:; -T!v' v \ • THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McCullom Lake Ne1 By In Levesque ance, garbage cans are to be off the streets, except for the ever ning before the regular pickrUf^ A few violations have been observed and that is the i&jtfsgn for this reminder. If necessary, T.'* t-- i ' ^ steps will be taken to enforce Uttls Queen For A Day Harlh and three-year-old Timmy j ordinance. % Before a crowd of hundreds, Corson, on a tricycle. j Igiss Lynn Hammerstein, 5-year- ! The young fellows received a i The Welcome Mat Old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. big hand from the many people j Was spread last, week for rela- Ed , Hammerstein, Jr., was ' who witnessed the parade. j tivos of Mary and Jake Kantororovvned Miss McCullom Lake [ Spectators were treated to a ; s'c'\ They included Mr. and Mrs, Saturday, July 14. Dawn Per- : weight lifting demonstration by 1 Steve PrzybylSki, Mrs. Julia Elenti, last year's queen, presented ! professionals, whose services were j lenwine of Three Oaks, Mich., tbe lucky little miss with her . procured through Elmer Thorp, j and Mr. all<^ Mrs. Joe Miller and tiara and scepter. Judging the The men included Tim Sweeney, j children, Josephine,- Janice and diminutive little entrants was a John Leahy and Jim Finn of ; Michael, of Rolling Prairie, Ind. difficult task for Adele Froeh- ' Chicago, who have won high j ljch, Jim Conway and "Chuck" honors in \Veight lifting contests j Reunion in Wisconsin Miller. i throughout the U.S. 1 ; Pauline and Chester Sheriff Twenty beautiful little ladies All the booths were a com- recently returned from a vacaranging from 4 to 8 years of j Plete sell-out by the end of the t.on ,n Wisconsin^ They stayed age were seated on the backs of evening. Adult lames were play- ! the camp of Rose and Pete open convertibles and driven ed until closing. Bill Creutz, l Kammsk. m the, northland Rose through the village streets, led assisted by Bob Smith and ; e °irner resi en s o by Ole Olsen, special deputy for Ed List on, plus the women who , the community, send their rethe day. helped them, did an excellent j gaids to all their old friends. While the wee ones were es- on this committee. j 4ii COrted through the community, DurillS the evening, square ^ ui ll(, Jim Conway, master of the ad dancing was called by Bill Alt- To Theodoi Olsen, who will be lib and popular radio and TV 1 lloff anrt music furnished by 73 yeais young tomoi l ow, July SAHdLSST .h o»» pyrwz. ^ Pa ols™ ence that had assembled at the Hat* off to every member of : he occasion with his many rela beach. Everyone was taken with a" the committees who worked tixes in Not way, wheie the Olhis easy going charm and wit so hard to put. over this affair 5nj°^"f.^s hol^ay R. . • which has contributed to his sue- j vvith the tremendous success we Belated greetings to Rickie cess. I enjoyed. To the strains of "A Pretty ! Ed Hammerstein, Sr., co-or- Girl is Like a Melody," the little ; dinating chairman, assumed a girls sauntered around the con- ' task of gigantic proportions and crete platform like seasoned per- ; truly fulfilled his obligations'. formers. Four-year-old Ann Cor- ! son led the procession, followed Hopeful Angler Thursday, July 19, 1956 V.F.W. AUXILIARY NEWS imdm Baumbeck, who was 11 on July 13. Sorry we missed it last week, Rick. Sunnyside Carnival The newry incorporated village of Sunnyside will hold its first by Pamela Stevens, Sandy Scott, ! Brabara and Charles Thacker j carnival under the auspices of Nancy Matthesius, Barbara De arc entertaining Dick Harris of I the village police department. Mar, Pat Jobes, Lvnn Hammer- i ^es Moines, la., for two weeks. 1 Nightly awards and adult games stein, Sandra Senter, Sandy Mr. Harris, Barbara's grandfa- j will be two of the many features Stevens, Janet Hansen Mari- ther, arrived last Thursday. Dur- ] offered. The affair will be held lyn ScaVbrough, Kathy Doran, j ine his visit. he hppes to do ; July 27, 28 and 29. The public Louise Matthesius, Bonnie Burg, ; some serious fishing and will is invited to attend and partici- Pamela Parkhurst, Darlene Palis! j probably land some whoppers. Nancy Burg, Carol Aalto and : Joanne Reid. j Notes on Conservation Club After a great deal of thought The archery exhibit, held at and deliberation, the judges se- the homecoming picnic last Satlected Miss Hammerstein as the urday, was ably assisted by the 'feigning queen. The assembled young people of the Archery multitude greeted the announce- club, together with Gene and ment with a loud ovation. Sandy j Chester Johnson. The next meet- Scott and Kathy Doran were i »ng of the archery organization pate. Bye, bye for now. See you next week! will be held Saturday, July ( 28, on Gene Johnson's property, opposite the entrance to the Polish camp named second and third place winners. Lynn accepted her gifts and honors with ladylike decorum while her parents and grandparents wept with joy! This was the second honor of j beach, pamphlets announcing the the day for Lynn. During the i reorganization of the Sportsmen's buggy parade held in the after- 1 club were circulated. The aims noon, Lynn won first place also. j of the organization are to foster Thirteen young lasses, between ' wild life preserves and teach 2 and 10, marched with doll ! good sportsmanship. It is affilicarriages decorated so beautiful- ated with the Illinois Federation WHEAT ALLOTMENT Farmers on land on which no wheat was seeded for grain for any of the years 1954, 1955 and 1956 may apply for a 1957. wheat acreage allotment, according to Bert Bridges, chairman of the McHenry county agricultural ly that suitable description is difficult. Hie entrants included Sandy Senter, Janet Murray, Marilyn Scarbroiigh, Rosemary Rogers, Carol Ann Fluger, Di- At the archery exhibit at the stabilization and. conservation committee. To be considered for an allotment on a farm which had no wheat seeded for grain for any of these years, the farmer must apply in writing to his county ASC committee by Aug. 31. Blank application forms are available at the county ASC office for use in filing requests for allotments. We wish to welcome four new members to... pur organization. They are Barbara Becker, Lola Mears, Mae Angelo and Anna Guyser. They were initiated at the July 9 meeting of the auxiliary and aren't you glad, girls, that you didn't really have to ride a goat around the meeting hall? The National Encampment will be held in Dallas, Texas, Aug. 12 through 17. If you all have any idea of making the trip, make your reservations as soon as possible. You will be proud to hear that the V.F.W. drum and bugle corps won first place for their performance in the July 4 parade in Crystal Lake. As I've mentioned before, the boys will also compete in the state drum and bugle corps contest at Woodstock July 29. Speaking of Woodstock, I've heard so many reports of the wonderful work the physio-therapy center there is doing. Anyone in need of their service might do well to find out more about it. As you probably know, the carnival will be held July 22 to 26 and as you also know, it takes volunteers to help run the stands arid rides. We parents of young children are usually glad when the carnival season is over but this is our big event of the summer so let's try to make it a success. With you and your help we can accomplish this. A joint meeting will be held July 30, starting at 7:30 p.m. Bring your steaks and a dish to pass and we'll make the "joint" jump! Plans are also being made for the kick-off dinner to be held Saturday evening, Oct. 6. This is the start of the membership drive for both the post and the auxiliary. In closing, we wish to extend a happy birthday to Mary Kilday, whose birthday was July 5, | Evelyn Murphy, July 12, Gladys Soucie and Elizabeth Thompson, July 19, and I£ay Stilling, July 30. Just a reminder -- the next meeting will be held July 23 at 8 p.m. RING WOOD 3y Mr*. George Shepard & Mrs. Hawley Entertains Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained her five hundred club and a few friends at her home Tuesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. C. L. Harrison;1 second to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and low to Mrs. Viola Low. Ice Cream Social An ice cream social, sponsored by the Round-up club, will be held on the church lawn July *22, serving to start- at 5 p.m. There will be home-made and cakes. ,, HomeCtrcle The members of the Home Circle journeyed to the home of Mrs. jF. N. Muzzy at Marengo Wednesday. A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed. A fine program, planned by Mrs. Earl Shales, was enjoyed. W.S.C.S. The W.S.C.S. met at the church parlors Wednesday evening. Program leaders were Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Oscar Berg. Hostesses were Mrs. Walter Low and Mrs. John Hogan. There were twenty present. Round-up Club Picnic The Round-up club held a picnic at Wilmot Sunday. Smorgasbord Supper The W.S.C.S. will hold a smorgasbord supper in the church hall Saturday, July 28, serving to be from 5 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Sewing Circle The W.S.C.S. Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Ben Walkington Thursday. Mrs. Susie Evanoff Mrs. Susie Evanoff, sister of Dr. Wm. Hepburn, passed away at the Villa rest home at Pistakee Bay Sunday morning. She was 81 years old. of Sportsmen's clubs and has a charter for the state of Illinois. At the present time, there are 500 pheasant chicks in a brooder set up on Johnson's property. atnne and Debbie Ebey, Lynn I Anyone wishing to buy in or Hammerstein, Ann Corson, Karen j purchase a small number of McKim, Chryssie and Dierdre j pheasants for fall shooting may Levesque and Lynne Sghultz. AIR TOUR Arthur E. Abney, director of the state Department of Aeronautics, announced plans for the NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LOCATION Notice is hereby given that beginning with Thursday July 19th, 1956 the McHenry State Bank will anr' son' Loren, of Woodstock be located at 101 West Elm Street, sPet1t Wednesday evening with Personals Among those from here to attend the W.S.C.S. Seminar at Des Plaines Thursday were Mesdames Viola Low, Ben Walkington, Kenneth Cristy, Paul Walkington, Henry Aissen and Hood. Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry and Mrs. Georgia Thomas Ohio, spent Thursday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Donald Brenner and children of Elgin spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. George Shepard. Frank Block of Sheboygan, Wis., "spent Friday -with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly of McHenry spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond spent the weekend with her sis- •fter, Mrs. John Ehlert, and husband. John, Jr., and Louis Woodward of Smyrna, Tenn., are visiting in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison were Sunday dinner guests in the Wayne Donahue home at Huntley. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Sunday with her daughter and family at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Anderson and family and Mrs. Huff and children spent Sunday with relatives at Wilmette. Mrs. Millie Greenley, Mrs. Lora Kittle and Mrs. Mary Mallette of Woodstock spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Earl Shales. Wm. Cruickshank attended the Wisconsin Shorthorn picnic at Mineral Point Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Still and Miss Lura Still 6f Woodstock spent Sunday with Mk and Mrs. Earl Shales. Mrs. Viol# Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Sunday in the Walter Low home near Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Friday until Monday in the Paul Norman home at Evanston. George Kane spent the past week as the guest of Tommy Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lackey and children of Moline spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian. Mrs. Antone Weiser has been helping care for her daughter, do so by contacting Gene John- i 1956 Illinois air tour. Abney Judging for this contest was !•son at 1922. A small charge, 1 said this year's tour will be in the very capable hands of ! ?lus a, Brain feedinS fee- is be* John McCabe, mayor of Harvard, j mg asked. ( Mrs. Mary Kauss and Dr. Urban i Members of the Sportsman s Comes. The judges finally selec- j c,ub are anx»ous to reorganize. ted Miss Hammerstein the win- ' Mimeographed letters concerning and meet Champaign. The ning entry. Her carriage repre- | c,uh dates wl) be sent out at a i two groups will spend the night later date. All men are wanted i there and then f,y tQ g , and needed to put this club field Aug n to attend the im_ split into two segments, one northern and one southern. Both will leave Aug. 10, fly over their respective sections of the state, McHenry, Illinois. ROBERT L. WEBER Cashier (Pub. July 19-26 and Aug. 2) sented an animal cage with a toy tiger in the confines. Second place position went to Sandy Senter, dressed in blue and white, representing a little maid, pushing her charge. The ! buggy was trimmed in blue, j with a white net skirt and j back in activity. For further information, contact Gene Johnson or Elmer Thorp. trimmed with many little blue j ,icemen {m the homecomi ic. ribbon bows. . j nic and QUr regular offi. ; Chryssie and D.D. Levesque i cers, Chief Dave Hansen and posed as a ballet team and were I Greg Burg, are to be commended awarded third place. The two for their unstinting services to girls and their doll were dressed the community. ill identical ballet costumes. The While on that subject, it Winning carriages and costumes would be a good time to meny/ orn are on display this week tion a nttle known fact. Last at 109 Elm street. j Week, during his regular hours Not to be outdone, seven i of employment, Mr. Hansen young fellows staged a bicycle ' noticed a "car driving through parade. Entrants for this affair ! the village at a dangerous rate included Carl Harth, Rickie of speed. In his own car, lie Ba\imbeck, Timmy Corson, Davie j managed to apprehend the speed- Miller, Michael Reid. Jeff Le- | er and bring him to justice. A nois state fair. The tour is cosponsored by local Jaycee groups. Abney said awards will be given for fliers showing aero- Special Deputies nautical proficiency during the Ray Aalto and Ole Olsen were ; tour sworn in as special deputy po- ' vestjue and Douglas Miller. A cash prize was awarded to RiCk, whose bicycle was trimmed to resemble a horse. He was dressed in cowboy garb. Second •and third places went to Carl wonderful sign that our police force is on the job ALL the time to protect us. Word to the Wise According to a village Oidin- Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 SOUTH GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. For 30 years we have pleased our patrons. Why not call McHenry 10 for an appointment. PEIRMWIINTS - $5.00 AND UP Including Styled Cut, Shampoo and Hair Set C@Sd Waves and Machineless All Work Reasonable AIR CONDITIONED DONT FORGET WE ARE REGISTERING FOR DOOR PRIZES ON OUR 30TH ANNIVERSARY "Nothing Is Well Enough If You Can Do It Better" •(Author's name below) There are no compromises when we pharmacists compound a prescription. Because your health, often your life, is at stake, we must do our very best. The ingred'ents must be the? highest quality obtainable Your physician's specifications must be followed exactly. Every precaution to avoid error must be exercised. When we dispense your prescription we make certain that there is no way we could have done it better TOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONB McHenry 26 WHEN YOW NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS "Quotation by Arhur Brisbane <1864-19361 Insured Savings: Savings Invested' In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are Insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2 «/| per cent plus \'i per cent extra. SS-tf Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Wm. Pagni spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen visited friends at Antioch Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charies Anderson and daughter, Mary Christina, and Mrs. Huff and children, who are visiting in the Anderson home from Cleveland, SPECIAL SILLING Famous Make Men's Knit Oauclio Model T-SHIRTS $2.95 and $3.95 Values Now $1.89 or 2 for $3.65 McGee's for im PHONE 41 117 So. Green St. McHenry, DL Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon Mrs. James Schneweiss, in Chicago. Nancy and Fred BoWittan, Jr., attended a° picnic at Barrington Sunday for the employees of the Jewel Tea company. Mrs. John Ehlert spent Tuesday until Thursday in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot. Mrs. Fred Bowman and son, Fred, Jr., and John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, spent Thursday afternoon in the Pacey home. Mr. and Mrs. Shuji Kimura and children and father of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening in the George Shepard home. Roy Dodd, Jr., has receivedhis discharge from the Army. He has been stationed in Germany. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Aissen visited her father in Chicago on Sunday. John, Jr., and Jerry Hogan attended a Rural Youth picnic at Fontaha Sunday evening. . Miss Mary Hogan visited friends at Warren, 111., over the weekend. f Pastor and Mrs. Anderson of Wheaton and Alex Tschabold of Fox Lake called on Dr. Hepburn Wednesday. Patricia and Donna Lpw and Leslie Decker attended^ church camp at Lena, 111., the past week. Sunday guests in the Dr. Hepburn home were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Greb and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mueller and Mrs. Bronson of Void spent Saturday in the Hepburn home. BETTER SCHOOLS BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund Mrs. Rena Schumacher of Chi-r cago visited Mrs. Clara Brown V several days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and family and the Clarence Miller family returned home, having spent the past week in Iowa and Minnesota visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith are vacationing at the Dells, Wis. Mrs. Arthur Kattner was hostess^ to the members of her club » at her home Thursday night.^J Cards were played and prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Paul Lewis and Mrs. Eldred Johnson. Birthdays for June were Mrs. Regina Schaefer, Mrs. Marge Schmeltzer and Mrs. Catherine Johnson and they were presented gifts. Mrs. L. L. Kagari will entertain the club in August. A lovely luncheon was: served after ^ cards. Vacationers back from their trips" are Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas and family and the Robert Buehrer family. The Buehrers visited New York while the Thomas family travelled westward. Once again the carnival and chicken dinner at St. Peter's were a great success. Largejj crowds were present on Saturday night and all day Sunday. Those from here who won special prizes were Mrs. Ralph Todey and Mrs. Mary Klein. Fr. Daleiden and Fr. Plesa are grateful ( to all who helped in any way | to make this affair such a huge success. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds PR0FE«l0nflL DIRECTORS' DR. J. C. GOET8CHEL Chirophictic Physlciaa 25 Orchard iBeach Road Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fiji. 10 to 12 • 1:80 to 5:S0 . 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. PHONE 748 DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 --• 1:80 to 5?80 Mon., Wed. and Frl. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 VIRGII> R. POLLOCK SPECIALIZING IN LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES ALSO ' Non-Cancellable Accident And Health Non-Cancellable Hospitalization Gronp Insurance For Free Information Call McHenry, III. Phone 1168-J Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 1886 Rt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, 111. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 Green A Elm McHenry, 111. SCHROEDFR IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 31 PHONE 950 DR. HENIY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed ^Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TQ 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 & LUXURY HOME L O N G MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO Complimentary demonstration and free Instruction In complexion care and Individual make-up and color chart. "Try before you buy!" CELIA WARNES, Owner Phone 1464 1 Blk. East of the Old Bridge DR. M. D. SAVAGE DR. D. MoCONNEL Veterinarians Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 12 Noon 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Evenings By Appointment Phone 8^21 Richmond, 111. 11995 $1000 DOWN P/os jV/<r You -can live like a millionaire! at McHenry Shores for city rent. Your friends will envy your ramhling modern ranch home with luxurious features seldom found under $25,000.00. See it now. * Mahogany paneled living room * Huge stone fireplace--from floor to ceiling * 4 big picture windows--beautiful view * Big dining room * Select oak floors * Ceramic tile bathroom, colored fixtures * 29 feel of natural knotty pine kitchen cabinet* * Attached garage with overhead door * Automatic, forced hot air, gas furnace Beautiful Sites Worthy of Your Luxury Home! Secluded by wooded rolling hills on three sides and the scenic Fox River on the other. Private beach and pier rights. A few blocks from shopping centers, churches -and schools. Gracious Living and Year * Round Fun 135 miles of magnificent Chain "O* I^ikes waterway to play in and on for all the days of your life. You'll find fishing, hunting, riding, golf, tennis, all sports, dancing, social activities, fraternal groups, and wonderftil friendly neighbors at your front door or a few minutes away. Breathe the fresh air. Live longer and enjoy life. 37 Chicago Trains Daily Open Until Dark Every Day Take any road to Route 31. Take 31 to one mile south of McHcnry and follow our signs to the model home described above. ^ *200 • Starts You YOU GET . . . beach and pier privileges the day yon make your down payment-- so don't delay. McHENRY'S FINEST V tl