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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1956, p. 1

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# , MCHENRY wSERVING THE CHAIN-iO'L^mS REGION SINCE 1675" Volume 82 -- No. 14 McHENRY. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. AUGUST 9. 1956 10c Per Copy Dollar Days In August 10 -11 ;^A record crowd was in attendance af the season's last band con» cert on the high school grounds Wednesday evening, Aug. 1. There was talent in abundance as a number of Quests were featured in what was the outstanding program of the summer. It isn't often local folks have the opportunity to hear a fine vocal ensemble like the Great Lakes ftet and it was a treat indeed. Earl "M^rty" Conway was popular with the crowd as always, and a Io^tI phis' sextet won favor with the audience. Music lovers regret the close of the sedson and arc grateful to Director Pari Ynnda, his band members and the guests who have generously given their talent. During the past week, Alderman E. J. Gausden, A. P. Freund wid Harold Owen accompanied Mr. Yanda to Dixon, III., to see a beautiful new band shell which has attracted increasingly larger audiences to summer concerts there McHENRY YOUTHS WIN HIGH HONORS AT ANNUAL JUNIOR FAIRMARK ZIMMERMAN NAMED 4-H KING BROWNIE TROOP FIRST IN COUNTY COMPETITION CROWN KING AND I --- QUEEN BEFORE 2,odo Award Ratings In INTERESTED PERSONS SEVEREL CUM Before a crowd of nearly 2,000 1 McHenry may well be proud of interested pcrsjns, Miss Patricia J McHenry youths maintained j its Giri Scout;- for at the junior Florent of Marengo £nd Mark | the record for which they have county fair held at Woodstock Zimmerman of McHenry were j become so well known \yhen they J from Thursday through Sunday of crowned queen and king of Me-1 competed in F.F.A., 4-H and open I last wc-e';, the local Brownies took Henry county at the fairgrounds • Hisses ;)t the county junior fair | first pla;:-.\ with Woodstock Scouts near Woodstock last Friday even- last weekend. Those receiving A i second. ratings in F.F.A. classification were awarded top money. F.F.A. Awards John Hogan. Duroc gilt. 8C, mg. Both.'young people are 17 years old, the queen being the blonde daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ed. Florent of Marengo and the ki«g! boar, 6C, litter, 7£, sow, 2A, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter j Produce litter, 11C, single mar- Zimmerman of McHenry. They kot- c• Pen market, 11B. were presented with wrist watches Dick Wissell, Guernsey cow, and trophies the latter from the Kiwanis clubs of the county. Both Patncb and Mark were among five 4-H girls and five boys selected as candidates for their 1A. Dick Schafer, boar, 4B, litter, | Russell Carr, 2B. Duroc gilt, 7C, 5B. Hampshire sow, outstanding records in the organization. Then each 4-H member of jiven a vote and j "• Harold King, Duroc gilt, 2A. litter, 3A, sow, 3B. single mar- It is hoped that interest evl-jthe co"nty u'as giv... „ _--, *Tr t l.r5B denced in local programs will ! w'nne"s were determined on 1 , ' .. prompt a new shell in McHenry' a popularity basis. • • K « . Among the ten outstanding youths wh > rated highly in the voting were Karen Schmelzer of sow, in the not too distant future. Every day we see folks who fiiprcs" us w'th their generosity j McHenry and John Hogan of Ringih important matters in any num- j wood. The identity of the winners her of wavs. Tt i« heartwarming, j was not made known until the time too, to find the occasional individ- the announcement Friday evenual who finds .time for the many 'n£- little kindnesses it is possible to ! Mayo/ John McCabe of Harvard, extend regularly. j lieutenant governor of District 5. We would le interested to know Kiwanis International, presented the name of the young man who the permanent trophy, given for took the time to get out of his the first time this year, to the truck, stop traffic momentarily Federation vice-president, Annette on Green street, between Main^ Smith, on behalf of the six Kiwanis l£!hd Waukegan, just to rempve ? elub^g ot .the county including Mc-. a young, frightened rflbin from i Henry and McHenry Township, the road and start him in flight. 1 jn a sl,.je revuf> prior to the " j crowning, about 250 girls modelled notice of school 'registra- a fjne choice of attire of their own tion the closing days of August, there is little doubt that the The intermediate display from here placed second to Spring Grove, v huh received top honors. In the li*'e demonstration division, McHcnry's flag ceremony by eightii grade girls took second, with Rid^efic'd first. Local girls who participated :n the live $how were Nancy Fischer, Karen Antonson, Gail Johnson, Kathy Prfcwl, Kaaren Ols°n and Judy Gregory, assisted i y the;r leaders, Mesdames Elmer Antonson and Donald Johnson. The Bvown.c circus and the intermediate dispiay of dolls representing Girl Scouts and Girl Guides Around the World will be exhibited all this week in the window of the post office or Riverside Drive. Mesdame<- Frank Gregory and Claude Ba'iey'are to be commended for their special efforts in aiding the McHeivv Scouts in the achieve' WATER BILLS SHOW / FIRST INCREASE IN OVER THIRTY YEARS making. Clubs represented included Ringwood Sunshine Girls, Busy summer season is waning. Reg's- Bumble Bee? and Handy Helpers tration days are scheduled - for ; Qf Wonder Lake. Aug. 27 and 28 for high school j ^ studei\ts and all day Aug. 29 tor grade pupils. ** More information concerning the registrations and opening days will be published in later issues. Additional Grant Of $14,650 Made To Hospital Visiting her father, John Benson, in Fernwood subdivision, southeast of • McHenry, this week is Writer Mrs. Dan Landt, member of the staff of Patent Press Newspapers, serving upper ^estchester county in New Tork. Dr. Roland R. Cross, director of the Department of Public Health of Illinois, has sent word to Memorial Hospital for Mc- ] Zimmerman was honored Harry Diedrich. Duroc gilt, 4B, boar, 3A, litter. 4A, sow, 1A single market, 5A, pen. 4A. Larry Stilling, Spotted Poland China gilt, 1A, boa'-, 1A. sow. 1A. siligle market, 9B. Mark Zimmerman Hampshire menTVf Vhe^e'fair honoi*. gilt, 3A, litter, 3C. sow. 1A. | single market, 7A, pen market 5 A. Judy Boh I, Duroc 'gilt, 7C boar, 4B. litter, 5B. 4-H Class Swine j In Ihe 4-H class, in the swine ^}ly Df McHenry water users, division, the following ratings ' long accustomed to perhaps th<? were given out: Boar, John Hogan and Keith Weingart, both B; single market. John Hogan, C, Mark Zimmerman, P>; pen, John Hogan. C, Mark Zimmerman, A; gilt. Harry Hogan, C, John Hogan, B, Keith Weingart. A. Mark Zimmerman. •A; litter. John Hogan. B, Keith Weingart . P. Mark / Zimmerman, C; sow, Russell Carr, B, Tom Blumhorst, C, Mark Zimmerman. A. Two championships in the 4-H class went to McHenry youths. John Hogan received this top raling for his Duroc sow and Henry County that there will be an additional grant of $14,650 forthcoming to be used in construction of an addition to the hospital. Already granted to the hospital is $220,000 under tne Hillwith first place in showmanship. 4-H Dairy Grade junior heifer, John Hopan, white ribbon; grade senior calf, Harry Hogan, white, Judv Bohl. blue: grade senior calf. undoubtedly receive a mild shock when they open their bills this quarter. WATER FIGHT TEAM VICTORIOUS The spreading fame of the McHenry water i fighting team was given another boost last Sunday when the local men captured the title for. the ninth time in th° last eleven years. The men defeated West Dundee in the finals and had previously eliminated Hampshire. More than 200 interested persons remained to watch until heavy showers temporarily stopped the fights, then returned to see McHenry emerge the winner. M1E PUBLIC TO ST. JOHN'S GALA CARNIVAL Festivities Open Friday Evening With Fish Fry Next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug, 10 through 12, the annual carnival of St. John's church, lowest rates in the state, wilU.«k>hnsburg,, <vill be held on the Raco Prizes Available From C of C Secretary President Donald Johnson of the Chamber of Commerce announces th;.t all drivers in outboard racpe on Marine Day' may call Secretary Robt. Stueben, phono 268, lor prizes. Mr. J ihi.son is pleased with the success of Marine Day generally and is grateful to all who assisted in any way to make it so. Special thanks are extended to participants, those who attended' the events nrrrt residents along the river who deec,rated their piers to add to the festivity of the day. FORMER McHENRY GIRL ON OLYMPIC TEAM AS GYMNAST McHenry friends of Miss Jacqueline Klein, 17. are extending congratulations to the young, lady, who will be going to Australia with the Olympic team.i Jackie, who resided at Pistakee Bay last summer, was a candidate for Marine Day queen in Community club grounds. Festivities will open Friday evening at r!:30 o'clock with a fish Previous reports and ordin-! fry, the preparation of which is ance publications advised users ' under direction of Agatha Thelen. i g 0 __ . that the rates would be doubled. Another b\g feature among the : New luiiness Has This was made necessary through culinary attractions will be a fam- j ^ combining the water and sewer ! ily style roas* beef dinner Sunday, 1 lflfOrlCl" vw ICiG 5COD© departments and the construc- ! starting stfoitly before noon. The: • 1ti1o n of a new sewer 1p lant. 1L o.f ficer.s. of the sp,o n.s.o. ring organiza*; A. recent addition .t o .t.h e grow- Comparative charts secured by ^lesser ^ the city reveal that the new rates are in line with other mil- t^e thioe-on.v e\ent. assisted by nicipalities, rnanv of them being ab°llt forty-five waitresses. higher than tho'se established in addition to the above meals, McHenry there wil' be lunch on Saturday, „ . ' . , , . . . w i t h E l s i d a F u c h s a s c h a i r m a n , It is interesting to learn /hat _ lunch op s,,n(ia>, u ith Katie Huff wi.ll. b. e. i.n c.ha ree o,t th-is)fe»atur e ofr ' "*g b u s i. n e s s c o m m u n i t y o l M c - 4l .. , • ^ . Henry is the Nelson L. Davis company, which occupies the West McHenry State bank building, made available when the bank mftved to its new quarters on Elm and Green streets. Al- Wll liHi* OUTSTANDING SALES OFFEKD IN MANY STORES Local Merchants List Fine Buys For Entire Family Really outstanding Dollar t>ays are being planned by many of McHenry's merchants for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 10 and 11. There cemes a time at the end of each season when much used items become old 5nd worn out -- or maybe they just seem very tired looking and we need a lift to our spirits with something new. Even though August brings to a close officially the summer season, past experience tells us that warm weather continues well into fall and the needs of summer in both attire and everyday household items continue. A number of local merchants inaugurated Dollar Days in our city several years ago to remedy the situation, as well as to clear their shelves for new, fall merchandise. Because the sales are of benefit to seller and buyer, business men feel that they are able to offer the finest bargains of the year. On Tuesday of this week, 1,500 special supplements listing the sale items reached residents of the rural area. Local subscribers will read elsewhere in this issue of the outstanding sales. PRESIDENT SENDS BEST WISHES FOR McHENRY HOSPITAL T , • t • tin npr i * -- -- i John Hogan, white, Judy Bohl, son 'is special feature'writer for i Burton act fo1' ,ho construction | blue; purebred bull calf. Char-j seWer service charge were de- task the "Villager" and the "Sunday 1 noef^erl hospital facilities. This j jotte Smithy blue; purebred jun- i termined after extensive study of They i.iclcde George Patent Trader." Her articles in- additional amount will bring the i ^_ ca^- Keith Weingart. led, . costs funds needed George Diedrich, Jeron elude features on such person-j total grant to almost $235,000. (Continued on Page 8) alities as Former U.S. Vice- [ President Henry A. Wallace, Sloan Wilson, author of "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit"; the late J. K. Lasser, author of i^Sfour Income Tax"; Leon Shim- Mn, founder of "Pocket Books Inc."; the woman financial wizard and syndicated columnist, Sylvia Porter, Violinist Florian ZaBach and many others. Also visiting Mr. Benson is another daughter, Mrs. C. M. Larson, of Chicago, his granddaughter, Mrs. Frank Johnson, and children, Craig and Caroline. ^ A retired police officer, Mr. vHenson has lived in Fernwood since 1926. Residents of some of our fast growing settlements within the city limi's have complained that vacant lots nefcr their homes have been allowed'to grow high with thistles end other obnoxious weeds.' Acc«iidi.',:T to those who suffer from the first bit of pollen in the $r. th.1 wp"ds have gone beyond *the pciet of heing a nuisance but are mak'ng life miserable for hay fever sufferers Certainly w;th a little thought, owners of sech lots, will extend; common courtcsy and see. that their j property is not onh made more at-; tractive but also remftve what is an annoyance to their neighbors. jgiThe Plnindcaler office was the ^fene of a small but festive party last week, the only unfortunate feature boinT 'Is purpose. The party was a farewell for a very pop- (Continued" on ^age 8) Sfc§ while other commodities have!^ M„rt^ F(Cund in charKe, and .though headquarters are in. Mcincreased greatly in cost in re- Sunday eVoninK suppor. under dir-' Hrnr>'- 1hc business is worldcent years, the city of McHenry (lclion of Cr,,;i Thr|en ! wide in scope. continued to sell water at the Assist i The company was founded and same lates chaigc(d at least addition to the ladies, a num- incorporated in the state of^Tllithirty years ago. jjer Qf j|1(? mpn 0f ||10 parish nois in July, 1947. Its purpose The new rates for water and vvjjj {insisting in the tremendous was, and continues to be, the ol ser\ mg these five meals, designing and construction of Schmitt. ; coal preparation plants, utilizing operating cosls and tunds neeneo (ieorge niponcn, .icrome Tonyan,' a unique process whereby coal for retirement of revenue bonds. Wilfred Freund. John Freund. ' of the desired purity will float Steve May. Matt Schmitt. Joe on the surface of a paiiing Schmitt and Ben Freund. Others liquid while extraneous material will assist cn numerous ground containing impurilies ^ill sink eommiMees ' in the parting liquid, thus per- Among the carnival attractions, mitting a positive and precise will oe i id^s for the k'ddies, games, separation. The process is exa fancy work booth, ball game, clusively controlled by the cornlunch and refreshment stands, pany although there are licensees Isabel le Stillng will be in charge in all the important coal proof the' ice cream rtnd pop stand ducing countries in the world, and M"s. Helen Hettermann has Many people in the organizacharge or the fancy work stand. tion have been residents ol Mr- Ladies who are helping w ith pre- Henry for several years. The carnival du^es a' e Marie Frett, company's' officers are Nelson L. Helen Hettermann. Alma Freund. navis, president; Thoma- R. Isabel1/? S^'ll-nf:. Dina May Miller. Da\is, vice-president; Vale Elsida Fuchs Coletta Adams, Ma- Adams, treasurer; and Frank bel Smith. Lamvtta Kromroy. Mar- Johnson, chief engineer. Other tha Fvund, Agnes Freund, Aga- p(>rsonnel who are McHenry tha Thelen Il'lda Thelen, Ros^- resi«ients are Rudolpii Bryant, mary Yourg Olivia Hiller, Millie (}esjirn engineer; Philip Keith. Smith, Dorothy Adams, Laura mechanical engineer; Helen Schmitt. Martha Oeffling and Haynes. secretary; and William Anna Guyser. I'se of Proceeds Proceeds of the carnival will go into the school-building fund. Anita Freund i« president of add now personnel from the Mcihe sponsoring Blessed Virgin so- IIenry community as needed. dality, which at present 'boasts ' ,, more than 20n members. Always -K\MILY STYLK DIN'N'EK ready ti, assist in their home community in time of need, the sodal- The family stylo roast beet ity has ps one of its major interests dinner being planned by th A very warm and welcome letter arrived last week from President Dwight D. Eisenhower,- written for the guests assembled for the benefit of the new McHenry hospital. It read as follows : "I am continually impressed by the genius of America summed up in the phrase printed on the great seal of the United States: E Pluribus Unum. "To me, this stands for the wonderful variety in American society coming together with amazing power to work for the common good. In your part of the country, the farmers might call it 'hybrid vigor.' "Your new McHenry hospital is a fine illustration of this kind of vigorous cooperation on a community-wide basis and. I am sure, it will yield big results." 1955. As a student at Northwestern university, she became assured of a place on the Olympic team recently in competition with the finest gymnasts in the , their daughter to take up the nation. sport at the age of 6. At 15 she Gymnastics, known as turning I took up gymnastics seriously and to Germans, come naturally to : began entering A.A.U. meets on "Jackie" for her father. Peter, | advice of her coach. The climax a meat retailer, and her mo- i came with the Olympic eliminather were members of the Lin-| tions at Pennsylvania State colcoln Turners -and encouraged lege recently. MCAPPE9 CHILDREN "MM' Collatz. chief mechanical engineer. who has recently purchased a no*v home in McHenry. The employment policy will be to One of the most interesting and heartwarming sights in our community comes from a visit to the CCCC camp in R'verdale subdivision. northeast o; Johnsburg. where during a summer season the school'fund, for which they Order of tfce Eastern Slar will eighty youngsters aftlicted with cerebral palsy are provided an outhave in the past-sponsored public be held in Acacia hall on Sept. parties and bake sales. ' 1, with serving from ,>:30 to Other officers of the sodality 7:30 o'clock. Names of persons include Dina May. v'ice-president: who may be contacted for tick- John L. McCabe, District 5 governor of Kiwanis International, center, is shown presenting trophies to the newly elected 4-H king and queen of the county at the junior fair last Friday evening. They are Mark Zimmerman of McHenry and Patricia Florenl of Mare«go. The small trophies wore given to the king and queen, while the huge trophy in the center •will, have their names inscribed on it and it will be kept by the sponsoring organization so that future title holders may bo similarly honored. Martha Freund. secretary; Alma Freund. treasurer. and Mr. and Mrs. .Carl Buckner and daughter. Nancy, returned last week from a three-week trip througo the Southwest. ets will be found cfsewhere in this issue. Dick Collins of Altus Air Force base. Okla.. has been railroad and Michael Longo visiting his family this week. ting, plus treatment. This picture was taken at the camp recently when employees of the Santa Fe railroad took their free day t > visit camp and show the little ones a film. "Fresh for Health." It included a trip through the Southwest, showing Indian lore and hand work and the rituals and dances familiar to them. Left to right siiting. in the picture ;uv Mr 1'ullard. of the railroad, young Ralph Antuna. 7. a post-polio, and Kathleen \ Inicka. 4. a cerebral palsy victim. Standing are Mr We!K and Mr Kudjei o son ot Mr.-. Ma: > ^ harkev Longo. • camp director. , *' St. John's Carnival Will Open Friday

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