PaafcToh " i f . , . . ' v . J ' f N . V \' . * ' * ' :: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH isiis Pistakee Highlands By Lorraine Hurckes iniLLi^iiiiiiiiiirniiii!!'!! i uriti i mri i . A couple of weeks ago I an- ( flounced the engagement of Roseiyn Rockel to Kenneth Graf and I'm sorry to say that I misspelled both names. I do hope " the above is the correct spelling; apologize. *r.• , A ipost sincere welcome to Fr. t Wrobiewski from Chicago, who has been spending a low days' vacation with his brother's fami- TS.1I' . ' ' 'We hope Mrs. R. C. Ilix of • . ; :Chicago has enjoyed Iht stay at Vjthe home of her ditugliter, Mrs. •*s R. I#. Hurckes. • *" The date of the association pic-_ •.l^.l&iC'" is definitely the fifth of August and will be an all-day event. Everyone is-- welcome, so - bring your friends and relatives. Look for our advertisement in .this paper. one has any such, complaint, why not bring it to the association meeting and maybe we can be of some help. By the same token, if you see or hear of anyorjc damaging same, please report it at once to any one of the olficcrj& ©f we all work together, I'm sure we cAn avoid unnecessary trouble. We are very glad to hear that the Melnerncv children are all jnp and around again. 'lTu\v were iy all down with a'virus infection f&r a few days. v Don't forget, this is the big weekend for the Sunnyside police carnival. We would like to see them make it a big success, so let's all try and attend at least one night. The dales again are July 27, 28 and 29 and it will be held light next to their office. I would like to take time out again to ask you people to please call me with your news items. My phone number is McHenry 1330 and I would like to hear Irom you and your neighbors real soon. Colors and more colors. Yes. i it seems like everyone is painting their house and what prettyj color schemes. It is a pleasure to drive through and see all the improvements that some of the people are making. Keep up the -f good work. 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. C.opon and sons have been the guests of { Mr. and Mrs. V. Rockel for one week. Mr. and Mrs. Gopon have ^ been entertained during the day ^ by Mr. Rockel, who is also on vacation. The Gopon family re- * sides in Chicago. " I understand there has been some trouble with bushes and other plants being clipped and . damaged in some way. If any- Mrs. Kerasiotis has been spending a week's vacation at the home of her daughter and j husband and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reilly. I don't know who is having . the .vacation. Kathcrine or her mother. SPARE AUTO WHEEL j PROVES EFFECTIVE LIFE PRESERVER If you're vacationing on a lake or. seashore this summer don't forget that your automobile isequipped with a handy, effective life preserver. According to fhe Institute for Safer Living) of a leading insurance company, the spare auto Avheel and tpre fujly inflated' can be used asl a satisfactory life saving ring preserver. It can be used as a Tile raft for several persons from an upset boat, for lests show it will readily support three or four wrsons. It can be quickly rolled Vrom car to water and pushed out to reach a swimmer in trouble. A person untrained in rescue methods can help save a drowning person in this manner, simply by grasping the wheel firmly and propelling it be kicking with legs and feet until the victim is reached. Remember, how- ; ever, to keep calm and keep ! 1he wheel between rescuer and rescued. If the victim cannot assist you to return to shore, both persons should remain quiet and support themselves on the tire until help arrives. The Institute suggests .that waterside vacationers be sure tlfat the spare tire is kept inflated to proper level, lug loosened and ready to be re» moved from the car and kept near the water if possible. It makes gooc\ life-saving sense to have this emergency rescue aid always handy. Widely endorsed by police departments and water safety authorities, the Institute notes these' important precautions: Never use this device as a floating toy - it's heavy and rough and may cause injury. If you can't swim, it's safer to move the tire to the drowning person by a stick, pole or oar. Never throw the tire to or at the person - - he might be hit by the heavy object or it might land out of his reach. Never consider this device "as a substitute for knowing how to swim or knowing water rescue work. Surest way to avoid drownings is to have every member of the family be a competent swimmer and Rett Cross trained in life-saving. • OIL PKODUCTIOX During June., Illinois produced an estimated 6.807,Q00 barrels of oil. In fhe same month 401 wells were completed, including 163 oil producers and seven gas wells. Almost 100 more wells were drilled during the first six months of 1956 than for the same period of 1955, which was the second highest year for oil Well drilling in Illinois. It now seems probable that 4,000 or more oil wells will be drilled in the state in 1956. The number of wildcat wells being drilled now is much greater than a year ago. Buy U.S Savings Bonds $5.00 PERMANENT WAVE S A (For Children Under 12 Yrs.) (INCLUDING CUT, SHAMPOO & STYLING) $8.50 -- $10.00 -- $1?.50 - PERMANENT S- $7.50 - $SJ0 - $10.00 • (Mon. Tues. & Wed. By Appt) (Mice - 9Tflaria T^qxxjuAa^ PHONE 890 202 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, .III. Enter TODAY! $1 00,000 HOUSEPOWER I'M CONTEST ft. ft k H First Prize *10,000 CASH | Hit I / tlVi BfTTIR^ A *crR»c*v Over 1,1 ance Prizes Nothing to buy! Just answer the easy questions on the entry blank. (Every one is spelled out in "Quick Facts About Housepower" attached to the entry blank.) Then complete the sentence: "It's smart to invest in full HOUSEPOWER because ..." in 25 words or less. Entry blanks are available at your electric appliance dealer's and Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Co. offices. Public Service Company ©Commonwealth Edison Company FRUITS & VEGETABLES ARE IN SEASON... PSCK THEM FRESH AT YOUR A'P AND SEE YOUR i 'x GROW AND GROW! LOOK WILL M&C Spaghetti Del Monte Nectar Grapefruit Sections Purple Plums -T Mott's Apple Juice Heinz Beans Meed Beets Reliable Sweet Peas Niblet fisrn Corn Muffin Mix .2 Irs. Grass Noodles Criisnette Spaghetti M on Salt "l" Pert Paper Napkins Beech lut Baby Cereal In Tomato Sauce Del Mont* I5'/2-ox. tin 12-ox. tin 8-ox. tin 8-ox. tin 12-OL tin 7-ox. tin 16-ox. tin 8'/2-ox. tin 7-ox. tin 8'/2-ox. pkg. pkg. 8-ox. Pk9- 26-oi. ctn. pkg. of 80 8-ox. pkgto 10 10' 10* If 10' Southern Grown 2 Inch Min. Elberta Peaches 3 2 Vine Ripened Calif.* Juriibo 27 Site lbs. for Seedless GRAPES Fresh, Plump Sweet and Juicy 25^ Watermelf Valencia Oranges. Juice Lemons Blueberries If B0< 79* 39° 39° Z 39° "Super*Right" 1st thru 6th Rib 7" Cut 24 lbs. and up Red, Ripe Beautiet Sweet Juicy 300 Size Fre»h Michigan Cultivate doz. Red Potatoes Pascal Celery Green ©abbage Fancy Cucumbers Western I Grown u Calif. Grown 30 Sixe, Large Home Grown lb. bag italic for 89* 19° 5° 19* • ... ..... .... J| A Beef Rib Roast"49' 1st thru 4th Rib lb. 5$C ?th and 6th Ribs...,. lb. 45e Pan Ready--'Whole or Cut Up at No Extra Cost ^ _ Fresh Fryers • 39c ANN PAGE ~ PRESERVES CHOICE OF PEACH, APRICOT OR PINEAPPLE i»25« Plum Presents Z. Oranii Marniiade Z 21 * 6oaront»Mby 6o*d Kottttkttplof FISH VALUES Brassed Whiting 5 i Halibut Steaks SmoW Whiting Center Slicel ; 49e ,b 39c lb. 39* iMOKED HAMS' "Sup.r-Risht" 16 « S8 Ik. Sit* Wheie or Butt Portion Shank Portion C ^49 CENTER SLICES lb. 33 Ib. 95e Leg of Lamb; Chicken Breas "Super-Right" P5hin Bone Removed Shoulder Roast s,!.'"L Lambs Breast Frozen, Plump Tender Meat lb. lb. Ready to Cook 4 to 14 lbs. Tift' Round Steak Sliced Bacon h^IXL. lb. lb. lb. pkg. 49° 59* ib. 79° Thick Sliced licon 2 F!, 79 2-lb. jar Gripe Jam Ann. Page 2-lb. |ar FINAL WiEK JULY ISSUE OF mws DAY o»'y The A*P Moqoi|n. 7 ANGEL FOOD ~*39c Appli itnissel Pie ..c Jelly Streusiii Jane Parker Oven Fresh Large Size IVORY FM>BiL SOAP 3",d' A£c bars XQ PERSONAL 4 25 MILD AND GENTLg IVW FUIli 2^'"" ^O"f7 c Ideal for Baby's Things IVORY SNOW 2 6 i e CAMAY FACIAL Sill9 req. . Sand ' h B d Marsiiigfliiis -- Swiff i! Coffee Cake Jane Parker 16-tz. Q pkg. ^ each ' 16-oz. loaf MUEHSTER CHEESE . ACc Full Flavored ^0 A&P Cheddar Cheese Z 49° Swiss ISices Tr1 r 35° Fresh lilk „r.;. r:41# I3e 2r45e Peter Pan lar* 12-02. Peanut E jar Hawaiin Punch3sl00 Djmiaa Choe' Flavor*d l2*o*« OQC DOS Drink )ar vv Cracker Jackc*Cc:d 3 ^ 20e ^ |jxes ARMOM MEATS Armour's Treet l2-oi. A£e tin Ow ieef 12-oz. Chili Cot tamr 16-oz. (£||fj|c tin iS-- Coruditef Canned Ham 24-|. g|$9 Heinz Babf food DailBegi Terry's Slice! I Swift's Cleanser Ivory Soap Strained Variety Bright New Label 4»/4.ox. 3 i»> 2 16-oz. tins « 14-oi. pkg. pkg. of £ 29c Irisi 27e uffo Shorteni cqc MDogM 19* Duncan Hinei White or Yellow Pur* !| Veg. For a More Active Pet 3 3 19-oz. pkg. Ib. tin Ik. tin 23n» 29' AMElilCA'l. FOMMOST FOOD lETAHEt... SINCE 115* I11N So Pure and Mild 2 r 3IC uper Markets IMC CHAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TIA COMPANY Prices effective through July 28th r k o ii Vt Drive Slower and Live Longer