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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1956, p. 2

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"Pag«Two "u < §•' ^ i t * ^ !. > ', >t;-Muny:KSP fHE McHENRY PLAINDEALER *r -vjwVv. , ~v^ v'tf 1 1 Vv <"" , Thursday, July 26, 1956 Tell - Engagement Of Diane Munson Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Munson of Pistakec Bay announce iho 'engagetricnt of their daughter. Diane Marie, to Phil Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong of Wonder Lake. Miss Munson graduated from McHenry high school this spring' and Mr. 'Armstrong is a graduate ol Woodstock high school. No immediate plans <lor the wedding haVe "been made. Jack Yegge Has Thirteenth Birthday , Jack Yogge celebrated • his . thirteenth birthday anniversary at the home o.l his parents, the Norbert A. Yegges, last Sunday. July 22. Prior to festivities a,t. the home, the boys played baseball in the Pony' league and later • gathered for a. picnic supper in the Yegge yard. Enjoying thesupper were two close friends, Mike Drown and Chip Chelini. while Jack's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan, were luncheon guests. Camp Picnic At City Park Rivervii'w Camp, R.N.A., will hold a picnic at the city park Wednesday. Aug. 1. al 12:30 o'clock. In case of rain it will be at K. of C. hall. The picnicis pot-luck and each one attending is asked 1o bring her own service and a dish to pass. Special Treat For Forester Meeting All members of St. Clara's Court, No, 659, are asked to attend the meeting on Thursday, July 2G. A special treat awaits all who are present. •-- i Double Wedding Of Knox Sisters Planned Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knox announce the engagement of their daughter. Helen, to James Busch. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben ISusch of Richmond, and of their daughter, Joanne, to Wencil Stanek, son of Frank Stanek of Stanley, Wis. The' weddings will take place on Saturday. Oct. 13. WED IN!JULY Medlar Photo TttE hEORGE J. MANNS St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, was the scene of a pretty wedding on July 7 when Miss Jane Ann Sehmitt became the bride of George J. Mann. Raymond Sofiaefer Christened July 22 Tlie infant son born to Mr. a»d Mrs, Walter M. Schaefer on July 9 was christened Raymond James at a baptismal rite which took place at St. John's church last Sunday. Rev. Fr. Joseph Blitsch officiated at the 2 o'clock , service. Sponsors for the baby were Darlene Schaefer and Raymond Martin. Preceding the christening, a chicken and ham £ dinner was served at noon at the Walter Schaefer.- home , to the .following guests: Mr.? and Mrs. J?eter M. Schaefer, paternal grandparents; Mrs. Leonie Vander Mark, ma-, ternal grandmother; Mr. and Mi's. Charles Martin and family and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schaefer and family. The Ijaby has a brother, Ronald Michael, lVs years old. Annual Adult Scout Luncheon The annual Adult Girl Scout association luncheon will be'held at a restaurant in Gurnee on Wednesday. Aug. 8. Members are asked to meet in the Legion parking lot at 12:30. Reservations must be made by Aug. 1 by calling Mrs. Raymond Albright, 423-W, or Mrs. Robert Brennan, 520-R-l. and Young Teen Corner SUMMER SALE 1 July 26 St. Clara's Court, No. 659, Meeting July 28 Barbeque -- Moose Lodge Smorgasbord Supper -- Ringwood Church Hall -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. Barbeque -- Moose Lodge July 81 Flower Show -- Legion Home - 2 to 9 p.m. McHenry Garden Club Flower Show -- 2 to 9 p.m. -- Legion Home August 1 Rivervievv Camp Pot-Luck Picnic -- 12:30 p.m. -- City Park • Juvenile Forester Outing August 22 P.T.A. Style Show -- Legion . Home -- 1:30 p.m. August 10, II, 12 St. John's Parish Carnival August 12 Pistakee Highlands Assoc ia- , lion Second Annual Picnic At the Beach -- All Day Event ' September 1 Family Style Roast Beef Dinner - Acacia Hall --, Service From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by O.E.S. •«. 4,. fr <•, i. •>.f,.m ,4.4 , PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson and Mr. arid Mrs. Herb Simon spent Wednesday at ' Benton Harbor, Mich., where they attended the funeral of Mr. Si- j mon's sister, Mrs. Kate Lotka. j Robert Frisby and daughter, Lenore. visited relatives at Sioux 1 Falls, S.D., the past week. Mrs. Wm. Spencer returned 1 recently from a several weeks' visit in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Richard Stenger, and : family in San Carlos. Calif. Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Vycital and sohs, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tingleff and son, Tom, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 "Roy Frank of Crystal Lake, left Friday lor a few weeks' vacation at Peaceful Valley, Colo. Mrs. Patricia McCannon and son. Timmie. of San Diego, Calif.* i .have been spending a. few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Thomas Phalin. Susan and Roger Ekholm of Elgin spent the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n R . J u s t , e n . ' - j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becken- | baiigh and family are vacationing in California, where he is , a t t e n d i n g a c o n v e n t i o n a n d t h e y j are also visiting relatives. • - Mr. and Mrs. John Vycital of | Washington, D.C., spent a week ; w i t h r e l a t i v e s h e r e r e c e n t l y e n - i route to"*Canada. . Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jung of I Spring Grove and their son, Rev. • Fr. Eugene Jung of Shelby, Ohio, ; called on McHenry relatives oiv' Thursday. ; Freddy Thompson returned to his home in Waukegan last week after spending several weeks , with his aunt, Rita Martin. ! Guests in the William Wissell i home Wednesday were Mr. and j Mrs. Lewis Wissell of Manning. ! S.C., Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Allan ' of Chicago, the James Cornuc • family of Hebron, the James i Wissell and the Charles Wissell | families of Alden and the Ro- , bert Wissell family of McHenry. , Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty . and Jimmie, Jr.. spent A few ' days the "past week at the Dells , of Wisconsin. | Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Anna Miller were visitors in 1he Walter Huff home in ' Harvard Thursday. 1 Miss Peggy Whiting, a student nurse at St. Therese hospital. | Waukegan, is spending a couple j of weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting. Mrs. Roland Ekstrom and family of Bartlett, Mrs. John Ekstrom and Mrs. John Swensek and family of Elgin were guests in the Louis Stoffel home Thursday and enjoyed a picnic in the city park. ( Mrs. Elsie Wolf of Lake Forest spent a few days the |5i&st week in the home of her sister, Mis. Frances Thome. Peter M. Just en has been vacationing »at Evergreen, Colo., the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway and son, Mike, have returned from a two weeks' ..vacation at Tomahawk, Wis. John Sutton of filgin visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mis. Margaret Rasmussen, her daughter and two granddaughters of Chicago were guests in the home of Miss Genevieve Knox Saturday. Mr. anil Mrsi Harry Lawrence of Chicago, who have been vacationing at Tomahawk and Rhinelander, Wis., the past couple of Weeks, are spending this week with her .mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mrs. A. K. Burns of -Hollywood, Fla., is ' spending several weeks at her summer home in Hickory Grange and with relatives in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sutton rind son, Teddy, and Mrs. Laura Minteer of Maywood were Sunday visitors in the E. R. Sutton home. Louis Young of Waukegan called on his mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, Sunday. Mrs. Young,'who has been ill, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Damm of Kenosha, Wis., were weekend guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Zona, Bacon. Sunday visitors in the Bacon home were the Carl Hiatt family of Waukegan. Kathryn Sehmitt of Chicago spent the weekend with Mrs. Helen Young. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitzeman of Chicago were recent guests of McHenry relatives. Math N. Sehmitt is spending a month with his children in Chehallis, Wash. Mrs. Doris Ferris of Huntley was a guest in the home of Mrs. Elmer Winkelman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kiehl and children and Mrs. Kiehl's mother, Mrs. Then, have returned from a few weeks' vacation in Florida, where they visited many points of interest. Tile many friends of Billy Kinsala will be interested to know he is spending several weeks in Japan as a representative of a leading tile company of Leguna Beach, Calif., by whom he is employed. Just because a man pitches a good line is 110 sign he has a lot on the ball. BIRTHS Mrs. Nellie Bacon became a ^great-grandmother for the first j time last week with the- birth I of a daughter .on July 18 at Norfolk, Va., to Electronic Tech- | nician Third Class George H. i Anderson,/ Jr., and Mrs. Ander- j son. The mother is the former j j Carol. Courier, daughter of the ! 1 Carl Couriers of Marengo. : Mr. and "Mrs. Glenn Benson I are the parents of an 8 lb. 2 i oz. daughter, Terry Lynn, born 1 j July 13 at Memorial hospital, i She. has a brother, Jimmy, 10, j a n d a s i s t e r , S a n d r . a , 7 . i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stilling j are the parents of a daughter, ! Born July 17 at Memorial hos- j pital. | A son was born July 18 .at j Memorial hospital to Mr. and i M r s . T h o m a s M o r g a n . j Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Howard, j Jr., who reside in the Bull i V a l l e y a r e a , a r e t h e p a r e n t s o f j a daughter, born July 18 at Memorial hospital. I PLANS FOR BENEFIT HOSPITAL DINNER NEAR COMPLETION Plans are almost complete for the floor show to be held in conjunction w^thi the benefit dinner for the McHenry hospital on Thursday, Aug. 2/at" 8 p.m. at the MdHenry Country club. Definitely set for the show are Jimmy Barnes, McHenry and Forest Park dancing teacher, Janie Newcome, ballerina, and Glenn Roberts, dancer. There will be two surprise acts and the star of the show is to be announced. Tickets will be limited to 200 and may be purchased from the following ladies: Mrs. .Martha Dietle, Mrs. Betty Nielsen, Mrs. George • Kauss, Mrs. Margaret Ward, Mrs. Fred Lieberson, Mrs. Betty Franke, Mrs. Cliff Thornton, Mrs. John. R. Varese and Mrs. Harry Stinespring, Jr. ^ PISTAQUA HEIGHTS PICNIC • ,.Tphe annual Pistaqua Heights Improvement association picnic will be held July 28 and the public is invited to attend. - Attractions include music, dancing, games for children, free movies, food and refreshments. The subdivision is located one hall mile west of Rt. 12 ,011 Big Hollow road (No. 134). JUVENILE FORESTERS : Aug. 1 has been set for an outing for the juvenile Foresters of St. Clara's Court No. 659. For reservations, call Helen Rodenkirch 51-J, or Helen Weber, 104-M. GREEN-MEYER VOWS News comes of the recent marriage of Minnie Green, daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda of McHenry, 'and Harold Meyer, son of Mrs. Alma- Meyer of Algonquin; They were married Saturday, June 16, at St, John's Lutheran church in Algonquin. The couple is residing in East Dundee. RESIDENCE CHANGES , Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin and son, Allen, have moved from Sunset View subdivision to their new home on South street in Cooney Heights. MONEY AND BANKING In Evetyday Living IF YOU ARE IN WORK covered by the Social Security Act, you must have a social security card bearing your social security account number and your correct name: Both are needed to assure your getting full credit for your earnings. Your account number remains the same all your life. If your name is changed, apply at your social security office for a new card showing your^ew name. • • •k fO 'CHILD-PROOF YOUR HOME --to give good rugs, furniture, and so on, protection against the damage that welU meaning but active and sometimes careless children can cause --home-planning experts suggest giving the children a playroom of their own. In it, «se hardfinished floor covering; paint-ityourself furniture. If there aTe to be upholstered pieces, use I coverings of plastic or other ^ wear-resistant material. The playroom needn't be large or elaborate. A partitioned corner of the cellar or attic will often do nicely. It needn't be costly, either, even if the work is to be financed. Why hot make trough plan and get contractors' estimates, then ask us to figure the low cbst of a Home Improvement Loan to help meet the 4 expense ? * * * EMERGENCIES do crop up... and investment in Series E United States Savings Bonds is good "emergency insurance" --from two standpoints. First, the money you invest earns a » good return, to build up your reserve funds. Second, E Bonds can be quickly turned into <iash, ^ if need be--they're redeemable any time after the first two months. Buy Bonds, at our blank. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurant Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 j Read the Wait Ads TODDLER SHOP and Young Teen Corner Reg. $2.95 & $3.95 Boys' & Girls' All leather CANADIAN MOCCASINS $1.75 McHenry 1955 Glen view GL 4-4619 WEINSMT ING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS PLAYGROUNDS CEMENT WORK SEPTIC SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTED Open Tues., Thurs. and Fr;. Evenings 'til 9 The Busy Season... The many social activities of the .summer season , make it imperative that you look your very loveliest. During these busy days you'll want a hairstyle that is cool, comfortable and easy-to-manage. Our expert hairstylists will be pleased to con-ult with you if \ you will just call 147 for an appointment. AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT .YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS cJ\iversicle ^J'Cairslijhng I India K OF C MEETING The Knights of Columbus meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 9 at 8 o'clock. Ready Mixed 1 Concrete v> <3 QL shoe3 for the entire family Friday & Saturday SANDALS FOR BOYS & GIRLS 1ST PASS $2.98 2ND 2 I M S .01 $2.99 LADIES!! ALL DEESS 20% off Men's Women's - - Children's 20% off S4.95 Value TS $3.49 Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the right concrete mix right on time! Men's SUMME1 SHOES 20% off McHenry Ready-Mix Co., Inc. "RADIO DISPATCHKD" PHONE ftBO ETE GIES 107 Riverside Drive Phone 441 -M McHenrv, 111 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, til Phone 147 68*' HOLIDAY COUPE Just think of the pure fun of owning an Olds this summer! i Last! Powered up with highest 1 Styled -to lead today and tomorrow ! Priced to fit your budget now ! But that's only half the story of this big, beauliful, budget-priced Rocket Engine "88". Right now you'll be getting high" trade-in for your old rar. Add this to Oldsmobile's high resale worth . . . here's your smartest investment! Yes, and there's a whole summer's driving ahead ... it you buy now/ The "88" will give you more pleasure than you ever thought possible in a car. When that 230 h.p.* Rocket Engine sings its powerful song, you'll sing right along with it! At cruising speeds Rocket fuel economy is outstanding, because only a fraction of potential power is being used. But 175 horsepower in reserve is ready for you to call on to meet any safety situation. Let's talk it over. Well show you facts and figures which make it clear that an "88" is the buy in July! *ti0 h.p. in Xinety-Eight and Super 88 modtla. You* Quldo lo Iho POLITICAV COMVQNTlOMt C0MC IM for yftur A QUALITY PRODUCT brought to you by AN OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER! --• R. J. (k@pf®i Motor Sates, 403 front St. PHrmo 6 BE CAfilFUL . . . DRIVE SAFELY! -- ir'tf' 'iiiiw -1 i

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