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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1956, p. 13

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ursday, July 26, 1956 mmmm THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Thirteen RINGWOOD By Mra. George Sbep&rd o 500 Club Mr. and Mys. Kenneth Cristy entertained their five hundred club at their home Tuesday evening. High scores went to Mrs. B. T. Butler and Pete Sebastian and low to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Luncheon was served ®it the end of the game. . Birth Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Riverdale, 111., are the parents of a son, Gregory John, born Saturday, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas are ^the proud grandparents: Mrs. Carr Entertains Mrs. Lester Carr entertained her five hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock g. (Jessert luncheon was . served. m High score went to Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Jewelry Party Mrs. Paul Walkington entertained a group of friends at her home Wednesd&y evening at a jewelry party. W.S.C.S. Sewing Society The Women's Society of Christian Service' sewing society met •at the home of Mrs. Ben Walkington Thursday. Ice Cream Social The Round-up club held an ice cream social on the church lawn Sunday evening. Smorgasbord, Don't forget the smorgasbord ^supper at the Ringwood church Saturday evening,' serving to be from 5 until 7:30 p.m. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe and sons of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stohlquist and family of Capron spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington ^spent Friday in the Lyle Peck and Harold Jepson homes at.Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon in the C. L. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Harrison and son of McHenry spent Sunday .evening in the J. C. Pearson home. ^. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby of Crystal <Laka galled ..on Mrs., George Shepard Wednesdaymorning. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meyer of Deerfield and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ackerman of Waukegan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Redmond of Kenosha spent Saturday with -- Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert spent Tuesday in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot. Mrs. George Shepard spoilt Wednesday evening until Sunday evening with her daughter and family, the Alan Aingers, at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walkington are enjoying a fishing trip in Canada Stanley Jepson spent Sunday with relatives at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle- Curtiss and children of Salem, Wis., were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday afternoon. Among those from a distance to attend funeral services for Mrs. Susie Evanoff Wednesday were Mrs. Elmer Knopp and Mrs. Lufu Moser of Perrysburg, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and daughter, Bonnie, of Sheboygan, Wis., and Mrs. Robert Schultze of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lavelette and children of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mrs. Lovelette and children remained for a week's visit. Mrs. Laura Smith of Crystal Lake is visiting in the Roy Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Rusch and daughter of Sheboygan, Wis., spent Sunday evening with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Russel Ehlert and daughter, Donna, of Twin Lakes spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. j „ MisS Jackie Skidmore is visiting friends in Chicago. * ! Mrs. Francis Costello and children of Hartland spent Sunday1 afternon with her parents, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Sun- j j day with her daughter, Mrs. ! : Tom Pettise, and family at Bar- | rington. | Mr. and Mrs. George Schultz, 1 Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. George Schultz, Jr., of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of La I Grange and Mr. and Mrs. Ander- 1 son of Chicago called on Dr. and i Mrs. Hepburn Sunday, j Mr. , and Mrs. Leo Neulin of ' Hutsonville and two granddaugh- 1 tors visited Agnes Jencks a few , days this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family attended the Moose l picnic at Woodstock Sunday. I Mrs. Lester Carr and son, Joe, attended the horse races at Elkhorn Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Grace McCannon is spending the week at the Frank Schroeder home at Wonder | Lake. . _ j Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy attended the smorgasbord supper I at Greenwood Saturday evening. ; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian ! attended a picnic dinner at the | Stanley Sebastian home in Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet O'Donnell and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knaack and daughters, Karen and Jackie, of Milwaukee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales. Mrs. Donald. Brenner and children of Elgin and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and children of -Hunt-' ley spent Saturday with thenparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were callers in the Gus Gratton home near Richmond Sunday Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Palos Heights are spending the the week in • the' Mrs. Emily Beatty home. Mrs. Flora Becking of Woodstock spent Sunday evening with her. aunt, Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison, son, Loren, and daughter, Mrs. Edith Jones ,and Mrs. Laura Smith were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family and celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mr. and Mi's. Weldon Andreas and daqghter, Margo, were visitors at Beloit and Rockton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and I family, Mrs. Emily Beatty and ! Mrs. Viola Low attended a I birthday picnic for Mrs. Emily | Beatty at the Walter Wilcox home near Woodstock ^Urtday. There were sixty-five there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn spent Sunday * afternoon and evening in the Jack Leonard home at Lake Geneva and celebrated the birthdays of Jack and Jimmie Leonard. . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family spent Sunday evening in the Norbert Hiller home at Johnsburg. Butchie Leonard of Lake Geneva i^ visiting his grandparents, j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. i Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pompei < and Mr. and Mrs. John Doby of ' Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ger- : aid Brown and son, Gerry, of ! Lilymoor spent Sunday in the 1 Wm. Pagni home. • I ips on raffic NEWS FROM SUNNYSIDE By Bernice Ripley and Leah Fritz- CHARLES F. CARPENTiER Sccrctary of State The combined efforts *in recent years of ^various groups such as automobile manufacturers, state legislatures, and safety organizations haye brought about the addition of safety devises to the later model autdmobiles. All parties concerned realize that' recently developed safety devices if installed in automobiles can substantially reduce the number of fatal accidents. Some such aids in the battle to reduce^-the waste of lives on our highways have already been incorporated into the models now on the road. And the auto industry has announced its desire to jwntinue to work (or a safer vehicle-Pone which will better protect the driver and passengers in the event of an accident. These strides forward are indeed encouraging signs. But, one thing must be remembered. No matter how safe the manufacturers are able to make their vehicles, it la still the duty of the motorist to prevent an accident! DON! TWO HEARINGS ON RE-ZONING PLANNED TUESDAY. AUG. 7 The first of two hearings will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 7, at 3 p.m. at the city hall in Crystal Lake. At this time, the petitioners, Walter Harris and Genevieve Harris, are asking to have their property re-zoned from R-l residential to R-2 residential to allow the conversion of a single family residence into a two-family residence. The property is Lot 4 in Block 2 of Unit 1 in Holiday Hills subdivision. The second hearing will be held on Tuesday, Aug 7, at 3:30 p.m. at the city - hall in McHenry. At this time, the petitioners, Anthony Jayko and Clara Jayko, are asking to have their property, which is Lot 10 in Block 21 of Unit 2 in Lakeland Park subdivision. re-zoned from B-l classification to B-2 classification in order to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages. FORGET THE PEDESTRIAN No matter how many new safety 1 devices are added to vehicles, each | driver must continue to heed the ! i rules of the road, to drive with , j caution and courtesy if he is to : I avoid an accident. And safety de- ' ! vices in the car will not save the life | i of a pedestrian if struck down on : I a highway. I I A copy of the completely new j "Rules of the Road" .booklet will i | be sent to you free upon request, j Write to CHARLES F. CARPEN- ' TIER. Secretary of State; Springfield, Illinois, j j Insured Savings: Savings Invested ; jin Crystal Lake Savings and Loan | (Association are insured by the I Federal Savings and Loan Insur- 1 j ance Corp., and earn 2l/i per cent j ' plus Vi per cent extra. SS-tl j Deadlines Indentification tags for the parks and beaches must be obtained no later than Aug. 1. Aug. 26 is the deadline for residents ol Sunnyside to purchase their vehicle tags. Both vehiele and identification tags may be obtained from Mrs. Frances Kasperski, village collector. Water, Water Additional sprinkling will be allowed between the hours of 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. No sprinkling is allowed between the hours of 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. and from 4 pm.. to 8 p.m. These additional hours will help alleviate the low water pressure caused by all sprinkling at one- time. Please try to cooperate and sprinkle only during the designated hours. Thanks Thaiiks to., all for cooperating with the census takers, Mrs.. Leah Fritz and Mrs. Iris Boston. Perserverance on their part enabled the census to be completed as of July 18. A job well done, girls. Poliep Carnival Final, touches are being put on the plans for the first annual police carnival of Sunnyside. A variety of games and booths will be offered for your enjoyment. Refreshments will be served at all times. Plan to enjoy carnival fare with us. such as hot dogs, Bar-B-Q, popcorn, soda pop, etc. We regret to report the expected rides for the kiddies will be unobtainable; -abut knowing the small fry we feel sure they will have fun nevertheless. Carnival time is fun time for all, young and old alike. On each night of the carnival, a lovely prize will be awarded to^ some lucky person. So plan to attend the first annual carnival of the Sunnyside police for lots of enjoyment and relaxation. This we all could use more of. Welcome Welcome to our new residents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herman and two sons, who are enjoying their new home on West May avenue. The Hermans have another son now in service. ! Vacationers | John Ripley and son. John, • recently returned from a most J enjoyable and profitable fishing | trip to Canada. They stayed at I Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada. Lo- J cated in the Canadian North j Woods, the fresh cool northern j Canadian waters proved fishing at its best, where walleye and northerns pike were abundant. r Both John and Johnny are look- | ing forward to a return trip in I the near future. PROGRESS REPORT In the June progress report o'f the Illinois Department of Agriculture to Gov. William G. Stratton, Director Stillman J. Stanard made these observations: f "The Division of Foods, Dairies 1 and Standards found 17 violations, of the law in the process of making 546 cream station inspections during June. The Division of "Livestock Industry tested 28,000 cattle for tuberculosis and found an infection percentage of .19. Brucellosis tests on 27,700 cattle showed 2.16 per cent reactors. ABR (ring test for brucellosis) , milk samples representing 5.024 herds showed 6.64 per cent infection, a decided deduction of infection from previous tests. Quarantine inspectors prosecuted five violators for bringing livestock into the state i without health certificaes. Division 'veterinarians. together with U,§. Department of Agriculture veterinarians, called for a specialist from the U.S.D.A. to diagnose an unusual vesicular disease found in a cattle herd in Whiteside county. The dangerous stage has passed but the herd is still under ^quarantine." . TEST ROAD The state Division Of Highways has completed tabulation of highway construction bids totaling $9,462,645 in the most recent bid opening of ^ Gov. William G. Stratton's muiti-mill!W dollar 1956 Illinois road program. Included were bids on grading and bridge sections for a test road to be constructed between La- Salle and Ottawa. Construction of the test road will be started" next spring, but grading and bridge sections will begin in a few months. Read tlie Want Ads. Good Neighbors Let's all plan to spend an enjoyable time with our neighbors j of Pistakee Highlands on Aug. 5. at which time they will have j their annual association picnic. Watch this column for news 1 of the progressive village of I Sunnyside. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE SOFT W4TER «*VlCE We Septet* As low as $2.75 j , each 28 days ' ! For Information Call ROBERT KRIER McHENRY 1605-W R. O. ANDREW CO. WOODSTOCK 428 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds LUXURY HOME vXWY' ••• ,v KEEP YOUI SEPTIC TANK WORKING SMOOTHLY Inexpensive-- Easy to apply • Stimulates Bacterial action Helps prevent Sluggish or dogged septic system* B0YIR ALTH©PP°S "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" PHONES: 288 • 284 . 501 Main St. McHenry, 111. LONG SEARS shop-at-home • service TK# right fabric In th# right coior can frantform your home into one of individual beauty. Juit a phone call and our decorator consultant will call on yog with samples and decorating advice at no charge to you' draperies starting at slipcover* storting at F.M. RADIO & TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE 128 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. putteAcrime yew, mo**? &u?(' Call.ON+ano. 2-1500 for oh appointment *15 WASHINGTON STREET DIAL ONtario 2-1500 WAUKEGAN. ILL. Authorized Dealer For G.E. - SENTINEL - DUMONT RAYTHEON - MOTOROLA - EMERSON Also G.E. ROOM AIR • CONDITIONERS, REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, DRYERS & STOVES. PHONE McHENRY 979 FOR PROMPT & EFFICIENT SERVICE ON AT J, MAKES OF TV. & RADIO. WORK PERFORMED BY BONDED TECHNICIANS. WE GUARANTEE ALL PARTS INSTALLED BY US FOR ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF REPAIR. All materials used are of first quality. Liberal trade-in allowance for your old TV. set. Up To 24 Months Time Payment Plan STORE HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Big brothers of the bi t s lier and every bit as modern f % ALEXANDER LUMBER COMPANY WHEN YOU NEED BUILDING MATERIALS PHONE You can live like a millionaire! at McHenry Shores for city rent. (Y«ur friends will envy your rambling modern ranch home with luxurious features seldom found under (25.000.00. See it now. * Mahogany paneled living room ^ Huge stone fireplace--from floor to ceiling * 4 big picture windows--beautiful view ' * Big dining room * Select oak floors * Ceramic tile bathroom, colored fixtures * 29 feet of natural knotty pine kitchen cabinets * Attached garage *ith overhead door * Automatic, forced hot air, gas furnace 11995 Beautiful Sites Worthy of Your Luxury Home! Secluded by wooded rolling hills on three sides and the scenic Fox River on the other. Private beach and pier rights. A few blocks from shopping centers, churches and schools. Gracious Living and Year * Round Fun 135 miles of magnificent Chain O' Lakes waterway to play in and on for all the days of your life. You'll find fishing, hunting, riding, golf, tennis, all sports, dancing, social activities, fraternal groups, and wonderful friendly neighbors at your front door or a few minutes away. Breathe the fresh air. Live longer and enjoy life, . . ~ r- ®f)AA 87 CHICAGO TRAINS rfwl/U DAILY FROM MeHJENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE Starts You I OV GET . . . beach and pier privileges the day yon make your down payment-- •o don't delay. Open Until Dark Every Day Take any road to Route 31. Take 31 to one mile south of McHenry and follow our signs to the model home described above. r r .11? New Loadmaster V8! This big heavy-duty load puller delivers 195 hp. 310 ft.-lbs. of torque! It's the leader in its class for' compact short-stroke design that delivers most horsepower per pound! New Powermatic Transmission!* Six fully automatic forward speeds virtually eliminate manual gear shifting on hills or in traffic! Revolutionary "Retardcr" gives safer downhill hauling, less brake wear! New Triple-Torque Tandems! Optional at extra cost in new Series 10000 models, new Triple- Torque Tandem hikes G.V.W.'s up to 32,000 lbs., G.C.W.'s up to 50,000 lbs.! New big-truck styling! That sleek, massive front-end styling reflects the POWER these new Chevies provide, helps build your business prestige! Modern features such as these spark all phases of performance. If big trucks are part of your business. We 11 expect to see you SOOn! *Optional at extra cost in Series 5000 through 10000 truck models. Champs of every weight class! McHENRY'S FINEST Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark CLARK CHEVROLET SALES .1 .204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHEMRY. ILL. v iS

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