..,1' am. . iS :.••"•' X X ; ' •" s mm Sfr T$ W««r.>a»» V j, < ,t, .|. .g. •!• .i. •;• ,g. ,i, •!, .g. i. ,1. .g. •!• .'i, ,f .|. .|. PERSONALS frifr >J> ifr >$» *{**}*»}»»}«iji iji«{• ifli >$i i I|I ifli I{I ~'^Engagement. Of / if : Peterson Ir. and Mi's. Alvin Peterson of MtePherson,. Kans., announce the engagement of their daughter, Inez Wdnita, to Roy R. Scholtz, son of 'Mir. and'Mrs. Henry F. Scholtz of McHenry. The young people have chosen 'Sept. 9 as their wedding date and will be married in Irriman- Uel Doacone.-s Lutheran church, Omaha, Nebr. . Miss . Peterson . was graduated from McPher-on high school and fc presently employed by the Northwestern Bell "telephone company of Omaha. Mr. Scholtz is a McHenry hiph school graduate and received his degree at Bradley university. He will .study occupational therapy this f<ill at Western Michigairi college, Kalamazoo, Mich. WED. JUNE 17 Elaine Bartow Has Birthday Party The birthday anniversary of Elaine Rartow was celebrated on July 11 bv several of her friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bartow, on Maple avenue. After playing games, the girls were taken to the new Shalimar home ol Elaine's, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Li P. St^ubitz, Miss Robin Wen<Jorf of Atlanta, Ga., is spending a month in the home of her grandparents, ; Mr. and .Mrs. Gunner Walinder. Mr. and Mrs. R|bhard Gustafson and daughter, Karen, of Chicago, visited her . mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes,, Wednesday. --„ , | Sister Theresa Marte of Den- This very pretty bride is the for-; ver, Colo., visited her sister, Mrs. mer Miss Karen Engdahl. She was, Leo Hoexter, a few days the married to Fiedrick John (Jack), past week. Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel attended the funeral of a friend at Hinsdale Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Joachim of Cleveland, Ohio, were visitors in the home of Mrs. Fred Feltz j last Thursday. Mesdames Hedda Nelson, Anna ' Pearson, Matilda Asp, Mary 1 Ackerson, Carolyn Prahl and j Alma Velin of Crystal Lake ; were out-of-town folks who ; helped Mrs. Magnus Nelson cele- ; brate her birthday last Wednesday. Mrs. Emil Patzke and son, j Ralph, are spending the summer j at Camp Birch Knoll, Phelps, Wis., where they are employed. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pepping of ! Iiarvey spent the weekend with 1 McHenry relatives. j Mr. and Mis. Marion Messman ; and sons of Woodstock visited her Koehne Photo ! mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomp- j j son, Sunday evening. They had I MRS. F. J. PEPPING j jUSf returned from a visit with j Pepping in a beautiful wedding: relatives in Omaha, Nebr. which took place in the First Meth- j Rev. Fr. Joseph Highland of | VVCre serv refresh- I odist cj,urch at Crystal Lake on I Rochelle, his mother, Mrs. Clare j ° Sunday evening, June 17. ] Highland, and brother, Thomas | Highland, of Rockford and Miss RUMMAGE SALE Kathryn Kortendick of Wood- | Trujillo, Dominican Republic; and Kingston and Port" Antonio, Jamaica. Mrs. I eo Hoexter of Maple street enjoyed a visit from her sister, Sister Teresa Marie of Denver, Colo., last week. Sister Teresa Marie has been vieationing in Aurora. ments. Those attending \yere Linda j Blake, I.aur.;dale Dixon, Linnea and ; Karen Larson, Kathy Pederson, ' Mary Lynn Reihanspergar and i Joyce Wagrer. - i Honor Howorkas At Meeting of O.E.S. The regular meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star was held Tuesday evening, July 10, at Acacia nail. Invitations were received to a dedication ceremony for the new Wing of the Macon sanatarium. Members ot grand chapter committees were escorted as follows: Harriet Dodd, International Temple; Marion Cannon, yoiith guidance; A lyce Hoeft. chapter courtesy; and Mildren Howorka, Christian welfare. Because Mr. and Mrs. Howorka are planning to make their future home in California, this was a farewell gathering. Mr. Howorka left a month ago. Mrs. Howorka, who will go in August, was presented with a gift and an attractively decorated cake was served in her honor/ Mr. and Mrj. Howorka were worthy mrtrpn and'worthy patron in 1950. The best wishes of the chapter go with them in their new home. The local chapter is now on vacation until Aug. 28. The public is reminded again of stock were Sunday guests in the : the "Oil.. Bam" rummage sale spon-! home of Mrs. John Bolger. i sored by the Jewish Studies group j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dreyer of ' of McHenry county, beginning at | Forest Park are vacationing at 10 a.m. Friday, July 20, and con-. Harmony Court on Fox River for tinning through Saturday, July 21. ' a few weeks. The place of the sale is Maurice Gladstone's barn on Rt. 31, north of McIIenry. There will be prizes and refreshments. George R. Justen, accompanied by John Hertel of Fremont, enjoyed a fishing trip to Turtle Lake, Wis., recently. Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. Gladys Ames of Gurnee are enjoying a motor trip through the West. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter, Diane, of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives BEACH PARTY A be.-ich party was held recently at McHenry Shore, with almost everyone in the subdivision entering into a most entertaining day. Games, music and community singing were enjoyed, as well as lunch j Sunday. which included hot dogs, cake, cof-, Miss Barbara and Gertrude j fee, pop, etc Arrangements were j Weber, Mrs. Jean Driscoll, Mrs. : handled by Mrs. Ingabord Corco- j Joseph Weber, daughter, Joyce, ran and Mrs. Helen Simonsen, as- j Mrs Nick Young and Mrs. Anna sisted by their husbands. ; Mjijer enjoyed luncheon near Dundee Tuesday in observance ^ July 20-21 First Annual "Old Barn" Rummage Sale JuJy 21 Smorgasbord * -- Greenwood Methodist Church -- 5 to 7:30 p.m. July 21 Dance at Moose Lodge July 22 Ice Cream Social -- Ringwood Church Lawn -- Serving Starts at 5 p.m. July 21-22 Rummage and Bake Sale -- Given by Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake -- Mathews Hall July 22 Ice Cream Social -- Ringwood Church -- Sponsored by Roundup Club July 24 Moose Business Meeting McHenry Garden Club Meeting July 25 Summer Card Party -- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's Church July 28 Barbeque -- Moose Lodge Smorgasbord Supper -- Ringwood Church Hall -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. Barbeque -- Moose Lodge July SI Flower Show -- Legion Home -- 2 to 9 p.m. McHenry Garden Club Flower Show -- 2 to 9 p.m. -- Legion Home August 1 Riverview Camp Pot-Luck Picnic -- 12:30 p.m. -- City Park August 22 P.T.A. Style Show -- Legion Home -- 1:30 p.m. August 10, 11, 1$ St. John's Parish Carnival " August 12 Pistakee Highlands Association Second Annual Picnic -- At the Beach -- All-Day Event John F. Barry John F. Barry, 86, a retired shoemaker, died at his home in Mineral Springs subdivision, southeast of McHenry, on Thursday, July 12. He had been a resident of the area for eight years. His only immediate survivor is a sister, Mrs. Agnes. Lbveday, of Milwaukee, His wife, Elizabeth, preceded him in death. Services were held at St. Mary's church, with burial In Calvary cemetery. Susie Evanoff Mrs. Susan Evanoff, 81, died at the Villa Rest home Sundjgy morning, July 15,. ( following a •long illness. Her" only immediate survivor is a brother, Dr. William Hepburn, of Ringwood. . She was born at PerrysBurg, Ohio, May 18, 1875. Mrs. Evanoff had been a local resident ten years) The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Wednesday at , 2 o'clock, when Rev. R. J. Reid of the Ringwood church officiated at last rites. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery. NAME BABY AMONG THE SICK Cynthia Lcu'se is the name selec- ! two. of the birthdays of the latter : Mother-Daughter Musical Tea A mother and daughter musical tea was given at the Koberstine home in Colmar, near Spring Grove, recently from 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. A student program from Bach to Bodgie was given, the afternoon being concluded with two piano and organ duos, with Mrs. Burtori of Richmond at the piano and Mrs. Koberstine at the orgap. Students represented many cities, including Chicago and Woodstock. Honorable mention ted by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Vanderspool, Jr., for the new daughter born to them on June 3 at Memorial hospital. CARD OF THANKSL May v/e take J his opportunity to thank all thoj<* who cooperated in making our carnival such a success -- to those i;i McCullom Lake who assisted in any way, to the judges, to tho.-;e who contributed gifts and all who attended. Arthur J. Stuhlfeier, president. Edward Hammerstein, Sr., chairman homecoming committee. four-week trip through the West. While in California, they attended the Kiwanis convention and toured goes to Michael West of Rich- ; pjsney Land. They met Mr. and Capt. and Mrs. Merle Davis and daughters, Nell and Sheryl, of Havelock, N.C., are spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. , ^ Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of .Genoa City, Wis., and their guests, his Yiiece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pollock, of Tilley, Alberta, Canada, were guest§ in the home of Mrs. Gerald Newman last Friday. Mrs. Lillian Hall and son, George, of Wilmette, former McHenry residents, called on friends here Thursday. Miss Gertrude Sutton, daughter of R.~E. Sutton of Chicago, is touring Europe by plane this summer. Mrs. Mabel Holle of Oak Park "• -- I spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gregory and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mardaughiers 'have returned from a , tin Conway. Eugene Schilling underwent surgery at Memorial hospital this past week. t What you are has its influence in making other people what they are. in "My company uses | CONTINUOUS | AUTO POLICIES to cut your insurance costs..." By imiing only one continuous policy aj tpilg aft member* keep the tame car, my company save* hundred* of thousand of dollar* yearly. These savings I aVe pissed on to you in the form of I low auto insurance rates. See me to- • day; ancf start saving up to 40% over I the cast of ordinary auto insurance. | If nays f kmow fMr I STATE FARM A9•»* 1 § # Befe Conway - Jftione 285 or 763 ' 312 E. Elm St. McHenry, DL f^!\\ . •' f." V 'v •' ' . ' V ' ' " ' " ' • A - i f r S r , WANT MORE MEAT ? Advertised Meat and Produce Prices Effective Until Closiita Saturday, July 21 II.S* Government Graded and Stamped Choice Corn Fed Beef-Best BJade Cuts Stock Your Free FRANK GREGORYS RETURNED FROM WESTERN TRIP Thirty members of St. Clara's court, W.C.O.F., enjoyed a trip to Holy Hill, Wis., last Wednesmond, who played Rachmaninoff's j Mrs G;en Dniper in San Francisco day "Prelude in C Sharp Minor" and ; ancj them visited several of • Patricia Henn returned recentalso a Bach number. Three tinyj^p most popular evening enter-' from California, where she Luedtke of Woodstock. players at the organ were Linda (tainmcnt spots. Heppner of Long Lake, Chickie : They continued north into Ore- . ^tio.ch ar>d Linda , gon all(j Wnshin^ton and returned through Yellowstone National park. I Mrs. Gregory viewed the attitude of her young daughters with a bit of chagrin, for while the fam- Robert Knox Baby Baptized The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Knox was christened ily wa:> enjoying some of the most Tecldy in a baptismal rite which Ibeautilul spc'.s«in our country, the took place at St. Patrick's Cath- | girls were bemoaning the fact that j Angeles, drove here earlier in olie church, last week. Sponsors j they were missing the Legion car-1 summer from Redondo had spent most of her threeweek vacation. She was accompanied on her trip to the West by Mr. and Mrs. George Duesler. They enjoyed seeing Yellowstone park and other points of interest. The Dueslers and Maureen Henn, a junior in the school of fine arts at Mount St. Mary's college, Brentwood Hills, Los* F A C T S F O R YOU 'were "Mrs;--Georgia"Bauer--ami j nival in McT lcnryr Howard Knox. j Chicken dinner was served at ; noon at the Knox home to Mr. ' and Mrs. Robert Knox, Sr., the , paternal grandparents; Mr. and ! lyirs. Leo Hiller, the maternal BIRTHS Beach, Calif. Maureen remained to spend most of her vacation with her parents. Maureen and Kathleen Henn returned recently from a most enjoyable Caribbean cruise. They - , From Arlmfton Heights comes, some tjmc ftt the of grandparents; Misses Joan Knox. I ™>rd ^hal a wa D s v bor" *uly Port Au Prince, Haiti; Ciudad Lucille Knox, Mary Ann Miller,!4 to M/- a"d Mrs. Robert Way- j Mafge Rogers, Grace Ililler and I of Arlington Heights Mrs. Eileen Knox, Howard and David ^yman is the former Kathryn Knox, LeRoy Hiller, Vinee Stanek ! ^imon- They ^fve a daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer i 4 years old. and family | cARlT OF THA^IiS In this manner I would like to express my appreciation for the cards, prayers, flowers and other kindnesses extended while I was in the hospital and since my return home. I would also like to thank all those who do- </ Everyone who has hard-to-replace papers ... jewelry . . . other precious possessions -- and values their safety. A thief can break into a home or place of business; force open locked drawers. A fire can make short work of an ordinary building and all its contents - including valuables that insurance doesn't cover. But a bank vault such as ours -- timelocked, equipped with an alarm system, constructed of steel and concrete -- defies thief and fire to do their worst. Rent a safe deposit box in our vault for your valuables. The cost is nominal. Interest Paind On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 CARD OF THANKS We would like, in this way, to say thanks to all of our neighbors and friends, also Msgr. Nix, Fr. Reuland and Fr. Schuler during the illness and at the time of the death of our mother. | nated blood, *11 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckhardt 11 Mrs. Richard Rosing N O T I C E Back from hospital and on the job. If I have inconvenienced or disappointed anyone by not having work done as promised, I am sorry. Thank you for your patience. A. WORWICK Worwick Studio c • • • •l*v A short cut, styled in a flattering permanent wave is cool, comfortable and so easiy to manage. Why not phone 147 today for an appointment with one of our expert hairstylists? They take pride and care in each wave they create for our clients and the result is the finest hairstyle obtainable at any price. AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'tU 9 iversiJe 0*Cairsiyling Gtfluclt 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L to Phone. 141 BEEF POT ROAST s Special Low Price Neifisial's 100% Pure GROUND BEEF. . ALBS 1 $1 00 !Hli§8sidi@ Hickory Smoked SU€ED Mb. BACON. . N* 39 ^©rlarfy's AIB Moot c SKINLESS i-Lb. FRANKS . "<* Fancy Grade "A" Whole or Cut-up-- 3 to 4 Lbs. STEWING CHICKEN .LB 39 iichigolden Ovon-Roady--3 to 4 Lbs. Miekelberry't Braunschweiger OUNG .. rCc OVER .. Arc lb. 45 ' •Ickelberpy's @id Farm 2 Lb. OAl FRANKS I L b O U SAUSAGE. \ * * I-CV3an Brand deadly to Cook RAINBOW 10-01. CAc TROUT. . . P l t* aa 59 DtWiK's Zeelander--3Va to S Lbs. c YOUNG .. 'CAc GAPONETTE Lb. DelHft Qmp>@rfi,ed Sliced C@@iCED t-oi. H A M . . . . Southern Grown U.S. No. 1 Sweet, Juicy Preestone Lbs. mmmr Calif. Large 24 Size HEA5 2-25 LEiry^E Home Grown Largo Firm Heads c IF1ESH .. fie CABBAGE Lb. Sosii'S'lnioris Sr@wn" Juicy, WATERMELON .... Lb. eaa» 5 4 Santa Rosa Large, Juicy RED PLUMS. caiiraraia <vrown cruncny A Ac FRESH l» 0C< 1*9 CARROTS Calif. Large 30 Size, Crisp PASCAL Larp CELEIY. Large 24 Size Southern c CRISP ^ Cucumbers m For 25