visit. Miss Peggy Whiting, k student, nurse at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reihans- IThursday) evening. June 7 ami • TO LEON BLSGH installation of officers will take l • place on June 21. | A wedding of interest to Mo The last social event of 1he 1 Henry friends was solemnized on 'group Was on May 14, when the j Wednesday. May 30, at 9.30 annual Mother'*? day banquet was J o'clock when Miss Patricia Ann •held in the high' school, with 'Stilling, daughter of the William Elizabeth Thompson as chairman Stillings ol Richmond, became of the committee in charge. I the bride of Mr. LeOn Busch, _ • ! son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Busch, Family <«atherhiff --------- '- also 01 Richmond. hi Honors La Hodas j Miller officiated at the double.' Lutheran Church A family get-together was held ring service, which was read at une at the Legion home on Sunday. ; St. Joseph's church in that cit>. | honoring Dr. and Mrs. La Hoda | James Bergen of Hebron sang ' couple will reside at 306»fc N. i perger were Sunday visitors in Green street. the home of her parents, Dr. ' | and Mrs. C. E. Reinfried, in .1 .1 ! Madison, Wis. The Reinfrieds jfr * .1 have just returned from a very June 11-32 Nativity Lutheran Vacation enjoyable trip around the world. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eastman and family of NapCrville vyere visitors in the Walter Bolger home Saturday. • "" Miss Norma Whiting of Grays- Adult Girl Scout Association -- 1 p,m. -- Legion Home -- (Li 11 ian* Scheldt who have just j "Panis Angelicus." . "Ave Maria" j "®^S„SeS / returned from Germany, where I and "On This Day O Beautiful he was a deritist in the service ! Mother," the latter as she placed of his country for three years. . white roses at the altar of the The occasion also served to 1 Blessed Virgin. The other church honor George Scheid, son of the 1 altars were decorated with pink ' and white carnations. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a white nylon tulle dress over satin. Leo Scheids of Wauconda, who is home on leave after two years in Japan. A pot-luck supper was served F r a n k C h u r c h S~c .h o o.l -- W,%To n d e r tL «ai,k« e• ^la ke visited relatives here Sttn- Mrs. Mabel Powers attended commencement exercises of St. Mary's school in Woodstock Monday evening. Her grandson, Richard Powers, was a member of the class. Among the McHenry folks who attended the funeral of Mrs. Jacob F. Justen in Waukegan Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Jabob Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Still- Circle Martha (Circle 3) -- Mrs. Vaughn Jones Home -- 1 p.m. 1 June 14 Style Show Sponsored by O.E.S. -- Country Club -- Luncheon at 1 p.m. -- Dinner at 7 to guests from Benton Harbor, j styled with princess lines, scal- Woodstock, Des Plaines, Wail- i loped neckline, Peter Pan collar and long, pointed sleeves. It featured a bouffant skirt, bustle, "'Knights of Columbus Meeting^ an" M"sdames George P' June 22, 23, 24 conda, McHenry. Fox Lake and Wonder Lake. Party Honors Diane Freund Miss Diane Freund. daughter of the John R. Freunds, was guest of honor at a party held upon her graduation from the eighth grade at St. Mary's school Sunday. Thirty-five guests who enjoyed a buffet supper came ftrn Oak Park. Libert yville, Wauconda, Wheeling and Waukegan. Freund, Lena Justen, George J. Freund, Anton Schmitt, Henry Schmitt, Ford Hanford and Violet Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hart anpl the Burt Smith family of Chia gathering in Circle Martha At Jones Residence Circle Martha (Circle 3) will meet June 13 at the home of Mrs. Vaughn '.Tones at 1 p.m. A silent auction will be held. As this is the last meeting of the church year, they would like all members present. Mrs. Betty Francke will assist Mrs. Jones as assistant hostess. Johnsburg Community Club Annual Carnival -- Memorial Park ruffled-trimmed cathedral train) June 26 and fingertip veil. She wore aj Luncheon and Card Party ~j attended Sponsored by Christian i g . ^ i the Jerome Stembach home Sun- Amazon lilies and stephanotis. J Church, Spring Grove Her only jewelry were a gold j Auditorium cross, a graduation gift, and ; July 14-15 pearl earrings. ! "Carnival -- St. Peter's Parish, Miss Nancy Stilling, as maid ; Spring Grove of honor for her sister, was at- ; July 21-22 tired in aqua. Miss Joanne Still- , Rummage and Bake Sale v-- _ ing, another sister, in pwik. Miss Given by Altar and Rosary So- i Waukegan visited IVIcHenry rela- Patti Busch, the groom's sister, I dality of Christ the King Church, j tiv'es Sunday. in yellow, and Mrs. Doris An- 1 Wonder Lake -- Mathews Hall | Mrs Margaret Lonergan of dreas, a friend, in lavender, jujy 25 j Crystal Lake Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I Gillespie, Mr. "and Mrs. Arch pearl and lace cap and carried I Noon a • <tay.- honoring their son, John. I who graduated from the eighth | grade at St. Mary's school on that day. -- - The Edward Sullivan family of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of acted as bridesmaids. They wore 1 Summer Card Party --- Spontorso- effect, strapless gowns. ^ sored t»y Altar and Rosary Sowith pleating at the waist, dalily ^ St. Patrick's Church crystalette boleros, three-quarter | length sleeves and Peter Pan j CARD OF THANKS collars. Their full skirts were of ' nylon tulle over taffeta. The I W(l wlsh to . thank a11 our young ladies wore crownless, I fr,ends for the lovely gifts, flowpicture hats of nylon tulle to 1 ers- 'card* and Sood wishes ie* match their gowns, each trimmed I CPivod on tho occasion of our with lilies of the valley and long golden wedding anniversary. You Merriles and Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson and daughter, Coifc*}**5 A. W. Skelley and Family Patrick's that day. Dr. Edwin Evanson and sister, Dr. Louise Evanson, of Chicago, called on friends here Saturday. The latter remained for a weekend visit with the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago' spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Mollie /fcivens. In company with Donald Givens, they attended Baccalaureate services at Holy Child high school in Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Their niece, Miss Monica Phalin, is one of the graduates. The Mervin Staines and Lee Whiting families of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines of Genoa City, Wis., called in the Joseph Glosson home Sunday to extend congratulations to Carol Glosson, who graduated from St. Patrick's school on that day. . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Heike arid family and Mr. and ivftrs. Hilmer Heike and son, Kenny, of Liberty ville* were guests in the Wm. Wissell home Decoration Day. Other recent visitors were Fred Matthews and Mrs. Fayette Matthews of L'ake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Mundele'in, Bob Walsh of Winthrop Haybor, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walsh and daughter, Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. ' Billy Walsh, Billy and Bobby, and JWr. and Mrs. rteitry Magenta, Stevie and Debbie, Fox Lake, Mrs. Camille Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Van Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Siebold of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seymour and son, Gary, of Crystal Lake, Jack Perry of Lake Villa, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lennbn of Long Lake, Mrs. Margaret Hafner and John Jackson of Grass Lake were out-oftown folks -who attended" open house at the Alfons Adams home Sunday, honoring their daughter, Joan, who graduated from the eighth grade at St. Patrick's school that day. CARD OF THANKS Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to those who expressed their sympathy and -helpfulness to us so beautifully at the time of our recent sorrow. JVIay God bless you all. Laddie ORtcrgrqi ' Observes Birthday Laddie Ostergren's sixth birthday anniversary was observed at the Ostergren home in rural McHenry last week and was attended by a number of young friends. Enjoying the party were Mistreamers. Their colonial . bouquets were of white carnations, centered with pink rosebuds. Their pearl earrings and necklaces were gifts of the bride. James Busch served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Roger Stilling, brother of the bride, and Donald Huff have helped to make this one of the most ev^rttful days of our ' lives. *5 Mr. and Mrs. William Etten The queen contest held in conjunction with Marine Day will get under way next week. Watch next week's issue of the Plaindealer for details. TODDLER SHOP and Young Teen Corner BCIVS - (31RLS - TEENS i^THING SUITS ACCESSORIES & BATHING SHOES ' atlTlHG AT $1.95 brings you STRAP MAGIC! WITCHERY New 6-Way bra that switches in seconds ffir any neckline! / < % New flat RiBben Wire M Stripltis Wife Halter //\ X\ At ftttidtau Criit-CrMS Stray* & Clote-I* Halter OH th« Sbaulitr Lightly padded to achieve contour magic...just switch the straps--and you've a whole bra wardrobe in one! Exquisite Form's exclusive flat, flexible RIBBON \X IRE gives you the dependable uplift of a wired bra, with soft bra ease-of-wear. Each cup is individually Ribbon Wired for perfect separation. Gently, smoothly lifts you into beautiful curves. Style 4432 - In embroidered cotton A 1 up 32-36; B cup 32 to 38; t Q QC ('.cup 32 to 40 0 Style 8432 -- (not illustrated> Combination bra and waist cinrher. .. $8.95. "The Store For Everyone" 208 So. Green St. Phono 182 McHenry, III. DrY •• !• v ,»*:j .» o V-V I;*' : msm rm Rita Baureis, Donald Sonneman Wed June ^' f, Miss Rita. Baureis .and Mr. Donald Sonneman • exchanged nuptial vows in a. lovely service solemnized at ' Our Lady of Grace church, Chicago, ait 10 o'clock on Saturday;* June 2. Miss Baureis. - Was attended by Miss Patricia Baureis, a niece, as maid of honor," and by Mary Kerrigan and Shirley Sonneman of "Chicago arid Patricia Herin of McHenry as bridestnaids. William Sonneinan served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Arthur E. Fenske and George Dehler, both of McHenry. CARD OF THANKS The ^American Legion auxiliary and V^F.W. auxiliary units wish to thank those who worked • to make Poppy day a success and also the public fo^ their generous "donations. 5 CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for floral offerings, ^spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful to Msgr. Nix and the Missionary Fathers, to Fr. Reuland and Fr. Schuler. 5 Family of Gertrude Thurlwell CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who assisted us in any way during the recent hospitalization of Mr. Reinboldt. We are especially grateful for cards, visits and prayers. 5 , Mr. and Mrs. John Reinboldt Sunshine is most beneficial, bui its amazing what a little moon- Ugl"1 will do. dHlLJDREN'S AR1 :* i-Ioping to interest McHenry'syounger citizens in art, as was accomplished among adult residents of the community during the winter, an art course is being held for young people over?., the age of 6 for six weeks thiS; $,ummer. Parents- who are • interested in furthering this cultural' activity in McHenry are asked to call Mrs. Richard Wilhelm at 1170-W before June 12. MONEY AND BANKING _ In Everyday Living ' PROPERTY from fire across the nation totals more than $870 million a year; and statistically, your "fair share" fcf this loss works out to no small sum. If you are not anxious to incur it in reality, we can. suggest . one ^precaution: Transfer yoW important per- : sorial paperS and other valuable possessions to a Safe Deposit Box in our vault. The rental works out to just a few cents a week. • • • ' TO THE HOME HANDYMAN: Chances are, you work more with wood than with any other material. Since you undertake the simpler carpentry tasks yourself to save money on labor, why, not sdve .money on mate-f rials, too? Lumber is graded according to quality -- when you order it, order by grade. You will thus avoid paying for a top grade when a cheaper one will serve y.our purpose just as well... avoid finding out too late that you have bought a grade which won't give you the appearance pr strength the particular job demands. If you are not familiar with your lumber dealer's grading system, ask him to explain it. WORDS CAN BE STRANGE: Take the word bonds. With a small b„ one, of its meanings is "things which tie up; which limit." With a capital B -- in the phrase United States Savings Bonds -- it means just the opposite; for dollars you invest in these sound securities ace not tied up (they may be redeemed after a short specified period from issue date, if necessary) ; and Boqds increase, rather than limit, your buying power, as they earn more dollars for you. Buy Savings Bonds at our bank! McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation » Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 X Heading for a June Wedding? Whether youfre a bridesmaid or a guest, you'll want to be just as "well-groomed" as the bride., To look your very best for the wedding and the social functions which., follow, you'll want to start by having your hair styled in a beautiful, soft permanent wave. because our salon has become so well known for the permanent* we create for our clients, we suggest that you phone 147 now for an appointment at your convenience. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS airshjlmg 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 ivei Open Tuesk, Thnrs. and FrL Evenings 'til 9 . . . A n d i n M c H E N R Y . o f c o u r s e i t ' s . . . RAINBOW CLEANERS (Around the corner North of National Tea) PHONE 927 for Pickup Service or SAVE 10% Cash and Carry at our Store. Try us and SEE, SMELL, and FEEL the difference in your clothes when we clean them the SANITONE Way. All its'big talk is under the hood! V ' i • I 9> it "Drive Cool This Summer! An Air-Conditioned Ford Gives You The Climate YOJT want At Less Cost Than Many Medium-Priced Cars. Try One Today!" With up to 225 h.p. available PJ@W. Ford makes all UiCiG a feaeOs seat for performance! You can chalk up Ford victories in recent performance tests to Ford's long-time leadership in power. And Ford's still the V-8 champ! The 225-h.p. Thunderbird Special V-8 is the biggest, bossiest engine in the low-price field and that means it's "built-to-order" for you. You have better take-off in traffic, the hills look lower and your Ford gets around quicker and easier with its greater passing reserve. There's excitement in Ford's looks, too, because Ford takes after, the Thunderbird, America's top-selling "personal" car. And, in any '56 Ford you and your passengers are protected by Ford'i exclusive Lifeguard Design. With feature after feature and part after part bi^ilt for a long, youthful life, Eord is more than ever worth more . . . whether you're buying or selling. Come in and let us show you exactly why! T#rt Drlvm (ft* Daytoni Beach KriarmaiiM % fa BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main St. Phone McHenry 1 McHenry, 111. II You're Interested in an USED Car -- Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealet