* , * ,"***-*, x- < j - v " * " - 7 * " \ lir •••10 -lQWB-2f' "-': • mrsday/Jtily 12,1956 •-vr:'^'.'-. '.!-.J:,"~ ' 'r •* -':.*}•-•[ V"" : ^.V-'"" :i^,, •-- V' 'i* V*V' :te' PLAINDEALER r" UKEM00R & LILYMOOR ?f Ann Brzezinski and Lois Schiavone Village News The next village meeting will be held on Thursday, July 12, at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is urged to attend. Open forum follows the meeting. Please avoid burning garbage and trash in the garbage cans on Friday. For the last several weeks the men who pick up the garbage have Tiad trouble with fires in their truck. Many buckets of water have been supplied t?by the residents to put these fires out. Ladies League The next Ladies League meeting will be held on 'Wednesday, July 18, at 8 p.m. her friends frorji Lakemoor surprised her with a birthday party.. Lorrie Beahler helped David Tobey' celebrate his birthday by attending a party on Thursday, July 5. David was nine years old. Dickie Bitterman will be nine turned Sunday. For the dads, j years old on Saturday, July 14. some who have never been on j A vei*y happy birthday to all a campout, this was quite an i and many more of them and for AvnAtii AM AA _1 • _ - ' fViA mAM^U . «vT It • l> > L. Z A. entertained Mi*, and Mrs.; H. Wuepse from Lakeland Park last Monday. y Spending a week at their slimmer home are Mr. and Alts. tor, Mrs. Marie Fabian, and her. son, Robert,' and - family froni Chicago. • Michael and Joan" Para and _ LAKE COUNTY FAIR In addition to the thousands of exhibits and displays visitors will see at the 1956 Lake county fair Page Elerat r "WGeorge Kumm ,ad ftSIr reM- rtays with Michael's Mother, Mrs. i™ in outs«n«ilnB ^ntcr «* Mrs' ^ Ca.,.'l!r'ne. .*« , SSLS tctdV « the month off July the birthstone a ruby and the flower is a experience, including sleeping in , pup tents. Sorry to report that m -- they Were wet pup tents,^?te-4ijey larkspur. had quite a lot of rain Saturday --;-- night, but in spite of the hardL About- Friends and Neighbors ships of outdoor life, I am sureN Patrick Fellows, Rita Erickthey. enjoyed some of it. pson's nephew, enjoyed a week's Thursday Socials The Thursday night socials are '• being held at Wally's Oasis every /^Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Everyone "s welcome to attend. About Our Marines We are . proud to report that Robert Bitterrrian will be with the Marines beginning Wednesday, July 18. And Pfc. Jimmy Bitterman is home on leave from Alaska until Aug. 14. Jimmy is also with the Marines. He will be celebrating < A birthday on Wednesday, July 18. ' Jaqk Wall, Francis Golbeck and Ronnie Schmidt are now at Camp Mathews in 'San Diego, Calif. The boys are spending many hours practicing on the rifle, range. TTiey are well and happy from the letters the parents receive from them. MeHenry Bible Church ' $ Any 'teen-ager wishing to go on a boat trip to Geneva please call Dick Beahler for complete information. The trip is to be on Saturday, July 14. " Dick's number is 591-W-l. On Tuesday, July 17, there will be a ladies meeting at Marge Beahler's home at 8 p.m. Boys and faithers attending this outing are Harold and Rickey Foss, Walter aijd Tommy Para, Clarence and Slam Sossong, Mel and Michael Hatch and vacation at the Erickson home. Christina Chudy spent two weeks at the Waiter Para home. Christina is Helen's godchild. Having fun at an evening pic- Stanley, Michael and Chuck i "ic in the Herbert Brossman Zabroski with their grandfather, I yard last Tuesday evening were Charles Ehlebrecht, wood,- III! of liomo- j Mr. and Mrs. John Hose and , family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar --j Wade and family, Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations i Walter Biehl, Mr. and Mrs. G. To Andy and Virgie Patellaro} Kloepfer and family, Mr. and on. itih eir ninth anni:v ersary. Hel.p - , Mrs: Hpnrv T-Tnnrwt T»- ' onrl ing them celebrate it were Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Ambrose and Jay Patellaro from Chicago.' Vernon and Gertie Freund celebrated their second anniversary on Tuesday, July 10 Mrs. Henry Hoppert, jr., and family, John and Marian Sulok, Maryann Sossong, and from Chicago Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Ayers and Raymond Nugent. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kozlowski and family from Chicago-are July 4 was the day Mr. and j vacationing lor two weeks with Mrs. Paterson celebrated their | Mr .and Mrs. Harvey Opalka thirty-fourth anniversary. j and family. Ted and Marge Beahler were j Visitors on Sunday at Wayne married twenty-one years on ! and Charlene Kraus were Curly Tuesday, July 3. j and June Kraus and their daugh- We wish all of you many more | ter. happy years together. Busy with company almost every day last week with Phil Moved and Doris Kibbe were relatives We are sorry to lose Mr. and ! and friends. They were Mr. and Buy U.S. Savings Bonds i "4 club show. they will anding e of Chicago. ' •» " . j Mrs. John Leon and two1 lT,"h "T"i« ^r°r'am 1"cluding " " Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cammarata j daughters spent a week with horse gh" ' n™^dio and° TV were very happy to see .heir I the Tony Leon family, On toE K £•' daughter, Mrs. Joseph "Verga. day they went to Deerhaven and : S' ,,„E', ^ I tr6m taS,ilS'tr I'h b f'y » "icnic County Fair association. The' Sunday. ! t ish Lake. Weekend company at | fair and show will h , lri , lv ; Judy Cammarata spent four; the Leon home were Mr. and j or 2 7 28 and 9Q »t the npw days of her vacation witlfc ,her; Mrs. Jay Smith and tartly. brother, Philip, and family .in , Tony Leon is on vacation now I ;nn of ak anrl roo Chicago and visited fr,iends jflhd | and had to cancel his trip to 1 relatives^ Tennessee due to his brother-ln-' Mrs. Chambers arid daugntef, i law,'Jay SmiTh, injuring his leg Carol Susie, will be spending 1 in an accident. several weeks with Mr. and; Mrs. Art Berends. Mr. and Mi^- I INLAND SEAPORT Berends returned from a won-1 D. „ . . , ' , awful vacation in Cam*' Hi* t,ie greatest inland seaport m Here are some of the places i "'f,m<?„ed '1 a lo"g s,ep Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swenski : J"n%M when Governor visited on their vacation out j G „ S,tra west: Pike's Peak region, Estes ,,h!, P°r' °LCh'eag^,^ Park in Colorado and other in- • Harbor. Two 6.^00,000 teresting places in Wyoming.; J"*?-, f1" <**?«*• , ««»~ South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, i6^ fwt of wharfage trans,'. r w i J -- T t i i M A t c I s h f d s - a w a r e h o u s e , p a v e d t r u c k - :" ing concouises and 14 miles of ILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAT, NEAR McHENRY Home for the Aged SENILE . . . . BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 i It Pays to Advertise In the MeHenry Plaindeala Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois. They certainly travelled miany miles in two weeks. NO MONEY DOWN railroad track are. included in I „ .. the first phase construction of j Rosanne Brzezinski is spending j the Lake Calumet project. Com- I five days with her aunt and pjete plans for the harbor crffl uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chudy, and family in Chicago. And Katharine Brzezinski is for 14 miles of wharfage, a $5,000,000 facility to handle bulk liquids and a' huge trucking terspending five days at her uncle i minal. Legislation authorizing and aunt s home, Mr. and Mrs. district to issue bonds A1 Dember, in Chicago. { meet harbor construction July 4 company at the Casey ! costs was signed by Governor Brzezinski home Vk^r® Ann's Stratton three years ago. Mrs. Fred Geinosky and family They moved into, their new home in Chicago on the south side. Sick List Donald Kibbe is limping again with a fractured toe. Not too long ago he had an injured knee. Mr. and Mrs. Art Levand have two ol' their boys on the sick list. On Tuesday, Danny Levand fell off a picnic table and needed five stitches in his head. And, Bobby Levand fell off a roof and Wedding £ Those attending the Venable- Strasser wedding in Chicago on Saturday, June 30, were Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and son, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss, Mrs. Edward Lannes, Carol Szarek, Olive and Jessie Corbett, Mrs. Jennie Vallone and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freund. The bride wore a white nylon lace dress with a fingertip veil arid carried a bouquet of white ' •tarnations and white orchids. She was given in jnarrjflge by her uncle, 'Hhrfy Strnad. Marilyn is the granddaughter of Mrs. Marie Strnad. Everyone had a wonderful evenly. The bride and groom left for a two-week honeymoon in Wisconsin and will reside in Lakemoor upon their return. Mrs. Joseph Gennerro from Detroit, Mich., Phil's mother, Mrs. Philip Kibbe, Sr., from Melbourne, Fla., Mrs. John King from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bartholemew and Mrs. Frank La Bounti frorri Des Plaines, Doris's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Koenig, and family, Mrs. Max Davidson and family, Mrs. Greg Kurt and family from Des Plaines. Spending Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Falk were Mr. and cut his leg very badly needing j Mrs. Herbert Topper from Bermany stitches. j wyn and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Mrs. Marcella Goss underwent i Vanek from Chicago. And on surgery at Woodstock hospital Monday, visiting them were thei? last week Friday. ^ I son, Kenneth, and wife from -- ' Crystal Lake. Birthdays j Guests on Sunday at the Wal- Judy Cammarata will have a j ter Para home were Mr. and birthday on Monday, July 23. I Mrs. Fran Guss and Mr. and Carol Szarek celebrated her | Mrs. Paul Meyer from Chicago birthday on July 3 with her ! and Florence Piecionka from friends from Mt. St. Mary school i California. in St. Charles^- And on July 4, Mr. and Mrs. George Vollmer FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MAtHS SAUSAGES BELICIOC8 HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 190 • Just EfMt of Route 12 - Volo, 111. Phone MeHenry 667-W-l siiii NONVETS 11,290 DOWN DO YOU KNOW jou can buy a 3 bedroom home for $9,475.00 and Up, lot included, with the following features: * Architect designed • Carpenter-built • Grading & Seeding * Gravel dz'w® 9 Sidewalk from lot line to Front & Rear doors •- Combination Aluminum Screen and Storm windows • Completely decorated interior and exterior 9 Plastic tiled bath 9 Exhaust fan in kitchen The home you select from our Architect dasigned plans can be built on: • Your paid up lot • A lot on which you have made a down payment • Anywhere In MeHenry County Office Located: , 582 *W. Main Street, MeHenry Phone MeHenry 1907 Veterans and Non-Veterans can save additional money by doing some of the work themselves . . . Such as grading & seeding, etc. ROBERT HAY GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction & Remodeling Route 4 -- MeHenry. m. Home Phone: MeHenry 622-W-8 q Camping Out The fathers and sons of Cub Scout Den 7 spent a weekend at Camp Lowden this last week. They left on Saturday and re- 91. HENRY FREUND .„ . OPTOMETRIST . 3 .. •- "• At 136 S. Green Street, MeHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 All ci y m d MeHenry or wlb«r@ver you (drove... STANDARD'S JUST AHEAD Buick SpeciAt 6-Possenser 4*Door ftiviero fit's a great mne fm buy a Buick!) A For your convenience... there's a STI1SMD station just a few minutes away...wherever you live or drive A You expect more from and get it! Service you can see I Your Standard Dealer leaves your windshield spotlessly clear--without a single smear. He cleans the rear window, too. Then, he'll be glad to make a quick, competent safety check on your car's radiator, battery, tixe pressure, lights, ana wiper blades. IHligh octane gas . . . now raised OVEN higher! STANDARD WHITE CROWN Premium and RED CROWN Gasolines have just been given another octane boost. There> a STANDARD Gasoline that's just right to 'fulfill the. anti- knock requirements of your car. This motor oil actually saves gas! Because it cuts fuelwasting friction drag, Super PERMALUBE, the multigrade, all-weather motor oil, actually helps you get up to 34.4 extra miles from a tankful of gasoline. Protects your engine better, too, wherever you drive. IN ALL TRUTH--when would be a better time to buy your new Buick than right now? When else could you drive home a better bargain--with your present car now worth more than it ever will be again -- and while Buick prices are within easier reach of more people than ever before? And when else will there be better weather--more hours in the day--more places to go--more sports in season? So you get the most good, and the most car right now in a new Buick... Because the new Buick you boss today is far and away the best Buick yet... Because it's styled to the minute--rides like a dreamhas all the boundless power of a big 322-cubic-inch V8 engine that revels in running . . . And above all, because it has Variable Pitch Dynaflow* to perform its pace-making magic with a smoothness matched nowhere else on wheels. So why waste time? Come see what wonderful sense it makes to buy in July --and what a whale of a deal we can make you right now. ^ *Ncw Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century--optional at modest extra cost on the Special. SEE JACKIE GlEASON ON TV 6v#ry Sofurtfoy Evening "L AIRCONDITIONINO •t • COOL. NBW LOW PRICK It coolt, fillers, d.humidifiei. G.» 4-Seaion Comfort in your new Buick with g.nuln. PRIOIDAIRB CONDITIONING vest Buick Yet •WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUllT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM' R. I. OVERTON MOTOR 403 FRQNT STREET PHONE 6 McHENBY. ILLINOIS ? --n